2 env objects? one with a comment that it extends the base one but doesn't?
ah those comments are outdated :P
lemme fix
heh ok, but still, we have 2 env objects now?
lol ok, it's reopening the ROM::Environment .. but yeah, we need 2 classes for that?
it's a bit confusing
I don’t know what’s the problem?
I added Environment#session
so you don’t have to call Session.start(env)
env.session { |session| } feels nicer
it’s just syntax suger
that’s all
absolutely, i'm just confused with the fact that we have an extra ROM::Session::Environment i guess
i'm not familiar with rom-session yet, so i noticed
it’s a monkey patch
hello? :)
oh you’re talking about session’s env
yeah it’s a proxy
ah i see, i haven't noticed that yet … makes sense now, for a bit i was like, wtf
session’s env is basically a mutable version of rom’s env because session relations are created on-the-fly when you access them
when you call session[:users] it will create session’s relation wrapping users relation from rom-relation
ok i see, but yeah ROM::Environment is mutable too, just sayin' ;)
not complaining btw, making it immutable will probably come later
you’re right :P
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I have some interesting finds btw
snusnu: one guy tried ROM
and he had MAJOR performance issues
I did some tricks and made it much faster but it’s still ridiculously slow
basically when adding stuff and then deleting stuff memory adapter takes extreme amounts of time
I will push a repro later today
should be interesting for dkubb to look at it
like…4-5 seconds to add 16 objects and then delete them and add again
which is like LMAO-slow
memory adapter is thread safe and dkubb is using some 3rd party libs because of that, maybe that’s the reason
but still, it cannot be that slow
its so weird :)
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solnic: i saw the issue and thought wtf … must be something "low hanging" tho, no way we have a fundamental problem that large
snusnu: we have :P
actually I will push repro in a second
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snusnu: it’s a rails engine with AS crap etc loaded
maybe some AS monkey patches make things super slow
I will write something identical to run w/o AS / AM crap loaded
morning all
I'm kinda missing dkubb where is he?
cored: guess dkubb is BUSY
cored: even more than me!
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yeap, it's looks like that
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cored: he’s been SUPER busy at work lately
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heh using session is actually faster than directly inserting stuff via relations, that’s pretty neat
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solnic: But isn't a session doing more work?
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namelessjon: yeah but in my limited basic benchmark it’s faster :)
* namelessjon
doesn't trust your benchmark, then :)
Or, well, finds it harder to trust
namelessjon: the only diff is that session runs everything at once at the end
vs just using relation#insert
so maybe that’s the case
namelessjon: benchmark is trivial so I don’t think I screwed up anything there
Oh, so it inserts multiple items at once or something?
hmm…actually no, not yet O_o
which makes it even weirder :D
offtopic (naming) question: is one name/value pair one http cookie, or one http cookie crumb, i.e. can one cookie have more than one name/value pairs?
I believe a cookie is a name/value pair
so an HTTP_COOKIE header with name=value;name2=value2 is actually sending two cookies, not one cookie with two crumbs?
it actually makes sense, given the "key part" is usually referred to as name .. then again, i read lots of confusing stuff with mixing vocabularies
Now you phrase it like that, I'm no longer sure
heh yeah, me neither
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Does rom have an ActiveModel::Model interface, or can one be applied?
halogenandtoast: What part of the interface you are looking for?
I was thinking of trying to use rom in a rails application and wanted to figure out how painful it's going to be.
Since most of rails relies on that interface.
halogenandtoast: Do you expect #save, #valid? etc?
halogenandtoast: or #to_params?
model_name, to_partial_path etc.
halogenandtoast: Rom does not even deal with the objects interface :D
ROM doesn't provide any of those, and never will
halogenandtoast: You can use any object :D
but, you're free to implement them in your own poros i guess
halogenandtoast: If you can write a loader and dumper for it (transform from/to tuple)
halogenandtoast: so feel free to mixin ActiveModel::Model (I'd refuse to do this in my apps).
iirc it's mainly a naming convention thing, you should be able to include/extend the respective amo modules into your poros
mbj, snusnu: Seems like the case, I'd would probably start with none of it included until I needed it.
And you'll most likely end up with a better implementation if you try to avoid these :D
halogenandtoast: Yeah! +1
halogenandtoast: Make your domain objects SHARP like hell.
In my latest project most of my domain objects are stupid DTOs. Without behavior.
halogenandtoast: just uppercased sharp :D
halogenandtoast: To tell you about the need for an minimal interface.
halogenandtoast: As more you mix into your domain objects as more you loose benefits of layering.
Ah here I thought it was something similar to SOLID, have to be careful with caps.
I love minimal interfaces.
Just wanna get your attention :D
feel welcome here!
method #1) initialize, method #2) Do something
Sometimes I need more, but I fight against adding methods.
halogenandtoast: Maye you like anima and concord than.
halogenandtoast: Yeah concord is nothing more than a small helper reducing terminal duplication in our code.
snusnu: BTW I'll do a major version bump to anima soon.
snusnu: attrs will be protected by default
snusnu: Anima::Public must be used for old behavior.
snusnu: Same chance we did to concord once.
snusnu: Must be protected because of equalizer :D
mbj: sounds like a plan
mbj: then again, i dunno, do you expect a lot of usecases for not doing Anima::Public ?
snusnu: DTOs
snusnu: I have LOTS of DTOs currently
snusnu: domain specific request objects for substation chains etc.
mbj: ok, and you don't need to access their properties most of the time?
mbj: also, would it work in "mixed mode"? i.e. some properties public, some protected?
snusnu: DTOs most of the time dont have private properties (By definition)
snusnu: DTO - Data Transfer Object
snusnu: An object that "transfers" structured state across layers.
well yeah, that's my thinking, so why you want them protected "by default"
snusnu: Because I also use anima a lot for other cases. And for these cases I found myself anima is exposing to much original state.
interesting, i never encountered that
but i don't use anima that heavily yet
snusnu: I have to admit for most of the cases I might could use Concord also.
snusnu: But Anima instantiations are "self explaining"
tbh, i always think hard about anima, if i can go with concord, i'll do that
snusnu: I like to initialize "very persistend" objects with anima.
anima kinda implies a bag of related properties, "ideal" for stuff like DTOs obviously
snusnu: So objects that carry the core of my domain, for example encapsulate a specific java API.
snusnu: You make me think to go into Anima::Protected instead :D
snusnu: Nice idea to have concord and anima with inverse defaults!
yeah imo, when i use anima, i know that i will be needing a lot of related properties, too many for a "regular" #initialize signature .. i mostly want to do that, for data capsules, aka DTOs .. where i want to access every property from the outside
snusnu: I'll review my use cases.
snusnu: The bad thing is, I currently dont have any tool identifing public interface that might get created "accidentally".
what i noticed a few times (not that often) .. is that 1) i'd love to be able to define my own #initialize in a concord class, and be able to call super for the concord constructor, and 2) that i sometimes want to be able to do: include Concord.new(:foo); include Concord::Public.new(:bar)
i'm totally unsure about 2) .. but yeah, as soon as not all state is either protected or public, we have to drop concord completely, atm
snusnu: I just override some attr reader visibility
snusnu: include Concord.new(:foo, :bar); private :bar
which leads to ruby warnings ...
ah ok, like that, sorry
This is perfect ruby (should be IMHO)
MRI warnings... :D
no it's ok like that, i (stupidly) didn't use only private/public for already defined readers
but did stuff like attr_reader :foo (in a public section=
which leads to redefinition warnings
hah, yeah
but yeah, that was just me being stupid
np, all are. But hopefully not at the same time :D
so, completely forget about 2) above ;)
1) still holds tho
calling super should also be possible.
snusnu: can you open an issue?
yeah, easypeasy
just include a module containing #initialize
There is a zeppeli flying around here (one of the small ones) I need to take a trip!
i think there's already an issue for that even
it's not live or anything, and i haven't read about it in depth yet, but it seems to be a nice take on it
the guy behind it said he's basically missing an actual project trying to be funded using the concept
seems like all the ideas are purely theoretical atm
oh hah! i get 0.5 too! ;)
so awesome
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snusnu: I think I want to use rom’s issue tracker only
snusnu: this will be much easier to manage
solnic: that might be a good idea yeah, while involved people will probably know which project is affected, a central place for filing issues might be cool for the uninitiated
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snusnu: frankly I don’t think we will ever need to store issues in separate projects
you can use labels to filter out stuff
much more convenient than jumping between projects
also you can close issues in other projects
in git messages
so it’s not a problem
snusnu: I’m actually thinking about putting all those three projects to the same repo…hmmm…wdyt?
kinda like rails and its pieces
lol, same old question …
snusnu: not really
solnic: re issues, i'm totally fine with only managing them in rom
snusnu: I’m talking about placement for sources
not about merging projects
i know, i just don't see the point
simplifying setup
those things matter
you have one canonical place for the project on github
instead of 4
less to read about, less to learn
less to know
one project to watch
one project to star
I see only benefits
I also happen to work on those projects at the same time and I’m pretty sure it’ll be a common thing to do
I’ve got 3 clones inside rom project right now, gitignored
that’s why I started thinking about just making them part of the repo
those would remain as separate gems
with separate test suites etc
also I should mention there is a need to share various stuff between the test suites
would be easier if we had them in one repo
think about it
there's really only a few things that are *very* important to me … i don't want the standalone usability to suffer, i don't want to introduce dependencies where they are not necessary, i want nothing making that easy for me, and i want as tight as possible APIs, that are nicely integrated .. and there's another thing, closely related to the *repo* merge … history .. i want an easy way to see project history, probably GH's view does
that fair enough already tho
snusnu: good point about history
Though can't you filter the history via the start of the path?
solnic: i guess GH views handle that anyway
when you step into a folder, it shows you the latest commit affecting that folder .. then again, it doesn't extend to the commit log
so yeah, it's kinda suboptimal
namelessjon: that surely is possible .. but would involve "extra" stuff … i use the same GitX gui since ~4years .. i hate changing habits … :p
snusnu: you use gitx?
well, to me at least
but yeah, you know, once a tool works fair enough for me, i tend to not change it hehe
solnic: i definitely see all the visibility/centralization points tho
snusnu: I think it’s very important
i dunno tho, maybe it's just cause i'm so used to the way we did things ...
educating people all the time where they should report issues is fucking stupid, pardon for the language, but it really is
also, i'd *hate* to start prefixing commit msgs with [rom-session] stuff … stealing precious chars from me
i totally agree … is there no way to turn issues off for repos?
i'd be fine with turning them off for everything but rom
I think you can turn them off
man if only git submodules weren’t so...
…how do I put this?...
frustrating to work with?
also, my opinion is not final in any way, i'm happy to hear arguments from all of us, and then change my mind
hah, i guess so, they were frustrating me so much at one point, that i immediately stopped using them, never to try again
yeah I want to run this by dan and markus
I use them on various projects
it’s so annoying
know what, it's all just because GH doesn't allow you to follow an org
which you could, at least for some time, but only for users who transferred their account into an org (like datamapper)
snusnu: yeah
to me, the watch/star argument weighs most
the others, well, they can be handled easily
snusnu: this model is nicer on gitorious where you have projects and projects have repos
and you can watch *a project*
makes more sense to me
solnic: lol, of course GH shows history like we want it to .. there's the History link on the right side of each page, when scoped to a folder, it only shows commits that affected this folder
that’s sweet
i guess i could live with moving all gems into one repo then
altho i still think that they somewhat loose their standalone character by doing so .. probably no big deal tho
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snusnu: lemme put it this way - 99.999999% of people will be using rom as a whole
for those who really need to use one of the pieces separately, they will know it’s possible, trust me
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solnic: agreed
solnic: +1
mbj: ?
solnic: for that "99.9999" of people will be using rom as while
*% of people
mbj: but do you agree that we should move all gems below rom-rb/rom while still keeping them separate gems inside one repo?
snusnu: I dont get this one :D
snusnu: Talk in repos to me :D
snusnu: So we should move all rom code to rom-rb/rom REPO, no.
solnic wants to move rom-relation,rom-session and rom-mapper into rom-rb/rom repository, keeping them separate gems, but inside one repo
snusnu: But this surelywasnt your idea.
snusnu: nope, separate gems/repos.
So we dont end up in rails/rails
mbj: read the logs please, so that solnic doesn't need to repeat his arguments
snusnu: hah
will do so!
solnic, snusnu: Good arguments.
Especially the visibility thing!
And the issues thing etc.
TBH I'm convinced :D
yeah remember I’m talking about LOCATION of the projects, it has nothing to do with merging codebases
I was on a totally differend track, BUT for this case it really makes sense!
I see!
separate test suites, keeping things decoupled, releasing as separate gems
directly layout would be just LIKE rails, I'll have to accept this.
So lets go the "one location" route.
yeah I don’t consider this as something bad tbh
Rails couples much unrelated stuff together.
Roms domain is far more narrow.
lemme put it this way - I worked on DM which was split into many repos and it was T-E-R-R-I-B-L-E
And also we extract support gems into other LOCATIONS :D
not comparable tho imo
rom is dm-core somehow
As long true support gems like equalizer, adamantium etc are still differend locations.
snusnu: yes it is
And rom-session is NOT a true support gem. It is a component!
actually, it’s a bit less even
We are on the same track.
conceptually :)
yeah good point about support gems mbj
[Obligatory "everything in moderation" statement]
btw did you see what I discovered? in the benchmark I added to rom project today using session was slightly *faster* than just using rom-relation to insert objects
I thought session was broken and it didn’t insert stuff, but nope, it works just fine
I have no idea why it’s like that
the diff was small
like 0.032 vs 0.024
but still
repeatedly i assume?
snusnu: yes
I was really like “O_o” when seeing this
same INSERT statement count?
snusnu: geez, yes
go and see for yourself
Have you tried profiling it? Is there some other layer of object reuse in there?
namelessjon: not yet
I will though
I got my first PR from "outside" our community for unparser this day!
Really happy to see it beeing used.
mbj: I saw that, congrats :)
So, for coincidence I'll leave to cinema soon, watching the new X-Man mutants film :D
So have fun, I'll be available for opensource over the weekend.
Cleaning up mutant and making the "spec widening thing" configurable via CLI
Also adding blacklists (my current client projects and axiom needs it).
Than I'll start to nitpick about your mapper :D
mbj: my friend used mutant recently and he liked it a lot
Trying to port some of my most complex mappers to ROM.
solnic: Nice!
solnic: Also I need a release, latest mutant does not fit the stack anymore.
solnic: Its time for 0.3!
solnic: you switched to chruby ?
okay, have to run. cu
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