Ahh, okay. I'm just trying to plan for which ORM I should use for this upcoming project.
I know I've mentioned before, still collecting data :)
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good evening
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* xybre
morning dkubb
solnic: good morning
dkubb: ye YAML, that’s a cool idea obviously but I wanted sth as simple as possible for the sake of example :)
of course
people can understand that example with a glance
i wonder if the example should even bother to show the materialized branch
we can introduce people to optimizations like using materialized relations as a "cache", or streaming results from the underlying datastore instead of buffering
dkubb: oh that’s a good point
yeah I’ll remove that esp that I don’t explain what it is
solnic: i got http://pastie.org/8271106 when adding all rom gems with git source to my gemfile
so it only happens when using git sources
i guess so
cause it bundles just fine with released gems
ok that's good to know, i guess it doesn't need a release then
as bundling from git will now work
bundled fine for me now
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solnic: btw, does the demo on rom-rb.org really work? i mean, do we have a Serial type?
snusnu: no lol
snusnu: forgot to update it
solnic: i'm having a hard time believing that using rom works the way the rom-rb page suggests :p
solnic: e.g. session usage
solnic: i see no Environment#session both in ROM::Environment nor in ROM::Session::Environment
solnic: is the correct way to build a ROM::Session::Environment instance and pass that to ROM::Session.start(env) { … } ?
snusnu: I just updated the examples
solnic: heh, just noticed, thx!
snusnu: yeah so I was invited to RubyRogues
solnic: nice!
snusnu: we’re gonna record it on Sept 11th
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snusnu: hello
cored: hey
will you have time this week to give me some guidence regarding devtools jc
cored: yeah i can do that!
I'm trying to test devtools to give me some guidence of what to do on some projects
but it's seems that first I should add some tests
tests for your projects, or devtools?
if the project doesn't have any tests I can just work around smells with reek and duplication problems as far as I can see
the projects
yeah, if you have no tests, you could still use reek/flay/flog to point you to possible refactorings, however, we all know how fun refactoring is without any tests to prove you didn't introduce any bugs
I'm adding some characterization specs, so at least I know what the code does at the moment
not exactly if it's correct what is doing
just as a reminder, basically the idea behind devtools jc is to take a tool's threshold, and alter it in such a way, that the underlying tool will complain when being run with the new threshold .. therefore pointing you to code that is close to being the worst code in the project
I see
so say your current flay threshold is 20, it would change that to 19 while running flay .. therefore flay will point you to the code that violates the 19
it should be fairly easy for flay/flog/(yardstick) .. but probably more involved for reek
devtools is just complaining
WARNING: Possible conflict with Rake extension: String#ext already exists
i should also add that it's probably nothing we *really* need soon, as we can always just fake it .. and it's obviously more targeted for dedicated refactoring rounds, not so much for feature dev obviously