solnic changed the topic of #rom-rb to: Ruby Object Mapper | Mailing List:!forum/rom-rb | Logs:
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<xybre> Ahh, okay. I'm just trying to plan for which ORM I should use for this upcoming project.
<xybre> I know I've mentioned before, still collecting data :)
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<dkubb> good evening
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* xybre waves
<solnic> morning dkubb
<dkubb> solnic: good morning
<solnic> dkubb: ye YAML, that’s a cool idea obviously but I wanted sth as simple as possible for the sake of example :)
<dkubb> of course
<dkubb> people can understand that example with a glance
<dkubb> i wonder if the example should even bother to show the materialized branch
<dkubb> we can introduce people to optimizations like using materialized relations as a "cache", or streaming results from the underlying datastore instead of buffering
<solnic> dkubb: oh that’s a good point
<solnic> yeah I’ll remove that esp that I don’t explain what it is
<dkubb> right
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<breakingthings> oh cool this is a thing.
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<mbj> breakingthings: ?
<breakingthings> mbj: I joined at random wondering if the channel existed for this and it did
<solnic> breakingthings: yes welcome :)
<rolfb> breakingthings: this is the first channel name you decided to try?
<rolfb> cool
<breakingthings> yeah, figured it'd probably match the domain.
<cored> morning
<cored> solnic: did you check my pull request?
<solnic> cored: no sorry not yet :/ been super busy with the release and work
<cored> cool
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<snusnu> :/
<solnic> wtf is this?
<solnic> I works for me
<snusnu> lol
<solnic> it even
<solnic> snusnu: does this require a new release?
<snusnu> solnic: i got when adding all rom gems with git source to my gemfile
<solnic> so it only happens when using git sources
<snusnu> i guess so
<solnic> cause it bundles just fine with released gems
<snusnu> ok that's good to know, i guess it doesn't need a release then
<snusnu> as bundling from git will now work
<snusnu> bundled fine for me now
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<snusnu> solnic: btw, does the demo on really work? i mean, do we have a Serial type?
<solnic> snusnu: no lol
<snusnu> hehe
<solnic> snusnu: forgot to update it
<snusnu> solnic: i'm having a hard time believing that using rom works the way the rom-rb page suggests :p
<snusnu> solnic: e.g. session usage
<snusnu> solnic: i see no Environment#session both in ROM::Environment nor in ROM::Session::Environment
<snusnu> solnic: is the correct way to build a ROM::Session::Environment instance and pass that to ROM::Session.start(env) { … } ?
<solnic> snusnu: I just updated the examples
<snusnu> solnic: heh, just noticed, thx!
<solnic> snusnu: yeah so I was invited to RubyRogues
<snusnu> solnic: nice!
<solnic> snusnu: we’re gonna record it on Sept 11th
<snusnu> heh
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<cored> snusnu: hello
<snusnu> cored: hey
<cored> will you have time this week to give me some guidence regarding devtools jc
<cored> ?
<snusnu> cored: yeah i can do that!
<cored> great
<cored> I'm trying to test devtools to give me some guidence of what to do on some projects
<cored> but it's seems that first I should add some tests
<snusnu> tests for your projects, or devtools?
<cored> if the project doesn't have any tests I can just work around smells with reek and duplication problems as far as I can see
<cored> the projects
<snusnu> yeah, if you have no tests, you could still use reek/flay/flog to point you to possible refactorings, however, we all know how fun refactoring is without any tests to prove you didn't introduce any bugs
<cored> yes
<cored> I'm adding some characterization specs, so at least I know what the code does at the moment
<cored> not exactly if it's correct what is doing
<snusnu> just as a reminder, basically the idea behind devtools jc is to take a tool's threshold, and alter it in such a way, that the underlying tool will complain when being run with the new threshold .. therefore pointing you to code that is close to being the worst code in the project
<cored> I see
<snusnu> so say your current flay threshold is 20, it would change that to 19 while running flay .. therefore flay will point you to the code that violates the 19
<snusnu> it should be fairly easy for flay/flog/(yardstick) .. but probably more involved for reek
<cored> wow
<cored> devtools is just complaining
<cored> WARNING: Possible conflict with Rake extension: String#ext already exists
<snusnu> i should also add that it's probably nothing we *really* need soon, as we can always just fake it .. and it's obviously more targeted for dedicated refactoring rounds, not so much for feature dev obviously
<snusnu> hm, i never saw that
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