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hello all
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kapowaz: hey
solnic: hey.
kapowaz: any luck installing ruby? ;)
it doesn't *require* ruby 2.0
I actually forget where I got to it
yeah I imagine I could downgrade the gemfile?
so whatever ruby you have will work
it looks like my ruby setup on this machine is kind of screwed now
need help
if I type ruby -v I get:
rbenv: version `2.0.0' is not installed
did you try removing rbenv?
no… but I'm a little concerned about the implications of doing that
how do you use ruby-build to install a version?
I could have sworn it was ruby-build install <foo>
where <foo> is a version
no idea, I use ruby-install + chruby
ah, ruby-build != ruby-install
I bet you could switch to it in no time
probably. I'll upgrade homebrew and see about installing that
solnic: saw your comment
solnic: from the rom-vagrant PR
cored: yeah I just cherry-picked a couple of commits
I'll push it in a second
solnic: do what you need, I'm planning to keep evolving it but I need to know some more stuffs about the entire team process of developing
in particular the .dotfiles thingy
cored: it's my own thing :)
I needed it, so I added it
I work inside the vm, some people don't
I thought everyone in the team use the same dotfiles and I was like this is awkward ;-)
lolwat :)
well, we all use vim
but our configs are not the same
solnic: I really don't do that, still can't see the benefits of working entirely inside the vm
solnic: nice :-)
I think I see the problem, although god knows what is causingit
rbenv has a command to list all known definitions for versions of ruby, which it ostensibly gets from ruby-build
but they don't have the same list available
so ruby-build has 2.0.0-p247 but rbenv only has 2.0.0-p0
kapowaz: switch to ruby-install / chruby :)
it's dead simple
yeah I think I'm not going to do that at 4pm on a Friday on my work machine ;)
WHY?! ;)
it's the perfect moment
maybe wait 45 minutes
I am supposed to be looking up things to do this weekend with the missus
so far failing
also failed to achieve ANYTHING on my personal project today
which you might expect, at work and all
but today is day 12 of Nothing To Do
I think I have a solution though
you can install with ruby-build, it's just a little more complicated
think it's working
I'll have to actually, y'know, use ROM at some point.
I'm expecting there will be quite a bit of re-learning to switch over from DM
kapowaz: yes, quite a bit...
just when I was starting to feel like I understood DM!
kapowaz: when you understand something, move on ;)
or else it gets boring
that or it starts to get useful
useful in IT? that would be so wrong :D
I have a suspicion that some people use a profession of building architecture-type tools as a career in the same way others spend a lifetime in academia…
present company excepted, naturally! ;)
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hola mbj
dkubb|away is now known as dkubb
dkubb: morning
solnic: good morning
dkubb: looks like you're close to finishing relation::variable :)
yeah, I think so
it was easier than I thought
I need to do some tweaking on the optimizer side
or at least testing
dkubb: nice, I need to catch up with that rvariable hting!
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heh, I saw tenderlove talk last night at vanrb
dkubb: about?
he showed a way to change a class of an existing object. it was nasty, and by no means should actually be used in production code, but it was still neat
there was some interesting AR optimizations he was working on
lulz, that sounds the the most stupid mutation of a datastructure ever.
it was more or less to see if he could
dkubb: integrating memory adapter with relation::variable shouldn't be a big task right?
Okay, we could use this for mutant. It does dump thinkgs.
solnic: no, I think I'll have that working by next week sometime.. in fact I think I may be able to slim down the memory adapter a ton
solnic: I don't even know if it needs an #insert, #update or #delete method.. or even a gateway. it mostly just needs the #[] method on the adapter
dkubb: good morning, and thx for pointing me to that anemic domain models link!
dkubb: might well be that i change my mind, and add behavior to (some) of the "dtos" .. initially i was thinking to have the rich domain model only use those as data capsules under the hood, but we'll see how it goes
snusnu: no problem. I knew that you were thinking about moving it to use ROM eventually, but I figured I'd mention it just in case
also, hey solnic :)
it will be so interesting to *finally* be able to develop an app using a real datamapper … i guess we're basically all trying to implement fowler's ideas (especially, poro domain models) for the first time
while i always liked the theory, i have to admit that i never actually implemented any larger (web based) project using those ideas .. well, simply, because there wasn't feasible tool support in ruby
snusnu: heya
hey snusnu
yeah, there'll be a period where we're experimenting with it to find the right balance
snusnu: I read this some time before and I have to agree.
yeah anemic model is a funny anti-pattern, happened to me a couple of times
solnic: oh really? with web based rails projects?
snusnu: yes
I've done it too
solnic: you must've left the "golden path" then …. :p
AR kind of encourages this
I have objects like this in most of my stuff. But:
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data objects w/o logic can be handy
They are leaves and inputs and outputs of wrapping domain logic classes.
esp for presentation logic
mbj: right … that goes in line with what i have and am thinking
Yeah, most of the basic nouns in the domain can easily be "behaviorless immutable domain objects".
I'm more likely to use proxy objects for presenters
I more and more call them "domain dtos".
yeah that's what I meant, you build a data object and wrap it with a proxy used for presentation stuff
dkubb: hello
mbj: hi
so let's say you fetch a user data object and build UserJsonPresenter or something wrapping that original user data object
dkubb: how can I know which is the priority of the list on the axiom-types refactoring?
cored: hola
cored: I would generally just work top-down
cored: although I think most of those are roughly equal in weight and independent. it'd be different if task #2 was dependent on #1 being done, etc
cored: If you feel the order is dependent, then feel free to reorder it from top to bottom
dkubb: got it
dkubb: I think I will do the first one in a couple of inutes
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Float::MAX from axiom-types return Infinity
cored: I had to create two objects to represent positive and negative infinity, because the built-in stuff wasn't comparing properly to BigDecimal
cored: why even have DEFAULT_SIZE at all? afaik, there's no reason for it to exist in the end
cored: maybe I screwed up in the dependencies, but the goal is to have any need for it to be gone
got it
cored: note where this constant is used is going to be changed so it only uses the option if the key exists, so it doesn't reference DEFAULT_SIZE anymore (I think I left a note with some example code to explain this in the PR)
dkubb: in that case
removing the default_size and use it from axiom-types doesn't imply that we should remove the unit test inside axiom?
I'm guessing that the default_size stuff is been tested inside axiom-types
solnic: nice work on the devtools binary. I'll start using that today
solnic: I plan to beef that up to copy over other support files like .rspec,, Guardfile and others
solnic: thanks for bringing that logic together. I can probably do this fairly easily now
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Have any of you guys played with CQL (cassandra query language?)
therabidbanana: I did a bit
what is your question?
It's SQL like, but has some weird restrictions. I don't really have a question, was just wondering if those restrictions would make it hard to build support for CQL into rom.
Gibheer: did you have a gem you were using?
I'm writing raw CQL queries for this project I'm working on and it just feels dirty and wrong. :)
I think mbj did a spike for cql some time ago
I did use a gem, but it was a pretty heavy work in progress between cql 2 and 3
so some stuff was not working at all :/
therabidbanana: I was using cassandra-cql
therabidbanana: rom shouldn't know too much about cassandra. it'd be axiom that would know about it..
what we'll probably do is something similar to what we're doing with sql support. we'll write a cql gem to generate CQL from an ast, and then have an axiom-cql-generator map an axiom relation to the CQL ast
there are some limitations in CQL though
it doesn't support OR conditions for example
however, we can simulate that by transforming it into an equivalent query
or rather, sets of queries which will need to be combined in memory
any query with an OR in the WHERE clause can be rewritten as a union of two queries with a WHERE clause of the lhs and rhs of the OR
if that makes sense
axiom allows us to combine stuff in-memory
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dkubb: thanks, I just put it together quickly for a good start, there's a ton we could do to improve our dev workflow
I want to automate as much as possible :)
me too
therabidbanana: from everything I've seen working with CQL and cassandra, there's no reason we can't support it in rom. it'll take time and effort for someone interested in doing it, but it shoudl be just as powerful as the RDBMS adapters
oh cassandra! that would be cool
I'm hoping to see all major nosql dbs supported in ROM at the same time when we add RDBMS support
solnic: cassandra is pretty awesome actually. I was using it on my last contract and it was neat. I think it has the ability to stand-in for databases in many situations
Yeah, everything I've seen so far is pretty cool.
I've never used it
the only downside is there's no constraint system, which I guess is a big one, but it's ability to be distributed is really neat
I'm esp looking forward to mongodb, riak and cassandra support
And the distributed nature introduces some interesting limitations for people used to standard RDBMS queries.
mbj already did an arrangodb adapter
maybe he can get those companies to fund adapters for their dbs too
Like they won't let do range filters unless it's part of the primary key.
yes I thought about that the other day
dkubb: btw I'm thinking about running a huge fundraiser after we release 0.0.1
somewhere around september/october
solnic: yeah, I would support that. I would want something to show before asking for anything
I think reaching out to companies behind those dbs would be a good idea
dkubb: I'm in touch with bountysource people, they offered me help in organizing it
yeah, the arrangodb people also helped fund axiom-fuzzer too. it would be nice to see those utilities get extra attention and help
they also tend to find bugs in the db too
dkubb: now *that* is an awesome argument
all this stuff feeds back into improving mutant, axiom, rom, etc
I have not failed to find a bug in a database when fuzzing axiom
in fact, I'd bet some of the nosql dbs out there will have dozens of bugs we can find and report
the rdbms' seem to be pretty tight for the most part.. only a few bugs for each of mysql, postgresql and sqlite
sqlite is arguably the best tested open source db, and I even found bugs in that
they fixed them in less than 24 hours which was amazing
dkubb: do you have cases like that written down somewhere?
solnic: no, but I could easily bring them up from memory if I sat down and wrote them down
my name is on the sqlite mailing list for one of the bugs I reported, so I could just search for that
the cool thing too is everytime we create an adapter we make sure it passes with the fuzzer, improving the fuzzer in the process, and then we can re-run it against any existing adapters to find more bugs in the db or adapter implementations
it's like having a shared integration test between every db
sounds great
I plan to also add an abstract adapter with some shared specs that exercise each adapter to make sure they handle all the queries
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dkubb, snusnu: I'm gonna remove ice_nine dep on devtools...
dkubb: how do you find rubocop?
solnic: cool
solnic: I like it so far. *most* of the recommendations I agree with or have no super strong opinion on
solnic: I have a few customizations in axiom's rubocop config where I disagree
dkubb: I want to try it in rom
solnic: atm I'm just learning what I like and don't like. at some point I'll update devtools' config to include exceptions for stuff I'm pretty sure we all disagree on
solnic: yeah, I'd recommend it. you don't have to fix everything, just fix the stuff you agree with and turn off everything else.. then if you ever do add something that doesn't meet your conventions it'll tell you
dkubb: hmm ok
that's what I did in axiom. I have a few TODO notes for stuff to fix, like the maximum line length
I basically set the threshold to the longest line, with plans to reduce it
I would prefer per-file overriding of course
then I can have the nastier code not setting the bar for the normal code
dkubb: thanks for comments on devtools commits
I love Pathname so much, I like to remind people about it
I wanted to work on this feature partially because I needed to refresh my memory; it's been a while since I write this kind of stuff in ruby
solnic: oh maybe because it was referring to the gateway branch?
solnic: when I merge a feature branch into master I typically remove the branch
thanks yeah it does point to gateway
jessekempf: cool. I'll ping mbj about it.. it looks fine to me. I wanted to merge it in 3 days ago ;) I'll ping mbj about it
jessekempf: mbj may have suggestions to change the predicate to match his examples but otherwise I don't see why we can't merge this in asap
dkubb: kk. FWIW as a result of mbj's saying "no" I think this is a much better place to locate the concern of whether we should dump output on failure.
jesus christ yardstick in devtools project causes build failures now :P
did YARD coverage drop?
yes :P
jessekempf: yeah, I agree it's an improvement
why are we even using yardstick in devtools
these docs are just noise there
probably because devtools is dogfooding it's own metrics
# return project root
def self.project_root
I fail hard at seeing how this is useful to anybody
solnic: does ROM run with the new --warnings flag in the .rspec config file?
dkubb: nope
I'll add it
I found some warnings in axiom-types a moment ago
stuff where I didn't initialize an ivar before using it
while I don't agree with *all* of ruby warnings, I do think it's important for libraries to run warnings free
I dislike it when gems aren't good citizens in the ruby community and make it hard for peolpe to debug things with warnings turned on
there was a good rant on this but I can't find it now
we're getting there
yeah. I keep having to remind myself it's not where you are that matters, it's the direction you're moving in.. there will always be something that needs fixing, what's important is continuous improvement
as long as we keep raising the bar this will be the case
dkubb: I can see you liked that raising the bar thing ;)
what's funny is I can recall myself using that term a bunch too
dkubb: meh, warnings in Concord /cc mbj
solnic: I'll look into it.
*both, mutant and concord
sorry I dont have that much time for opensource
nobody has, no worries :D
I do! only because I'm waiting to hear back from a few pending things
but that could change tomorrow
dkubb: nice, btw merged that PR
dkubb: tomorrow is Saturday :)
I wish I didn't though.. I'd rather be doing billable work right now, only because my wife will give me grief if I do oss all day
solnic: heh
dkubb: I hear you haha
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[travis-ci] mbj/mutant#549 (master - 97f1231 : Markus Schirp): The build was broken.
[travis-ci] rom-rb/rom-mapper#40 (master - 0658075 : Piotr Solnica): The build has errored.
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weird that rbx would start failing all of a sudden
dkubb: is it? :P
gotta go, good night
solnic: just read through the logs … i fixed concord to be warning free already, it needs a new release
also, i noticed that mutant ERRNO:ESYSwhatever bug with substation on jruby too
snusnu: thanks (re Concord)
snusnu: I'll be preparing code for the first release in the upcoming days and then it's only a matter of finishing memory stuff by dkubb and tweaking few things here and there on rom-side and...we're ready to push
solnic: awesome!
solnic: maybe i can spend a few hours help ironing out things too
gotta run now
good night
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[travis-ci] rom-rb/rom-session#55 (relation-integration - cb36fb8 : Piotr Solnica): The build has errored.
snusnu: how's the state of the rom code? warning safe, passing mutant, etc?
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dkubb: i dunno exactly, i haven't been working on it since solnic nuked almost everything ;) i know that before that, it was passing devtools ci except mutant … i wouldn't be surprised if it's much closer to passing mutant now, as it's much less code now
dkubb: it's probably not warning safe, but even if it isn't, i'd expect that making it so would take only a few minutes
dkubb: it definitely will be, on first release
yeah, warnings are pretty easy to remove
I was mostly curious. I just wanted to make sure our projects are in sync, and if there's any stragglers I was going to help them
dkubb: wow, i saw you already merged the relvar branch into axiom master! sweet!