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<snusnu> yo mbj
<mbj_> snusnu: jo
<snusnu> mbj: the integration spec i was talking about yesterday, passes now ;)
<snusnu> mbj: unit specs are horribly broken ...
<mbj_> mom, double join
<mbj> better :D
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<mbj> snusnu: :D
<snusnu> mbj: i'm very happy with the design so far, internally it can definitely still be refactored, but i like the general approach
<snusnu> mbj: will push to a branch in a bit, so you can look at the integration spec and tell me what you think
<snusnu> mbj: basically i introduced the concept of handler executors, which consist of a Decomposer (split) and a Composer (merge) .. they can be implemented with simple lambdas
<mbj> snusnu: nice! Sounds great.
<snusnu> mbj: this is a WORKING deserializer taken from my spec app:
<mbj> snusnu: For a large amount of decomposition leaves we can easily use multiple threads to process the data :D
<snusnu> yeah!
<mbj> snusnu: Interesting!
<mbj> snusnu: BTW I'd love to support hystrix style failover via a substation compatible interface
<snusnu> mbj: the deserializer gets registered like this:
<snusnu> register :deserialize, Substation::Processor::Transformer::Incoming, Handler::Deserializer::EXECUTOR
<mbj> snusnu: Registration still confuses me sometimes
<snusnu> mbj: it's used to give a builtin processor a name, plus an executor
<snusnu> mbj: processors need names because their failure chains might be overwritten
<snusnu> mbj: you'll get the idea quickly once you use them
<mbj> snusnu: I know, but having a dsl for defining a dsl is somehow complex :D
<mbj> I use them already
<mbj> But still I find them confusing sometimes :D
<snusnu> mbj: yeah, it's just dsl after all, we might come up with a better one
<snusnu> mbj: the idea is to make chain construction as easy as possibly
<snusnu> mbj: *something* has to *instantiate* the processors
<mbj> snusnu: Jo
<mbj> I get the point :D
<snusnu> mbj: because the chain needs instance
<snusnu> s
<mbj> I accept we dont have a better idea :D
<snusnu> hehe ok
<mbj> solnic: You need a beta release of mutant with bogus change?
<snusnu> mbj: i've never heard about hystrix before, i'll look into it at some point .. and let you do the hooking up with substation :p
<solnic> mbj: not really, it works for me with or without the patch :)
<solnic> up to you
<snusnu> yo solnic
<solnic> hey snusnu
<solnic> lunch time here, so bbiab
<mbj> solnic, snusnu: According to information here, mutant will soon support rspec-world preloading. This is the most low hanging performance fuit.
<snusnu> mbj: nice
<snusnu> mbj: btw, just cause i'm happy .. after the last refactoring, substation almost doesn't allow SRP violations in app code anymore :p
<mbj> Also this is a prerequisite of implementing the new rspec strategy.
<mbj> the only prerequisite!
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<snusnu> mbj: how do you typically handle scenarios where part of the request data comes from a query string, and part of it is sent with request.body ? i.e. GET/POST params?
<snusnu> mbj: ok, bbiab
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<snusnu> mbj, solnic: do we agree with this rubocop warning: Use the lambda method for multi-line lambdas
<snusnu> ?
<snusnu> it complains about using -> instead of lambda for multiline lambdas
<snusnu> imo something like this reads nice enough:
<snusnu> COMPOSER = ->(request, output) {
<snusnu>, output)
<snusnu> }
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<snusnu> hey dkubb, mind looking at the question i asked just a minute ago?
<dkubb> snusnu: ok, one sec. I'll check the history
<snusnu> dbussink: thx
<dkubb> oh and good morning
<snusnu> oops, thx dkubb
<snusnu> dkubb: good morning :)
<dbussink> snusnu: i was like, for what? ;)
<snusnu> dbussink: heh, sorry
<snusnu> dbussink: altho, make it a thx for your work on rbx ;)
<dkubb> dbussink: did you move to the US or are you still in the Netherlands?
<dbussink> dkubb: still in nl
<dbussink> dkubb: working as a contractor
<dkubb> snusnu: ok, so my opinion is that GET and POST params shouldn't be mixed into a single object like how Rails does it
<dkubb> snusnu: typically they serve much different purposes in an application
<snusnu> dkubb: oh ok, and yeah, i agree with that ;) … i meant my question regarding that rubocop warning tho ;)
<snusnu> dkubb: it says: Use the lambda method for multi-line lambdas
<dkubb> snusnu: oh hehe.. one sec. about the -> stabby proc for multiline lambdas?
<snusnu> dkubb: yup
<dkubb> snusnu: does -> have the same semantics as lambda() wrt enforcing the arity? or is it more like proc()
* dkubb is checking this
<snusnu> dkubb: tbh, i have no idea but assumed that -> was identical to lambda
<snusnu> dkubb: also, imo i recall seeing arity errors just like with lambdas
<dkubb> snusnu: aha, it seems like it is the same thing. I have no problem using it instead of lambda. I still have to get used to the syntax, but I do think its neat
<snusnu> dkubb: yeah, it took me a while too, but i must say i like it
<snusnu> dkubb: so, i'm gonna disable that warning for substation at least .. we'll see when/if it comes up for rom
<dkubb> snusnu: so in rubocop it warns against -> for multiline procs?
<snusnu> dkubb: yup, it advises to use lambda { |x,y| … } instead
<snusnu> dkubb: and i must say, i see no reason for that
<dkubb> snusnu: it seems rather arbitrary
<snusnu> yeah
<dkubb> snusnu: even the examples in don't really make a good case for it
<dkubb> snusnu: "looks extremely awkward" translates to "I'm not used to this" .. granted some of *our* conventions could also be seen the same way, but I'd like to think we have slightly stronger reasons
<snusnu> dkubb: right, imo they absolutely don't look "extremely awkward"
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<dkubb> snusnu: I think moving the argument outside of {} is nice. it looks more like a method call
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<snusnu> dkubb: right, that's my reasoning too
<snusnu> dkubb: also, as the code gets more and more functional, it seems to fit even more
<snusnu> dkubb: and by functional i don't mean it works, but uknowwhat
<snusnu> :)
<dkubb> snusnu: yeah. I don't actually use inline procs too much either, so any decision we make it going to only affect a small part of the code
<dkubb> :)
<snusnu> dkubb: yeah, i have this usecase in substation currently, where a simple lambda is enough to provide a basic implementation of the concept .. more involved usecases might implement a dedicated class that responds to #call, but right now the lambda is enough
<snusnu> dkubb: i can link you to those parts in a bit, if you're interested
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<dkubb> snusnu: sure
<snusnu> dkubb: fwiw, rough (out of context) code is here:
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<dkubb> snusnu: I actually use that a lot in axiom too. many of the objects represent a callable object
<snusnu> dkubb: the idea here is that before Deserializer#call gets invoked, the EXECUTOR will first decompose, then compose the incoming data
<dkubb> snusnu: what's request.input mean?
<snusnu> dkubb: it's what the user passed in as "input data" … as it goes through the chain, it gets more and more refined to finally represent valid input data for the business use case
<dkubb> ahh I see
<snusnu> dkubb: so the step i linked in that pastie, does the deserializing .. it gets passed the complete Request instance (which responds to #name, #env, #input)
<snusnu> dkubb: but it must "decompose" that, to send something specific to the handler
<snusnu> dkubb: but the handler might just refine "one slot" of the input .. so it must compose it back to the complete input data object after it's done
<snusnu> dkubb: SRP to the extreme ;)
<dkubb> snusnu: I find it hard to balance SRP and LoD
<snusnu> dkubb: yeah, altho tbh, with current substation handlers, no particularly bad LoD violation caught my eyes so far
<snusnu> dkubb: i guess that'll change over time tho ;) we'll see
<snusnu> dkubb: also, it somewhat depends of the "goal" of the code .. like with this "decomposition" .. i accept that i need to "walk some path into the object" .. because well, that's what it's supposed to do
<snusnu> dkubb: the input data object itself is free to provide helper methods to reduce LoD violation
<snusnu> s
<snusnu> dkubb: the Substation::Request object not, it has it's own, tiny api
<snusnu> dkubb: so inside that DECOMPOSER inside the pastie .. i will add LoD aware methods to the object at request.input .. that would allow me to do: request.input.whatever
<snusnu> dkubb: i'll most likely not add anything to request tho, in order to do request.whatever .. that'd just pollute the Request api
<snusnu> mbj_: i pushed the decompose-compose branch .. here's how to use it:
<snusnu> mbj_: still needs quite some refactoring before it can be merged into master, but i like it so far
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<snusnu> mbj: the integration spec passes, but as i said, unit specs are broken to the max
<snusnu> mbj: but yeah, it does split/merge now
<snusnu> mbj: for more complex split/merge (decompose/compose) i guess one would have to implement dedicated classes instead of the current lambdas .. i don't see anything that would prevent us from splitting/merging "n paths" (instead of the current 2)
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<snusnu> mbj: even in separate threads … that logic would have to be defined inside a Decomposer/Composer pair used by the handler that needs the parallel (de)compose
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<dkubb> cored: have you pushed any of the axiom types refactor commits you have locally?
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<dkubb> mbj: good morning
<mbj> dkubb: hola
<elskwid> Howdy all
<mbj> elskwid: hola
<dkubb> elskwid: hello
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<elskwid> How are you?
<elskwid> mbj: How was the conf?
<mbj> elskwid: eurucamp?
<mbj> elskwid: Still upcoming. 16. Aug.
<elskwid> mbj: Oh, well, shows what I know!!
<elskwid> Let's just pretend I didn't ask that.
<elskwid> How about this:
<elskwid> mbj: How's the family?
<mbj> elskwid: We are fine.
<mbj> elskwid: Just came back from a 10h train ride, paused by a 2h meeting
<mbj> My brain is not able to do social communication anymore.
<mbj> Lets talk about code!
<mbj> Preparing mutant to hook deeper into rspec to preload the world.
<mbj> this will allow much faster mutation kills.
<mbj> But TBH the internals of rspec are not rom-style :(
<elskwid> mbj: Have you all considered making the move to minitest?
<elskwid> (sorry if that's already come up, just curious)
<mbj> elskwid: I want to support all test frameworks.
<mbj> It will not make sense mutant is tied to a specific one.
<elskwid> great to hear
<mbj> That rspec core example filtering is far more complex than axiom :D
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<dkubb> I've considered minitest, but I don't know if the effort to switch would be worth it at this point
<dkubb> what I would actually prefer is having something really minimal that matches the way we write specs
<dkubb> once we start talking about switching to make it worthwhile it needs to be a big improvement
<mbj> dkubb: +1
<dkubb> I think we can probably get a big improvement by doing some things differently than the main test frameworks
<dkubb> for example, given that we use immutable objects quite often, we can make it so a single object is initilaized and then reused between examples
<dkubb> the examples can also be threaded
<mbj> dkubb: I'll create such a framework :D
<dkubb> there'd need to be a way to say "serialize", which would wrap each example in a mutex.. for cases where stuff is not thread safe, but I would generally want to assume the code is thread safe by default
<mbj> Probably I'd end up using axiom-predicates to filter
<dkubb> yeah, we can stuff to handle query methods differently from command methods
<mbj> rspec-core could need a rom-style refactoring
<mbj> With immutable objects!
<dkubb> hehe
<dkubb> rspec-core is probably 10x larger than we need
<dkubb> if we're talking about just the functionality we use
<mbj> yeah
<mbj> It would be "so" easy to implement that stuff we use.
<mbj> I just see minimal classes instantiated via a small dsl layer.
<mbj> rspec-core mixes dsl and OO api
<dkubb> I think mutant is probably higher priority for me.. rounding out those mutations
<dkubb> I actually really like rspec 3's new syntax
<dkubb> it seems much simpler to implement
<dkubb> we could even reuse rspec-expectations and rspec-mocks, and just have a tighter core
<mbj> The problem is: The core is so mutable. It is very uneasy for me to follow control flow.
<mbj> It gets mutated all over the place.
<mbj> So just query the core for a set of examples, and run these seems to be nearly implossible
<mbj> All "control" structures seem to be mutated and used on the fly.
<mbj> Also rspec has far to much configuration :D
<dkubb> heh, too bad you can't deep clone, then deep freeze it and then just reuse it
<mbj> dkubb: I have the killfork, so I can delay some "mutations" and do them inside the fork.
<mbj> this will not leak
<mbj> But it is overcomplex.
<mbj> dkubb: One thing I realize with rom-style code more and more. It is very easy to come back later.
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<dkubb> mbj: yeah, it is much nicer to work with
<dkubb> mbj: the thing we need to prove is that it results in better larger systems. I think we've already proven it results in great small systems (like gems)
<mbj> dkubb: It is hard to prove this for large systems, because we do small gems :D
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<mbj> And I cannot opensource my clients work :D
<dkubb> I have one project I worked on over the last year, and I did incorporate as many ROM style coding standards as I could, and I think it's pretty good
<mbj> dkubb: nice
<dkubb> I didn't do mutation testing because I started it before mutant was ready
<dkubb> if I did it today I probably would've
<mbj> dkubb: Yeah, I see a big difference in "pre mutant" software I shipped.
<dkubb> my newest rails project uses mutant
<dkubb> and it's awesome. the only bugs I've seen with this project have been in the original specification
<dkubb> like what the client specified
<dkubb> the actual software does precisely what it was designed to do
<dkubb> so far anyway
<mbj> dkubb: nice, I could need some testamonial for my talk :D
<dkubb> mutation testing is my secret weapon
<mbj> heh, yeah
<mbj> I had a Q&A workshop this day, and it seems I could convince the companies Q&A officer it leads to high quality
<mbj> Kist ran mutant on a covered pice of code
<mbj> Nuked context, and reran.
<mbj> He realized how helpful this tool is to uncover missing tests
<dkubb> oh nice
<dkubb> I think a Q&A person would totally understand it
<dkubb> mbj: how many mutations did it find?
<mbj> dkubb: Removing a single context? 5
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<dkubb> mbj: oh I see what you meant
<dkubb> mbj: I thought maybe you ran it on their code that was showing 100% simplecov coverage, and then discovered missing cases
<mbj> dkubb: nope, I presented my own work
<mbj> dkubb: This is a greenfield project.
<mbj> Okay it is a reimplementation but without code share
<mbj> original is in php, no comments :d
<cored> hello
<mbj> cored: hola
<cored> ;-)
<cored> dkubb: are you around?
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<cored> mbj: well, I'm having some sort of a same discussion
<cored> mbj: a friend saying that Ruby sucks, because he can't use a debugger like in VS .NET
<cored> mbj: saying this because of your comment on PHP
<cored> hehe
<mbj> cored: TBH I never used a debugger in ruby
<mbj> cored: Only use a debugger for embedded devices and C code.
<cored> he, it could be fun if you tell that to hi
<mbj> For some reason "Kernel#p" is the most I need.
<cored> s/hi/him
<cored> in fact, he is checking out Scala because .NET is from MS but he was telling me that he was considering going back to .NET
<cored> he said that he have like 3 weeks trying to build an application with Rails and that he hasn't make any progress
<cored> quantificable progress at least, he said that Ruby promote the fact to not separate classes in different files because there's no tooling for such thing
<mbj> cored: I cannot really reply with some wise words here :D
<mbj> Dunno your friend nor the rails project, nor the domain :D
<cored> hehehe
<cored> he wants to do a similar app to Buxfer
<cored> a personal finance application
<dkubb> binding.pry is actually pretty neat for debugging
<cored> dkubb: I told him
<cored> but he said that in VS he has something called inspector or something like that and that he founds on Ruby was pry
<mbj> dkubb: I have to try it.
<dkubb> I don't use a debugger either, but somestimes it's nice to stop the world and poke around
<cored> also he said that Ruby sucks entirely
<dkubb> I usually use puts or p too
<dkubb> hehe
<cored> dkubb: yes, that's how I try to figure out things within axiom
<mbj> dkubb, cored: I know ruby sucks and I agree with all people saying ruby sucks. But for some reason I can write code I like in this language, and IMHO other languages suck even more :D
<cored> he is kinda frustrated, he was talking about the impediment of building a fully DDD arquitecture using Rails, the impediment of dividing your application in different gem's if you are using Rails
<cored> mbj: hahahaha
<mbj> dkubb: The more I interface with rspec-core internals the more mental discipline I need to not start a freaking clone now.
<mbj> Why the heck you pass "err" and "out" here.
<dkubb> mbj: yeah, not a fan of mutating configuration at runtime
<mbj> output gets or_assigned, ...
<mbj> It is very uneasy to interfac with this code on rom-style :(
<cored> mbj: probably that's why zenspider wrote minitest
<mbj> And do not use it later?
<mbj> (okay, gets used once)
<mbj> I think I'll create my own MutantRunner, not using their runner or this command line class.
<dkubb> yeah
<dkubb> I think that was their idea
<mbj> Will be a nightmare to maintain, but this is a nightmare to interface with
<dkubb> you want to perform the same steps, but you can structure the public interface differently
<mbj> Yeah, I was about to subclassing the CommandLine think, breaking up #run
<mbj> but it felt so "stupid".
<mbj> I know how uneasy it is to write "Runner" objects.
<mbj> It was hard for me to do this in mutant, while allowing to plug abitrary reporters.
<mbj> So I exactly feel why they did it this way, but I think it whould be improved and simplified.
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<mbj>, LOD-violation, plugging a ternary operator inside the args does not make it better.
<mbj> And why this #report methods takes args, and yields a reporter?
<mbj> going to sleep, cu tormorrow
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<cored> dkubb: did you see my message, from yesterday?
<dkubb> cored: about type inference? I wasn't sure what you meant by that
<cored> dkubb: yes, was that
<cored> well
<cored> I will show you the line, wait
<cored> Attribute.infer_type will return an Axiom::Types object
<cored> but there's no method named type on any of the objects from Axiom::Types
<dkubb> oh yeah, I think that's one of the holes we need to think about filling
<cored> I see
<cored> there's no such thing as an abstract attribute type inside axiom-types as far as I know
<dkubb> we may need to change that code completely since the Axiom::Types know nothing about Axiom::Attribute, nor should they
<cored> exactly
<dkubb> so it should first infer the type from the object, then it should take the type *and* the attribute and coerce it into an Axiom::Attribute that matches it
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<cored> I thought that the hold purporse of the refactoring was to remove Axiom::Attribute ?
<dkubb> removing Axiom::Attribute subclasses you mean
<dkubb> Axiom::Attribute still needs to exist in some form, since it holds a name *and* a type
<dkubb> the big question is how we're going to add type specific functions to attributes
<dkubb> I was trying to do the refactoring in two parts, one to push out type specific constraints into axiom-types (which we're doing now) and a second pass to remove Axiom::Attribute subclasses and figure out a different way to add type specific functions; whether that's through a proxy or some other object I don't know yet
<dkubb> how we do it isn't as important to me as the interface in the end. I would want to be able to make an attribute using:, type)
<dkubb> and if type is Axiom::Types::String, then I want to be able to do:, type).length.eq(5)
<dkubb> but if it is an integer type, say, I do not want #length to be available or callable
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<dkubb> this will allow things like: relation.restrict { |r| r[:name].length.eq(5) }
<dkubb> where r[:name] returns an Axiom::Attribute with a name of ":name", and a type of Axiom::Types::String
<dkubb> cored: does that make more sense?
<cored> just a sec, thinking about it :-)
<dkubb> I think if we try to do two steps in one jump we'll fail.. I'd rather do it in two steps and have a working system in between, even if it means some temporarily ugly code in a few places
<cored> agree
<dkubb> for the most part the code we're had to write has been fine. this will probably be one of the areas with something a bit funkier.. we could push it off into a singleton method with a note to review it later
<cored> the only downside is that we already did the first part, I guess
<cored> I think this is a problem related to the second part
<dkubb> I wouldn't say the first part is completely done
<dkubb> we still have Axiom::Attribute subclasses
<dkubb> it's that they exist almost soley for hanging type specific functions off.. all the type and constraint related logic is now in the type
<cored> wAxiom::Attribute::Integer
<cored> you mean?
<dkubb> yeah
<cored> I see
<dkubb> after step 2 those would theoretically go away or be really minimized
<cored> so still that's needs to be done before going to the evaluator, I guess
<dkubb> this is thinking ahead, but in the future we could have (in Axiom::Attribute) def method_missing(*args); methods_for(type).public_send(self, *args); end ... or something like that
<dkubb> the idea being that we don't have Axiom::Attribute subclasses to hang the methods from, but something else rather
<dkubb> I guess it depends on what we decide. if most of the logic is out of the Axiom::Attribute subclasses, and this alternate lookup approach is too messy, then we may just keep them as dumb containers
<cored> don't know if at this point is a good idea to have method_missing
<cored> but removing the subclasses probably that will be the fastest way to solve the current problem
<dkubb> we can't remove the subclasses yet
<dkubb> we won't have any place to hang the type specific functions
<dkubb> type specific functions are extremely important to how axiom works.. every attribute subclass has different functions you can call on it
<dkubb> it's used in the context evaluator mostly, but it can be used outside it
<cored> I was thinking in doing something kinda stupid to remove the sub types but in that case we will haev a lot of loose methods on a lot of modules
<dkubb> it's tricky because we don't want to do runtime extension or anything like that
<dkubb> we really can't because the objects are immutable, but even if they weren't I wouldn't want to do that because of the runtime perf impact
<cored> I see
<cored> sounds like a very complex problem :-)
<dkubb> I dunno, I'm trying not to worry about it
<dkubb> I don't want to approach it until we have a working base
<cored> by working base I guess you mean all specs passing
<cored> right ?
<dkubb> what we're doing right now is the smallest unit of work I can think of to make this change
<dkubb> yeah
<cored> well, I think I have to finish the first step then
<cored> because if the evalualtor probably is because of that
<cored> the thing is that there are different subtypes which Attribute.infer_type will return so each one will have it's own implementation of #type
<cored> correct?
<dkubb> lemme check what infer_type does now
<dkubb> cored: have you got any local commits to that branch that you need to push?
<cored> nop
<dkubb> cored: ok, it looks like Attribute.infer_type currently returns an Axiom::Types::Type subclass:
<cored> I just retrieve stuffs from your changes
<cored> I stashed mine changes because you did some changes ;-)
<dkubb> so, I'd guess what we need do in that section of code is loop over Axiom::Attribute subclasses and find the one that matches the type (?)
<cored> #infer_type?
<cored> but I don't think that will solve the problem with evaluator
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<cored> in fact, that doesn't look like the actual code we have
<dkubb> cored: how do you propose changing it?
<cored> dkubb: I'm thinking about it
<cored> did you check the gist?
<cored> that's the actual code for #infer_type
<dkubb> cored: yup. I was hoping you had an approach that you understood.
<cored> well the problem that I have currently is the different implementation for each type
<cored> in fact what any axiom-type object doesn't have is the #coerce method as far I as I can see
<cored> anyway, will take a break and will try to keep checking the code
<dkubb> the rough approach I would use will be to iterate over Axiom::Attribute subclasses to find the one with the inferred type, then use that to construct the attribute to use within the functions Hash
<cored> the attribute from within axiom
<cored> I see
<cored> I see your idea now, more clearly
<cored> in that case the need of coerce won't be needed, right ?
<dkubb> I don't think it'll be needed.. we're basically taking on control of coercion ourselves
<dkubb> I would fully expect this code to be temporary
<cored> ok
<cored> let me try that
<dkubb> and if it's not then we can move it somewhere else after, but passing specs is the #1 priority
<cored> got it
<cored> does the descendants attribute include the axiom type
<cored> or is the other way around?
<cored> I guess there is a namespace mismatch, something like Axiom::Types::Integer != Axiom::Attribute::Integer
<dkubb> yeah, both of them have descendants methods
<dkubb> but they aren't the same kind of object obviously
<cored> well, I was thinking on stripping out the entire namespace from the class name and comparing Strings
<cored> but don't know if that will cost on perfo
<dkubb> Axiom::Attriubte::Integer.type == Axiom::Types::Integer
<dkubb> there should be a type method on each Axiom::Attribute subclass that relates them
<cored> ok
<cored> was doing a pretty ugly thing
<snusnu> dkubb: hey, can i ask you a follow up question wrt GET/POST parameters passed to some web action?
<snusnu> dkubb: say you get passed an object as action input, something like Input#{actor, params} where #params would contain GET+POST params (i don't want that) … how would you design the api of the object returned by #params so that GET/POST params are separate .. or would you rather do something like Input#{actor, get_params, post_params) .. (ugly names, but you get the idea?)
<snusnu> dkubb: i'm mostly talking about naming here i guess .. maybe it's just fine to wrap both types of params into a Params instance made accessible via Input#params
<snusnu> dkubb: but yeah, i'm very open to any idea ;)
<snusnu> dkubb: fwiw, Input#actor basically is a simple wrapper around session data, which has an instantiated domain specific actor object instantiated already (think rails current_user, only with privileges and such attached already)
<snusnu> dkubb: to give some context, currently i define them like so:
<snusnu> dkubb: it's the Input#data object that i'm actually talking about .. i want that to make GET and POST params accessible, but separate from each other
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