I send tweets with it, hit enter and then realize I mistyped it
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dkubb: ping
solnic: pong
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dkubb: I updated relation and session to work with new memory stuff
dkubb: the only thing left is...#update
ahh ok
but everything else worked perfectly :)
that's good
can you tell me how update is supposed to work now?
ok, so update is partially implemented in the memory-adapter
yeah I saw that, I tried to use it but something didn't click right :)
I'm not super happy yet with the interface
what I would want is something similar to restrict
so a simple case first: relation.update(:key => value)
yes please!
and a more complex one: relation.update { |tuple| ... } the block would have to yield a new tuple, and the materialized relation would implement it as replace(map(&block))
of course for most other relations it would have to represent a change, so that we could build and ast and translate that to the native datastore query language
solnic: with a restrict, the block basically returns a boolean, but with update the block would have to return an expression that can be evaluated and return a tuple
well, more accurately in restrict the block returns an expression that can either be evaluated to a boolean
in this case we want an expression that evaluates to a tuple given another tuple as input
will it support partial updates? as in, will all attributes be required?
I think it should
ok great
I think it should allow you to express something that is essentially a noop
everything from that to a full update
session will use dirty attributes to update
you should be allowed to say relation.update({}) I guess. I don't know if we should just silently do nothing or raise an exception
I'd guess we just do nothing
like with restrict you can technically do relation.restrict { true }
I just ordered http://amzn.com/1449357849 .. I'm pretty sure the stuff we do with write propagation over relational operations is fairly cutting edge, but I wanted to be sure
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solnic: keep in mind too that conceptually an update can be represented with a delete followed by the insert of the new tuple.. of course it's not convenient, but an update is not a "primitive" operation
solnic: the main reason update is provided is for efficiency and interface reasons
I'm talking about at the datastore level.. and the same reasons apply to axiom too
most of the time an inline update is far more efficient
jessekempf: thanks for that link. that was an awesome talk
dkubb: yes that works
jessekempf: I can relate to a lot of that talk. at first I was thinking about relational algebra, and how our foundation for ROM has been studied for 40+ years, and virtually identical to the original theories
jessekempf: and then I liked how at the end he talked about defect identification, which we're doing on the mutant and metric side of things
we spend a ton of time measuring our code to make sure it's clean and does what we intend
dkubb: ok I switched to new #update and now in my integration spec in rom-session entire relation gets replaced O_o
dkubb: it's possible the setup is borked though
solnic: hmm.. yeah, I think #update is still a work in progress. I will work on that after nested relations
[travis-ci] rom-rb/rom-session#57 (relation-integration - 864fb1e : Piotr Solnica): The build was broken.
solnic: the #update work I did is more like a placeholder so I could think about the adapter interface.. it turns out the adapter didn't need it, but other adapters will
by that I mean, the adapter doesn't need it because the materialized relation itself is handling reads and writes
dkubb: it works in a unit spec...sooooo I guess sth is wrong with my integration spec :)
solnic: so I looked through my RA books today and identified 4 operations: group/ungroup, wrap/unwrap. the former is related to nesting a relation inside another relation, and the latter is nesting a tuple inside another relation
solnic: I'm going to implement the group/ungroup first because you can technically still represent a single nested tuple, it'll just be a nested relation with a cardinality of 1
nesting tuple inside another relation?
I wish I could visually represent this easily. lemme see if I can grab a diagram
I love blambeau's diagrams here. I need to make similar documentation for axiom
I could probably implement something similar to alf using axiom
solnic: does this make sense now?
solnic: for me, the diagram in the ungroup docs makes the most sense
got it
and unwrap too
with those ops we could support loading relationships in a really lovely way
I know, you could join to another relation, then group it
because tuples would look the same no matter if it was from a join or some embedded structure that a db supports natively (like mongo)
or if the relation is a m:1 or 1:1 we can use wrap
yeah that too :)
it's nice to see how well this actually maps to objects
I mean, lots and lots of benefits
yes this is exciting
there's talk about the relational/object impedence mismatch, but I think what people actually mean when theys say that is: RDBMS implementation/object impedence mismatch
there's no popular RDBMS that is actually relational top to bottom
hmm yeah
they borrow some concepts, but then do all sorts of other stuff that goes in a different direction
dkubb: hmm so right now #update actually replaces its relation with a new one
thankfully there's enough of a subset that can actually support it. the book http://amzn.com/1449316409 goes into all this
solnic: yeah, like I said, I think #update is probably broken from an implementation pov. I would probably mark functionality based on it as pending for now
jessekempf: the thing I really liked about that talk, and maybe I'm projecting here, but it reminded me how important it is to focus on fundamentals. sure it's nice to know the API of the latest web framework, but knowing HTTP itself inside and out is probably a better place to prioritize your time
jessekempf: the implementations change regularly, but the foundational stuff is much more important
dkubb: hmm ok
dkubb: I'll wait then
solnic: with delete and insert, there's not enough for you?
solnic: you could always implement your update using those primitives and then swap it out for a more efficient implementation later
solnic: oh I see, it was implemented using delete and insert. do you have access to the original object, so you can dump the tuple for the original to use in the delete, and then dump the object to use in the insert?
dkubb: I have, in session...
dkubb: I'm gonna override it in session and change sig so it receives object and original tuple
ahh cool
in axiom I'll make sure to add support for relation.update(attribute => value) first, because it sounds like that's what you'll need more
yeah it's pretty much critical for rom right now
the other stuff, relation.update { |tuple| ... something dynamic ... } is probably more for general use. like say if you want to calculate something based on the state of the old tuple
but I don't suspect ROM will use that too much
yeah, do what you can for now.. there's no functionality that axiom can add that you can't get from delete then insert. the only benefit is efficiency and more intuitive interface. I don't mean to minimize them, they are certainly important, but it should not be a blocker
dkubb: the easiest way to delete all objects in memory adapter is...?!
dkubb: interesting, new mutant is finding more unkilled mutations in rom-session
solnic: oh yeah, axiom jumped from 70 to 120 mutations in the last week
solnic: easiest delete all objects in an adapter? for all relations or one relation? if it's the latter, you can just assign an empty relation to the same 'slot'
solnic: there's currently no api to iterate over the schema, but I was thinking about this
[travis-ci] dkubb/axiom#160 (master - cd2fc29 : Dan Kubb): The build has errored.
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dkubb: morning
*hola :D
hey mbj
solnic: hola
dkubb: I have an interesting use-case with proxy objects - rom::relation proxies to axiom::relation but there's now rom::session::relation which proxies to rom::relation so...once I removed most of the methods from rom::relation they became unavailable for rom::session::relation :)
I guess I need a proxy setup which allows to proxy to...two objects O_o
solnic: is that a good idea?
Gibheer: I have no idea
trying to trick this by overridding respond_to? now :P
solnic: just playing rubber duck ;)
but I still have a problem because correct relations aren't wrapped
so for example rom::session#restrict will proxy to axiom::relation and instead of getting back rom::relation it will get back axiom one
which is not what we want
I basically need a multi-level proxy :)
dkubb, mbj: ^^^ ideas?
that does not sound like you want that
Gibheer: no, it is totally what I want
well, I'm gonna hack it together inside rom::session::relation and maybe we'll be able to generalize it later (if needed)
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solnic: that's interesting. I'd like to see a code example so I understand exactly what you mean
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dkubb: oops forgot to make ROM::Relation inherit from Axiom::Relation
solnic: in SQL Alchemy they have a #one method which is gauranteed to return a single object. if it gets 0 or more than 1 result it raises an exception
dkubb: we had that too
need to re-add it
although I thought about having it only raise an exception if > 1 is returned, but still allow it to return nil. I could have #one! that raises an exception if it's anything other than 1
dkubb: I'm having issue with rom::relation inheriting from axiom::relation
I've added this to DM in personal projects and I find myself using it far more often than #first or #last
dkubb: getting "`<module:ROM>': superclass mismatch for class Relation (TypeError)"
after adding ROM::Relation < Axiom::Relation
because most of the time I specify a query that uses a unique key, and #first kind of implies I want the first result from a list of many.. when in fact my expectation is that I should receive only one. I think #one is more clear in a lot of cases
solnic: do you define ROM::Relation elsewhere
dkubb: well, yeah, but I fixed it there
solnic: it's possible you have a bare ROM::Relation somewhere that inherits from Object
maybe I missed a spot
solnic: just above that place where the line is getting thrown you can do raise ROM::Relation.ancestors.inspect if defined?(ROM::Relation)
s/line is/error is/
geeez version file
I've been hit by that too
I always require the version file the very last
solnic: I find it interesting you're using #<< to insert in ROM::Relation. I need to add that
solnic: we can do a pass together over ROM::Relation and push-down stuff later, and/or update ROM::Relation to use the same conventions. we need to keep their interfaces in sync so everything just duck-types nicely
ok weird, I was expecting it to just work
getting spec failures now
undefined method `to_ary' for #<#<Class:0x00000003797c70> name="Jane">
wat again
#to_ary is only going to be available on an Array
or unless you explicitly define it
I only add it to stuff that duck-types Array
I have no ideas what's causing that
it didn't happen when rom::relation wasn't inheriting from axiom::relation
ok got it
seems like ROM::Relation#each isn't called
so tuples are being returned
hmm, as a test try moving that #to_a alias after #each is declared
I don't get it
it says to_a isn't defined
this class includes enumerable
ah wait
proxy removes enumerable methods
but you're adding them back with include Enumerable
I also define #each
and it is not being called
I think I will revert that whole thing and stick with overridden methods and manual delegation
this proxy magic doesn't seem to be working here
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yeah, do what you need to, and make the specs pass. I can look at it
... after. it's likely not something too crazy
I'm confused about those missing methods
it's certainly not magic. everything behaves in a consistent, repeatable way :P
I can't use my Proxy because it sets ivars after object was initialized so...
I used the word "magic" in good sense here
I thought it was magic like "works (or does not work) in a way I cannot understand" .. and I know you're capable of understanding it ;P .. it may be that it makes different assumptions than you need it to
like in the general sense, an Axiom::Proxy doesn't need to wrap and "infect" any of the proxied return values
I found I couldn't use Proxy with the relational gateway stuff I did in axiom-do-adapter
I was going to take a second stab at it when I did it again, but for now i probably wouldn't use it in your case
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dkubb: yeah I know how it works
I'm just confused why methods are gone even though I included Enumerable
Proxy undef those methods but I re-add them so that's weird
ah wait
I can't use proxy geez
I've been there already, my memory sucks :)
meh reverting...
dkubb: so, re #first and #last - this should return a collection
yeah, in axiom most things are collections
although I would consider having #one return a tuple
I will do that now
and add #one
but otherwise I wanted to keep "closure" .. chaining stuff you get without knowing anything more than it's a relation is beneficial I think
solnic: do you develop with guard turned on?
dkubb: yup
solnic: have you got rubocop config turned on?
my process with rubocop is similar to other metrics. i make the change it recommends unless i disagree strongly with it, and then I update the configuration to exclude that test. anythign with thresholds I'll set to be equal to my worst code with a comment on what I'd like the threshold to be eventually
I think most of us do the same thing
I just did a pass over mutant a second ago, which is why I bring it up
there's still a few problems in mutant, but 80% of the warnings rubocop raised are gone
dkubb: what's the difference between take and first?
solnic: they are essentially the same operation in axiom
solnic: actualy, I guess the difference is that first defaults to a limit of 1
that's pretty much what's left for first release of rom-relation
almost identical list is for rom-mapper
I suspect I will finish it all within the next ~7-10 days
I would probably add a note to add some good examples to the README
shit, of course :)
I forgot
lemme add that
you need to snusnu-ify it
snusnu should totally be the gatekeeper for good READMEs. I think he has some awesome ones
yeah he likes to write...code samples :P
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btw I think a huge readme is not so great, I'm planning to simplify virtus' readme for example and move a lot of stuff to wiki and user-docs
I basically like a README to include examples
I'm removing redundant things install instructions
I like a description of what it does if it's not clear
yeah but it shouldn't be overwhelming imho
the funny thing is everyone needs something different from a README, so maybe having a few basic code examples and then having it mostly act as an index to the other docs is the way to go (?)
I'd say it should have the minimum info to get people started with a library
like super basic examples, a few of them only
I'd like to see which areas of the project are in most need of help
dkubb: pls do so
and add a note we target 100% self coverage :D
if i had a mutator wish free, i'd take :blockarg
blockarg : 8
rescue : 1
resbody : 1
kwbegin : 1
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that's for substation
mbj: btw, do i understand that output correctly, when i think that once there's *no such output* anymore, the lib actually is fully mutation covered?
snusnu: no, it just means that mutant isn't really exercising those nodes very well
snusnu: it means that mutant doesn't do anything special for them. we're using it like a todo list to know which mutators to add next
snusnu: I'm mostly making a best effort to add new mutators, adding the simplest mutations that come to mind, and I think we should plan to do a second pass looking for more later
dkubb: ah ok, i thought those were the remaining nodes occurring in the code, that don't have a mutator yet
snusnu: they have a mutator, but it's *really* simple.. it basically passes through the node, and only mutates it's children
snusnu: it wouldn't even do something like nil substitution
dkubb: ah ok, so then, what about some output that would "behave" like i thought the current one would?
snusnu: every node we know of has a mutator, it falls back to the generic mutator which does the stuff I mentioned
dkubb: hmm, for some reason i don't seem to get it … you're saying that you're using the current output as a todo list for which mutators to add next .. so once that todo list is empty (for any lib), doesn't that mean that there's no more nodes left in the code, that still miss a mutator?
dkubb: to be clear, by "for any lib" i mean, let's say substation … so if there's no more "todo notes" left for substation, doesn't that mean substation is actually fully mutation covered, as there are no mutators left on the todo?
sorry if that sounds dumb :p
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snusnu: sorry, I'm probably not explaining it very well. lemme start over
snusnu: ok, so right now parser generates a set of specific nodes. mutant either handles it explictily with a mutator designed for that node, or it passes it through to the generic mutator
snusnu: the end goal is that mutant will no longer have a generic mutator and every single node will be handled explicitly
snusnu: when we have explicit mutators for every kind of node we can make sure we target the mutations to that specific kind of node, rather than just doing a few generic mutations
snusnu: all that list means is that "in this code, the following nodes were found that the generic mutator handled"
snusnu: mbj and I are running mutant against our own libs, and using that list to prioritize which nodes we add explicit mutators for
we can't add them all at once, but we want to focus our time on the ones that are most common first
dkubb: good description :D
mbj: see, I'm starting to get it ;)
mbj: mutant is really nice and easy to add mutators to. I suspect once we build a community around it we'll see lots of new mutators contributed
I'm happy with the overall design, need to polish lots of stuff.
Especially self coverage.
mbj: I think spec coverage is probably most important first. currently it's like 88.74%
mbj: I added the threshold into spec/spec_helper.rb so that if it drops the build will break
mbj: we can start to ratchet it up each time we add more code
ok, so once that list is empty for substation, it means every occurring node is handled by an explicit mutator .. but that doesn't yet mean that there are no more valid mutations in it … because only then will we tackle every specific node to see if there are any valid mutations to add?
snusnu: yeah, there will proabbly always be new valid mutations to discover
dkubb: yeah, i think i get it now, thx for bearing with me ;)
dkubb: Mutant was very uneasy to fully spec cover
mbj: yeah, I'm sure it is
Mostly because it was missing self coverage mode from the start.
I normally start with 100% spec/mutation coverage and never lower the bar.
because it's all about raising the bar, as we know
mbj: hmm, I wonder if there would be a mode where we first run simplecov against some code to see what is 100% covered, and then focus mutant only on that
dkubb: mhh, dunno
lemme add that flexible rspec thing before.
mbj: then as we get things to 100% coverage, mutant will make sure we stay there
I was just trying to think of some kind of incremental approach