see the section "Mocks: Test double interface verification"
dkubb: yeah I was waiting for that and knew it was coming to rspec
it still doesn't do the interface checking like bogus
oh yeah?
well, at least it sets a baseline
it's good to see rspec is dropping some of it's magic. maybe it can become simpler too. whenever I've had to dig into the internals I would get lost
dkubb: yes I agree
dkubb: I had a chance to use minitest last week I must say I liked it except the assert part
solnic: did you use the test-unit style, or the spec style?
[travis-ci] mbj/mutant#478 (master - e79443e : Markus Schirp): The build was broken.
Just from the fact I DONT use autoload and friends. And follow rigit metaprogramming rules.
So metaprograming should only be used where it saves significant amount of code.
And I always smile when someone tells me "I found workaround $foo" to overcome rails startup issue.
spork etc are a sympthom
Sorry for bitchung about rails. Stopping now.
zeus is actually pretty awesome
but yeah, it would be nice if the actual framework wasn't so slow
That stupid autoloading does only add load time.
If I do a web framework I'll not support F5 driven development.
I'll never to frameworks :D
Frameworks are by definition an SRP violation.
Just like AR (pattern)
* if it leaks into your domain logic
dkubb: BTW guard-mutant works
But it is does the stupid assumption about "one subject (class) per file".
therabidbanana has joined #rom-rb
so if it finds foo/bar/baz.rb beeing modified it will runn mutations for Foo::Bar::Baz class, but not Foo::Baz::Other if Other is also defined there.
dkubb: I think I can add a "file selector", mutant will crawl a namespace but only mutate subjects defined inside that file.
dkubb: guard-mutant is on rubygems for comsuption, very early 0.0.1 release.
mbj: nice! I'll have to try it out
Will add it to devtools now, it is not mandatory to pull its bugs :D
mbj: I'm not coding today though :( I'm writing a code review report
Just dont add that guard :mutant to your Guardfile.
dkubb: A meta review, does not sound fun.
ahh right
you should add it to the devtools' Guardfile though
mbj: it will be nice if I get to work on this project, but it's hard for me to write reports
dkubb: BTW your splat mutation in released beta16
dkubb: Why dont summarize your comments?
dkubb: Or is it a fresh project you dont did comments on?