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<snusnu> mbj: around?
<mbj> snusnu: jo
<mbj> snusnu: kindergarden party :D, the only guy with notebook
<mbj> snusnu: But maybe I have to run soon, but shoot pls. it is boring!
<snusnu> mbj: hah
<snusnu> mbj: so, i'm about to kill concord mutations
<mbj> snusnu: Mutations in concord code base?
<snusnu> mbj: and i've encountered this one:
<snusnu> def define_readers(descendant)
<snusnu> attribute_names = names
<snusnu> descendant.send(:attr_reader, *attribute_names)
<snusnu> + descendant.send(:protected)
<snusnu> - descendant.send(:protected, *attribute_names)
<snusnu> end
<snusnu> mbj: yeah, concord codebase
<mbj> nice
<mbj> snusnu: where is the prob?
<snusnu> mbj: still has quite some mutations (as it needed zombie)
<snusnu> mbj: how do i kill that?
<mbj> snusnu: Test the attribute readers are protected.
<snusnu> mbj: the tests to that already
<snusnu> mbj: but how can i test that the descendant doesn't receive protected alone
<mbj> snusnu: MAybe a mutant bug, but modify the code the way the mutation looks and run the specs.
<mbj> If the specs do not capture this it is the specs fault.
<mbj> If the specs cover it, add an issue to mutant
<snusnu> mbj: ask yourself this … how would i test the effect of class C; protected end
<mbj> snusnu: You should NOT test for this!
<snusnu> exactly
<mbj> snusnu: you should test with attributes.
<snusnu> your tests do that already
<mbj> snusnu: so they should fail for the mutation
<mbj> If they dont fail for the mutation the specs are invalid.
<mbj> if descendant.send(:protected, *attribute_names) is mutated to descendant.send(:protected)
<mbj> the spec should notice the metod is NOT protected anymore.
<mbj> So mutate by hand and see if the specs (runn them without mutant) capture this.
<mbj> Got my point?
<mbj> snusnu: Ask your self if why the specs do not notice anymore there are no protected methods!
<solnic> you shuold be able to kill every mutation with a test that checks behavior of your object
<solnic> inspecting it in any way is testing implementation details
<solnic> IMHO
<solnic> :D
<solnic> oh and hi
mbj has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<snusnu> ok, he's gone
<snusnu> hey solnic
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] rom-rb/devtools#54 (rubocop - 57b76f0 : Dan Kubb): The build was broken.
<travis-ci> [travis-ci] Build details :
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