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<elskwid> Howdy folks.
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<dkubb> elskwid: good evening
<elskwid> dkubb: How are you?
<dkubb> elskwid: pretty good, just coming off a flurry of crazy weeks and getting back into oss tonight. how are you doing?
<elskwid> dkubb: Pretty much the same. I have been head down spinning up a little LLC to do some interesting project work and trying to keep the client work going. Oh how I dislike client work.
<elskwid> dkubb: Currently discussing a pull request with a colleague and wondering why Rails devs are so adverse to creating tables for reporting.
<dkubb> creating tables, as in HTML tables, or RDBMS tables?
<elskwid> dkubb: RDBMS tables. I can see where that was a little vague. ;-)
<elskwid> dkubb: I find that some folks will wrestle with a very complex query (or queries) of transactional data and never consider spinning it out into its own table.
<elskwid> And I'm out. Talk to you soon.
<dkubb> solnic: sorry for the spam. just catching up with the state of the rom gems and left some comments on the commits
<dkubb> I can't stay up much longer, but I'll be back later
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<mbj_> solnic: have some min for me?
mbj_ is now known as mbj
<solnic> mbj: kinda
<solnic> mbj: I’m working today
<solnic> I can reply but with some delays ;)
<mbj> solnic: I wanna have a short talk about rom-session. Why you think it is unavoidable to track object identity?
<solnic> mbj: not saying it’s unavaidable
<solnic> just saying why I used __id__ for now
<mbj> solnic: Okay, that cleans up 99% of my confusion.
<solnic> we need to track transient objects that have no id yet
<solnic> so the only id is __id__
<mbj> solnic: Yeah I see. It makes totally sense for me.
<solnic> I have no idea how to make session work with functional approach to domain objects though
<mbj> solnic: I have :D
<solnic> because the entire philosophy behind it is that you want to deal with the same object all the time
<solnic> so that’s kinda awkward
<mbj> It think we need a hybrid approach.
<solnic> we can introduce some interface to allow that I suppose
<mbj> Yeah
<mbj> solnic: Okay, lets stop that rom-session discussion and move to mutant :D
<mbj> solnic: I'm about to fix all remaining issues with test selection under rspec.
<solnic> sweet
<mbj> solnic: And rspec internals are crappy :D
<mbj> solnic: So given a class like this:
<mbj> class Base
<mbj> include AbstractType
<mbj> def foo
<mbj> end
<mbj> end
<mbj> class Base::Bar < Base
<mbj> end
<mbj> And the spec for "Base#foo" that internally uses instances of Base::Bar
<mbj> solnic: You'd also expect mutant runs well in this situartion?
<mbj> So you'd need to write a spec with description "Base#foo"
<mbj> (in case you want to use "narrow" scope)
<solnic> mbj: hm?
<solnic> runs well? as in?
<mbj> solnic: knows how to kill mutation
<mbj> solnic: Automatic inference of example group that is subjected to kill mutation
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<elskwid> Howdy folks.
<mbj> elskwid: hola
<mbj> elskwid: Just merged your PR, thx!
<elskwid> mbj: My pleasure.
<elskwid> I am slowly going through all the little bits used by rom and will hopefully be able to help in small ways like this ongoing.
<elskwid> Plus, the GitHub edit features are great when it comes to updating docs.
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