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good morning
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solnic: I'm not sure if you're even in the channel, but I saw your tweet/email about being burnt out. sorry to hear that, but I totally understand it.. I've burned out on OSS a few times. the good news is that you'll be able to rest and if you do come back you'll be able to balance things a bit better to make it less likely next time
solnic: it's probably good timing too, because I knew you have another baby on the way and you were going to take off October anyway
not that anything can be good timing. it always sucks when this happens. I really appreciate the work you've done on ROM and virtus. I hope you get lots of rest and come back feeling refreshed
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mbj: hola!
I have a semi-philosophical question about concord — is there a reason you decided to make it limit you to three compositions? I understand the goal was to compose data objects and that maybe more than 3 is not great, but it seems somewhat arbitrary. My use case for it is purely utilitarian, I have a bunch of DSL-defined classes that all need to act like immutable data objects when instantiated (they are elements of a parse tree), an
I guess what I'm really asking is — is there a reason that setting isn't configurable/injectable
jfredett: I take full blame.
jfredett: Lets say it this way. Concord is NOT for building DTOs.
jfredett: Its for building logic. And with logic you normally face a complexity explosion if you compose from too much objects.
mbj: but it works _so well_ for that (and it let me delete like, 40LOC from my little compiler. :) )
jfredett: Initially it had an upper limit of 2.
mbj: fair enough
jfredett: Than I raised it to 3.
jfredett: And yeah I love it to reduce "obvious" code.
jfredett: You considered anima? Anima works very well for n attributes.
mbj: in my case it's representing an expression AST, so there are a couple of functions with 3 arguments.
and I got bit when it was 2
or something
hey guys
I haven't, I didn't need much, and I was already using Equalizer
jfredett: Anima includes equalizer also ;)
replacing with concord was a −39 line change.
jfredett: Hehe, yeah concord has positional argument interface.
mbj: fwiw, i'd vote for making it configurable too … also, i agree with your general take, but really, 3 is *very* arbitrary, and it surely wouldn't hurt if an essentially magic number, would be replaced with configuration
jfredett: BTW if you deal with an AST, you should consider whitequark/ast
snusnu: good morning
dkubb: hey dkubb
lol, that looks weird
jfredett: It has a mind blowing concept. Its by *far* the most processable AST representation I saw.
mbj: I think I remember opening anima in a tab, but not reading it. Basically the last few person-hours I've spent working on this little project of mine has been 'putz around in the rom-rb ecosystem, steal something, repeat'
jfredett: hehe
mbj: I might have to dig into the AST bit, I've been trying to avoid it so far by defining my parser in terms of a couple instance_eval hacks, but ultimately the actual making of the Expression AST is less critical then building the simplifier/differentiator bits.
jfredett: Because mutant uses it internally. And mutant is a central tool ;)
jfredett: whitequark/ast is also somehow central to rom.
which I'm procrastinating on, because it's hard and I don't want to do the cheap hacky method, but also don't want another little DSL in the project.
jfredett: I'll accpet patches to make that limit configurable. Maybe you can create your own concord in your namespace.
jfredett: But that limit should NOT be adjusted globally.
mbj: i like the idea, but really, the interface can't be what you really think should be the interface? ;)
snusnu: Yeah interface is stupid. Just my first idea.
mbj: tbh, I think Anima is probably what I wanted, though I'm not entirely sure what the difference is between it and concord.
jfredett: class Foo; include; end;
mbj: one thing I've found I like doing is doing a dynamic definition a la `SimpleDelegator`, so you'd do `include Concord(2).new(:foo, :bar)`
jfredett: class Foo; include; end; => a_value_for_bar)
jfredett: Also Animas attributes are by default public
I can't have the hash bits.
jfredett: Concords attributes are by default protected.
that's probably why I skipped over it
jfredett: I'd love to move to kwargs. But I'll do this later once 1.9 dies.
well, more generally, I need them to be positional (well, I could make them nonpositional, but it's a bit tricksy, because I'm metaprogramming these classes in based on a DSL)
jfredett: +1 for abstracting away the DSL from your code domain (the AST).
mbj: btw, offtopic, are there any specific ducktrap processors for dealing with "regular" form params sent with a post?
snusnu: Nope
snusnu: I had some.
mbj: you do custom ones with your stuff?
mbj: you have no idea… I have a DSL for defining the DSL… :)
snusnu: Yeah
jfredett: hehe
mbj: ok
mbj: mind sharing one of those? ;)
snusnu: They are gone.
snusnu: angular form submissions via JSON.
snusnu: Dont have the time to "DIG" in git. surry.
mbj: what about a login form? i thought we recently talked about that
dkubb: And it should be far more stable than that one ;)
dkubb: You could use mutants source extractors!
dkubb: I have code for matching methods against source location that covers all edge cases I know.
oh yeah?
I guess the #to_source part could use unparser
dkubb: I need to have something like sourify buildin to mutant.
dkubb: *sourcify
would you still use parsetree for 1.8?
dkubb: Else I could not find something to mutate ;)
not you, I mean, just if you were recommending it to someone to build
or I guess 1.8 is dead so it'd be a waste of time
I'd ditch 1.8 and use parser.
>= 1.9
1.8 is dead.
ping @solnic
er, ping solnic
Yay. I can computer.
elskwid: I'm not sure if he's around atm
dkubb: Thanks. He just DM'd me on Twitter and I figured it would be faster here.
if I was going to jump into virtus today, my first start would be to look at the oldest issues first and triage them
assuming I didn't have an itch to scratch of my own ;)
some of them may not be applicable because they've been resolved in master, or some might be doable to fix because of recent improvements, etc
dkubb: Right. I want to have a quick chat so I can keep the project going (if at all possible) and that the direction is in keeping with his goals.
it's not super sexy work, but it's probably a good thing to start with. I think keeping the open and active issue list as small as possible is a good idea in general
elskwid: if I hear back from solnic I'll let him know you were asking where to start. I'll ask him to let snusnu, mbj and I know what his goals are so that at least we can point people in the right direction if he's not around
virtus is pretty cool, but afaik when it hits 1.0 it will be feature complete, and the interface will be solid, so bug fixing will probably be where things shift
dkubb: I agree with that, for what it's worth. :)
elskwid: hit me up after the first, and you'll have my axe in maintaining virtus (I'm funemployed as of then, to work on getting to grad school, so I should have plenty of time to work on virtus)
elskwid: I might also suggest running "rake ci" on virtus and looking at what it flags. I believe the plan was to get it to pass before 1.0
mbj: ok, I was thinking when/if we update axiom to use the ast gem internally, we could have the in-memory adapter generate efficient ruby code from the ast that'll process the tuples
mbj: I was wondering though how much overhead there'll be in generating ruby code and evaling it
mbj: right now we basically just process the ruby objects, but it is probably not as efficient as it could be if we were working with primitives in generated code
dkubb: It will be the typical optimization tradeoff. Does the optimization process take longer than the optimized effect.
mbj: I know you were talking about that with ducktrap, but I'm unsure how efficient it'll be
mbj: yeah, and perhaps it is something that could be done lazily. so like the first time it does it in-memory.. but it spawns off a separate thread to create the optimized processor code for the next time
dkubb: So lets say it this way: Mutant does a lot of ruby generation. A LOT. And the emitter is barely visible in profiles. Rspec execution time is the major profile hit.
mbj: and if the object is GC'd then the processor is GC'd.. but if it's used again it can use the optimized version
mbj: I wonder if you evaluate code whether it blows away the global method cache
dkubb: Also I have another interesthing thought I discussed with some folks at eurucamp.
dkubb: Implementation specific.
mbj: it does, iirc.
dkubb: jruby for example has a very fine grained cache system.
virtually anything interesting does.
I have a link for this somewhere, though I don't know if it addresses eval proper, I remember that `instance_eval` blows the cache
dkubb: So my idea was, what if we'd have a heap the GC is allowed to place objects in. And this heap would be allocated per request. (Talking about webapps).
I suppose another option, and this is something I just thought of, is you could have a mode where you log out the behaviour of the relations at runtime. then you can inspect the file and generate optimized code from it for the next time. it's a bit nasty, but it could work
dkubb: With our current immutable style we'll NOT have any objects leaking outside the Request.
in ROM/axiom there'll be quite a few relations that are "global" in nature.. or rather things that will be used over and over
dkubb: But I think its a nice idea.
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dkubb: This would need help from the implementations.
dkubb: Imagine a close to 0 GC overhead on request processing ;)
dkubb: So that heap could be droppped AS IS after the request handler finished. Resulting in a single free operation (and some hosekeeping). No need for more tricky GC operations.
one other thing I noticed is that AR is moving to a system where SQL queries are cached per relation
you wrap some code in a block, and give it some object as an identifier, and it goes through the work of generating the SQL. the next time the block is executed the cached SQL is used
I saw a presentation tenderlove gave at a local meetup a few weeks ago about it
ok, I've got to run to do some client work, but I will bbl
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cored: That one from eurucamp was my first talk ever. So do not expect a brilliant presentation ;)
cored: The second one I gave at FrOSCon was far better. Also I had 45min and a nice Q&A.
cored: But that recording does NOT have sound ;)
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jfredett: Roger that.
mbj: got it
jfredett: Does whitequark/ast fit into your use case? Do the AST nodes need to carry behavior? Is there need for AST transformation?
mbj: haven't had a ton of time to look at it just yet
but it does look interesting
jfredett: Can you speak about your DSL domain?
jfredett: I'm just curious ;)
mbj: I built `jfredett/katuv`, and one of the tertiary goals of this Automatic Differentiation project I've been working on is to try to exercise ways to make it better
basically, katuv is a hack, and I want to make it less hacky
mbj: Have you looked at the work Twitter did on Kiji(sp?)? It was cool stuff where it was smarter about promoting long-lived objects.
mbj: Regarding your special heap.
kapowaz: ods a DDSL ;)
kapowaz: a dsl for dsls ;)
the idea is that DSL's done in the standard instance-eval style are actually pretty easy to generalize into a nice little framework for building what is essentially a parse tree
mbj: basically
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at some point I want a katuv DSL for defining katuv DSL's
jfredett: You think self hosting is possible here?
but the way I go about things at the moment is… well, it's hacky
jfredett: *without reimplementing ruby
mbj: it is if I generate a set of bootstrap classes
so if I have some katuv/core
that I implement some of the higher level features in
jfredett: Its an interesting approach
jfredett: The whole idea of defining a dsl this way.
jfredett: I maintain multiple DSL and deduplicating them would be really nice.
jfredett: Currently my dsls are build around a keyword registry and method_missing.
jfredett: And instance_eval / yield. (if you invoke with a block that takes args).
mbj: that's been one of the discoveries I've made — the core -> extended mapping, dugout (which is the current home of this autodiff thing) has a similar approach
define a minimal DSL for defining a bigger DSL
mbj: the original ideas for katuv were borne out of a large EDSL I worked on at work
big declarative thing where we did that
and then the inevitable happened
jfredett: Been there ;)
after we had a bunch of code written in the dsl
we wanted to change a foo to a bar somewhere
and there were regexes
and I knew only pain.
Yeah. Over DSLism.
If a DSL isnt "thin" and needs regexps, I think its a misuse of this pattern.
I ended up working on something else that needed a DSL, and wrote the first hack of Katuv in a branch, mucked with it, and said, "This is deserving of more study"
anyway, one thing I've definitely found is the need to make it friendlier to transform the AST
it's pretty hard to get anything done, and even basic stuff requires digging around and tossing constants at things.
this whitequark/ast thing seems interesting
jfredett: You'll need the concept of an AST walker
mbj: yah, when we implemented it it was very much "make it work" without a lot of forethought, so there was a highly direct mapping between business objects and DSL code
as in, a lot of the top level DSL methods were aliases for `#new`
jfredett: That builds up the domain specific object tree.
jfredett: And here comes whitequark/ast into the game.
jfredett: Walking and transforming that thing is *easy*.
yah, katuv has some basic visitor stuff, but it's recursive (which I don't love), and it's a bit tough to add stuff to those classes without making stuff less than SOLID...
jfredett: For example implementing unparser in given quality and speed was only possible because of this uniform public interface each AST node has.
what I *really* want is Transformers a la Parslet
and it looks like ast is a path to that kind of victory
jfredett: Recursive visitors arent that bad. Mostly because nobody will write insane nesting levels.
mbj: yah, but it just sort of *feels* wrong.
which is odd, coming from a erstwhile Haskeller.
jfredett: Why it feels wrong? You are walking a finite recursive datastructure with a finite recursion ;)
jfredett: If you walk iterative you'll somehow simulate a stack again. So no win.
mbj: yah… I should probably just get over myself on that one. :)
jfredett: heh
jfredett: My rule is: Do the simples powerful thing that does work.
mbj: yah
jfredett: Only if there is a problem with the most simple strategy, I'll consider more powerful ones.
I tend to end up in analysis paralysis land on a regular basis.
jfredett: heh, yeah you need to start the feedback loop.
it's my kryptonite.
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jfredett: been there.
jfredett: And it took me years to stop it. I still have NIH. Also quite hard.
mbj: I am the president, chancellor, emperor and court jester of the Kingdom of NIH.
I solved that problem by just trying to do stuff that hasn't already been done, though. NIH becomes "Not invented anywhere"
jfredett: I try to force myself to limit NIH outcome to OSS activity. And it works. Sometimes (and more often!) it feeds back to my commercial work.
jfredett: And lulz on our statement above ;)
mbj: *nod*, same for me.
jfredett: Heh, maybe I'm just the biggest NIH infected person ever. Because somehow the clients problem always finds something that needs my OSS stuff.
jfredett: But for a person with "recursion avoiding" you have a pretty decend domain: ;)
mbj: I know that, at least for the last few weeks, it's been "Hmm, dunno how to solve this… sounds like I need to dig through the ROM folkses githubs…. aaand there it is."
jfredett: I'm happy to think also about that DSL-DSL problem. I need to solve this duplication also.
also, it's given me some salve for impostor syndrome recently, walking around seeing code that looks like I wrote it with someone else's name attached.
like I said, erstwhile Haskeller
it's not so much that I avoid it, it just seems not very object-y
mbj: cool. I think I've got a sense of direction on it — I've been looking at building a little pattern matcher for the simplifier part of the autodiff, but that's going to need a cleaner way of walking over trees, so I think it's time for katuv to get that cleanup It's been headed towards. the `ast` thing seems to carry a lot of that load. The remaining question is figuring out where to draw the lines between DSL, Parse Tree, AST, a
I think katuv could be quite nice if I can get it into a state where it's easy to build up instead of where it is now.
jfredett: I'd use it.
mbj: curious about something, why is the Ruby AST represented as set of lists like in LISP ?
cored: somehow
cored: There are two "styles" I know.
cored: The other is nested uniform datastructure. Benefit: Generic processors are possible.
cored: One is class per node. Benefit: Somehow self communicating.
cored: I strongy encourage to sue the uniform datastructure. Its is far easier to write processors.
mbj: that. that is a very good insight, and precisely what I needed to hear (in addition to reading through `whitequark/ast`)
jfredett: haha, yeah
katuv _clearly_ just needs to be a friendly frontend to making Node's in this thing, and can provide a friendly DSL for making processors.
so that you get the benefits of the uniform DS, but the communication of one-class-per-node.
mbj: got it, thanks
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lulz this is a command to teardown my multi monitor setup into the "internal" one.
That one that is buildin to my notebook....
So I'm about to leave ;)
cu, maybe online later.
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hey cored
snusnu: hi
was looking for dkubb
want some guidence regarding dm-ambition but on top of axiom
cored: ah ok, well, i guess i can't help you with that