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snusnu, solnic: hola
yo mbj
solnic, snusnu: How was the secording
*recording :d
how would i know?
Somehow I'm very curios.
snusnu: Because he told you :D
he didn't
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So this is "datamapper2"?
is it in a usable state for new applications? and what is its migration workflow? I much prefer the repository pattern, but for this project I need mostly stable / finished underlying libraries
does rom solve that need?
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hey cschneid, not yet i'm afraid
it's in a very early stage, currently rom mostly supports read-only scenarios, and there's no way yet, to define relationships
as for the migration workflow, since domain objects in a rom app know *nothing* about being persisted (you'll typically use a session instance to do that), migrating an app built with an active record (and i consider DM1 to be an active record) will involve lots of architectural changes
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gah I keep missing mbj all the time :P
yo snusnu
yo solnic
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snusnu: I meant as a new app using it. But either way, sounds promising, but newish
snusnu: suggestions for a repository-pattern-enabling library?
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cschneid: do you know fredwu/datamappify ? i haven't used it myself, but it might be worth taking a look
I haven't seen that. I'll go check it out
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snusnu: sorry I was absent for the last couple of days
snusnu: it’s a crazy week for me, I had to move to another room at home as my previous office room is being turned into a baby room now :)
which resulted in changing lots of stuff, painting walls etc