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<krainboltgreene> Boop.
<krainboltgreene> Is the current repo readme up to date?
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<mbj> sferik: hola
<sferik> hi
<mbj> sferik: I'm doing some OSS, fixing unparser bugs etc.
<sferik> mbj: nice
<mbj> sferik: If you want to we could do our pending paring session on $your_choice
<sferik> mbj: we should chat next week about my RailsConf presentation
<mbj> I'm still thinking hard if I should attend RailsConf
<mbj> some of the people I know go
<mbj> But me and rails is not a love relatiobship ;)
<mbj> *relationship
<mbj> sferik: I meant we could do the chat / pairing now. Because I have some free time (very rare).
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<snusnu> yo mbj
<snusnu> what's up
<mbj> snusnu: hola
<mbj> snusnu: random OSS stuff ;)
<snusnu> mbj: heh, saw that, and since i'm pretty much doing the same, i thought i'd say hi :)
<mbj> snusnu: lol
<mbj> snusnu: Some unparser mutant improvements in the pipeline.
<snusnu> sweet
<mbj> snusnu: unparser seems to pass against .rb in mri source
<snusnu> that's cool
<mbj> snusnu: Yeah, I think I'll do round trips fo rubyspec, rbx and mri on CI.
<mbj> snusnu: Also I found some strictness issues with mutant.
<snusnu> i'm really happy with my morpher based mapper btw .. it works very awesome for "incoming" request data
<snusnu> sweet, fix'em :p
<mbj> snusnu: Yeah. I like morpher a lot.
<mbj> snusnu: I'm gonna do another substation release once its fully mutation covered again.
<snusnu> i'm btw thinking, that actually, it doesn't really make sense to have a mapper accept objects for dump ops, well, at least it shouldn't require it .. hashes are enough
<snusnu> mbj: awesome man, i'm lagging behind a bit wrt that
<mbj> yeah
<mbj> snusnu: Maybe 100% simplecov will be enough ;)
<snusnu> :p
<snusnu> if you say so ...
<snusnu> YOU i.e.
<snusnu> heh
<mbj> no, its just a time limitation :D
<snusnu> hah ok
<mbj> Mutant supports --expect-coverage flag.
<mbj> So we can set a bar in config/mutant.yml
<snusnu> nice
<mbj> It'll fail if coverage differs from that above.
<snusnu> re that mapper accepting hashes for dump .. my reasoning is, whenever params come in (well, at least in a web app), the data is a (sanitized) hash .. turning it into an object just for dumping, is useless
<snusnu> also btw, i fully expect to keep on developing/maintaining my morphing/mapping/entity "framework" alongside rom
<snusnu> at some point i'll separate it from subway
<mbj> snusnu: What is a "mapper accepting hashes for dump" ?
<snusnu> iirc currently a rom mapper accepts a domain object for inserts
<snusnu> that shouldn't be necessary
<snusnu> a hash should be enough
<mbj> snusnu: For what use case?
<mbj> snusnu: I think its okay if you dont need any domain specific validations?
<snusnu> for a typical web crud
<mbj> snusnu: If you dont have validations on the domain layer okay.
<snusnu> also validations can be done on hashes
<mbj> But I use not to work on that simple domains :P
<snusnu> but yeah, not in every case
<snusnu> yeah as i said, for simple crud
<mbj> k, makes sense
<mbj> morper is flexible to support this.
<snusnu> still, a rom mapper should not *require* those to be objects
<snusnu> yeah, my stuff supports it obviously
<mbj> vanguard (once based on morpher) will do so also.
<mbj> snusnu: As long as you setup your ROM with a mapper that is transitive/bijektive I'm fine.
<mbj> snusnu: I'd generally not accept both forms (object/hashes) for the same API.
<snusnu> of course not
<mbj> k, makes sense
<mbj> snusnu: Also mutant self hosting "zombie" improved a lot.
<mbj> snusnu: To trace requires I do not try to play ruby interpreter anymore.
<mbj> snusnu: I just highjack Kernel#require and do the magic from here.
<mbj> snusnu: Works quite well, and as zombification is now very stable I need to fix more unparser / mutant bugs :P
<snusnu> heh, not playing ruby interpreter sounds like a good plan
<snusnu> btw, do you use 2.1.1 in production? also, which server would you recommend currently?
<mbj> No, 2.1 is IMO a fucked release.
<mbj> 2.1.0 crashed for random reasons on basic metaprogramming.
<snusnu> 2.1.1 no better?
<mbj> 2.1.1 Also seems to have problems like this:
<mbj> I think Piotr meant with "still", that 2.1.x is still not stable for his cases.
<snusnu> ok, i need to talk with him then
<mbj> snusnu: I generally like puma these days.
<snusnu> i'm in no hurries obviously, but i was thinking that maybe the time is right to upgrade
<snusnu> yeah, i guess we'll switch to puma too
<mbj> snusnu: Mostly because it enables to switch to another ruby runtime than MRI
<mbj> jruby for example.
<snusnu> yeah, same reasoning here
<mbj> I try to be ready for "migrate away from MRI" always.
<snusnu> yeah, we definitely want to deploy on jruby actually
<snusnu> but that'll take some time still, for now it's mri
<mbj> snusnu: For all commercial projects I try to have a jruby build to track "readyness". And to see immediately once I affect it negatively.
<mbj> snusnu: And even when I'm on jruby in prod, I'll track MRI like this.
<snusnu> good idea
<mbj> Because ruby is imo intersection(mri, jruby, rbx)
<mbj> So if I use something that only passes on MRI, I'm probaby programming against MRI specific bug.
<snusnu> yeah
<mbj> Same like it would happen on jruby
<snusnu> mbj: btw, wdyt about merging my request fork in at some point?
<snusnu> the only real change (for now) is exposing cookies via my cookie lib
<snusnu> locally, i have subdomain stuff also, but that's not yet tested properly
<mbj> snusnu: yeah looks great
<mbj> snusnu: Just PR it, and I'll do a verbose pass?
<snusnu> mbj: awesome, will do
<snusnu> mbj: there you go:
<snusnu> lol, there are no specs tho heh
<snusnu> it works tho, i promise, mwhaha
<snusnu> cookie itself is mutcoved
<mbj> snusnu: The request library is itself not well tested.
<mbj> snusnu: Its a spike that was usefull.
<mbj> snusnu: I'll mutcov it soon.
<mbj> snusnu: I cannot mutcov everything upfront ;)
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