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snusnu: hey buddy
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yo solnic
how's things?
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snusnu: good good
I wanted to catch up with you but you're doing your thing of not being online ;)
solnic: heh true dat, tho recently i happen to be online far more often again, basically because i'm staying at a place with wifi ;)
snusnu: when are you coming back to Linz again?
while i don't really have time now, we could arrange for another date
heh, well, i guess i postponed that a bit again ;) my current plans are to go back home in the first week of june most probably :)
for now, i'm staying in andalusia in the same place till end of april, then i'll be in galicia for another month, no travelling tho, i'll be online a lot over there too
i can't really travel around too much, because i'm swamped with work
still, coding with a view of the ocean is pretty nice :p
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solnic: oh heh, did i say first week of june? i meant first week of july
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solnic: i have to be in austria on the 5th of july, because then a week long party starts at a farmhouse near linz, the owners are good friends of mine, and it'll be a week of good food, good music & good fun in general … i can't miss that
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snusnu: cool man, cool
snusnu: would you have time at some point to talk about ROM and your stuff etc.?
I'm pretty sure ROM gives you the functionality you needed (you can build mappers on top of morphers and use group/wrap on both relations and mappers which is kinda cool ;))
solnic: yeah we should talk soon! i could basically do it any weekday after, say, 7pm
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solnic: i need to have a closer look at current rom, "but" i fear that the way my app is designed doesn't really fit with rom's mapper for now, lemme rephrase that tho, not everything fits perfectly
solnic: it's not about rom's core business of doing the mapping from relations, it's more about the fact that i use mappers/morphers for a lot of other use cases too
solnic: so i really need a mapper that is *completely* unaware of relations, and i already have that in subway/entity
snusnu: now that's exactly what is available in ROM now
I'm very keen to learn about entities now
also, oftentimes i don't map to objects, i just do hash_transforms with the same "mapper/morpher" dsl
basically, i came to the conclusion, that oftentimes it doesn't make sense to send objects to write methods, hashes are enough
future validation libs built on morpher can easily handle that
so what i do, is i receive json, send that through morphers i built with my dsl from subway, then "annotate" them (with stuff like created_{at, by} and a few other "internal" attributes
and then i send that to DM1 (currently)
i see no reason tho, to send *objects* to write ops
more often than not, i assume, hashes are enough, mapping them to objects (along with the necessity to *define* those objects) seems like overkill
it's completely decoupled from relations now
yeah that's nice!
snusnu: well the beauty of using a DM is that you use whatever objects you like :)
I do plan to support just converting to hashes
really tho, i somehow think that the mappers i use, shouldn't even have relational methods like #join etc
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snusnu: those ops are quite useful even though they are relational
you know, i'm not such a fan of those adhoc querying .. i prefer to explicitly declare all my relations, and then write mappers for those
every concept that deserves a view in my app, actually deserves a name too
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snusnu: yeah I know where you're coming from with this
i found that naming them isn't really hard, which doesn't surprise me, because they're concepts of the domain
I still see the need of dynamic approach here
yeah me too, it's probably a good thing to have
it's just that i think it can work without it, and (for now at least) i think i prefer that
re the relational ops, i think they are necessary, i'm just not sure if a mapper should provide them, or something else .. really tho, my thoughts on that are not yet fully fleshed out
i mean, *something* like that is *obviously* necessary
then again, only if you support the adhoc querying
solnic: yes, this is cool! "however", you'll quickly notice that it gets *very* tedious to do define mappers using a dsl *and* define the (anima) objects additionally
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solnic: virtus (to me) still feels a bit weird, because the mapping dsl is available inside domain objects .. the way i do it, is generate the objects from the mapping definitions (i call those entities)
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snusnu, solnic: Hola
Just seeing you guys having fun with morpher ;)
Note on evaluation tree pretty printing changes I'm planning:
I think we can only follow the failure path if we want to.
But there is the chance the failure path needs all the context.
Depends if the value that fails late, was processed (maybe multiple times!) before.
I also want to serialize the evaluation tree into something machine readable, so you can log the failure path, but the full context via some kind of a concrete AST representation.
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yo mbj
snusnu: o
snusnu: yo
mbj: i commented on your comment on concord
mbj: really, you never had that use case so far?
i have quite a few classes where i only define #initialize to set another ivar
snusnu: Not the case where I accept the ivar from the outside.
mbj: "interesting" .. anyways, i have that usecase ;)
snusnu: You told me you wanna do the work, I like the idea but dont have the time. I'd accept the PR.
snusnu: BTW mutant is perfect self-hostable with the latest changes.
mbj: well, then you need to tell me what include concord.remove(:foo) would do
snusnu: I hope we can release future mutant and its dependencies fully mutation covered.
mbj: awesome
snusnu: includes a concord module with :foo removed.
and how would that call super?
either my brain is blocked atm, or i can't think of meaningful semantics because there aren't any
Its like including concord.new(:all, :attributes, :without) # :foo
would not call super
Or would
dunno, try it out.
snusnu: I'm drunk, need to crash now. Cu
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