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<mbj> morning
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<Gibheer> hi
<ssut> gnight
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<snusnu> yo mbj, around?
<mbj> snusnu: jo
<snusnu> mbj: i'm trying to build support for wrapping wrapped/grouped relations with a gateway into axiom-sql-generator/axiom-do-adapter .. and this somehow relates to the concept of "push down" (not possible to push down with sql)
<snusnu> so i was wondering if you have any ideas on how to (best) achieve this?
<snusnu> currently i'm thinking that axiom-do-adapter needs Statement::{Wrap, Group} in order to be able to perform the necessary wrap/group op after the unwrapped/ungrouped relation has been read from the datastore
<snusnu> i'm thinking that the sql generator should actually simply skip the wrap/group ops, but then "something" has to do it, and it seems to me that the adapter/statement is the best place for it
<snusnu> i might be missing something, but if i simply skip the wrap/group in axiom-sql-generator, then DO complains about field mismatch, because it sends the correct query but tries to stuff that into a wrapped relation (so fields mismatch)
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<snusnu> yo solnic, you might wanna look at these helper methods for ast manipulation:
<solnic> snusnu: you really think I haven't seen it? ;)
<snusnu> lol
<solnic> I pretty much grepped for ast in all of your and mbj's projects :)
<snusnu> haha
<solnic> I will introduce something like that
<solnic> I'm starting simple as it allows me to learn
<snusnu> trudat
<solnic> you thought that I like to write node.children.first.children.last.children.first.children.last.to_s??
<snusnu> i knew you'd be refactoring this at some point, i just didn't know your grep habits :p
<solnic> I am not sure if I want to go with such heavy OO like in morpher
<solnic> but I see a need for such helper
<solnic> mostly because you can name things
<snusnu> yeah, naming things makes it much easier
<mbj> solnic: Continue. If you do something like unparser you need to switch strategies. Just because ruby is so big.
<solnic> I'll try to use processor from ast gem until I see the pain
<mbj> axiom-sql is smaller, if it works I do not see the reason to switch.
<solnic> yeah exactly
<solnic> otherwise I would just cargo cult :)
<mbj> jep
<mbj> wait for the pain.
<snusnu> hehe, a few accesses by index are more pain that i'm willing to take, just sayin' … :p
<snusnu> anyways mbj, ideas?
<snusnu> ;)
<mbj> snusnu: named children, as un unparser / morpher / mutant "heavy OO" ;)
<snusnu> mbj: i was asking for ideas about the question i asked you earlier :)
<snusnu> mbj: the one were you said you were around … :p
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<snusnu> mbj: got time to talk a bit about wrap/group?
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<snusnu> yo solnic, around?
<solnic> snusnu: around yes
<snusnu> solnic: i'm thinking hard about how it would work that (potentially deeply) wrapped/grouped relations could be wrapped in a gateway
<snusnu> do you have any thoughts on that, i.e. did you ever think about it?
<solnic> snusnu: nope
<solnic> I didn't even think about wrap/group in a gateway
<snusnu> it's obviously not *really* needed, but it would be *very* nice to be able to define the relation schema with already wrapped/grouped relations
<snusnu> in its current state, we cannot register wrapped relations in the schema, because axiom-sql-generator generates invalid sql for them
<snusnu> the way i'd like to use it, is to predefine the relations in the schema as much as possible
<snusnu> the only thing left for "clients" of these relations, would be to make them context aware, which should mostly mean restricting the relation with a few context dependent predicates
<snusnu> also, if we have wrapped/grouped relations in the schema, auto inferring mappers for them is a breeze
<solnic> snusnu: I'm rewritting sql generator so I can think about it later
<snusnu> but i need it now :o
<solnic> help me then :P
<snusnu> i'm afraid my help would be to find a way to make it work in axiom-sql-generator master
<snusnu> altho actually, my current thoughts evolve more around supporting it in axiom-do-adapter
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<snusnu> it seems to me that we would somehow have to recursively skip wrap/group operations (they can't be translated to sql), and then when reading the relation back, somehow reapply those ops
<snusnu> but so far i can't think of an algorithm that would do the right thing
<solnic> I'm trying to WRAP my head around joins now
<snusnu> lol
<solnic> I wonder how to represent an inner join
<solnic> left.join(right) { |r| } <= could translate that into an inner join I suppose
<snusnu> hmm isn't that a theta join done in memory?
<snusnu> for practical purposes, it'd be simplest to allow #join to take an optional join_predicates hash (join_definition in dm-mapper times)
<snusnu> Relation#join(other, join_predicates = {})
<solnic> it's described as theta join in the readme
<solnic> it is represented as restriction where operand is the join
<snusnu> i think the block isn't pushed down to the database?
<snusnu> i dunno, but somehow i think translating that to an inner join isn't the right thing to do
<solnic> ok I think you're right
<solnic> so #join(other, predicates) you think?
<solnic> and leave block handling as it is now?
<snusnu> basically, what you need for an inner join, are candidate keys (i.e. primary and unique keys of the involved relations)
<snusnu> at least i think so
<snusnu> iirc alf does it that way (it produces inner joins)
<solnic> left.join(right).on(:id => :user_id) ?
<snusnu> no, #on would "violate" ra closure property somewhat
<snusnu> imo the calls you can chain should be valid ra ops only
<solnic> true dat
<solnic> left.join(right, :id => :user_id)
<snusnu> yeah, that's what i meant by join_predicates
<snusnu> the roles of key/value in the hash are clear, we know what belongs to which relation
<snusnu> still, i think in most cases, even this info isn't necessary
<snusnu> because really, you can only (meaningfully) join on keys
<snusnu> so if you know all keys from both relations, you should be able to do an inner join
<solnic> there's no way to specify join keys
<snusnu> atm not
<solnic> you can specify *keys*
<snusnu> i guess really, it's about FKs
<solnic> so we have 2 missing features here
<snusnu> if you know the FKs involved in the 2 relations, you should be able to construct an inner join?
<solnic> I don't know any FKs
<solnic> I know keys :)
<snusnu> i know
<snusnu> i'm just trying to think of the info needed to construct an inner join
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<snusnu> what you need, is keys of both relations, and you need to match them up, i.e. if a relation has more than one key or a cpk, you need to know the appropriate (c,p)k in the other relation
<snusnu> which basically means, the FK spanning these 2 relations
<snusnu> to be precise, the FK constraint
<snusnu> if you can get at an FK constraint involving the relations to be joined, you can surely construct an inner join
<solnic> yeah man I know that
<solnic> I need to figure out how to implement that in axiom nw
<solnic> now
<snusnu> imo we should add the concept of FK constraints
<solnic> any api ideas?
<snusnu> i need to dig them up, iirc i sketched it back in the days
<solnic> you mean the schema?
<snusnu> yeah, that's stuff belonging to the schema definition i think
<snusnu> because it spans 2 relations
<snusnu> but in the meantime, you could start with Relation#join(other, join_predicates = {})
<solnic>[[:id, Integer], [:user_id Integer, foreign_key: true]]) ?
<solnic> yep I'm gonna start with that :)
<snusnu> no, that's too little info
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<solnic> postmodern: hey sorry for disappearing last time when you had some questions
<snusnu> solnic: re api ideas, back then i had this in mind:
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<solnic> snusnu: thanks
<solnic> I'll work on it this week
<solnic> gotta go to sleep now
<solnic> good night!
<snusnu> solnic: ok have a good night, i'm atm beginning to question the gateway idea btw
<snusnu> :)
<solnic> snusnu: ok?
<solnic> snusnu: please continue
<solnic> I'm starting to think inner/outer joins should be added via axiom-sql gem (that would also include a generator)
<snusnu> solnic: i dunno, i'm having a hard time thinking up an algorithm for wrapped/grouped gateway relations, and given that alf somehow does it, and doesn't seem to have the concept of a gateway relation … nevermind
<solnic> yeah let's talk about it at some point but soon
<snusnu> yeah, i'll give it a bit more thought for sure, i really want to have that feature and it must be possible :)
<solnic> ok, this time I will go
<solnic> and please don't write anything intriguing now
<solnic> nite :D
<snusnu> the closure of the ra ops makes me thing, theoretically it should be possible to do people.join(accounts).wrap(account: [:id, :login]).project(:name, :login)
<snusnu> but i wonder how to "flatten out" all the wraps/groups .. producing the correct still, and afterwards (*before* yielding the tuples) reapply the ops
<snusnu> this seems like it needs to happen within the gateway relation, but i can't think of how
<solnic> you really don't want me to get some proper sleep now do you ;)
<snusnu> was that intriguing?
<snusnu> ;)
<snusnu> naw man get some sleep, unless you know something i don't :)
<solnic> boring stuff I'm gonna go to sleep now YAAAWWNNN
<solnic> cheers
<snusnu> have a good one :)
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