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yo mbj, around?
snusnu: jo
mbj: i'm trying to build support for wrapping wrapped/grouped relations with a gateway into axiom-sql-generator/axiom-do-adapter .. and this somehow relates to the concept of "push down" (not possible to push down with sql)
so i was wondering if you have any ideas on how to (best) achieve this?
currently i'm thinking that axiom-do-adapter needs Statement::{Wrap, Group} in order to be able to perform the necessary wrap/group op after the unwrapped/ungrouped relation has been read from the datastore
i'm thinking that the sql generator should actually simply skip the wrap/group ops, but then "something" has to do it, and it seems to me that the adapter/statement is the best place for it
i might be missing something, but if i simply skip the wrap/group in axiom-sql-generator, then DO complains about field mismatch, because it sends the correct query but tries to stuff that into a wrapped relation (so fields mismatch)
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yo solnic, around?
snusnu: around yes
solnic: i'm thinking hard about how it would work that (potentially deeply) wrapped/grouped relations could be wrapped in a gateway
do you have any thoughts on that, i.e. did you ever think about it?
snusnu: nope
I didn't even think about wrap/group in a gateway
it's obviously not *really* needed, but it would be *very* nice to be able to define the relation schema with already wrapped/grouped relations
in its current state, we cannot register wrapped relations in the schema, because axiom-sql-generator generates invalid sql for them
the way i'd like to use it, is to predefine the relations in the schema as much as possible
the only thing left for "clients" of these relations, would be to make them context aware, which should mostly mean restricting the relation with a few context dependent predicates
also, if we have wrapped/grouped relations in the schema, auto inferring mappers for them is a breeze
snusnu: I'm rewritting sql generator so I can think about it later
but i need it now :o
help me then :P
i'm afraid my help would be to find a way to make it work in axiom-sql-generator master
altho actually, my current thoughts evolve more around supporting it in axiom-do-adapter
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it seems to me that we would somehow have to recursively skip wrap/group operations (they can't be translated to sql), and then when reading the relation back, somehow reapply those ops
but so far i can't think of an algorithm that would do the right thing
I'm trying to WRAP my head around joins now
I wonder how to represent an inner join
left.join(right) { |r| r.id.eq(r.user_id) } <= could translate that into an inner join I suppose
hmm isn't that a theta join done in memory?
for practical purposes, it'd be simplest to allow #join to take an optional join_predicates hash (join_definition in dm-mapper times)
i think the block isn't pushed down to the database?
i dunno, but somehow i think translating that to an inner join isn't the right thing to do
ok I think you're right
so #join(other, predicates) you think?
and leave block handling as it is now?
basically, what you need for an inner join, are candidate keys (i.e. primary and unique keys of the involved relations)
at least i think so
iirc alf does it that way (it produces inner joins)
left.join(right).on(:id => :user_id) ?
no, #on would "violate" ra closure property somewhat
imo the calls you can chain should be valid ra ops only
true dat
left.join(right, :id => :user_id)
yeah, that's what i meant by join_predicates
the roles of key/value in the hash are clear, we know what belongs to which relation
still, i think in most cases, even this info isn't necessary
because really, you can only (meaningfully) join on keys
so if you know all keys from both relations, you should be able to do an inner join
there's no way to specify join keys
atm not
you can specify *keys*
i guess really, it's about FKs
so we have 2 missing features here
if you know the FKs involved in the 2 relations, you should be able to construct an inner join?
I don't know any FKs
I know keys :)
i know
i'm just trying to think of the info needed to construct an inner join
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what you need, is keys of both relations, and you need to match them up, i.e. if a relation has more than one key or a cpk, you need to know the appropriate (c,p)k in the other relation
which basically means, the FK spanning these 2 relations
to be precise, the FK constraint
if you can get at an FK constraint involving the relations to be joined, you can surely construct an inner join
yeah man I know that
I need to figure out how to implement that in axiom nw
imo we should add the concept of FK constraints
any api ideas?
i need to dig them up, iirc i sketched it back in the days
you mean the schema?
yeah, that's stuff belonging to the schema definition i think
because it spans 2 relations
but in the meantime, you could start with Relation#join(other, join_predicates = {})
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snusnu: thanks
I'll work on it this week
gotta go to sleep now
good night!
solnic: ok have a good night, i'm atm beginning to question the gateway idea btw
snusnu: ok?
snusnu: please continue
I'm starting to think inner/outer joins should be added via axiom-sql gem (that would also include a generator)
solnic: i dunno, i'm having a hard time thinking up an algorithm for wrapped/grouped gateway relations, and given that alf somehow does it, and doesn't seem to have the concept of a gateway relation … nevermind
yeah let's talk about it at some point but soon
yeah, i'll give it a bit more thought for sure, i really want to have that feature and it must be possible :)
ok, this time I will go
and please don't write anything intriguing now
nite :D
the closure of the ra ops makes me thing, theoretically it should be possible to do people.join(accounts).wrap(account: [:id, :login]).project(:name, :login)
but i wonder how to "flatten out" all the wraps/groups .. producing the correct still, and afterwards (*before* yielding the tuples) reapply the ops
this seems like it needs to happen within the gateway relation, but i can't think of how
you really don't want me to get some proper sleep now do you ;)
was that intriguing?
naw man get some sleep, unless you know something i don't :)
boring stuff I'm gonna go to sleep now YAAAWWNNN