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yo solnic
hey snusnu
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snusnu: hello?
solnic: sry, vim was fullscreen :)
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anyways, i was wondering what your thoughts on rename wrt wrap/group are
snusnu: did you switch to tmux+vim finally? :)
no, not yet :)
snusnu: ok?
what rename? example?
so when you wrap a tuple, and you have to rename some of the wrapped attributes for a join .. how do you rename it "back" to their original names inside object?
say i have an account model with {id, login} and a person model with {id, name, account_id} .. i need to people.join(accounts.rename(id: :account_id)).wrap(account: [:account_id, :login])
but i want that wrapped account to have id, not account_id
and i don't want account_id in the person model
i was talking to dkubb about this quite a while ago (it was september last year iirc)
iirc he suggested that axiom might eventually just prefix all attributes in a wrapped/grouped relation with the relation name, but somehow i don't think that'll work, because not every relation has a name
snusnu: I added a way to rename stuff in schema and then map it again in mappers to something else
so in schema I'd set things so they are naturally joinable
yeah, i have my DM1 model key fields set to be naturally joinable too, but i don't yet have the "renaming back" part
one sec
yeah, so that seems to be the part where you allow "backend" attr names to differ from relation attr names … "but" i need the renaming for wrap/group :p
yes it works with wrap/group
the rom specs i saw actually don't exhibit the behavior i desire
what i need is this (example syntax, not suggesting that): people.join(accounts.rename(id: :account_id)).wrap(account: [{original: :account_id, mapped: :id}, :login])
do you have a spec?
yeah that is achievable by renaming stuff in schema
so you don't have to rename it later
oh wait
I see what you did there
yeah I stumbled upon this use case
I don't think it can be done right now given how axiom handles that
it basically moves stuff from the tuple to wrapped one
after that you can't change it
full ack
good bye
imo raw axiom should support that in some way
it's completely natural behavior
wrap/group "make no sense" if it leaves you with meaningless names
that is correct
I'm also not sure if it's OK that it moves everything w/o giving you ability to leave certain things on both sides
also i'm somewhat doubtful that some automatic prefixing/whatevering will work for the general case
that's just a guess tho
like, if there's a common attribute (used to join things) it will be moved
you can't have it on both sides
it kinda makes sense from the theory POV
hm, not sure if that's a real problem, "unwrap" should take care of that?
also, it's mostly about FKs i guess? they should be "gone" in object land anyway?
only FKs, actually
true that
that's why I'm not super worried about it ;)
yeah, it's a matter of LoD
me too
LoD is shit, don't forget
just sayin' (for reference) if you want person.account_id you can always do def account_id;; end
anyways, what are we going to do about the core renaming issue?
solnic: i got it almost working in axiom (the wrap thing) but then i decided to use the same approach you took in rom, renaming the field in the mapper, cause as it happens, my mapper already supported it
solnic: also, it's much more straightforward to do
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solnic: another question tho, how come axiom-do-adapter generates sql errors when i wrap a wrapped relation with a gateway?
solnic: (re the first thing, all i had to do was add a map :id, from: :account_id :)
when i create a gateway relation proxying down to an already wrapped relation, the do-adapter produces a sql error
when i only wrap the join in a gateway, and perform the wrap on that, the correct sql gets generated
did you experience the same in rom?
no I don't have that case yet
it's dynamic now
as in - rom doesn't build its relations with wrap/group yet
you can do it dynamically yourself for now
like I show in the demo
ah ok, well, then it's weird axiom behavior (bug)
imo it should be possible to create a join that gets then wrapped .. then wrap that in a gateway, and still have it execute the sql first, and wrap afterwards
yeah man I would expect it to work
so yeah, now you know that it doesn't :p
i don't care much, but yeah, it clutters schema access code
then again, i'll just add #wrap and #group to my schema object for now
i guess i'll have something to show to you by tomorrow
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solnic: do you know if conceptually, axiom supports nested wraps/groups ?