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biff: [ruby-changes:27367] knu:r39419 (trunk): misc/ruby-electric.el: Avoid electric insertion in some cases. - http://mla.n-z.jp/?ruby-changes=27367
to prevent resource leak. think when timeout is happen when running ensure clause.
it's like writing: begin; ...; rescue TimeoutError => e; # ...; ensure; # deallocate resource; end
ko1.inject(alcoholic drink)
#=> red_faced_ko1
it doesn't work if TimeoutError was raised when _within_ ensure clause.
your code assume TimeoutError is only raised between "begin" and "rescue".
begin; #...; ensure; rescue Exception => e; #...; end is valid?
can you rescue in an ensure block?
this is ruby language mistake, I think. but I lost a debate and we decided to keep current semantics.
i think you need write ensure; begin; #... ; rescue #...; end
i.e. nested begin..rescue.
however, ensure; begin don't have a guarantee to run atomically. then current example call handle_interrupt twice.
TimeoutError => :never at first and TimeoutError => on_block at second.
this is over thinking when assuming current MRI implementation. but we hoped to write generic example.
XXX: I wrote Japanish-English.
The example worry about too much. because current MRI run atomically "ensure; begin" pair in this situation. but we are not sure all other implementaion does so. and we want to avoid too strong assumption.
kosaki2: it seems verbose, but maybe thats a good thing
the example's assumptions are to provide same functionality across implementations
so: #handle_interupt(TimeoutError => :on_blocking) {} will be executed during blocking i/o for example?
or #: block is executed when timeouterror occurs during blocking i/o operation
#handle_interupt(TimeoutError => :on_blocking) mean TimeoutError is only handled when blocking point while running passed block.
blocking point is similar blocking i/o. but not equal.
currently on_blocking is bound to releasing gvl. then bignum and zlib can be blocking point too.
i know this is bad naming. but nobody think up better name.
"any operation that will block the calling thread"?
Then in the TimeoutError => :on_blocking block, any operation that will block the calling thread is susceptible to a TimeoutError exception being raised.
is this correct?
the background of on_blocking is simple. When using YARV, each ruby statement divide to multiple yarv instruction. but when using on_block, we can prevent only half of statement ran and got interrupted.
> Thread.handle_interrupt(Foo => :bar) { Thread.handle_interrupt(Baz => :qux) {} } the same as Thread.handle_interrupt(Foo => :bar, Baz => :qux) {} ?
yes. but one exception
formar have a chance to get Baz exception between two handle_interrupt().
The intention is to introduce atomic change to multiple exception handling.
the former is like nested begin;rescue;end's
i think there should be th#handle_interrupt
it makes sense, since there is th#pending_interrupt?
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kosaki2: do you know about Thread#backtrace_locations ?
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sorry, no > backtrace_locations
does it take same [start,length] or range params as #caller_locations?
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_ko1: please see r39430
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biff: [ruby-changes:27379] zzak:r39431 (trunk): test_backtrace.rb: test Thread#backtrace_locations with range - http://mla.n-z.jp/?ruby-changes=27379
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i want to know about Thread::Default
but tim efor sleep
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zzak: For Exception, it is in vm_method.c, REPLICATE_METHOD(rb_eException, idMethodMissing, NOEX_PRIVATE);
rdoc probably doesn't know about REPLICATE_METHOD
still need to work on backtrace location labels sometime today
zzak: glad to see you manage to improve the doc
"This method behaves similarly to Kernel#caller_locations except for a specific thread.", wouldn't "except it applies to a specific thread." be clearer?
i am going to update the params too
since r39431, it does take same arguments as caller_locations
i know it does*
i wasn't totally sure last night
Then in the ensure block is where you can safely deallocate your resources
Then, the ensure block is where we can safely deallocate your resources
Thank you for improving the doc. I still haven't got around understanding the pending interrupt stuff.
marcandre: please check my doc for on_blocking call
i dont fully understand it either
marcandre: thanks to you, i would have missed it if you didn't say anything
we need a good way for documenters to easily get a list of new features from implementers
NEWS file isn't always up to date
pending_interrupt slipped past me because it didn't show up in 'rdoc -C'
thats how i usually find undocumented features
but for new features, that may include docs, is why we need a list
it would be nice to have associated ticket/s too
For new methods, my script will detect them.
can you turn it into a gem or something?
i will lose a gist
marcandre: also, do you know about Thread::Default?
For my script, it's much easier to execute as a .rb file than as a gem. Maybe it could be added to tool/? That directory is not part of the final distribution, right?
looks like my local rvm has ./tool under src
Oh. Anyways, I plan to use it as is, but of course feel free to modify it if you like :-)
marcandre: thanks, a member of #ruby-lang channel reported the <=> doc bugs
marcandre: i like your update, unfortunately theres a lot of *_cmp methods in core
so you might have to check them as well
marcandre: this brings up another issue, a lot of call-seq's and examples we use short version of literal name
like ary, str, flt, etc etc
when i come across these i try to make them full version, like: array, string, float, other_array, other_string, etc etc
I think the other additions you made a good. I mean, there's no real need to discuss when a Numeric#<=> returns a nil. It's just that it should be clear that two File::Stat are always comparable.
For Array#<=>, it wasn't clear at all what values we're talking about.
As for abbreviations, I think the idea is to avoid confusion with some global methods, e.g. "proc.curry"... is proc a variable or a method?
in that case yes
The distinction between "io.write" and "IO.write" might not be clear either. Both the instance method and the singleton method exists
Or `Array[1]` vs `array[1]` vs `Array(1)`
haha yeah
but ary is so unclear
I would recommend to either keep them abbreviated or else go for 'an_array'
i like array, it's not a method
I'm noticing that the receivers don't even show on http://ruby-doc.org/
I also disagree with "ary.flatten! -> Array or nil"
yeh ruby-doc.org uses it's own generator
i agree it should use our receivers, but at least they're in ri
formatting core docs is a never-ending struggle
Do you agree that "ary.flatten! -> Array or nil" is not acceptable?
I wonder if drbrain didn't notice or if he agreed with all those "an_enumerator -> Enumerator" changes
i think i made that change
Yeah, it's your patch and drbrain's commit
for some of the returns in array.c, i think i went through and made the return value the class
In your defense, it was already erroneous "ary.flatten!(level) -> array or nil"
it was an early patch
drbrain: ping?
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Wow, there are so many of those now. I don't like it at all, but that may be just me.
Was that ever discussed on ruby-core?
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marcandre: i havent been backporting my doc patches
but you notified mame, right?
only the one patch i backported
i thought it was too close to release
It would be nice to have the doc patches in the 2.0.0 release, right?
there are too many patches
over 20 patches since the freeze
and more otw
backport is no permitted now. mame-san declared at ruby-core several ago.
kosaki2: we're talking about rdoc only.
If it is outside of ruby repo, no matter. sorry for noise.
davidbalber|away is now known as davidbalbert
mame can revert my commits if he wants. I can not understand why it would be a problem to commit rdoc only changes to 2.0.0 branch. After release, one needs to be careful to change build number, but that's not even the case now.
maybe open backport after release
for next patch level
but i dont want to make a lot of noise for mame, and there will always be more patches
plus i am not that confident in merging with svn
you're not using git-svn?
i have 3 separate right now, trunk, 2_0_0 and git clone
using git with git-svn works really well.
it hasnt been a problem until now
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plus, i dont really want to manage documentation patches across multiple releases
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mostly because you ahve to open a backport request for every one
otherwise the maintainers lose sleep at night
_ko1 doesn't appear to sleep, so no problem ;-)
I agree that opening a backport request for doc patches is insane. IMHO, it should be easy for committers to backport those themselves if they want.
"One we can demonstrate was to make many floats immediates." sounds a little weird to me
its hard to tell your link on "Additional details and examples in the doc of to_enum"
looks like any other code block
marcandre: pong
marcandre: under "The way to avoid the warning was to use _. Now we can use any variable name starting with an underscore:"
you might want to mention in the 1.9 example the name "_" is not warned
marcandre: the style of the result in call-seq has never been discussed
at first glance i didn't catch that _ != _hello
drbrain: hello!
so, I guess we need to make a decision
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drbrain: result and object names
we were talking about "ary" vs "array" too
I like full words better
for the result, I'm unsure if the class name is best or not
for example, with String#[]
currently it is str[index] -> new_str or nil
hi :-) One of the idea behind it all is to stress when the object returned is the receiver or not.
… then str[regexp] -> new_str or nil
marcandre: ooh, yes
but that point is a bit moot on the official rdoc site, where the name of the receiver doesn't even show.
but maybe `flatten! -> self or nil` is even better
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My first reaction to "str[index] -> String or nil" was one of horror, but to be honest I can't think of a single case where it would not be clear what is meant, even if it's not strictly consistent
おはよう! good morning!
In any case, there are like a zillion of them right now, in particular for "-> Enumerator"
_ko1: ohayou
-ko1: Good morning! Hope you got some sleep at least :-)
many sleep! thanks
for my own personal OCD hell, the mixed use of -> and => for the result
i like array.flatten! -> self or nil, and string[index] -> new_string or nil
I made rdoc turn them both into unicode arrows, but it still bugs me
not sure beginners fully understand "self" tho
I have some parts of the syntax guides that say, essentially, "these are the definitions for the terms that follow"
we could have the same in the README
drbrain: at least, this way we can have => be strict, like in irb, when -> means something else.
for "string[index] -> new_string or nil", why not "new string" instead
marcandre: hrm, that is a nice proposal
I expect " x.class # => Array" to mean that Array is returned, not an instance of Array
a few weeks ago _ko1 was talking about mixing in automatic tests with rdoc in a natural way
it seems like -> vs => might be a nice hint
And " x.class -> Class" could mean that an instance of Class is returned.
bbiab, I'm going to hang some curtains
> Unused variables can start with _
Ah, I missed this feature
marcandre: add your blog post to the announcement
zzak: ++
> One we can demonstrate was to make many floats immediates
only on 64bit CPU
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_ko1: Right, forgot that. Will add to my blog.
is there any doc for Flonum?
I added my post to the wiki
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marcandre: btw, i think i forgot to thank you for the feedback on #backtrace_locations :D
don't mention it
zzak: I don't think there is a doc, but I don't think that there should; it's completely implementation dependant