adaedra changed the topic of #ruby to: Rules & more: || Ruby 2.3.0; 2.2.4; 2.1.8; 2.0.0-p648: || Paste >3 lines of text on || log @
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<alem0lars__> haylon, vanilla MinGW
<alem0lars__> I'd like to not use DevKit but MinGW instead
<haylon> are you includign the path to MinGW, and msys?
<haylon> I found that I had to add both bin locations to my PATH in order for certain thigns to work
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<alem0lars__> haylon, yes.. in fact that executable isn't in those paths
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<alem0lars__> I have gcc.exe installed in the bin directory of mingw
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<alem0lars__> (I also have msys/bin in path but it doesn't have the compiler)
<alem0lars__> the problem is ruby tries to find x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc.exe and not gcc.exe
<alem0lars__> as far as I understood
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<haylon> how does DevKit point Ruby at its instance of mingw compilers? Could you possibly almost do the same, but for the MinGW path?
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<haylon> I'm out of ideas basically, lol
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<wolffles> how would you call multiple values from a hash
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<Scriptonaut> I need some general advice. I'm writing a game with a ruby (Rack) backend, and a javascript frontend. I have Maps, that are made up of several layers, with each layer being composed of a bunch of images. I need to store each unique image, and I'm not sure the best way to store it. Should I store them as plain files? Should I store them in the database (postgresql)? Should I store them on some kind of cdn
<Scriptonaut> ? I need advice
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<Scriptonaut> I would just store them as plain files, but I plan to let people upload their own textures and load their own images
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<nachoman> I think you should store that in plain files and store metadata in database
<Scriptonaut> which metadata in particular are you thinking about?
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<nachoman> name, date, I don't know, something that allows you to ensure uniqueness of files
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<manveru> wolffles: values?
<nachoman> maybe checksum
<Scriptonaut> ah, good thinking nachoman
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<Scriptonaut> nachoman: one last question, where would you store them? A public folder?
<nachoman> in the filesystem, where you want
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<wolffles> mm so hash= {a=>1, b=>2 c=>3} and i want to get [1,2,3] using a,b,c with out doing hash[a] 3 times #manveru
<Scriptonaut> oh, forgot I'm not using rails for a minute, haha
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<al2o3-cr> >> {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4}.values_at(:b, :d) #wolffles
<Scriptonaut> wolffles:{|k,v| v}
<manveru> wolffles: #values_at
<al2o3-cr> or all values #values
<wolffles> no no values_at is what i needed
<wolffles> there isnt a way to do somehting like hash[:a,:b,:c] ?
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<manveru> not without redefining Hash#[]
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<wolffles> thanks
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<kuntaminate> is ruby a programming language for retards?
<kuntaminate> the people in ##python sent me here :(
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<Sammitch> is there any friendlier documentation for the mysql gem than ?
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<drale2k> i want to send back to a GPS sensor via socket a "yes", via "01". The docs say "if yes server will reply to the module 01 if not 00. Note that confirmation should be sent as binary packet."
<drale2k> i have tried all possible combinations but i can't figure out what the right format is. It should be client.print "\x01" but this doesn't work
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<drale2k> any idea what i am doing wrong? I am doing this with a TCPServer
<toretore> drale2k: link to docs?
<drale2k> toretore: It's a PDF. I can copy the section into a gist if you prefer that
<drale2k> it's a huge link so i shortened it
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<drale2k> On Page 7 -> Communication with server
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<toretore> drale2k: try "\x00\x01"
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<drale2k> toretore: ok, will have to wait ~ min for the next GPS packet
<drale2k> *5 min
<drale2k> so that would be 0001 instead of 01 right ?
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<toretore> drale2k: it depends on what you mean by 00 and 01
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<toretore> >> "\x00\x01".to_i(2)
<toretore> >> "\x00\x01"{|b| b.to_s(2) }
<drale2k> toretore: "\x00\x01".to_i(2) and "\x01".to_i(2) both output 0
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<drale2k> hm k, so that outputs "0", and "1"
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<al2o3-cr> why not just #bytes
<drale2k> so with \x01 i was sending just "1" instead of "01"
<bnagy> afaik the most foolproof way to do that is using binwrite
<bnagy> but print should work
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<toretore> drale2k: the docs aren't terribly clear
<drale2k> i have never done anything like this, this confuses the shi** out of me
<toretore> it could expect you to respond with an avl packet too
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<drale2k> toretore: just got a GPS send and it doesn't work again. It keeps sending the IMEI again and again
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<drale2k> because it doesn't get the "yes" response it wants hm
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<bnagy> it looks like everything gets sent in this AVL packet format
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<bnagy> and the data in that is a data array
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<drale2k> when i use the app "PacketSender" to test the server response, i get back 2 responses. Once time the "01" and then another response which is empty
<drale2k> is this expected?
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<bnagy> that's probably an artifact of the way you're receiving
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<bnagy> can you sniff the comms from the thing you're trying to impersonate?
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<drale2k> this is what the resp looks like
<drale2k> it's jsut a test server so the IP doesn't bother me
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<drale2k> bnagy: i don't have the GPS with me, it is at a friends house
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<bnagy> my guess is the data is \x08\x01\x01\x01
<bnagy> and you need to frame it in the TCP packet as described
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<bnagy> \x00\x00\x00\x00\x04 [data above] [2 byte crc]
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<bnagy> I think the app you are looking at is parsing the raw
<drale2k> this is the code i use atm
<bnagy> which is why you only see \x00\x01
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<bnagy> if you have this packetsender app maybe you can sniff the wire and see the raw response with tcpdump or wireshark or something
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<drale2k> bnagy: the raw server response?
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<bnagy> whichever side you're trying to impersonate
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<al2o3-cr> drale2k: s.send ["01"].pack("H*"), 0 # this should work, god knows why its not doing :(
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<jenny_> hola
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<baweaver> alo
<jenny_> hola
<jenny_> alguien?
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<shevy> lol
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<flughafen> morning
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<baweaver> mi español es no bueno, comprende ingles? Alguien es más fácil en ingles
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<shevy> mi gato es un perro
<baweaver> mi pantalones es enfuego
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<shevy> lol
<mozzarella> yo llevo una falda roja
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<baweaver> eso es suficiente por ahora, si desea continuar, pase a #ruby-offtopic
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<shevy> a multilingual beaver
<baweaver> 私は言語学習を楽しみます
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<flughafen> you're multilingual eater of fish
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<TheBrayn> beavers do not eat fish I think
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<baweaver> wir bevorzugen Holz
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<Ox0dea> Watashi no supasuto wa doko desu ka.
<flughafen> where is my super suit
<Ox0dea> Well done.
<eam> atwhay'say upyay ubyray
<baweaver> oi, stop romanizing
<Ox0dea> Romanizer, romanizer.
<baweaver> you're a romanizer
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<baweaver> oh, romanizer, oh
<baweaver> you;re a romanizer baby
<baweaver> and that's the last you'll ever hear me paraphrasing Britney Spears
<flughafen> lord baweaver won a hackathon, have you ever won a hackathon Ox0dea
<baweaver> oi
<baweaver> I won 3
<eam> ruby wasn't built in a day
<baweaver> Javascript was in a week
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<eam> it shows
<flughafen> +1
<baweaver> then again so was LISP
<eam> lots of insipid, stupid parenthesis
* baweaver likes Clojure and LISP
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<baweaver> Then again I also like Haskell you with a grain of salt there
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<Ox0dea> Brendan wanted Scheme! :/
<Ox0dea> And he secretly got it. :)
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<Ox0dea> All you need is love, where love is defined to be first-class functions.
<baweaver> Ox0dea: it was his scheme all along
<Ox0dea> What a racket!
<baweaver> he just wanted a little clojure in the end though
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<Garo_> I'm having trouble setting up a really simple sinatra+puma+rack server: when I try to curl http://localhost:8080/hello it just responds an empty reply from the server. any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
<baweaver> You all are always first-class to me <3
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* baweaver reads back on Sinatra
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<baweaver> you sure that Sinatra is running 8080?
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<baweaver> seems to default to 4567
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<Ox0dea> But Puma defaults to 8080.
<baweaver> fair, skimming docs
<Ox0dea> Garo_: Maybe try listening on port 6323.5?
<baweaver> not immediately familiar
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<Ox0dea> Fractional ports would've been... interesting.
<Garo_> yeah :D
<baweaver> dibs on 9.75
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<Garo_> pretty much all examples are based on using a rackup .ru file but as I'm going to embed the web server into my existing app I don't see why I should use a .ru file to start it
<flughafen> 9 and 3/4!
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<Garo_> ah. never mind. I had a dead port forwarding in the port 8080, which was the default what Puma wanted to use, but it didn't show any errors that the port would already be reserved
<Garo_> must be a morning :(
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<baweaver> well off to bed and Fire Emblem for me, 'night
<xpt> Garo_: Can't reproduce your error
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<Garo_> xpt: thanks for trying. It turned up to be my fault as I tried to used an already reserved port
<xpt> Garo_: try to get http://localhost:8080/ It should reply "Sinatra can't find any rule for / try to add get '/' 'Hello World' end"
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<xpt> bbiaf
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<flughafen> hey adaedra
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<adaedra> Wie geht's, flughafen?
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<flughafen> gut, dir?
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<adaedra> Gut, danke
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<flughafen> was machst du jetzt
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<adaedra> I'm at work, doing work things
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<xpt> What work things require idling on IRC? :)
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<flughafen> ruby is so easy and effecient i code for 4 minutes a day!
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<xpt> flughafen: Do you have some copyrights on that sentence or can I use it at work aswell?
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<flughafen> xpt: I opensource all the things! viva le france!
<xpt> merci beaucoup :)
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<adaedra> coucou xpt
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<xpt> adaedra: Je suis Polonais. Mon francais est pas bon. (Woohoo, I've written 2 sentences in French without looking at dictionary!)
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<flughafen> bonjour! i've written one word of french without looking at a dictionary
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<adaedra> xpt: that looks rather correct, congrats.
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<xpt> adaedra: Thank you. I always find it tricky in french that you write something different than you say. It's same as english "ghoti" :)
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<adaedra> Write something different than you say?
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<xpt> yep. you use different writing rules and different speaking rules. In Polish you read exactly what you've written. You probably don't see it because you are native speaker
<adaedra> You have an example?
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<Ox0dea> I'm sorry, the silent Xs are silly.
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<adaedra> Ah, those.
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<adaedra> Ok, I see what you mean.
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<xpt> adaedra: You naver read "h" in the beginning and "r" "e" "x" on the end of words. You connect words skipping some letters. I still remember that i didn't understood when I've first heard someone read "Antoine de Saint-Exupéry" name in french
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<adaedra> Yeah, silent letters
<xpt> OK, I got another call from my work, I guess I'll have to go out and help them, cause those phone calls are getting disturbing...
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<xpt> See you later (If I'll manage to connnect from work)
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<MadWasp> Hey guys, I’m having some slight problems with Process.spawn, Process.spawn(‚EXAMPLE=b ./do_something >> some/log‘) actually spawns a wrapper process with ‚sh -c EXAMPLE=b ./do_something >> some/log‘ so Process.spawn returns the PID of that wrapper instead of the actual pid of ./do_something. How can i fix this behavior?
<adaedra> 'EXAMPLE=b exec ./do_something'
<adaedra> this way, your do_something process will replace the sh process
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<MadWasp> it’s actually something like bundle exec xyz, so it would be Process.spawn(‚EXAMPLE=b exec bundle exec xyz >> some/log‘)?
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<adaedra> exec is a shell command that tells it to replace current process
<MadWasp> alright, gonna try that
<adaedra> since you're using one arg form of Process.spawn, it uses a shell to run your command (and you need it, for EXAMPLE=b and >> some/log to work)
<MadWasp> thanks
<manveru> MadWasp: what kind of quotes are that?
<MadWasp> my irc client does that, dunno why
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<manveru> heh
<manveru> anyway, if you pass the executable path directly, you'll get the pid of the process, not the shell
<MadWasp> adaedra, so i could use the multi option variant of Process.spawn to get rid of this behavior, too?
<manveru> also, see Open3 in stdlib
<adaedra> MadWasp: yes, but you'll loose shell interpretation, so you would have to do the redirect and ENV change yourself.
<adaedra> lose*
<manveru> spawn takes an env hash and redirects
<manveru> it has a shitton of options :)
<adaedra> ah, maybe yes
<adaedra> I don't have the doc right now, let's see
<adaedra> &ri Process.spawn
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<MadWasp> Process.spawn({‚EXAMPLE‘ => ‚b‘}, ‚./do_something‘, :out => ‚/some/log‘) ?
<manveru> pretty much, yeah
<adaedra> Those quotes.
<MadWasp> haha, sorry
<MadWasp> i don’t have those in my source code, don’t worry :P
<adaedra> also, `:out => '/some/log'` => `out: '/some/log'`
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<MadWasp> oh yeah, just copied that from the docs
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<MadWasp> somehow ended up in the 1.9.3 docs
<adaedra> both are technically correct
<manveru> the last major change to spawn was around 1.9.2 i think
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<manveru> can't remember ^^;
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<Garo_> is it possible to use Sinatra in a such way that assuming I have an instance of a Sinatra::Base class that I would add routes dynamically to that instance? The normal Sinatra way is to use the get/post etc singleton class commands, but I want to do that dynamically outside from that class...
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<MadWasp> manveru, adaedra, thanks guys, that worked :)
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<Garo_> here's an example on what I want to do: This doesn't work because get-method isn't an instance of the SinatraApp (nor Sinatra::Base) but instead an instance of Sinatra::Base singleton class
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<Ox0dea> Garo_: app =; app.get(...)
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<Garo_> Ox0dea: thanks! that indeed did work :)
<Ox0dea> Garo_: Hooray! :)
<Ox0dea> It's kinda sketchy, though?
<Garo_> seems I still have some work to do before I fully understand Ruby metaprogramming =)
<Ox0dea> This is just bog-standard inheritance, really.
<Garo_> Ox0dea: it works for my case just fine =)
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<norc> Ox0dea: People still use inheritance?
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<norc> Sad news. :S
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<norc> In all honesty though, inheritance in Ruby feels so lackluster if you have ever done any work in C++ for example.
<norc> Sometimes I really miss things like pure virtual base classes.
<yorickpeterse> There's nothing really lackluster about it
<norc> yorickpeterse: I think it's the lack of dynamic casting thats bothering.
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<yorickpeterse> what?
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<norc> yorickpeterse: I want to downcast objects.
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<ferr> Hey, how would I refactor this line of code? Trailer.human_attribute_name(:xtra_cdw_waiver).split("waiver").join.upcase
<adaedra> Why do you think it needs to be refactored?
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<norc> ferr: Just add an additional i18n attribute Id say.
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<norc> yorickpeterse: For example I have this library which passes some Base object to me, but I really want to extend the functionality on this object, but I dont feel like monkey patching someone elses code.
<yorickpeterse> @norc then you just wrap it?
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<yorickpeterse> done
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<norc> yorickpeterse: I mean this can easily be done, as changing the class of an object just requires a simple Fiddle statement.
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<yorickpeterse> Yeah there's absolutely nothing wrong with doing that
<yorickpeterse> Go ahead and change that class, what could go wrong
<norc> yorickpeterse:
<norc> You are right. Nothing.
<yorickpeterse> Ah yes, because that's such an accurate representation of the real world
<yorickpeterse> where classes don't have instance variables and all that
<yorickpeterse> I really don't get the problem with just wrapping something in a custom object
<norc> yorickpeterse: The issue with your solution is that its difficult to keep state. Lets say you need to pass the object back to your library - since it no longer is_a? Base object, you would have to unwrap it again.
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<yorickpeterse> No you don't
<yorickpeterse> If it inherits from the same class and is compatible it's perfectly fine
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<yorickpeterse> (or it just has the same behaviour)
<yorickpeterse> Good Ruby code doesn't give a damn about whether it's dealing with class A or B, it cares more about whether method X or Y does thing A or B
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<adaedra> Duck typing.
<yorickpeterse> Downcasting/changing classes is just a lame excuse to not bother writing good OO code
<yorickpeterse> and what adaedra said
<adaedra> Stop trying to apply C++ principles to Ruby, they are not the same languages.
<norc> No reason to get all offensive on me here.
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<norc> yorickpeterse: Simply passing the object in an initializer is not enough if my Derived class inherits from Base, because I need to set up the exact same state as the object (i.e. copy construction).
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<norc> You basically wont get around to delegating everything to the object
<norc> Which does not really sound very elegant.
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<norc> And just because Ruby has duck typing it does not mean that duck typing is the elegant solution to address all problems.
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<norc> And there is plenty of code that cares alot about classes. Even if its just a simple collection.grep(SomeClass)
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<norc> Also, manually delegating all other method calls to the passed @object is just reimplementing what inheritance does anyway => "Look in superclasses for a matching method"
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<norc> Which shows exactly why inheritance is lackluster.
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<shevy> as linus once said about C++ people :)
<motherfq> I wonder what he says about Ruby people.
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<workmad3> motherfq: I don't think we even rate an insult in his view :(
<motherfq> :(
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<ton31337> what's the difference between << and + ?
<ton31337> for arrays
<adaedra> << modifies the array, adding an element to it
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<adaedra> + puts the array one after the other one and returns a new one
<ton31337> got it
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<ton31337> Undefined node attribute or method `<<' on `node'. To set an attribute, use `<<=value' instead.
<ton31337> what's the best way to tackle with this?
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<shevy> motherfq heavy oldschool C hackers tend to be either really oldschool and use awk, perl (git uses perl right?) and stuff like that or not use any scripting language altogether
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<shevy> ton31337 that is a weird suggestion... how does <<= work?
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<ton31337> shevy: it doesn't work ;-)
<shevy> ok
<adaedra> ton31337: You may want to give more context: what is node? what gems are you using? maybe have some code.
<ton31337> actually it's Chef
<adaedra> ?chef
<adaedra> oh
<shevy> haha adaedra :)
<adaedra> apeiros: bot down!
<shevy> dinner! chef!
<adaedra> ton31337: see chef support channel for help with it.
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<ton31337> ok :)
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<ton31337> how to force to create hash if doesn't exist?
<ton31337> normal['iptables']['rules'] << firewall_by_port(grafana_port, 4)
<ton31337> I mean if normal['iptables']['rules'] doesn't exist
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<dbugger> Hey everyone
<dbugger> What does [*a] mean?
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<adaedra> *a is a splat
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<dbugger> What does that do?
<shevy> it splats stuff
<dbugger> aha...
<shevy> if you have a method like: def foo(*i)
<shevy> you can have variable arguments, as many as you like
<dbugger> I saw it in this: [*oldval].to_a + [*newval].to_a
<dbugger> And Im not sure what it does...
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<adaedra> dbugger: well, "Ruby splat" gives lots of resources on what it is and what it does ;)
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<shevy> dbugger that code looks weird indeed
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<dbugger> shevy, if I read that in this channel....
<shevy> look at the "We just lost the last 3 variables"
<shevy> first, *second = letters
<shevy> I don't think I have seen [*array].to_a before ... was the person who write that code drunk perhaps? :)
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<dbugger> maybe
<dbugger> I dont know. Im new here :P
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<ljarvis> dbugger: [*x] is quite popular, but the .to_a after is moot since it's already always an array
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<dbugger> ljarvis, ok, lets ignore the to_a. What does it does, then?
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<ljarvis> >> a = [1,2]; [*a, 3]
<ljarvis> thanks ruby bot
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<adaedra> thanks obama^W apeiros
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<adaedra> mh
<dbugger> so it is like "flatten"?
<ljarvis> dbugger: it can be used for array destructuring
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<ljarvis> in this context, yes
<ljarvis> but it has multiple uses
<dbugger> ljarvis, what other use could it have?
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<adaedra> lots
<ljarvis> splat method arguments as shevy mentioned. You can also do it to turn stuff into an array. i.e. [*1..10] == (1..10).to_a
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<dbugger> [*1..10] == (1..10).to_a ??
<dbugger> isnt the same as...?
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<dbugger> [1..10] == (1..10).to_a
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<ljarvis> but, that code you have seen it in is ridiculous and you were right to question it
<ljarvis> dbugger: no.. open irb and type it?
<dbugger> ok, let me try
<ljarvis> [1..10] is an array with one Range inside it
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<dbugger> Oh I see
<ljarvis> but yeah, in generally you don't need the splat operator for this kind of stuff
<dbugger> so the code is just weird, because it does not need .to_a ?
<ljarvis> it's more useful for variadic method arguments
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<ljarvis> yeah, and [*a] + [*b] is a bit silly
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<dbugger> ljarvis, what would make more sense
<dbugger> =
<ljarvis> iirc it's the same as [*a, *b] or.. just a + b if they're already arrays
<dbugger> I see
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<dbugger> could also be used as...?
<dbugger> a.flatten + b.flatten
<dbugger> ?
<ljarvis> no that's not the same
<dbugger> or (a + b).flatten
<ljarvis> nope
<dbugger> mmmm
<dbugger> This is why I keep telling this guys that they need to do tests -_-
<dbugger> now I feel unsure about what it does and how to use it, or even change it
<ljarvis> your examples mutate the original values, mine leave them in place and just concat them
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<ljarvis> well, what values are in those variables?
<dbugger> "flatten" mutates? I thought that was "flatten!"
<ljarvis> that's correct, I meant return :)
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<dbugger> oh well, returning is what I wanted.. I think :P
<dbugger> I have no idea what the variables have. Im new in the office and I am trying to understand the smallest pieces of code first :P
<ljarvis> puts debug them and find out
<dbugger> But this method called "merge_options" called my attention
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<adaedra> dbugger: how well do you know ruby?
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<dbugger> that has this one line:
<dbugger> origin_options.merge(additional_options) { |_key, oldval, newval| [*oldval] + [*newval] }
<dbugger> and I thought, it looked bizarre
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<ljarvis> uh
<dbugger> adaedra, I know better rails as ruby
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<adaedra> that's hardly replying.
<dbugger> adaedra, i dont know really how good i know it...
<dbugger> adaedra, enough to defend myself. Bad enough to ask in the channel twice a week :P
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<ljarvis> dbugger: basically, it seems like they want to concat the arrays. So you example is basically the same as oldval + newval
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<ljarvis> and this method is quite simple, so it should be incredibly easy to unit test
<adaedra> I personally dislike the [*...] form
<ljarvis> ^ +1
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<dbugger> ^ +1
<dbugger> :D
<ljarvis> >> {foo: ["bar"]}.merge(foo: ["baz"]) { |_k, old, new| old + new }
<ljarvis> apeiros: YO
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<ljarvis> basically that returns {:foo=>["bar", "baz"]}
<adaedra> There should be a rubybot fallback.
<dbugger> yeah, that is what they want to do
<dbugger> a office mate told me
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<ljarvis> then yeah their code is stupid
<dbugger> I just didnt get why the complicated form
<ljarvis> tell them that for me
<dbugger> I will not, as I am new... but thanks :D
<ljarvis> :)
<adaedra> it happens when you overthink things
<dbugger> Yeah... this guys seem to do that a lot
<ljarvis> and don't have good unit tests
<dbugger> they dont have ANY tests
<ljarvis> which would allow you to refactor this without having to ask
<dbugger> I asked "how do you check your app didnt break when you change something?"
<dbugger> and they told me "We click around, to make sure"
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<manveru> who needs tests when you got testers :D
<ljarvis> super
<dbugger> *headblow*
<dbugger> I know
<dbugger> now I have a meeting in 20 minutes
<dbugger> and I have to convince my boss to implement Continuous Integration
<dbugger> which he is NEVER gonna buy
<dbugger> but dont really have an option :P
<ljarvis> so, what attracted you to this job?
<dbugger> Lack of money
<dbugger> :D
<ljarvis> ouch
<manveru> couple it with continuous deployment :)
<ljarvis> continuous development
<ljarvis> continuous employment
<adaedra> continuous full stack
<ddv> continuous everything
<flughafen> continious cloud
<ddv> dbugger: gitlab-ci is free tho?
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<adaedra> continuous technical debt
<flughafen> continuous synergysm
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<manveru> ddv: for OSS?
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<ddv> what?
<ddv> opensource software?
<manveru> yeah
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<manveru> not sure if there are any hosted CI's that have free plans for private repos
<shevy> havenwood make them stop ^^^
<ddv> no idea just host it yourself
<adaedra> problem, shevy?
<manveru> i'd just setup hydra or something
<dbugger> ddv, I have been trying that for the week, to present it to my boss. Gitlab
<shevy> adaedra continuous!
<ddv> dbugger: I don't really understand why your boss needs to approve this
<dbugger> i doubt they want to outsource it. They are germans and they seem to love everything IN HOUSE
<ddv> dbugger: He obviously doesn't know anything about development
<dbugger> well, in my office there doesnt seem to be any "roles"
<dbugger> everyone does a little of everything
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<dbugger> there is no devops, sysadmin, and so on...
<shevy> a little bit of boss
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<dbugger> yeah, boss we have :D
<dbugger> and we do daily scrum.... once a week :D
<adaedra> sssh, no sysadmins, only failures now.
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<dbugger> yep
<dbugger> well, they have some company who handles it for them, through TeamViewer
<dbugger> so yey for me, for using Linux :P
<dbugger> Im on my own
<dbugger> but having someone in-house would seem like a good idea to me :P
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<adaedra> There are a lot of solutions to deploy yourself, starting with Jenkins, to GitLab CI or the Atlassian thing I don't remember the name
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<flughafen> later everybody
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<dbugger> Anyway, wish me luck. I have the meeting in 15 minutes
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<duckduckgeek> Hiya everyone!
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<duckduckgeek> would anyone be willing to look at a code sample and help me figure out whats wrong with my program?
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<duckduckgeek> it seems to be a very simple problem but i just can't figure it out
<ljarvis> duckduckgeek: please just ask your question and provide code, everyone will see it and you'll increase the chances someone will be able to help
<ljarvis> basically, don't ask to ask
<dbugger> I am due some karma points, so if I have time, I will try
<duckduckgeek> alright sounds good.
<duckduckgeek> ljarvis: sorry about that
<adaedra> code, backtrace, expected output, gems
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<shevy> all the things for adaedra
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<adaedra> my crystal ball is broken
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<ljarvis> address, cc, ssn
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<duckduckgeek> that's the link to pastebin
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<adaedra> don't forget to include the code behind the CC too
<adaedra> thanks, ljarvis
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<ljarvis> duckduckgeek: pastebin is full of awful ads, please use github instead (I reposted your code there)
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<ljarvis> duckduckgeek: what's the problem with your code?
<adaedra> I see several ones, but let's see the main problem :p
<ljarvis> aye :)
<duckduckgeek> it seems to drop into the main() func but then it won't even ask for input
<duckduckgeek> and what problems do you see?
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<ljarvis> lets do this step by step or you'll be overwhelmed
<duckduckgeek> fair enough
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<duckduckgeek> i'm not a beginner, i just don't know ruby that well
<duckduckgeek> nor do i know any debuggin tools for it
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<adaedra> It's 2016 and we can't comment a gist line-by-line
<adaedra> come on, GitHub.
<duckduckgeek> lol
<ljarvis> duckduckgeek: firstly, the syntax isn't valid
<duckduckgeek> okay?
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<duckduckgeek> which part or the entire thing?
<ljarvis> so this code doesn't even run
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<ljarvis> well, when you tried to run it you got an error, right?
<duckduckgeek> correct
<ljarvis> what was the error?
<duckduckgeek> on lines 29 & 30
<ljarvis> do they look ok to you?
<duckduckgeek> syntax error, unexpected '=', expecting keyword_end line(slot_two) = temp
<duckduckgeek> and yeah they look fine to me?
<ljarvis> does that line make sense? what's it trying to do?
<duckduckgeek> i'm trying to overwrite an element of the array line
<ljarvis> ok, but you're using parenthesis which isn't valid Ruby
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<duckduckgeek> oh?
<ljarvis> so you want Array#[]
<duckduckgeek> well shoot.
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<duckduckgeek> so line#[slot_one]?
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<ljarvis> does that look valid to you?
<duckduckgeek> or just line[slot_one]
<duckduckgeek> nope
<duckduckgeek> my guess is the second one
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<ljarvis> don't guess, that's why Ruby ships with a REPL
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<duckduckgeek> true true
<duckduckgeek> one sec and ill double check
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<duckduckgeek> it is indeed the second guess that i made
<duckduckgeek> !
<ljarvis> nice one
<duckduckgeek> yep
<duckduckgeek> lemme make that change in my fiel
<duckduckgeek> file
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<adaedra> life?
<duckduckgeek> lol yes. life
<duckduckgeek> alright so new error
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<duckduckgeek> sigil.rb:1: syntax error, unexpected tSTRING_BEG, expecting ';' or '\n' def main puts "enter your sigil phrase or word"
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<duckduckgeek> nevermind that
* ljarvis tags adaedra
<adaedra> mmmh?
<duckduckgeek> that was due to me screwing up my formatting
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<duckduckgeek> okay no an actual error
<duckduckgeek> apparently i cannot call to_a on a string and have it pop out into an array
<duckduckgeek> lemme see if i can find a solution
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<ddv> duckduckgeek: %w(mystring) ?
<duckduckgeek> oh?
<ljarvis> no
<duckduckgeek> oh?
<ljarvis> keep looking
<ddv> no idea what you exactly want to do
<ljarvis> exactly
<yorickpeterse> oh I can think of things ljarvis wants to do
<yorickpeterse> (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
<ljarvis> giggity
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<duckduckgeek> ljarvis: I have tried using a splat and iterating trough the character in the string and pushing them to an array
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<ljarvis> duckduckgeek: you dont need a splat
<duckduckgeek> okay.
<ljarvis> &ri String#chars
<ddv> ljarvis: you seem to know the answer?
<duckduckgeek> ddv: he does
<ljarvis> ddv: of course I do, I'm trying to help duckduckgeek (who said they wanted to try and look for themselves first)
<duckduckgeek> he is helping me
<ddv> lol
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<duckduckgeek> i'm not sure if i have ri's documentation installed. i am on windows and simply used the chocolatey installer to downloand the ruby package
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<duckduckgeek> lemme look for an online ri tool
<ljarvis> duckduckgeek: you can click the link above to view the rdoc
<ljarvis> duckduckgeek: and you can use &ri in this channel like I did above
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<duckduckgeek> oh!
<duckduckgeek> that's cool
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<ljarvis> your appreciation goes to adaedra
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<yorickpeterse> I'll take it
<yorickpeterse> ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ
<ljarvis> yorickpeterse: get back to launching more gitlab
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<yorickpeterse> actually I'm writing blog posts todya
<yorickpeterse> * today
<ljarvis> $work?
<yorickpeterse> yes
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<yorickpeterse> One for Rails Girls Summer of Code, and one for some of the work I did for 8.5
<duckduckgeek> not working in irb with a few test vars that i created
<ljarvis> you're about to unlease your performance gainz secretz?
<yorickpeterse> well my secrets are basically "look at graph, write shitty benchmark script"
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<yorickpeterse> and take lots of screenshots
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<ljarvis> duckduckgeek: what did you try? "foo".chars
<ljarvis> yorickpeterse: noice
<adaedra> what did I do?
<duckduckgeek> nope. i tried the each_char method
<ljarvis> adaedra: you fucked up everything
<adaedra> again?
<duckduckgeek> but i will certainly give a look to the .chars method
<ljarvis> again.
<adaedra> damn.
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<duckduckgeek> oh sweet!!!
<duckduckgeek> working
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<adaedra> duckduckgeek: otherwise, online documentation is available at, or
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<ljarvis> yorickpeterse: why is the gitlab sidebar so big when there are only icons?
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<ljarvis> yorickpeterse: ah right, the text isn't shown on safari..
<yorickpeterse> eh?
<ljarvis> huh weird..
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<yorickpeterse> You mean the one on the left?
<yorickpeterse> (we have 2 now)
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<yorickpeterse> Hm doesn't seem to be an issue for it
<adaedra> yorickpeterse: I started putting things on GitLab the other day
<adaedra> Also, you make me remember I have an open issue on rbx.
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<ljarvis> yorickpeterse: this is what I see but it seems sporadic
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<yorickpeterse> ljarvis: huh, that's odd
<ljarvis> might just be safari being shit
<duckduckgeek> seems to be working very nicely so far!
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<yorickpeterse> adaedra: heh
<adaedra> yorickpeterse: is it ok to come back to an issue with no news and ask what's up on rbx?
<yorickpeterse> adaedra: Yes, which issue is it?
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<yorickpeterse> Ah that one
<yorickpeterse> IIRC the output is still borken
<yorickpeterse> Thinking of it, I'll see if I can fix that shit this Friday
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<yorickpeterse> getting tired of harassing people to reply about our license change any way
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<adaedra> Ok, thanks
<i8igmac> im trying to find a ruby-1.9.3.deb package for arm version of debian
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<i8igmac> i upgraided my system and now ruby 1.9 does not exist in my repo
<adaedra> Why go for unsupported versions?
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<i8igmac> my projects from the last year was based on 1.9
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<i8igmac> there is something new about Open3, that causes the output to be silent
<duckduckgeek> ljarvis: alright. so i've, of course, screwed something else up
<duckduckgeek> should i post a new gist
<duckduckgeek> ?
<adaedra> update the previous one?
<adaedra> so we have the diff
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<duckduckgeek> okay. it's on ljarvis's gh account though
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<duckduckgeek> not sure if updatable from my end
<adaedra> erf, I forgot
<duckduckgeek> yep
<adaedra> you may be able to fork it
<duckduckgeek> ill post the link in a sec
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<duckduckgeek> &ri String#gsub
<adaedra> duckduckgeek: do you know the difference between bang and non-banged methods (i.e. gsub vs gsub!) ?
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<duckduckgeek> yep. banged methods change variable in place so they must be mutable
<duckduckgeek> (the vars, that is)
<duckduckgeek> oh. wait.
<duckduckgeek> that means that they have to operate on a variable that already contains data
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<duckduckgeek> shoot. lemme try again
<adaedra> that was not totally my point
<duckduckgeek> oh. well tried it anyway
<duckduckgeek> still didn't work
<duckduckgeek> lol
<duckduckgeek> sorry
<duckduckgeek> got this (undefined method `gsub' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)) on line 4
<adaedra> l.2, you use squeeze!, which modifies a variable you don't use afterward
<duckduckgeek> oh?
<canton7> bang methods may return nil, as well ;)
<adaedra> (technically, by the return, but you don't really need to do the edit in-place, as it is returned)
<duckduckgeek> hmmmm
<duckduckgeek> okay
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<forgot> how to list gems which are not dependencies of other gems, aka leaves?
<duckduckgeek> that makes sense
<workmad3> ! == 'this does something different from the method without a !, and probably has a different return type. Be careful and read the docs'
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<duckduckgeek> gotcha
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<duckduckgeek> it is working!!!
<duckduckgeek> ljarvis: thank you
<duckduckgeek> adaedra: thank you
<duckduckgeek> everyone i missed: thank you!
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<duckduckgeek> see ya all later! thanks a million for the help!
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<dbugger> I got back from my meeting. I survived.
<i8igmac> im trying to figure out why my scripts no longer work on a updated machine...
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<i8igmac> Open3.popen3("ping"){|i,o,t,p| }
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<VeryBewitching> G'day folks.
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<dbugger> hello VeryBewitching
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<ddv> dbugger: did you finish writing your own CI system?
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<ddv> :p
<dbugger> ddv, please. I am already on my own CD
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<dbugger> give me 5 more mins
<dbugger> and Ill start to CVS software
<dbugger> *start my own CVS software
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<ddv> dbugger: you work remote or something?
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<ddv> or are you german too?
<dbugger> im Spanish
<ddv> ok
<dbugger> but I live in Germany
<dbugger> Because, i like having a salary :D
<dbugger> I wish I worked remotely
<dbugger> With a UK company
<dbugger> with an UK salary
<dbugger> Id be rich in 3 months
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<centrx> What's up goys
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<gregf_> *grass always looks greener on the other side*
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<ljarvis> dbugger: I have a UK salary and it's been a lot longer than 3 months.. I'm still not rich
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<apeiros> ljarvis: I think their point was UK salary working remotely from spain
<yorickpeterse> enjoy the double taxes
<ljarvis> ah I thought German
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<dbugger> ljarvis, if you live in the part of germany that I do, you would
<dbugger> this is ridiculous cheap
<dbugger> (but the salary goes accordingly, sadly)
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<adaedra> yorickpeterse: you get double taxes for what, working remotely in another country?
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<ljarvis> heh my house is pretty cheap for what i get
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<yorickpeterse> adaedra: Depending on the country you work in and the one you live in, yes that might be the case
<adaedra> I see
<yorickpeterse> Not 100% sure how it works out within the EU, but if you work outside of the EU chances are you end up paying taxes in 2 countries
<yorickpeterse> though at least here in .nl you can apply for discounts
<adaedra> interesting
<yorickpeterse> The usual workaround is to basically set up a freelancing agency with a single client (= your actual employer)
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<yorickpeterse> also lol I put a rant in my GitLab blog post about benchmarks
<yorickpeterse> I really tried not to
<yorickpeterse> but it snuck in
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<Sammitch> which mysql gem should I be using if I *don't* want to lose my mind?
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<eam> that depends. does ORM drive you crazy? Or does it makes sense to you?
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<Sammitch> ORM drives me crazy, and I just need to run a couple queries in a chef recipe
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<VeryBewitching> mysql2 is the gem I would use
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<VeryBewitching> It's pretty simple.
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<Sammitch> oh my god there's actual documentation on it
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<Sammitch> VeryBewitching: this looks promising, thanks
<VeryBewitching> It was also a single Google search (I don't use MySQL, Postgres guy)
<VeryBewitching> np
<VeryBewitching> I'm pretty sure it's the gem you'd have to use with Rails/AR for modern MySQL, so it should do you fine.
<eam> mysql2 is the right one to use
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<ljarvis> postgresq is the right thing
<ljarvis> every. time.
<epochwolf> ljarvis: unless you're using php.
<ljarvis> touche
<ljarvis> in which case you have more problems
<VeryBewitching> No, it's still the right thing in PHP
<epochwolf> ;.;
<Sammitch> I'm not denying that postgres is the tits
<eam> does postgres have a reasonable replication strategy yet?
<ljarvis> Sammitch: are you british?
<Sammitch> VeryBewitching: actually with PDO postgres works quite well
<Sammitch> ljarvis: nope
<ljarvis> eam: sshhhhh
<VeryBewitching> Sammitch: That's what I'm saying. Postgres > MySQL
<eam> it's fantastic so long as you don't have to run it at scale in production
<eam> but we're all developers here so not our problem :D
<Sammitch> last I looked postgres had a profusion of replication options
<epochwolf> eam: at scale... you mean with 256gb of ram?
<VeryBewitching> MySQL is great for small to medium sized sites running Drupal, Joomla! or WordPress (Expression Engine maybe too); but I wouldn't rely on it for much more than that.
<eam> at scale, I mean with multiple read slaves and the ability to fail over to them without loss of redundancy
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<ljarvis> i do lots of pg ops too
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<Sammitch> AWS x99.humongus
<eam> last I checked pg could only do that with synchronous replication which is ... quite slow
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* VeryBewitching is not a system administrator.
<VeryBewitching> That's "that guys" job :D
<VeryBewitching> My job is to write great queries and to ensure that my database design is effective.
<eam> see? Not our problem :D
* Sammitch is "that guy". :I
<epochwolf> Sammitch: AWS? I meant a large, beefy colocated dell server.
<eam> the thing is, replication strategy is part of database design
<VeryBewitching> eam: It's a consideration, in my opinion, not an integral portion.
<epochwolf> Sammitch: running 8 SSDs in RAID0
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<Sammitch> one of those 6U R9xx with a two-storey motherboard and like 8 CPU sockets :D
<VeryBewitching> epochwolf: hawt
<eam> VeryBewitching: one might reasonably take the position that if the data doesn't have an HA/failover strategy one might just not bother storing it in the first place
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<Sammitch> ew, RAID
<Sammitch> needs more NGFS with tiered storage
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<VeryBewitching> eam: I don't disagree with that, but the "storage" and "safety" of the data is a work unit that's shared between myself and an administrator.
<epochwolf> Sammitch: I like my databases fast and unstable. :D
<eam> sure, sure
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<Sammitch> epochwolf: like you like your women, right? :P
<epochwolf> Sammitch: I am forever alone. And I tell myself that's on purpose.
<epochwolf> That or there's some small sliver of sanity in my brain that's protecting anyone I might try to hook up with.
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<cschneid_> Is there a quickcheck / generative testing lib that's any good in ruby? I have an algorithm that's very input->output and would like to automate test cases.
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<apeiros> cschneid_: there's a ton. minitest and rspec are the most popular.
<apeiros> ?toolbox cschneid_
<apeiros> oh, ruby[bot] is off?
<cschneid_> not testing, generative / quickcheck style testing
<apeiros> ok, in that case - I have no idea what you mean by generative/quickcheck-style
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<adaedra> apeiros: you don't read your mentions? :o
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<cschneid_> give it a proposition, and a generator of random data, then validate that assumption. Stuff like: "Any string's length is the same as that string's length after being reversed". Encode the invariants
<cschneid_> common in functional programming-land, less so in OO, since it doesn't fit onto as many problem domains.
<apeiros> adaedra: I do, but due to my current znc setup I may miss some
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<adaedra> apeiros: be like me, have a highlight buffer just for those
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<apeiros> adaedra: as said, it's an issue with my znc setup (1 znc, 2 clients)
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<apeiros> I know how to change it, but I haven't yet done so :-/
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<adaedra> I see.
<adaedra> Anyway
<adaedra> BOT DOWN!!!1!
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<apeiros> adaedra: what?
<apeiros> dunno what you mean.
<adaedra> I see what you did there.
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<ljarvis> ^
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<apeiros> I really have to figure why the heck the reconnect fails to work. it worked when testing it :-(
<ljarvis> 99.9% uptime not guaranteed
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<shevy> ruby[bot] will never be as good as ruboto was
<apeiros> it's already better - with the single exception of its reconnect failing
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<adaedra> wanna try it, shevy? :p
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<shevy> adaedra I have to be registered!
<adaedra> Not for all features ;)
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<flughafen_> is there any easy way to make all function in a module usable or do i have to do the module_function :foobar for every one?
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<TeresaP> Is there a good utility for copying files while preserving directory structure without using a system call?
<TeresaP> (And I don't mean copying entire folders. I have a list of files)
<TeresaP> FileUtils.cp_r seems to flatten
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<Mon_Ouie> You can just have 'module_function' at the beginning of the module body and all the methods defined below it will be affected by this
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<flughafen_> thanks Mon_Ouie
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<TeresaP> Hmm.
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<shevy> TeresaP hmm sure? I always thought FileUtils.cp_r models linux/coreutils "cp -r" exactly
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<eam> cp_r does not flatten
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<TeresaP> shevy I'm on a mac
<TeresaP> I don't know if it matters
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<TeresaP> But it definitely flattened
<TeresaP> I ended up having to use rsync
<eam> TeresaP: can you share a use case? It doesn't flatten on osx for me
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<TeresaP> gcno_files = Dir["{[!CodeCoverage/]**}/**/{[!ObjectiveC]*}.gcno"]
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<TeresaP> FileUtils.cp_r(gcno_files, folder_name)
<eam> TeresaP: ah, that's the problem
<TeresaP> I also tried a loop
<eam> TeresaP: cp_r takes the form of dir1, dir2
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<TeresaP> Yeah I'm copying individual files
<eam> if you pass it a list of files and a destination it will place those files in the destination
<TeresaP> [11:11] <TeresaP> (And I don't mean copying entire folders. I have a list of files)
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<eam> neither cp nor cp -r will have the behavior you're looking for
<eam> the reason is: the recursive path created at the target is only the portion which was recursed by cp
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<TeresaP> You'd think there'd be something available to do this
<TeresaP> I feel like the way I did it is going to be less than stellar performance-wise
<eam> given /foo/bar/baz/qux/file, cp -r /foo/bar/baz /stuff will create /stuff/qux/file
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<eam> TeresaP: er, will create /stuff/baz/qux/file
<eam> you'll drop the /foo/bar prefix
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<eam> TeresaP: what you can do is use basename, mkdir it yourself, and individually cp
<eam> should be roughly the same performance
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<TeresaP> Sounds about the same as
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<TeresaP> Thanks for the sanity check
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<eam> sounds right
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<eam> TeresaP: you should be able to: rsync -R #{files.join " "} #{folder_name}
<eam> if you're concerned about fork/exec overhead
<eam> (and, you may want to shellquote
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<TeresaP> That's a good idea eam
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<sheperson> Hi
<sheperson> is it possible (and safe) to use Ruby’s built in keywords as hash keys?
<al2o3-cr> no
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<sheperson> for example hash = { true => 'something' }
<al2o3-cr> ?try sheperson
<al2o3-cr> not here either :(
<sheperson> I tried
<sheperson> I can do that in IRB
<al2o3-cr> true is not a keyword
<sheperson> and hash[true] returns ‘something'
<sheperson> aaargh
<eam> al2o3-cr: yes it is
<al2o3-cr> eam: is it?
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<sheperson> and I am confused
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<eam> sheperson: the way to reason about this isn't whether something is a keyword or not - rather, think about what object it represents
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<sheperson> so it is possible eam
<mondok> what di you think , how fast will work ruby script, that initialize 5M array of rand(int)
<mondok> rand(20000)
<eam> sheperson: sure. "true" returns an instance of TrueClass, right?
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<sheperson> yes
<sheperson> I think so
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<eam> I'd reword your question as: "Can an instance of trueclass be used as a hash key?" and I'd reply "yes almost all objects can be"
<sheperson> eam: thanks
<eam> sheperson: Hash requires that objects used as key implement the #hash method
<al2o3-cr> eam: yep, you're right
<sheperson> and true does implement #hash
<eam> true is the same value as, say (1 == 1)
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<eam> >> [(1 == 1).hash, true.hash]
* al2o3-cr wtf was i thinking
<eam> well, bot's broken but you can run that to see
<mondok> >> { |i| rand(20000) }
<sheperson> eam: Thanks
<eam> np
<sheperson> but is it safe?
<eam> yes
<sheperson> cool
<eam> booleans can be used as keys
<sheperson> and nil too
<eam> note: not all keywords will return an object
<sheperson> since nil implements #hash too
<eam> you can't say hash[if] for example
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<sheperson> yes, got your point
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<al2o3-cr> sheperson: sorry, was having a dumb moment right there :(
<sheperson> np
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<brijesh> .test
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<thepicard> hey, what's the difference between post and request_post in net/http?
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<thepicard> I glanced at the source, and post uses send_entity, whereas request_post constructs a new Post and send it
<thepicard> are they actually different in any way?
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<adaedra> Let me look
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<adaedra> &ri Net::HTTP#post Net::HTTP#request_post
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<adaedra> Second one may just be a newer one, as there is an alias as #get2 for the latter
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<thepicard> huh
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<thepicard> why would there be a newer one?
<thepicard> they appear to have the same behaviour
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<adaedra> the second one seems to yield something more complex
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<adaedra> yeah, that looks like it: #post yields bits by bits of response directly, while request_post yields an object to manage the response, something better
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<borodin> how do I get the value from an array of structs with key, value where key == "Name"
<borodin> zees ees complexictated
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<borodin>{|t| t.key == "Name"} gives me the struct which has key Name
<borodin> (actually gives me an array of one struct where key = "Name")
<borodin> ew
<thepicard> adaedra: oh yeah, you're right
<thepicard> it's a very minor difference
<thepicard> thanks!
<ljarvis> borodin: .map
<borodin>{|t| t.key == "Name"}[0].value gives me the value but it's UGLY
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<adaedra> thepicard: I wouldn't say that. The second one looks way more practical.
<ljarvis> borodin: you only want the first one it finds?
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<borodin> there can only be one
<borodin> unique keys
<ljarvis> borodin: g.tags.find { |t| t.key == "Name" }&.value
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<ljarvis> which returns nil if the tag can't be found (maybe you just want to raise)
<thepicard> adaedra: I guess I mean, the difference is relatively small, even though they are very different
<thepicard> I also find it interesting that the first (older) is implemented in terms of the newer
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<Ox0dea> thepicard: Depends on the size of the response, really.
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<thepicard> borodin: select{...}.first.value
<ljarvis> no
<Ox0dea> thepicard: Stop that.
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<ljarvis> dont do that
<thepicard> why not?
<ljarvis> use .find like I suggested above
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<Ox0dea> Because #find is objectively superior here.
<borodin> ljarvis find doesn't work for me
<borodin> ruby 1.9.3
<ljarvis> borodin: "doesn't work" isn't hugely descriptive
<ljarvis> also, upgrade your Ruby..
<Ox0dea> 18>> [1,2,3,4].find &:even?
<ruby[bot]> Ox0dea: # => 2 (
<Ox0dea> #find is old.
<borodin> but its superior because it returns nil and doesn't blow up so i want to figure it out
<Ox0dea> It's superior because it stops at the first match.
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<borodin> is there supposed to be a space before the & ?
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<ljarvis> borodin: the & won't work, it's 2.3 syntax
<borodin> syntax error unexpected '.'
<ljarvis> borodin: so you can just use .find { ... } and then check if it's nil, then use .value
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<borodin> ok :(
<ljarvis> >> [1,3].find(&:even?)&.odd?
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<ruby[bot]> ljarvis: # => nil (
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<Ox0dea> >> nil&.nil?
<ruby[bot]> Ox0dea: # => nil (
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<thepicard> would g.tags.find { |t| t.value if t.key == 'Name' } work?
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<ljarvis> no
<ljarvis> it doesn't make much sense
<thepicard> it's ugly as balls and I wouldn't do it in really code, but it seems like it would in a very sideways way
<thepicard> real*
<ljarvis> the t.value is used in void context
<Ox0dea> You could "return" it with `break`, but just don't.
<ljarvis> actually that's not entirely true, but still
<ljarvis> it's true enough for this argument
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<Ox0dea> It's not being thrown away at all.
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<thepicard> oh of course, you're right
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<Ox0dea> Is there any semantics for #bury that would be unsurprising?
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