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need some help with Net::HTTP
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"{\"resource_owner_id\":1,\"resource_owner_type\":\"customer\",\"country_code\":\"+91\",\"phone_number\":\"019836870428\",\"retry\":null}" this my params.to_json. the 1 is fixnum not string, http =, uri.port);, params.to_json, headers) it throws an error saying cannot apply strip on fixnum
how to solve this, I could change the 1 to 1.to_s in the original params, but that is not possible bcoz the other service expects it to be int not string
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Hello Everyone, Why do I have to use @vms_list as an instance variable. I am not using it any other method.
Well what happens if you don't use an instance variable?
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nothing, script exits without printing anything
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the anser is in line 8
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@herwin: was that for me /
vikas027: yes
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@herwin: hmm.. can you please explain a bit ?
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ah, I guess the method is calling itself ... is that the reason ?
yes, and that will create a new variable
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sorry, relatively new to ruby and trying to learn stuff.
this is not really specific to ruby ;)
cool, that explains. Thanks a ton herwin
yeah, I know. I guess I overlooked it and thought it to be ruby specific. My bad
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vikas027: the code is still pretty scary, because it might reset the @vms_list variable
a more reliable way would be to do "def vms(folder, vms_list = [])"
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then you can just use vms_list instead of @vms_list
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and change line 8 to "vms(x, vms_list)"
or initialize the instance variable in find_vms_to_delete
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ah... let me try that
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is there a difference between hash.key?[:foo] and hash[:foo].present?
herwin: Thank you, worked like a charm :)
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One more question. Is there a neat way to print everything in one line but break line with puts/print/etc ? rubocop complains of long lines. If I break this into multiple lines, it breaks in the output as well, which I do not want. Is there an alternative ?
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ba ouai
sorry, wrong chan
vikas027: use print instead of puts
vikas027: you can do things like "puts 'foo' +\n'bar'"
@herwin: Perfect. You are a life saver :)
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toretore: I did tried using print in vain. It too broke the output in multiple lins
no it didn't
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doanguyen: And the reason for this is to allow Ruby to easily implement internal instance variables (the ones without @) which are completely inaccessible to the Ruby world.
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toretore, herwin : This looks best to me (see the last line)
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vikas027: you are explicitly putting \n in your string..
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vikas027: \n = newliine = line break
toretore: No I am not see the last puts statement. It breaks the line (similar to bash) in code but still prints the text in one line
I have that recipe iterating through the node and for some reason, evne if I don’t set the :locked attribute, it still creates the username with no SSH keys
it does work if I use if user[:locked] == ‘true’ but I am wondering if this is the correct way in Ruby?
valkyrka: What exactly is your question?
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sorry, it’s basically
What is the value of user[:locked] if it's not "true"?
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false or "false" ?
false and "false are two different things
sorry, I didn’t realize
So yes, your solution with == "true" is probably good
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valkyrka: There's only one thing I would change in your gist.
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valkyrka: I would move the opening array [ in line 20 to the end of line 19.
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sweet, I will do that, thank you
Beyond that it looks idiomatic
If we're picking about style, you should use symbol: "value" in that hash :P
what should I look for to clarify what’s the difference between false and “false”?
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valkyrka: One is just a string
The other is a boolean value
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got it, thanks!
In Ruby, if considers everything that is not either boolean false or nil (equivalent of null) to be truthy
^- even an empty string.
>> puts !!""
dminuoso: # => /tmp/execpad-e57ae304f660/source-e57ae304f660:2: warning: string literal in condition ...check link for more (
* dminuoso
kicks ruby[bot]
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Ruby has no un-expected implicit type casting, making this rule very easy to remember and apply.
I got it, thanks a million guys
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actually, it seems that that didn’t work
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hi, strange question, just out of curiosity is anyone in here a bad reader? for example, had trouble with reading comprehension growing up, or is dyslexic, or has problems maintaining focus while reading?
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eindoofus a psychiatrist can diagnose that.
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eindoofus by the way, i think you're just hypocondriac though.
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Is there in ruby a way to handle all exceptions? The motivation for this is handle the exception, maybe looging to a specific files some kind of exceptions or send and e-mail to the system administrator
Is there a way to do this?
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In Java we have: Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(UncaughtExceptionHandler ex)
In NodeJS we have: process.on('uncaughtException', function(err) {/*code*/})
How can we do this in ruby?
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i have a set of files in a directory that I want to templatize and be able to create instances of those templates in another directory- is there a gem that handles that for me?
ruby774: i'm not sure what the problem is but I would use POST (for new) and PUT to overwrite
no need for a seperate uri
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if you can say more about what you are seeing, what error you are getting, and what you expect to happen it may help in answering your question
That means it will read txt from wiki.txt and write it in wiki2txt file So whatever was in wiki2.txt will be replaced with the text from wiki.txt
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I need help please for my project
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ruby774: i don't know what you are trying to do, what problem you are having, and I don't have time to piece it all together. is there a specific error you are getting?
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is there a easy way in ruby - with grep or via a gem to remove any line that isn't a valid IPv4 address?
ah.. ipaddress gem..
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so I have been looking around and I cant find any way to use a rake task to export an environmental variable. Is this true or am I missing somthing.
someone mind telling me where i've gone off the rails at the bottom with the true or false part?
im using ipaddress to test to test if a ip is true or false, that works fine, i just need a working if/else based on if it is true or false.
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havenwood: so should I use a multitask or create a method that gets extended for each task (sorry operations person here)
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nullsign: if true will always execute.
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where am i going wrong then?
do i even need that def line?
should i remove it and go with if value="true" ?
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if i.is_ip? then puts "TRUE" else puts "FALSE" end
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... that works
thank you
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No need for that method declaration at all.
Just do that inside the for loop.
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ruby seems to natively work with true/false then
The for loop and that one-line if-then-else aren't idiomatic Ruby though, just FYI.
thats pretty cool
nowhere in that am i defining that i'm sending it true/false
yet it interprets it correctly
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ive spent too long in bash
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If you are impressed by that, you are really gonna love Ruby.
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That is just the tip of the iceberg.
how do I reuse a Rake task as a prerequisite for other rake tasks?
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sanguisdex: you mean how do you call a rake task from within a rake task?
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puts puts i.is_ip? ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"
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neat.. this can combined down to "IPADDR =, :headers=>true)['IP Address']"
sanguisdex: You can do something like Rake::Task['other:task'].execute from within a rake task.
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antoniobeyah: you have to be auth'd to nickserv
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Jayson_Virissimo: I have a series of Rake tasks that interact with EC2. each task with need to start with pinging the aws api to get security group and subnet id's. How do I create a method in my Rakefile that is reused at the beginning of every ec2 Rake task?
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is this crazy talk?
A Rakefile is jjust regular Ruby code, you can just define the method and call it?
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i want to install the pcaprub on cygwin as a dependency for another gem, packetfu. it's a hard dependency, but it's (i think) not required for what i want to do with packetfu
the problem is, cygwin has no libpcap, so the native parts of pcaprub fail to build. is there a way to skip the native extension build?
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hrm.. suggestion? IPADDR =, :headers=>true)['IP Address'] <- this works great
tho i'd like to add in some safety by dying if the csv fails to have a column named that.
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I'm building an array of regex matches from a multiline string, each value is taken from the string via array = [string[/key: (.*)/,1], etc. ] however the resulting array of values is not being constructed properly - not sure why
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I'm getting only some of the matches, even though each item is there and they are out of order
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So, I started getting this weird warnings
W, [2017-02-03T16:36:23.428802 #11557] WARN -- : You are setting a key that conflicts with a built-in method Hashie::Mash#frozen? defined in Kernel. This can cause unexpected behavior when accessing the key via as a property. You can still access the key via the #[] method.
Any idea what causes this, or if there's way to silence them (they are not on stderr)
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Hey, I'm a ruby beginner and have what is probably a really simple question. I'm trying to rescue an error in a begin/rescue structure but it isn't being rescued. Whenever I try to search for this it's about errors that don't inherit from StandardError but that is not my problem. I'm specifying the exact error type and it's still not being caught.
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some cut'n'paste is in order
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hi, i'm trying to write out a gzipped string to a file. currently, i'm doing `'asdf.gz', 'w') {|f| gz =, 9) ; gz.write 'jugemu jugemu gokou no surikire...' ; gz.close }`, but i find that the end result has the same text as what i entered. any ideas?
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cahoots: I just copy & pasted the above into irb and it wrote a rather compressed-looking file
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matthewd, hrm that's odd
but i fixed it anyways by just using command-line gzip. thanks though!
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Can anyone convince me that implementing a singleton class is better than just using a module?
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The only reason I can see using a singleton class is because you wouldn't want to extend or include it in another class/module.
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But that argument doesn't apply at all to modules creating a namespace - so it's not really an argument so far as I can tell.
jaegerca: It's also often the case that if you have state to instantiate but only one instance of that state then you're also likely to want to be able to serialize that state.
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havenwood: I am not sure what you mean by serialize in this context.
jaegerca: Singleton also provides Marshal dump and load helpers.
jaegerca: If you have nothing to instantiate, a module. If you have only one instance, a Singleton Class. If you have many instances, a Class.
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havenwood: I understand - I can get on board with that, thank you.
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jaegerca: No prob. But yeah, you can do one or many instances with a module yourself, but it's nice to use the singleton class or class as provided.
jaegerca: It signals to the reader what exactly you have. It keeps you from having to write your own instance-handling methods.
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havenwood: That makes perfect sense.
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How do I find out if a class is a subclass of some other class, possibly transitively via other subclasses in between?
I can't find a method but maybe I'm not searching with a sensible name
chrisseaton: Like?: Fixnum < Numeric
Yeah, I want to do Fixnum.subclass_of?(Numeric)