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<soulisson> Hi, is that an accurate description of what an object is: "something that contains data and functions"?
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<agent_white> Pretty much yeup! Ones I've heard more are 'attributes and behavior', or 'state and behavior'. Whatever floats yer boat.
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<agent_white> To be pendantic, data and functions is pretty much just code, whereas behavior implies something specific to a certain entity.
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<soulisson> agent_white: someone told me it wasn't good because objects don't actually contain code but isn't that more on the implementation level. For instance we call an object's method
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<agent_white> What do you (or he/she) mean by 'doesn't contain code'?
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<soulisson> agent_white: it doesn't contains functions.
<agent_white> How so?
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<agent_white> I'm confused by that.
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<soulisson> agent_white: I think he was referring to the way things are implemented and the fact that functions are shared by the instances of a class and the fact there is a function per instance
<agent_white> Don't namespaces contain data and methods though?
<agent_white> So... then are namespaces objects?
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<soulisson> It's True on the implementation level but I'm not sure this is how we should thing about objects at a more abstract level
<agent_white> Ohhh I see what you mean I spose.
<agent_white> I dunno, "functions and data" is a bit vague. Check the link above: behavior and attributes imply they are tied to something.
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<agent_white> 'Data' and 'functions' a bit more agnostic.
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<soulisson> agent_white: but is it ok to think about objects the way it's depicted in the diagram?
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<agent_white> soulisson: Not sure? I'm not familiar with procedural programming at all, so someone else here likely knows better than I.
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<agent_white> More important is what lead to that question.
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<soulisson> agent_white: I was trying to get a good understanding of what an object is in OOP
<agent_white> It's the cookie you made from the cutter! :D
<agent_white> soulisson: Don't get hung up on grammar though, more important is the concept itself.
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<soulisson> agent_white: yes, I was trying to understand the concept and for me an object is bundle that contains attributes and methods but I'm not sure
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<agent_white> Sounds right to me!
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<soulisson> agent_white: ok, thank you
<agent_white> :) Just remember that "function" and "method" are used interchangably, at least in Ruby.
* agent_white shrugs
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<neruda> hi all, asking here because its really quiet in RoR
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<agent_white> soulisson: If you can, you should pickup POODR (Practical Object Oriented Design in Ruby) by Sandi Metz. Highly recommended by folks around here to understand OOP and how Ruby does it (duck-typing, etc.).
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<soulisson> agent_white: ok, thank you
<agent_white> Mhm!
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<agent_white> soulisson: Here! Watch this first: https://vimeo.com/26330100
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<agent_white> She's a great speaker and the example she uses here is the one she uses in her book.
<soulisson> I'll take a look
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<agent_white> Her approach to it is in a refactoring sense; not 'here's the right way the first time', it's more of a 'well yes, this works, but here's the caveats and how to avoid them... oh no, it's better, but here's another thing to consider'.
<agent_white> iono. Very pragmatic. It's rad.
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<Radar> With this output of RubyProf: "13.26% (91.02%) ReportDateRange#last_response_time [2 calls, 4 total]" what does "4 total" represent?
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<havenwood> Radar: Looks like "`call_info.called` calls, `call_info.target.call_infos.sum(&:called)` total", whatever that means.
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<matthewd> Radar: Is that when looking at something's outgoing calls? Sounds like this thing called that method twice, and something else called it two more times. Maybe.
<matthewd> I don't profile enough to remember everything :/ .. end up having to work out relationships from context each time
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<Radar> Looking at it a bit closer: I think it is how many times the method is called _total_ across the entire profiling session. "calls" is how many times it is called in that particular branch.
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<zenspider> is there a (lightweight) stdC way of getting a tick count?
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<matthewd> zenspider: Given the various emulation strategies Process.clock_gettime implements, I think the answer's ~no
<zenspider> heh... I'm currently going with clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &now) on a static now...seems to be working?
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<matthewd> I think the risk is that CLOCK_MONOTONIC isn't guaranteed to be implemented on all platforms
<zenspider> this is just for my testing, so that's fine for now
<zenspider> it's still returning bullshit... but that's a whole other issue
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<blackbom1> did you try turning it off and on again
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<zenspider> how's that working out for you?
<blackbom1> works for 95% of computer problems i run into.
<zenspider> maybe you should try it now
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<blackbom1> i dont have a computer problem atm.
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<zenspider> debatable
<agent_white> +1
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<zenspider> derp derp derp... nano is 10^-9, not 10^-6
<zenspider> IT IS NOT THAT SLOO... oh.
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<zenspider> what'd odd to me is that windows has GetTickCount() and it's in millis...
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<agent_white> Convert to miles first
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<eugenmayer> is it possible to make an argument (not an option) known to thor that way, that it is exlpained when tying thor this:is:my:action
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<BernhardPosselt> similar to 4.times is there something for booleans like true.ifTrue
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<unabl4> Why do you need this piece of functionality?
<BernhardPosselt> pure demonstration
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<BernhardPosselt> to show the difference between OOP and imperative
<unabl4> I’m not sure there is. However, you can easily extend the TrueClass, FalseClass, NilClass
<unabl4> with your custom method
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<BernhardPosselt> e.g. in small talk you can do something like: a < b
<BernhardPosselt> ifFalse: [^'a is greater than or equal to b']
<BernhardPosselt> ifTrue: [^'a is less than b']
<BernhardPosselt> and afaik ifTrue is a method on a Boolean
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<BernhardPosselt> and only the True instance will execute the block
<elomatreb> Using an if isn't strictly imperative programming though imo
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<rob__> hey, can anyone tell me if its possible to call a submodule class method from an module extension? e.g: https://gist.github.com/roobert/bb54ac6e5a5b4d173ab3c7d01b108e0d
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<unabl4> Interesting question, rob. Couldn’t make it to work :(
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<rob__> hmm :|
<rob__> work around is to just create a method in the parent module which calls the sub module method but that seems pretty rubbish
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<unabl4> I might be wrong, but I think you need to do something with inclusion/extension callback functions
<unabl4> like, included(base), extended(base)
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<unabl4> Because it attempts to find the method in “Included::Submodule” (which does not exist in Test) and not just “Submodule”
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<rob__> ah
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<mikecmpbll> rob__ : puts self::Submodule.bar
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<rob__> mikecmpbll: oh nice that works, thanks!
<mikecmpbll> 👌🏼
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<nbol> Could anyone explain this behaviour?
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<mikecmpbll> nbol : what precisely? there's quite a lot there.
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<mikecmpbll> oh the local variable thing. nvm i can't explain it in any intelligent way anyway, i just know about it.
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<nbol> yea, it just really surprised me
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<manveru> you can always use self.foo if you want the method to be called
<manveru> as soon as ruby sees a local variable, even if it's not being set, it won't think that it's a method anymore
<nbol> well, it's easy enough to always prefix instance variables with @ so the code stays readable, so it's not really a problem
<manveru> or you can use foo() to force it to use the method
<manveru> but ideally, you don't use conflicting names :)
<nbol> and it's not a method, just an instance variable
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<toretore> nbol: `foo` is never an instance variable; an ivar always starts with @
<toretore> `foo` is, in order of precedence: 1) a local variable, or 2) a method
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<nbol> oh, right
<nbol> so referencing it as foo calls the getter function?
<nbol> I've always though of it as just another way of referencing the instance variable
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<manveru> no, it calls the method, attr_accessor defines the `foo` and `foo=` methods for you
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<nbol> thanks, that really cleared it up for me
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<gbt> hi, am new to ruby.. our developers want to provide us with an applicaiton config file but the values come from a database...e.g. LOCATION=<select location from * where blah eq blah> ... Is it possible to embed sql queries directly into an ERB template?, so that developers can throw the whole ERB to us with all the required SQL embeddd, so that we can run it ( i guess using a ruby command that evaluates an ERB) and it outputs a lovely config file
<gbt> with all correct values (from DB) ?
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<gbt> so the final file will have a flat text config file that has
<gbt> LOCATION=London
<gbt> etc
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<manveru> gbt: well... almost
<manveru> you need to call a method that actually executes the query too :)
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<mitt3ns> Mornin' folks
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<manveru> gbt: i assume you don't use postgresql, or they'd just run the query and it outputs json :)
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<manveru> a config file like you propose has several disadvantages, like newlines or encodings being unspecified
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<gbt> manveru ... can the ruby code that executes the query not be embeded into the ERB?
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<manveru> it can, but why would you want to?
<gbt> do you think another method for creating that config file would be better ?
<gbt> im trying to find the easiet solution
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<manveru> let them give you a flat json file like this: {location: 'select location from * where x', name: 'select name from * where blah'}
<gbt> the sql queries and template will always be the same, the value in the database entries (for the values ) will change on each new release
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<manveru> then all you need is: require 'json'; require 'pp'; pp JSON.parse(open('your.json')).map{|key, query| [key, execute(query)] }.to_h
<gbt> so I can embed sql directly into json?
<gbt> sorry, new to json as well :-)
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<manveru> http://json.org/ :)
<manveru> {} is an object, it has keys and values, {"key": "value"}
<manveru> the value in your case is the sql string
<manveru> you replace the value with the result of the query
<manveru> so it becomes {"key": "result"}
<manveru> does that make sense so far?
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<manveru> if you JSON.parse a json file, you get a simple Hash back
<gbt> mmmm, ok, just a little lost ...the query string sits as a json 'value' to the 'key' called LOCATION ... i guess im not clear on what will execute that query from the JON doc
<manveru> ruby executes the query
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<manveru> but you also need something like sequel to connect to the database first
<gbt> ah is see so my ruby script would contain ...require 'json'; require 'pp'; pp JSON.parse(open('your.json')).map{|key, query| [key, execute(query)] }.to_h
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<manveru> well, that's a start
<manveru> the above will fail, since `execute` is not defined
<gbt> would the ruby script not need to include any mysql libary or sql parsing libarry, or is that built in to ruby
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<manveru> that's why you need the sequel library too
<gbt> so that would be an additional 'require' statement ?
<gbt> ok ill take a look at that
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<gbt> I assume then if i have a populated json doc, i then need to convert that data into a config file that my application understands
<gbt> would ruby do that piece too?
<manveru> sure
<gbt> thank you for your help by the way
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<Al3xG0> !paste
<Al3xG0> how to solve - > http://pastebin.com/raw/9Fjn1sjF
<ruby[bot]> Al3xG0: we in #ruby do not like pastebin.com, it loads slowly for most, has ads which are distracting and has terrible formatting. Please use https://gist.github.com
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<baweaver> Al3xG0: First, you're using an old version of Ruby
<baweaver> Second, what OS are you using and have you installed development tools for it?
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<baweaver> Third, what have you tried beyond just gem install?
<baweaver> Fourth, it's a really bad idea to use sudo/root for everything
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<Al3xG0> baweaver develop
<baweaver> ?
<Al3xG0> baweaver i install 2,0 now
<Al3xG0> root@msth:/home/usuario/tmp/lab# ruby -v
<Al3xG0> ruby 2.0.0p384 (2014-01-12) [x86_64-linux-gnu]
<Al3xG0> root@msth:/home/usuario/tmp/lab# sudo gem install rest-client
<Al3xG0> rest-client requires Ruby version >= 2.0.0.
<Al3xG0> ERROR: Error installing rest-client:
<baweaver> What distribution of linux are you using
<Al3xG0> ubuntu 14 LT
<baweaver> and have you tried searching for that error?
<baweaver> specifically the native extension one
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<baweaver> There are a few solutions you'll find if you do.
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<Al3xG0> yes
<Al3xG0> no see solution
<baweaver> What exactly are you searching for?
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<Al3xG0> i need install module rest-client
<Al3xG0> baweaver
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<baweaver> I'm aware of this
<baweaver> What specifically are you searching for in Google to find a solution to the error you received?
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<baweaver> Try this in Google: error installing rest-client: error: failed to build gem native extension.
<baweaver> See what you find
<Al3xG0> getpost in website
<baweaver> Whenever you see an error message, put it into Google to see what you can find.
<Al3xG0> yes i search ... not have result
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<baweaver> It's the first result on the page.
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<apeiros> note: google personalizes searches. your first result isn't necessary the first result for somebody else.
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<aarkerio> hi ! I want to change all nil values in a hash to 0, is a not nested hash, is this a good way:
<aarkerio> my_hash.merge!(my_hash) { |k, v| v.nil? ? 0 : v }
<aarkerio> ?
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<marchelzo> aarkerio: my_hash.transform_values! { |v| v.nil? ? 0 : v }
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<aarkerio> that would work out of Rails?
<marchelzo> yes
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<marchelzo> i don't know when Hash#transform_values! was added
<marchelzo> it's in 2.4 at least
<aarkerio> cool! thanks marchelzo
<marchelzo> np
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<al2o3-cr> aarkerio: are all your values integers?
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<apeiros> my_hash.transform_values! { |v| v || 0 }
<apeiros> assuming you don't have `false` as valid values
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<Ovsjah> testing testing
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<apeiros> Ovsjah: critical failure! please reboot the system!
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<StoneCypher> I'm missing something stupid about how to use byebug. I've gem installed and bundle installed. require 'byebug' can't include such a file, and just trying to use it, undefined local variable or method
<StoneCypher> i just want a breakpoint. is byebug the wrong choice?
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<apeiros> what is the precise code you use to require byebug?
<StoneCypher> literally just the line `byebug`
<apeiros> that's not how you load code in ruby
<apeiros> `require 'byebug'`
<StoneCypher> well, i tried require 'byebug'
<SeepingN> load "/path/to/said/file.rb"
<StoneCypher> well, i tried require 'byebug''require 'byebug' can't
<StoneCypher> i feel like my question pretty clearly said what happened when i tried that (shrugs)
<StoneCypher> SeepingN: i have no idea where the gem installed, and nothing else in the system seems to be loaded that way
<apeiros> and what happened when you did `require 'byebug'`?
<StoneCypher> like the question says, "can't include such file"
<apeiros> StoneCypher: please, don't pull it from your head, copy and paste
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<SeepingN> gemfile has: gem 'byebug', '~> 9.0', '>= 9.0.6' ?
<StoneCypher> SeepingN: checking, moment
<StoneCypher> SeepingN: nope, that's the problem. thanks
<SeepingN> those version #'s are probably wrong
<StoneCypher> what's the appropriate way to dig up the correct ones?
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<SeepingN> do you have MRI 2.0.0 or higher.
* StoneCypher has no idea :D
<StoneCypher> probably not?
<SeepingN> so you don't even meet the requirements
<StoneCypher> package managers are supposed to install requirements :/
<StoneCypher> ah, that's working, then
<StoneCypher> SeepingN: thanks
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<apeiros> I can't install a 1.9.3 to test, but byebug lists 2.0 as requirement. I don't think rubygems would let you install it without at least a warning on an older ruby.
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<aot> is it still possible to write python scripts in latin1?
<aot> or ruby
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<apeiros> no idea about python, but ruby yes - but ruby I think you still can, by setting an encoding comment
<apeiros> however, it's IMO a rather bad idea to do so
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<sparr> [{x:0,y:0,range:[].to_set}]*SYNERGY_COLORS.length seems to give me a bunch of hashes all pointing the same place. what's the right way to do this to get an array of unique hashes?
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<manveru> sparr: what do you want?
<manveru> sparr: probably Array.new(10){ [{x:0, y:0, range: Set.new}] }
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<manveru> replace 10 with your length
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<sparr> that won't get me 10 things pointing to the same set?
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<baweaver> Try it out
<sparr> is there an interactive ruby shell where I can type things and see them evaluated?
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<ddffg> sparr https://repl.it/
<sparr> spiffy, thanks
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<baweaver> sparr: irb is built into ruby
<baweaver> you can run it from your command line
<sparr> thanks, as well
<sparr> I had been running ruby, typing in stuff, hitting ctrl+d, repeat
<baweaver> Look into Pry later if you want more horsepower
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<SeepingN> oh my. yeah Pry look sawesome. It took me so long to get wirb working right I haven't tried to switch to Pry yet
<darix> SeepingN: binding.pry :p
<darix> try that
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<Kestrel-029> Hi, can someone advise me which command to use to reinstall ruby and rails on ubuntu 16? I'm having gem issues and feel that removing and installing it again is the best way to fix it.
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<Kestrel-029> I'm using ruby 2.3.1p112 and rails 4.2.6
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<nofxx> Kestrel-029, apt-get, it's a distro thing.. not ruby
<nofxx> Kestrel-029, also check ~/.gem and if /etc/gemrc has --user-install
<nofxx> if you don't have a rubygems key you can safely rm -rf ~/.gem
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<nofxx> life's too short for chruby/rvm ... just use a good distro that has up to date ruby
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<Radar> Latest version of Ruby available on the latest Ubuntu is 2.3.0.
<Radar> Check. Mate.
<nofxx> I'll never remember this.. Array#what? -> [[:a, :b], [:a, :b]] -> [[:a, :a], [:b, :b]]
<nofxx> I'll never remember this.. Array#what? -> [[:a, :b], [:a, :b], [:a, :b]....] -> [[:a, :a, :a...], [:b, :b, :b....]
<nofxx> Radar, at least they are updating something.... darn I hate debians heh
<Radar> Kestrel-029: Remove whatever you have installed so far, and then follow this: http://ryanbigg.com/2014/10/ubuntu-ruby-ruby-install-chruby-and-you
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<nofxx> it was 1.6 when the world was 1.8, 1.8 years while the world was 2.1.... 2.0 while the world was 2.3
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<Radar> nofxx: the Big Giant Text™ at the top of my post is there for a very, very good reason.
<Papierkorb> To be fair, 2.3 is surprisingly recent for debian
<nofxx> Papierkorb, yeah, I'm surprised too
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<Radar> Papierkorb: not having at least 2.3.3 is almost negligence.
<nofxx> it's debian, dont's expect it to be good
<Papierkorb> Radar: ... Okay I did expect them to be at least package patch releases
<Papierkorb> s/be/offer/
<Papierkorb> -offer
<nofxx> the most fun thing is that it's suppose to be like that for stability, and debians I had crash way, but WAY more than bleeding edge arch
<Radar> I have a lot of feelpinions regarding apt + ruby.
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<nofxx> and it goes beyond, all those -dev -libs -extra packages just to save space, 2kb -header libs... because we're in 92 and disks have 180Mb
<Radar> I should probably update that blog post.
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<nofxx> that being said, I like 'install' over pacman '-S', you can make fun aliases... 'please install firefox'
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<StoneCypher> if i'm running tests through rake, can i run just one test by number?
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<Papierkorb> nofxx: https://github.com/nvbn/thefuck `please instal firefox ... fuck` ;)
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<SeepingN> that's awesome
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<cpruitt> So, I’m interested in doing some simulations, just for fun and would like to draw/animate the simulation while it’s running. I’m looking for a good UI kit for ruby on OS X. Doesn’t need to be portable. I’d tried shoes which I had more trouble with than was worth it & processing which wasn’t too bad. Anyone know of anything else that’ll let me draw some primitave shapes in a window and animate them around?
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<cpruitt> (by processing I mean ruby-processing)
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<darix> cpruitt: Qt
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<cpruitt> darix: Qt runs under XQuarts on OS X?
<darix> cpruitt: i am more of a linux guy. but you asked for a portable gui toolkit
<darix> and there arent that many
<darix> GTK+
<cpruitt> darix: Sorry, I’d said *doesn’t* need to be portable.
<darix> ok
<cpruitt> Either way may be an option.
<darix> i am sure you can find out if it supports working without X
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<cpruitt> I don’t mind if it’s an xquarts thing.
<cpruitt> I’d just like something simple that kinda gets out of the way. I’m more interested in the simulation than in learning a gui toolkit at the moment.
<cpruitt> Thanksfor the input. :-)
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