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<croberts> Radar: is rubybot custom made or is it from a framework out there
* croberts wants to try to make a ircbot w ruby/rails
<Papierkorb> croberts: Rails has not much to do with an IRC bot per se. But there's `cinch`, which is a irc bot building library in Ruby
<baweaver> Just Google Ruby IRC gem
<baweaver> there are several around. I think Cinch and Lita are the leaders
<croberts> cool
<Radar> That's the framework I wrote.
<Radar> cinch is probably better maintained
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<baweaver> So Summer has sunsetted?
<Radar> baweaver: badum tish
<Radar> It Just Works(tm)
* baweaver bows
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<Radar> Within 4 minutes of me saying "It Just Works", the bot crashed and restarted.
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<Majost> I have a simple ruby script which comprises of some methods and no classes, for I am trying to write some rspec. The script has a method which checks for the existentence of an ENV key, and if nil raises an error. I am looking on the intarwebs on how to use the `raise_error` stuff, but all the examples I find seem to assume a class instance is created, and
<Majost> I am not sure how to test something like this script in which no class instance exists. How do I go about doing this?
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<Radar> Majost: Can you show us what you have already?
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<Majost> For now, I am trying to suppress the raise at the moment.
<Majost> It seems to raise RuntimeError each time I try to run the spec
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<Majost> I was assuming I can just mock those two things to make it happy.... but there is something I am missing
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<Radar> Majost: Why not use ENV.fetch which has this behaviour already?
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<Majost> Doesn't `ENV.fetch` assume the variable is set?
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<Radar> It will raise an error if it's not set. You're literally implementing the same behaviour as ENV.getch.
<Majost> Or do you mean with the method
<Radar> fetch*
<Majost> ah
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<allisio> Why isn't ENV a Hash?
<Majost> It is
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<allisio> Is not.
<allisio> >> ENV.is_a? Hash
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<allisio> It's "hash-like", and I'm trying to make sense of that.
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<matthewd> It writes to the actual environment variables
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<Majost> huh... `.class` returns 'Object'
<Majost> heh
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<allisio> matthewd: Makes sense. Thanks.
<allisio> Still, it could've just had its own #[]=.
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<allisio> Radar: ENV.getch: 😂
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<candelabra> Say I've got a big text file (say 4mb), and I need execute a function once for each column of the file. I need to pass an array of of every character in the current column to the function. What's an efficient way to do this?
<Nilium> Are the characters all ASCII?
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<Radar> Is this file a CSV?
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<baweaver> candelabra: break the functions into terms where they can operate on a single item
<baweaver> then just iterate the rows and independently transform each one with the single-item function
<baweaver> though real code helps to adjust for context
<candelabra> this is not a csv
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<candelabra> each line resembles: Underscored_word_here ?10001010101?10001?101010... (but length is 80,000+)
<candelabra> basically all the lines of ?100101?? together represent a matrix
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<candelabra> baweaver, that approach seems like it would end up storing a lot in memory, almost the entire file
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<candelabra> it may be the files end up being much bigger than 4mb
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<baweaver> you're going to have to be a bit more descriptive with what transformations you're trying to do here
<baweaver> because it sounds a lot like you want Linear Algebra
<baweaver> remember that we have no idea what you're working on so we tend to answer very generically.
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<candelabra> so if you think of the file as a big matrix of 0?10010 (only ?, 0, and 1), with each row having a label, then what I need to do is, for each column in the matrix, is write a line to a new file that orders the column labels according to the 0, ?, or 1 in that specific matrix space... I'll create a gist
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<candelabra> I guess one specific question I have is if there is a way in ruby to get the character from a certain position (line, column) in a text file
<candelabra> aside from file.split(/\n/)[row][col]
<nofxx> candelabra, I would do {}
<nofxx> a a def parse_line to receive each... just write to a file after
<candelabra> as of now I'm incrementally writing to the file after each column
<nofxx> candelabra, just change #map with #each and write after each line
<nofxx> inside the loop
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<nofxx> have a need for that? problaly faster going all to ram and flushing to disk in the end I imagine
<candelabra> but i'm just doing array = file.split(), and then array.each{|line| #write what i want }
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<candelabra> well I had originally it all in ram, but it crashed the guys pc when he tried to run it w/ a bigger file, may have been multiple gb
<baweaver> If you're getting into multiple GB files you might consider going with something like Rust or Go
<baweaver> If it gets into 100s of GBs, Spark.
<candelabra> thanks
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<candelabra> i'll suggest that
<baweaver> Ruby doesn't do so hot after a few hundred megs of data in memory
<nofxx> but won't that be a matter of physical ram rather than lang? will need to work in chunks anyway
<nofxx> you can read a file with pointer in ruby no? [from, to] limited thing?
<baweaver> It will, but other languages tend to deal with that a bit better
<nofxx> and that being needed (work in chunks) won't ruby be the easiest to get ir running?
<nofxx> heheh =D
<candelabra> this is sort of a proof of concept at the moment for a larger thing he's writing a paper on
<candelabra> the script isn't the subject, it's the output that is the subject
<baweaver> &ri IO
<nofxx> nevermind, just write it in C
* baweaver doesn't feel like Googling
<baweaver> binread may work for partial reads
<candelabra> binread looks like a possibility
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<baweaver> File inherits from IO
<baweaver> binread / read
<allisio> Regular #read can do partial reads just fine.
<al2o3-cr> yep it can
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<allisio> candelabra: I think you think you want #seek and #getc, but you really don't.
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<candelabra> allisio, maybeso, are you saying I don't because it will have a negative affect on performance?
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<candelabra> allisio, really I'm just curious to attempt different approaches
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<candelabra> I'm just wondering if I know the size of the matrix, if I can just for() and then use something like, pos) to get the space in the matrix I want
<candelabra> and if that would be better than storing a bunch of things in memory
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<allisio> candelabra: See above. :P
<allisio> It sounds suspiciously like you *want* to use a flat-file database, which is a special breed of masochistic.
<allisio> Consider finding a more efficient representation of your data, then stick them in a database for saner querying/processing.
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<candelabra> allisio, unfortunately that's way outside the scope
<candelabra> the task was "here is this format of file, can you make it into this other format with a script for me?"
<candelabra> I've got it working, I was just curious if there was a more efficient way
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<allisio> candelabra: That's new information; at the outset, you indicated that you *needed* a more performant solution in order to process your actual inputs.
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<allisio> In any case, I'm glad you got it sorted. I suspect I'm not the only one who'd be willing to nitpick your current code if you'd be willing to post it. :)
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<candelabra> sorry I was unclear, what I meant by "I need to execute a function once for each column of this big text file" was that I have a file and I need to use the data in each column
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<allisio> Are all your columns of equal width?
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<candelabra> I'll post a git here in a second
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<candelabra> yes
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<candelabra> like an m*n matrix
<allisio> #tranpose would fit the bill very nicely if you didn't have so much data.
<candelabra> thats what I was thinking, although the matrix is offset by the column labels so that would be tricky
<candelabra> i'll post a gist, I'm just going to add some comments
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<candelabra> allisio, nitpick away
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<allisio> candelabra: Apologies for the delay. I went ahead and refactored:
<allisio> It's a pretty thoroughly different approach, but do you see how to proceed from there?
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<dionysus69> hello all
<dionysus69> I get error with this line output = same happened on not just unimidi but just midi or micromidi gems.
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<kke> i wonder if i could create a custom build option for a gem to overwrite the shebang in executables, something like the --with-mysql in mysql2 gem
<kke> such as gem build/install foofoo --with-ruby=/usr/local/bin/ruby
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<kke> let's see.
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<alex``> how convert string to regex?
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<alex``> '/foo/i' to /foo/i
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<alex``> will produce /\/foo\/i/ regex
<alex``> not /foo/i regex
<kke> i mean
<kke> but yes it seems to escape /
<alex``> i have to parse the string myself?
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<kke> Regexp.compile(string) maybe
<kke> nope
<alex``> currently i have something like that
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<alex``> def to_r
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<alex``> *begin
<alex``> scan(%r[/(?<string>.+)/(?<options>[#{Regexp::OPTIONS.keys.join}]+)]).map do |match|
<alex``> [ match['string'], match['options'].chars.uniq.inject(0) { |kcode, option| kcode + Regexp::OPTIONS[option] } ]
<alex``> end.first
<alex``> end rescue
<alex``> [self]
<alex``> end
<alex``> end
<alex``> with regex option to OPTIONS = { 'x' => Regexp::EXTENDED, 'i' => Regexp::IGNORECASE, 'm' => Regexp::MULTILINE, 'n' => Regexp::NOENCODING, }
<alex``> want 'foo' → /foo/
<Zarthus> please use a pastebin for pasting code
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<alex``> Zarthus: oki
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<kke> not pastebin, isn't that frowned upon too
<alex``> but '/foo/gi' → /foo/gi
<kke> gists are preferred
<Zarthus> kke: hence "a pastebin", :)
<kke> right
<alex``> what mean frowned?
<kke> the channel does not like or whatever that is
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<alex``> why?
<kke> the display is super ugly
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<ruby[bot]> herwin: we in #ruby do not like, it loads slowly for most, has ads which are distracting and has terrible formatting. Please use
<herwin> alex``: ^^
<User458764> Hi how to display in CLI an Array or Hash with human readable display (indentation and breakline)
<kke> User458764: there's pp. require 'pp'; pp hash
<kke> pp = pretty print
<User458764> kke thanks
<kke> not very pretty still.
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<alex``> why stri.scan doesn’t handle groups?
<alex``> would like scan being this default
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<hays> I am updating my gems and I am getting this error saying did_you_mean requires ruby >=2.4.0dev
<hays> is that supposed to be happening?
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<anonymus> hi
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<anonymus> guys please tell me some cheap way to delete several strings from some text beginning from X substring and to Y substring
<anonymus> like delete_all_between('BEGIN', 'END')
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<dminuoso> anonymus: gsub(/BEGIN(.*)END/, "") ?
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<anonymus> maybe. I'll try. thanks
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<Cork> i'm trying to run a command through Net::SSH, the command doesn't respect --color=always
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<Cork> anyone know if there is a way to get the color to not be stripped in that case?
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<falconer> I don't know anything about Net:SSH, but for some use-cases, I'd look at setting the color yourself. The low hanging branch there is Fazibear's Colorize gem.
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<Cork> falconer: the command colors things based on if it is an error or things like that
<Cork> i can't really colorize it my self in all cases as some of the state isn't in the pure text
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<kke> Cork: maybe the TERM is not something that supports colors?
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<Cork> kke: sshv1, not the current v4.x
<Cork> yes there are a ton of features for the very old v1 and v2
<Cork> current net::ssh
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<guardian> hello, what is more idiomatic in Ruby? "foo".match(/bar/) or /bar/.match("foo")
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<falconer> Guardian: I'd have expected the former.
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<dminuoso> guardian: the former.
<dminuoso> Though they are not the same if memory serves right.
<dminuoso> There's a subtle difference with respect to.. things.
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<anonymus> mystring = "XXXXXXXXXXX\n;; begin domain\naosdasdaofafaf\n;; end domain\nYYYYY"
<anonymus> mystring.gsub(/begin(.*)end/, "")
<anonymus> => "XXXXXXXXXXX\n;; begin domain\naosdasdaofafaf\n;; end domain\nYYYYY"
<anonymus> wtf
<anonymus> ?
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<herwin> mystring.gsub(/begin(.*)end/m, "")
<herwin> to enable multiline regex
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<dminuoso> guardian: actually nevermind. the difference is only relevant when you use =~
<dminuoso> (i.e. str =~ regex is subtly different from regexp =~ str)
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<anonymus> dminuoso: bingo!
<anonymus> thats it/ thank you
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<guardian> dminuoso: what subtle differnce would that be?
<guardian> and thanks for the reply falconer & dminuoso
<falconer> :thumbsup:
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<dminuoso> guardian: if regex has named captures, then regex =~ str will expose these named captures in local variables.
<dminuoso> for example: /(?<foo>.*/ =~ "quux"; puts foo #=> "quux
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<guardian> what's the proper way to loop over matches?
<dminuoso> guardian: What do you mean by loop?
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<guardian> I know the string contains multiple matches
<dminuoso> guardian: use String#scan
<dminuoso> &ri String#scan
<guardian> is #scan what Rubular likely uses?
<dminuoso> I have no idea.
<guardian> k
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<vasilakisfil> how can you have a class called like that Foobar[:something] ? I saw rails 5 migrations have something like that and I am wondering how you can build it and how you can use it
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<toretore> >> class Foobar; def self.[](key); key; end; end; Foobar[:something]
<ruby[bot]> toretore: # => :something (
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<arup_r> I have 1 style guide question. How do you write this long arithmetic expression in your codebase?
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<toretore> first of all, lose the selfs
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<arup_r> ok
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<toretore> how many of your values are actually floats?
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<vasilakisfil> toretore do you find any practical use of it ?
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<arup_r> all the columns are float
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<guardian> it seems I can't mix named and unnamed capture groups in a regex, is this expected?
<toretore> arup_r: then why are you doing to_f all over the place?
<arup_r> because sometimes they are nil
<toretore> and nil is the same as 0.0?
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<arup_r> no.
<arup_r> but adding 0.0 will not change result, so I did that way. Just to avoid error, I added .to_f method to all of them
<toretore> >> /(?<name>.)(.)/
<ruby[bot]> toretore: # => /(?<name>.)(.)/ (
<arup_r> because any of them can be `nil`
<arup_r> what is that? ^ :D
<guardian> I'm getting Numbered backref/call is not allowed. (use name).
<toretore> where?
<guardian> when trying to match a previous group and regexp contains both named and unnamed groups
<toretore> code?
<vasilakisfil> which one would you use in your code? STATES = [:intro, :connect, :download, :buy].freeze or STATES = [:intro, :connect, :download, :buy].map(&:freeze).freeze
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<toretore> :intro.freeze is meaningless
<vasilakisfil> toretore because :freeze is a symbol ?
<toretore> yes
<vasilakisfil> sorry I meant :intro
<vasilakisfil> ok
<toretore> symbols are immutable
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<vasilakisfil> but the thing is that I have more complex constants like arrays of hashes
<vasilakisfil> should I freeze everything recursively ?
<toretore> well then use real code in your examples
<vasilakisfil> no I meant I also have more complex constants
<ruby[bot]> guardian: # => /tmp/execpad-0e58f4798fdc/source-0e58f4798fdc:2: numbered backref/call is not allowed. (use name): / ...check link for more (
<guardian> >> "---- x ----".scan(/(?<sep>-{4,})(.*?)(\1)/)
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<guardian> >> "---- x ----".scan(/(-{4,})(.*?)(\1)/)
<ruby[bot]> guardian: # => [["----", " x ", "----"]] (
<vasilakisfil> toretore like this one: does it make sense to go through the items and freeze them ?
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<toretore> arup_r: i don't really see anything wrong with it then; depending on what exactly the domain is, you could refactor parts of it
<dminuoso> vasilakisfil: a class is just an object
<dminuoso> >> foo =
<arup_r> toretore: yes that is what I am thinking ..
<toretore> vasilakisfil: i wouldn't bother
<arup_r> but thanks for your reviewing my gist
<dminuoso> 12:08 < vasilakisfil> how can you have a class called like that Foobar[:something] ? I saw rails 5 migrations have something like that and I am wondering how you can build it and how you can use it
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<dminuoso> vasilakisfil: Foremost "Foobar" is just a constant.
<vasilakisfil> I see
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<dminuoso> vasilakisfil: If it points at a class, then even that class can have methods
<dminuoso> Those are commonly called class methods
<toretore> guardian: it would be better if you explained what you're trying to achieve
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<guardian> toretore: using back references in a regexp that contains both named and unnamed groups
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<guardian> toretore: it seems as soon as 1 of the groups is named, all back references must refer to named groups
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<toretore> guardian: is that a problem?
<guardian> it's a discovery :)
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<slima> Hello, I'm totaly noob in ruby, but I like to write script: call for database and puts data to std in order: username -> first: mac,serial sec: mac,serial etc.. this is my code: for now its working wrong (output is in end of the file) can you give me any hint? I'm totaly lost.
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<neoncortex> qq
<neoncortex> err, sory =D
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<dminuoso> Slinky_Pete: I can give you a hint
<dminuoso> slima: I mean.
<dminuoso> slima: Start with telling us *what* is wrong. What did you expect instead?
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<neoncortex> dminuoso: i think i find why my ruby was crashing yesterday, and it's my fault, as usual ..
<dminuoso> neoncortex: Tell me, what was it?
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<neoncortex> dminuoso: in a loop, i was sometimes assign a value to a variable, sometimes dont, but verifying their value in each iteration
<dminuoso> neoncortex: Were you doing that in C code?
<dminuoso> If not, it's definitely NOT you.
<neoncortex> since i fixed it ( the variable have a proiper value in all iteration), the crash's seems to stopped
<dminuoso> neoncortex: Can you unfix it please.
<dminuoso> You just avoid a bug.
<dminuoso> neoncortex: A ruby crash screen is without exception always an internal bug. Unless you are writing a native extensions, it's _not_ your fault.
<neoncortex> dminuoso: do you think i just tricked the interpreter?
<dminuoso> neoncortex: Yes.
<dminuoso> I dont think it, Im absolutely sure in fact.
<dminuoso> You should *never* be able to trigger that bug splat screen in Ruby.
<neoncortex> i see
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<dminuoso> neoncortex: how large is your code and can it be shared?
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<dminuoso> are you able to extract a test case?
<neoncortex> dminuoso: +- 1700 lines at the moment, and it's in github:, it is a bookmarking tool i'm starting to write
<dminuoso> neoncortex: are there any additional data I need to run this?
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<dminuoso> neoncortex: also y u no gemfile.
<dminuoso> y u no gemspec
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<neoncortex> dminuoso: no, just the gems i listed
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<dminuoso> A Gemfile.lock would be *most* helpful.
<dminuoso> neoncortex: Please consider a Gemfile at the very least.
<dminuoso> With version constraints.
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<neoncortex> i do not know, it's my first ruby code =D
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<dminuoso> neoncortex: do you know yarm/npm?
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<neoncortex> no
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<dminuoso> neoncortex: Anyway. It's very easy to use:
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<neoncortex> i'll look at it
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<dminuoso> You just create that file and then use "bundle install" to install the bundle, and "bundle exec" to execute commands within that bundle.
<dminuoso> That's it. :)
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<neoncortex> yeah, it's seems helpful
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<dminuoso> neoncortex: Now with a Gemfile.lock you can get reproducible behavior, since it pins gem versions.
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<dminuoso> So you could give me your Gemfile.lock, and allow me to install the exact same gem versions.
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<dminuoso> (The Gemfile.lock is automatically generated by bundle install)
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<neoncortex> i see
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<neoncortex> dminuoso: the method is in the line 561 (the one who triggers the crash)
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<dminuoso> neoncortex: It's not.
<dminuoso> neoncortex: Your code has nothing to do with it.
<neoncortex> dminuoso: oh =D
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<neoncortex> they call two others, above them
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<dminuoso> neoncortex: Your code just produces a particular kind of situation that crashes when the GC comes around.
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<dminuoso> neoncortex: Do you have the gist with the bug output again for me?
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<neoncortex> i think i do not have it anymore ..
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<dminuoso> neoncortex:
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<neoncortex> dminuoso: you're starting to scare me haha
<dminuoso> No actually its not the GC itself
<dminuoso> One sec
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<herwin> ruby 2.1.5p273
<herwin> is that one still supported?
<dminuoso> herwin: Already had them update.
<herwin> "them"
<dminuoso> Yes them.
<dminuoso> Gender neutral pronoun. :-)
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<dminuoso> Chicago Manual of Style says its fine in casual contexts.
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<herwin> got a bit confused by reading just half of the discussion, you were not the one pasting the segfault output
<herwin> note to self: stop reading half of the discussion
* herwin goed back to work
<neoncortex> herwin: i pasted this yesterday, and dminuoso think i find a bug in the ruby interpreter .. anyway, go work =D
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<nerfed> hey guys, anyone know how I can temporarily disable an inherited hook on a class? if I `alias_method :__inherited_hook, :inherited` and then redefine inherited, it prevents the original from being called, but then calling __inherited_hook does not call the original hook method and aliasing it back to the original doesn't help either
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<nerfed> seems like ruby handles hook methods differently and this is an edge case, I really hope there is a workaround
<dminuoso> Ohh yes!
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<dminuoso> nerfed: I have something for you.
<dminuoso> Boy this is a perfect week.
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<nerfed> dminuoso: it's not often that I run into a brick wall with ruby, so I hope you do have a solution
<nerfed> I could probably hack a solution to this with a C extension, but I'd really like to keep it pure ruby if at all possible
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<dminuoso> nerfed: Absolutely I have 2 ideas. Let me just try the regular Ruby way first before we resort to Fiddle.
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<nerfed> the reason I need to accomplish this is that I need to do some extra initialization between creating the derived class and calling the inherited/included/extended hooks
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<dminuoso> Works just fine for me.
<dminuoso> nerfed:
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<matthewd> C.singleton_class.prepend { attr_accessor :inherited_disabled; def inherited *; super unless inherited_disabled; end }
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<nerfed> that seems to work, can't believe the solution was so simple
<nerfed> now to figure out why there is a different between using #class and #singleton_class in this case, so that it can never bite me again
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<nerfed> *a difference
<dminuoso> nerfed: class methods dont belong to the class.
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<dminuoso> nerfed: lets assume there's no difference between modules and classes (this is kind of true actually), in Ruby *only* classes can have methods.
<dminuoso> And ruby does not distinguish between class methods and instance methods.
<dminuoso> So the real difference is on what class they are defined on.
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<nerfed> but all other class level methods can be worked with using #class, it's only hooks which require #singleton_class
<dminuoso> No they cant
<dminuoso> For sending yes, but not defining.
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<dminuoso> When you do "def" (whatever a may be) its a shortcut for "a.singleton_class.send(:define_method, :foo)"
<dminuoso> They are exactly the same thing.
<nerfed> ah ok, guess there is always something more to learn when it comes to ruby
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<nerfed> thanks, very useful
<dminuoso> nerfed: and in the context of a class, "self" is the class object itself.
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<dminuoso> so "def self.method" means "define this on the singleton class of <self> (which is the class itself)"
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<nerfed> so my confusion is because calling works on #class, and I usually call things to define (eval, class_eval, define_method, etc)
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<nerfed> singleton_class is what I should be using in most cases
<matthewd> It depends what you're doing and where you are
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<matthewd> MyClass.class is never going to give you what you want, because that's Class (the class class)
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<dminuoso> MyClass =; MyClass.class # matthewd
<dminuoso> You lied!
<dminuoso> :P
* dminuoso hides
* dminuoso runs as fast as he cans
* dminuoso hides agai
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<dminuoso> nerfed: one other thing since we have touched the subject already: within this context: class << foo; end; does nothing but open the singleton_class of foo (whatever that may be), and set it to "self" inside the block and to the default definee.
<dminuoso> which should now explain why you can also define class methods by doing: class << self; def foo; end
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<dminuoso> because all you do is: "open the singleton class of self, and then define methods onto it"
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<dminuoso> >> a = "foo"; class << a; def length; "17.3"; end; puts a.length # nerfed
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* dminuoso kicks ruby[bot]
<dminuoso> >> a = "foo"; class << a; def length; "17.3"; end; puts a.length # nerfed
<dminuoso> >> a = "foo"; class << a; def length; "17.3"; end; end; puts a.length # nerfed
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<nerfed> yeah I understand all that, I just got confused about using the singleton class of a class
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<dminuoso> Now do you also know what class_eval does? :p
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<nerfed> I work on the class level a lot in ruby, but hardly ever on the singleton class of an instant of an object
<nerfed> *instance
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<dminuoso> it does not matter whether its an object or a class, its the same story every time.
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<nerfed> yeah since everythings an object and every object has a class, including the classes class
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<dminuoso> nerfed: right, and everything also has a superclass, which is different from alass
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<dminuoso> class
<nerfed> the super class is why I needed to mess with the inherited hook, because I'm initializing the instance of the class manually, passing the super class to the constructor
<dminuoso> nerfed: I've prepared a diagram a while ago, perhaps this will help you:
<dminuoso> note that technically the singleton chain is infinitely deep
<nerfed> so I need to skip the inherited hook before I do that, then initialize the actual class data after that, and only then call the inherited hook
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<dminuoso> the method call lookup is basically "take the resources klass, and then check the result for its method. if you cant find it, follow the super chain"
<dminuoso> s/resources/receivers/
<nerfed> yup
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<manveru> hmm, wasn't there a method called #eigenclass instead of #singleton_class for a while?
<manveru> my memory is fuzzy on that
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<manveru> no, doens't look like it
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<nerfed> I recall eigenclass being the terminology for ruby singleton classes many years ago
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<dminuoso> nerfed: because there were some inaccuracies, I have a new revised version now
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<manveru> yeah, i think _why popularized that at some point
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<dminuoso> manveru: I just use the internal names because it helps me concile the terminology with the internals -> keeps your sanity up while debugging
<manveru> don't worry, my question was totally unrelated to you :)
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<dminuoso> That should be even better! :D
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<tuelz> I've got an ivar that is initially nil, is there an idiomatic way/method to push things onto an ivar that creates an array if the ivar is nil?
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<dminuoso> tuelz: ivar ||= []
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<dminuoso> tuelz: Note that it does not exactly fulfill your requirement (since it will also do the assignment if ivar is false), but it's a common idiom.
<tuelz> dminuoso: yeah that's what I'm doing was hoping to omit that LOC
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<dminuoso> tuelz: Another way is to construct in your initialize method which I prefer.
<tuelz> thanks though, that works
<dminuoso> tuelz: Let your constructor set up the class contract.
<dminuoso> That way all parts can reason about what state your instance variables are in. :)
<tuelz> makes sense
<tuelz> dminuoso: thanks as always :)
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<nerfed> I wish there was a nice way for derived classes to inherit an inherited hook
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<nerfed> it's really common for me to require a base class to initialize class level instance variables in a derived class, which I'd use a inherited/included hook for
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<nerfed> but that limits the use to one level of inheritance, any classes which are derived from a derived class will no longer have those ivars initialized
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<dminuoso> nerfed: Do you want me to get the water gun?
<dminuoso> nerfed:
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<nerfed> wait what, I just noticed it already works that way now
<nerfed> but it was definitely not working last night
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<nerfed> there must have been something else going on
<dminuoso> nerfed: Are you suggesting your ruby interpreter mutated last night?
<nerfed> did you spray water at my ruby interpreter?
<dminuoso> Don't worry, I treat ruby interpreters with respect.
<dminuoso> Humans? Not so much.
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<nerfed> no one said I was a humans
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<nerfed> I'm going to have to blame inheritance ghosts, they must have packed up and left in the night
<dminuoso> nerfed:
<dminuoso> Look at all the funny stuff you can do with this.
<dminuoso> On that note I just realized must module Prepend must work in the ruby object model.
<nerfed> I've been looking for a good real world use case to use prepend for a while now
<nerfed> I almost thought I was one yesterday, but turned out that would have broken other stuff that I needed
<dminuoso> Im guessing it takes original klass object, replaces it with a new IClass object and sets that IClass'es superclas to be the original klass object. ;o
<nerfed> *found one
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<dminuoso> nerfed: module Prepend is basically your go-to whenever you think you have to use alias_method :P
<dminuoso> its great for monkey patching stuff
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<dminuoso> nerfed: un-prepending and un-including is very simple too.
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<nerfed> I must remember it for monkeypatching in the future
<dminuoso> nerfed: fucking around with temporary includes is as simple as this:
<nerfed> that's pretty crazy, I like it
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<tuelz> is there a method which takes two enumerables and maps each element against all elements in the other? e.g. [1,2,3].map([a,b,c]) { |x,y| [x,y] } #=> [1,a] ...
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<rob__> tuelz: zip
<tuelz> rob__: thanks
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<allisio> rob__: Be advised that it doesn't work with Enumerables in the general case.
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<allisio> You can't #zip Ranges, for instance. :/
<allisio> Er... never mind? I know there's some nuance to be mindful of, though.
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<allisio> I guess I must have been thinking of #product.
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<noan> I think I have my wrong but I have no idea how to fix it.
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<noan> or maybe it's sinatra. Whatever the case I'm getting nothing on the console from one of the "apps" I'm trying to inf.
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<noan> }
<noan> "password": "testtesttest"
<noan> "email": "test@test.test",
<noan> {
<noan> 2017-02-22 17:10:36 - JSON::ParserError - 743: unexpected token at '':
<noan> whut
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<dionysus69> ok that's it
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<dionysus69> please someone give me advices on, how to make a ruby gui application that will work on both linux and windows
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<dionysus69> I understand that i would have to preinstall ruby on the windows machine manually, or if that's not necessary please let me know that too
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<allisio> noan: That's clearly not the problematic portion of the JSON:
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<mitt3ns> Mornin' folks
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<noan> allisio, hence whut. I resolved the issue there though I think
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<jlebrech> annoyingly, when you do Benchmark.measure any variables in the block are undefined afterwards.
<ChrisWarrick> I want to iterate over a string, getting two variables: current character and next character (or nil). How do I do that?
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<allisio> ChrisWarrick: You want #each_cons.
<allisio> jlebrech: There's really no good reason to *want* variables to leak out of their original scopes.
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<allisio> If you're hell-bent on having their new values accessible after the measurement, you could pre-initialize them outside the block.
<allisio> >> x = 1; proc { x = 2 }.call; x
<jlebrech> allisio: understandable, but sometime you're measuring a line or two and the code needs modifying
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<ChrisWarrick> allisio: For that, I’d need to (a) .split('') into an array, and then (b) append an extra element to get [last_character, nil]
<dionysus69> whats most up to date way to create ruby gui app? shoes seems to be forgotten, judging from the last commit.
<allisio> ChrisWarrick: Prefer `chars` over `split('')`, but yes; still the best way to go about it.
<allisio> Explicitly iterating over indices is usually bad form.
<allisio> That is, `(0...s.length).map { |i| [s[i], s[i + 1]] }` is gross.
<ChrisWarrick> allisio: What about[1..-1]) if I need an array anyways?
<allisio> ChrisWarrick: Smart.
<matthewd> ChrisWarrick: That starts to depend on what feels right, based on what you're doing inside the loop
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<siwica> When comparing two symbols, is it better practice to do `:symbol1 == :symbol2` or `:symbol1.equal(:symbol2)`?
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<toretore> ==
<baweaver> == is fine.
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<ytti> i would say first is more idiomatic, whle latter is more pure
<baweaver> though symbols are literally the same object as opposed to a String or Integer
<baweaver> s/or Integer//
* baweaver goes to get coffee before he says something else off
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<acovrig> I have an *old* system (ruby-1.8.7-p374) that has a reference for rake abc:import; what can I do to figure out what that does? I looked in lib and vendor but don’t see anything that smells like an importer
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<nowhereFast> is it possible to use prepend inside of a module?
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<hurricanehrndz> I'm trying to stub a module method, and it only seems to work when being called with the fully qualified method name, is this normal?
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<toretore> ?code hurricanehrndz
<ruby[bot]> hurricanehrndz: We can't help you without your code, please post it to
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<djellemah> dionysus69: qt-bindings (for qt-4.8), ruby-gtk, and I just discovered ruby-qml now.
<hurricanehrndz> I'm trying to replicate this without using the module name for the module function
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<siwica> What would be the most elegant way to modify each element in an array after a certain condition of an element is met for the first time? E.g. comment out every line in an array of lines after a certain keyword occured in a line for the first time.
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<siwica> I'd like to use some sort of map that maintains a state between between elements
<toretore> that's what reduce is
<toretore> well, not exactly, but it can be
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<siwica> toretore: Could you provide a minimal example?
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<toretore> >> [1,2,3,4,5].reduce([0, []]){|(s,a),n| [s+n, a+[n]] }
<ruby[bot]> toretore: # => [15, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]] (
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<toretore> >> [1,2,3,4,5].reduce([0, []]){|(s,a),n| [s+n, a+[n+1]] }
<ruby[bot]> toretore: # => [15, [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]] (
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<noan> so if I'm accessing my headers object in sinatra/rack.. is this ALL my headers in a hash? or can some be left out
<siwica> toretore: ok, I see!
<toretore> but for your problem, just do `condition = false;{|e| if condition; modify e; else; condition = true if something; end }`
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<apeiros> there's something off with that
<apeiros> oh
<apeiros> I see
<apeiros> nvm :)
<toretore> needs more flip flop?
<apeiros> no code ever needs more flip flop
<allisio> How does the flip-flop work in a #map?
<toretore> tbh it's an ideal use case for it
<toretore> if there ever was
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<apeiros> maybe. but you'll have to comment what your code does, and that comment will a) be longer than the alternative code and b) an anti-pattern :)
<toretore> lol
<toretore> 30 lines of comment explaining wtf a flip flop is
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<apeiros> you could cheat and just link to an explanation ^^
<apeiros> anyway, calorie killing time, cya :D
<apeiros> that's calorie intake time ;-)
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<toretore> oh
<toretore> bon appetit
<allisio> siwica:
<toretore> i thought it sounded strange
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<apeiros> 🚲 <- calorie killer
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<toretore> well, bon exercice then :P
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<baweaver> Just use a true flag above the method
<baweaver> not everything has to be implemented inside one function.
<toretore> but muh point free
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<baweaver> There are limits to how much FP we can really use in Ruby
<allisio> Stateful #map is heresy.
<allisio> Are there?
<baweaver> get too far carried away and well....
<baweaver> Tail call optimization, Monads, Pattern Matching, full referential transparency, etc etc etc
<baweaver> and yes you can compile with TCO
<toretore> it's usually a mistake to apply best practices from another language in one that's substantially different
<baweaver> but I don't tend to count that
<baweaver> bingo
<baweaver> Monads for instance require static type contracts to really work, otherwise you end up in a mess with Monoid construction.
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<baweaver> besides, flip flop uses a boolean flag in the background anyways.
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<sparr> I've got a class with an initialize method that takes some params. I'd like to predefine most of those params somewhere, in a way that I can merge them with modifiers when I initialize the object.
<sparr> example of what I have now: 5, width: 1125, height: 825, layout: ['foo','bar'])
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<sparr> what I'd like to do is define the width, height, and 'foo' layout in one place and give it a name, then call, predefinedstuff:thatname, layout:['bar']), but that would require changing the initialize method. Instead, I'd like to maybe make thatname be a hash that gets merged with a second hash of the custom params and that hash gets broken up into the params for the initialize method.
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<sparr> what might that look like?
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<toretore> why don't you want to change initialize?
<sparr> not my code to change
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<toretore> so what you have is a hash, and you want to merge that hash with some default values?
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<sparr> yes, and then use that hash as the named parameters to new()
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<sparr> in python I'd have two dicts, use update() to merge them, then pass that dict in as **keywords on the function call.
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<toretore> but it won't deep merge
<toretore> you can do the same in ruby
<daed> whoa, 2.4 is out?
<daed> for quite a while eh..
<sparr> the merge on the layout array is the trickiest part, I think
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<toretore> sparr: you know what the logic you want is, just write a method that merges them the way you want
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<toretore>, other))
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<sparr> toretore: what does my_merge return there? if it returns a hash, wouldn't initialize() need to be modified to take a single hash param?
<neoncortex> dminuoso: referencing unexistant objects can cause the crash i've shown?
<sparr> link above is a better explanation of what I'm looking for, I think
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<toretore> sparr: your first example is correct
<toretore> takes 1 hash
<toretore> you can **kwargs it if you want, but there is actually no difference
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<allisio> sparr: In your first example there, `some_voodoo_with(a, b)` is just `a.merge(b)`.
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<allisio> Hash#merge overwrites the values at existing keys.
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<jgar> I am new to ruby and am trying to use a library but running into problems running rake commands, somethig with gdbm and ffi, but the stacktrace is baffling to me:
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<sparr> allisio: I don't want to overwrite layout, I want to append it, so I might need a custom merge function
<djellemah> Hash#merge(other_hash){|key, oldval, newval| block}
<jgar> I don't even know what to google for, my gems:
<sparr> I think I'm gonna make a gist with a better description of my overall situation. Thanks for the help so far!
<djellemah> jgar: I'm guessing gdbm has a native library dependency, which you haven't installed.
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<allisio> sparr: Ah, I did miss that part, but djellemah's suggestion (#merge with conflict resolution) is probably just the thing you need.
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<jgar> djellemah - I have installed libgdbm3 and libgdbm-dev - is there something about that stack trace that gives you a clue that a dependency is not installed? I am not familiar with reading ruby traces
<jgar> @djellemah - also, it seems I can require it OK: root@0101fd913ca1:/snip# ruby -e "require 'gdbm'" root@0101fd913ca1:/snip# echo $? 0
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<allisio> jgar: Why are you root?
<allisio> sparr: Does this miss the mark?
<jgar> allisio: I'm inside a docker container.
<sparr> allisio: first, thanks for turning me on to pp
<jgar> @djellemah: ah! more clues maybe:
<sparr> allisio: second, yes, that looks like it could work
<allisio> sparr: Good deal.
<allisio> jgar: The problem might be in the Rakefile.
<jgar> allisio: I did notice that I get the error when running two require statements with -e, so maybe bundler/setup and gdbm aren't playing nice
<fuzzyhorns> what are you using GDBM for?
<fuzzyhorns> it's a native extension
<jgar> I'm not directly, this lib I'm trying to use is using it.
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<fuzzyhorns> which lib is that?
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<fuzzyhorns> is this the Rakefile you're running?
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<jgar> allisio: fwiw: root@0101fd913ca1:/snip# ruby -c Rakefile Syntax OK < -that's about the best I can do in knowing if the rakefile is OK :(
<jgar> fuzzyhorns: yes that looks right
<fuzzyhorns> so we can see from the trace at least it's trying to attach via foreign function interface to the native gdbm lib
<fuzzyhorns> and failing to do so
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<fuzzyhorns> you prob said before, but you're sure you have
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<jgar> unfortunately the trace doesn't give me (a newbie) any clues on how to debug further
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<fuzzyhorns> jgar: so do you have gdbm or no?
<fuzzyhorns> not the gem
<fuzzyhorns> but the native library
<fuzzyhorns> the problem isn't the ruby, it's that ruby is reaching out for a c library that doesn't exist
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<jgar> fuzzyhorns: actually no - I just used apt to install libgdbm3 and libgdbm-dev
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<jgar> but beyond those I'm only guessing.
<djellemah> might be the gdbm gem wants a specific version of libgdbm?
<jgar> How did you know/determine that some underlying c lib was missing from that stacktrace?
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<fuzzyhorns> my guess is that gdbm isn't installed where the ffi lib would guess it is
<jgar> possibly, that sounds likely
<fuzzyhorns> well, i've worked with ffi before
<fuzzyhorns> if you look at the trace, you see it moves through gdbm gem to ffi gem, then ffi gem errors around an "attach" method
<jgar> ah, blood and tears it sounds like ;)
<fuzzyhorns> yes x)
<jgar> I am using an ubuntu image with ruby already installed, maybe having those libs installed before ruby would get them linked better
<fuzzyhorns> you can see an example of attach_function here
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<fuzzyhorns> it may give some clues where it looks for libs
<sparr> I want to return an array with a value appended to it, without modifying the original array. can I do that without an explicit copy of the array?
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<fuzzyhorns> sparr: no
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<fuzzyhorns> immutability requires copies
<fuzzyhorns> this isn't just a ruby thing either
<jgar> fuzzyhorns, djellemah, allisio - you have all been very helpful thank you. I'll investigate further about getting ruby and the deps (ffi and gdbm) linked/working correctly
<fuzzyhorns> jgar: let us know how it goes and good luck, every time i've dealt with this it's been a bit of a pain!
<sparr> ok, I'm starting with what allisio gave me earlier, template.merge(custom) { |key, old, new| key == :layout ? old + new : new }
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<djellemah> >> ary = [1,2,3]; [ary + [4],ary] # sparr
<ruby[bot]> djellemah: # => [[1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3]] (
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<allisio> sparr: ^ indicates that Array#+ doesn't modify the receiver, just to clarify.
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<sparr> I want to augment it to allow custom['layout'] to be a single string, instead of an array. in that case, I need my block to evaluate to old.push(new), but I don't want to change old
<sparr> allisio: yeah, I got it. I'm trying with Array#push now :(
<sparr> oh, oh, I could use +[new]
<allisio> Good eye.
<sparr> template.merge(custom) { |key, old, new| key == :layout ? (new.is_a?(Array) ? old + [new] : old + new) : new }
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<sparr> yes, yes, rubocop, I know nested conditionals are bad :/
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<sparr> also, my inner ?: is backwards, oops
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<fuzzyhorns> jgar: follow-up, i think it's likely you need to rename the lib gdbm
<fuzzyhorns> rename or alias i guess, whatever
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<djellemah> sparr: try Array(new)
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<sparr> ok, here's a fun question... can a gem contain non-ruby files, and if so then how do I refer to them in my code? like if I want to directly open one for reading.
<fuzzyhorns> sparr: you can read any file in to string or bytes
<fuzzyhorns> so as long as your gem is packaged with the files, and your calling code knows where to find them, yep
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<sparr> "where to find them" is the question
<djellemah> sparr: __FILE__ and __dir__
<sparr> djellemah: that's how a ruby file finds itself, no?
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<elomatreb> IIRC there are some RubyGems conventions on where you should put such files
<djellemah> try it ;-)
<allisio> &ri Gem.datadir
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<sparr> allisio: thanks, that's probably what I want
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<fuzzyhorns> ime i usually see such a thing in a "support" dir
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<nofxx> any good copy+paste algo or gem for simplify/smooth an array of floats ?
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<fuzzyhorns> nofxx: what does simplify/smooth mean?
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<nofxx> it's pretty much it fuzzyfuzz. There's usually more use in geo stuff...
<fuzzyhorns> this has additive smoothing?
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<sparr> ok, here's a better writeup of what I'm trying to do in terms of deduplicating array data and code in my current project. I'd appreciate any guidance on how to make the block-calling-a-block part work, and ruby-izing the rest of it:
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<fuzzyhorns> nofxx: pseudocode looks pretty easy to rewrite
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<fuzzyhorns> you'll want to switch it from recursion
<fuzzyhorns> as ruby needs vm options to have TCO
<nofxx> fuzzyfuzz, found an old gem!
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<fuzzyhorns> nice!
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<fuzzyhorns> it looks a lot like quicksort to me
<fuzzyhorns> same performance i guess too
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<sparr> I'm very fuzzy on the idea of having a block call a block
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<fuzzyhorns> have you worked with Proc objects before sparr>
<fuzzyhorns> ?
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<sparr> I have not
<fuzzyhorns> sparr: that might help a bit
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<fuzzyhorns> f = proc {|g|'f called') }
<fuzzyhorns> h = proc {|x| p "#{x} from h" }
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<fuzzyhorns> => "f called from h"
<fuzzyhorns> procs are a lot like blocks, but you can pass them around
<fuzzyhorns> if you need a proc to turn into a block, you use &
<elomatreb> Not strictly your question but if you want to do something The Ruby Way you should probably avoid nested ternaries D:
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<sparr> elomatreb: just for concise irc pasting. I'll break it apart later.
<fuzzyhorns> not even in ruby but anywhere. nested ternaries are bad :d
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<allisio> sparr: It's a little... all over the place, but you're thinking along the right lines; in the final analysis, Hash#merge is the cleanest approach to this sort of hierarchical configuration.
<sparr> so, I've got a method that wants a block. I want to deduplicate some code that I always put in that block. I need to be using proc objects to make that work?
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<allisio> You could go out of your way to architect it around delegation and the like, but that'd be overkill just now.
<fuzzyhorns> if you want to extract a block out you want a proc
<sparr> allisio: yeah, the Hash#merge part seems straightforward. Deduplicating the code in all the blocks is where I'm really stuck.
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<djellemah> >> fn = -> i {i*2}; [1,2,3].map(&fn) #sparr
<ruby[bot]> djellemah: # => [2, 4, 6] (
<fuzzyhorns> sparr: elomatreb is using "stabby" notation to write the proc
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<elomatreb> sparr:
<fuzzyhorns> and you can see the & to turn the proc back into a block
<elomatreb> No, I'm not :P
<allisio> sparr: But djellemah is. :P
<fuzzyhorns> yes lol
<toretore> >> def foo(&b);'hello'); end; f = ->(msg){ puts msg }; foo(&f)
<ruby[bot]> toretore: # => hello ...check link for more (
<elomatreb> Also, -> doesn't create a Proc, but rather a lambda, some differences in how arguments and returns are handled
<toretore> sparr: blocks are just anonymous functions as implicit parameters. if you make them explicit it becomes clear ^^
<fuzzyhorns> elomatreb: true, true
<elomatreb> toretore: You lose some performance from that though, since it needlessly creates a full Proc instance
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<toretore> >> def foo(b);'hello'); end; f = ->(msg){ puts msg }; foo(f) #without any magic sparr
<sparr> toretore: I'm dealing with a method that already exists and wants an implicit block
<ruby[bot]> toretore: # => hello ...check link for more (
<allisio> sparr: Then you'll want to pass along `&some_proc`.
<sparr> I can't change how works
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<allisio> I mean, you can... this is Ruby.
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<sparr> I'd like to not change how works because the person using MY library might still want to call on their own later and expect it to still work the same
<elomatreb> But you don't need to, "turning a Proc into a block" how we described is probably your best option
<sparr> I'm trying to wrap my head around all the examples everyone has just given
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<allisio> sparr: Sure, and its current signature of (Hash, &block) makes a great deal of sense.
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<elomatreb> toretore: "blocks are just anonymous functions as implicit parameters", the Ruby version of "monads are monoids in the category of endofunctors"
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<allisio> But with considerably greater informational content.
<sparr> ok, so, in my make_deck, there's an implicit block parameter
<sparr> in the definition of make_deck, how do I call that block?
<allisio> Most performant is `yield`.
<toretore> `yield` calls the implicit function
<sparr> yield is how I guessed, and what I put in my example
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<allisio> sparr: If you don't mind putting the "stuff that always gets called" right there in #make_deck (in the call to, then you essentially just need to consider putting the `yield` at the end instead.
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<sparr> allisio: I need the yield to come first, not last
<sparr> the stuff that always gets called gets called after the per-deck stuff
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<allisio> sparr: And you're quite sure that's what you want?
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<sparr> yes. among the stuff that always gets called is the "save the per-deck stuff to a file" call
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<allisio> Sounds like what you really need is a sandwich.
<allisio> Some prologue and epilogue, to clarify.
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<sparr> I'm gonna shelve this question for a bit and hope it makes more sense to me later
<allisio> It's just that you probably want the block passed to #make_deck to be able to perform overrides in the same way as they're able to override values in the constructing Hash.
<sparr> thanks for all the input, I just need to think about a different part of the problem for a bit
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<flips> With rvm, do I need to separate do a "rvm gemdir" after I've done "rvm [use] <some other version>"?
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<sparr> now I'm thinking about how to make all of this work as a gem. Should I make a new module, like Squib_FOO, or should I augment the Squib module? Either way, should I stick with one Deck class that takes parameters on construction, or should I make one class for each size deck that all inherit from a generic deck?
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<sparr> does the name of a module need to be the same (ignoring case) as its gem?
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<fuzzyhorns> sparr: there's a convention
<fuzzyhorns> sec
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<elomatreb> It's just a convention though, you can break it if it makes sense for you
<sparr> I did read that, but part of it was confusing...
<sparr> If you’re adding functionality to another gem, use a dash. This usually corresponds to a / in the require statement (and therefore your gem’s directory structure) and a :: in the name of your main class or module.
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<sparr> rdoc-data require 'rdoc/data' RDoc::Data
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<sparr> say I want to publish rdoc-data, but I'm not the author of rdoc. wouldn't that mean my gem can't live in rdoc/ ?
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<elomatreb> It can, those are two different directories on your system
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<certainty> evening
<sparr> elomatreb: give me a fuzzified example of where `require 'rdoc'` gets its files and where `require 'rdoc/data'` gets its files?
<elomatreb> Somewhere on your system there is a folder in which your gems are installed
<sparr> those *look* like they would be referring to the same /foo/bar/ruby/lib/gems/blah/rdoc/
<elomatreb> In this directory, there are the two directories "rdoc" (from the actual rdoc gem) and "rdoc-data" (from the rdoc-data gem)
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<elomatreb> In each of those directories, there are lib/ directories, which are added to the paths require searches for the file you give it
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<elomatreb> And in these lib directories, there are two different "rdoc" directories
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<elomatreb> I.e. $gem_dir/rdoc/lib/rdoc/somefile.rb and $gem_dir/rdoc-data/lib/rdoc/data/somefile.rb
<allisio> sparr: The word/notion you're looking for is `$LOAD_PATH`.
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<sparr> so what happens if the rdoc gem gets updated so that it includes a data subdirectory?
<elomatreb> Oh, I skipped something, sorry
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<elomatreb> When you do `require "rdoc/data"`, you require $gem_root/lib/rdoc/data.rb (A file, not a directory)
<elomatreb> */lib/rdoc-data
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<elomatreb> Similarly, if you do `require "rdoc"` you require the file $gem_root/rdoc/lib/rdoc.rb
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<sparr> I still don't understand, but maybe I don't have to
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<elomatreb> I'm bad at explaining, sorry :(
<sparr> so, if I want bundler to automatically handle my gem that has an all-caps acronym in its name, I might name it a_b_c so that the module would be ABC?
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<sparr> to make this less abstract... Squib is the gem for making game card decks
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<elomatreb> If your module is named ABC your gem should be named "abc" I'd say
<sparr> I want to extend Squib to handle layouts for a particular game publishing company, The Game Crafter. thegamecrafter is way too long to keep typing, so I'm thinking I want this to be squib-tgc squib/tgc Squib::TGC
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<sparr> but the naming page says that 'tgc' capitalizes to 'Tgc' while t_g_c capitalizes to 'TGC'
<elomatreb> I *think* that's supposed to be for using a module name that consists of multiple words, e.g. StuffDoer
<sparr> yeah, maybe I should just break the recommendations in this case?
<elomatreb> I personally don't find TheGameCrafter too bo too long to type, your editor will autocomplete after the first time
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<allisio> sparr: You probably shouldn't put your thing in Squib's namespace.
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<sparr> my thing is useless without Squib, and strictly extends Squib functionality
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<sparr> I could, instead, make a top level module that replaces Squib?
<sparr> (depends on squib, then provides augmented versions of everything Squib provides)
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<Karl____> I'm having the weirdest error. I'm trying to read from a file with file.getc(). The only thing I ever do on the file is open() and getc(). Yet somehow I get the same text twice (but with an extra \" at the end)
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<Karl____> I'm probably just being stupid somehow, but I can't for my life figure out how. The thing I described is not expected behavior, right?
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<Karl____> I tried printing each char with file.pos() next to it, file.pos() is monotonely rising, but when I look at the corresponding lines it looks like they have rewinded until the last eol
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<toretore> Karl____: code?
<toretore> ?gist
<ruby[bot]> - Multiple files, syntax highlighting, even automatically with matching filenames, can be edited
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<Karl____> toretore: I'll try to clean out the worst unnecessary code, brb
<allisio> Karl____: Are you reading a file with Windows line endings on a system that expects Unix ones?
<allisio> Printing the '\r' character will return the cursor to the beginning of the line.
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<Karl____> allisio: really? printing it to anyware?
<allisio> Karl____: Printing it to any non-Windows console, at any rate.
<Papierkorb> Karl____: "\r" is 'carriage return'. It's job is to move the cursor back to column 0 of the current line
<Papierkorb> *its
<allisio> *column 1
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<Karl____> I'm running it in atom on windows, via the "script" plugin, so it's highly possible that something like that is happening
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<Karl____> I tried removing all the debug prints in the code and now it looks wrong, but in a different way
<Karl____> so I think you're on to something
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<allisio> Karl____: Yeah, '\r' is almost certainly the culprit. The simplest fix would be to check each character before printing and skip over carriage returns.
<allisio> At least, you'll get sane output that way.
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<Papierkorb> Or, considering this is a toy program, just call #inspect on the character before outputting it
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<anotherpi> hello everyone!
<anotherpi> i have a problem with minitest :(
<anotherpi> i have a test class, with many test method
<anotherpi> but test methods do not run to their end
<anotherpi> it seems to `return` after the first assertion
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<anotherpi> weird!
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<matthewd> Is the assertion failing?
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<anotherpi> i don't think so
<anotherpi> the minitest report say everything is ok
<anotherpi> -> 10 runs, 13 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips
<anotherpi> but i have a lot more assertions
<allisio> anotherpi: Are you perhaps invoking Kernel#exit?
<anotherpi> allisio: mmh nop
<anotherpi> may it's my configuration
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<matthewd> anotherpi: It's the return in def_visit -- it's not doing what you think it's doing
<anotherpi> lol, it's late
<anotherpi> i did too much JS this week, sorry about that
<matthewd> No worries! Happy to help anyone who knows to show code without being prompted :)
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