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<applecrapple> hello everyone
<applecrapple> how are you all?
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<Nodeel> Hello everyone
<Nodeel> Im having issues installing Sandstorm... i get to "betin sandstorm setup" ... lcik.. and doesnt seem to do anything :(
<Nodeel> been waiting a few minutes now
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<Nodeel> (have tried a few things but dont seem to get anywhere different :(. )
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<Anthropy> hmm, I'm setting up a fresh sandstorm and I think I might be seeing the same issue as @Nodeel ? I just did a standard setup with everything as defaults, got an admin token, and it's taking me to the website, but the 'Begin Sandstorm Setup' button appears to do nothing whatsoever
<Anthropy> looking in the logs it says "admin token deleted" and.. well nothing else really, if I hit the button again a few times eventually a few times "error: Error: Invalid authorization token [403]" shows up
<Anthropy> installing chromium now to see if it makes any difference from firefox
<Anthropy> nope, same issue in chromium. I also rebooted the entire server it's running on.. regression in the setup process? @here
<Anthropy> anyone? :( I'd really like to get this sandstorm server set up today
<Anthropy> I guess I'll email support
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<Anthropy> pretty sure this is a bug in sandstorm, the chromium/firefox javascript console says "0972a77?.js?meteor_js_resource=true:1 Error: No such template: adminIdentityProviderTable", not sure if spelling error or something's been renamed? *goes check github for last commits*
<Anthropy> I think somewhere in here? this is where I see the template mentioned anyway..
<Anthropy> Seems like they renamed Login -> Identity which is making this template break
<Anthropy> I wonder if I can just fix this the 'right' way by creating a pull request :P does the installer pull directly from github? I think so right? in that case I could just do a reinstall :P assuming my pull request gets accepted of course.. but first lets see if I can find where the remaining things are that have to be renamed for the template to work
<Anthropy> or rather, Identity seems to be renamed to Login. I think I can fix this and I'll create a pull request, but there might be more instances of things that need to be renamed if this slipped through so it's probably worth a doublecheck by @kentonv or someone familiar with the code
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<kentonv> I knew I had to have broken something!
<kentonv> glad I broke new servers and not existing ones...
<fadelkon[m]> great work, Anthropy
<kentonv> yeah the whole setup wizard is super-broken because apparently I forgot to test it and none of the automated tests cover it either. :(
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<Anthropy> I created the pull request, if someone can accept it the setup should work again :)
<kentonv> no there's lots of stuff broken
<Anthropy> ahh yea I can imagine
<kentonv> I'm testing a fix now
<Anthropy> although, I could not find any other instances of adminProviderIdentityTable at least, the only one left of that was in the setup wizard
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<kentonv> basically everything referring to "identity" is probably wrong
<kentonv> there were several different meanings of "identity", most of which have been replaced with different words
<kentonv> things you use for login (e.g. a Google account or an e-mail) are now called "credentials" rather than "identities"
<kentonv> "identity providers" are "login providers" (could have been "credential providers" but I felt "login providers" made more sense)
<kentonv> identities had profiles, but credentials don't -- now the profile is on your account rather than on each credential. So anything referring to an identity for its profile probably has to change to refer to the account
<Anthropy> hehe, name changes like that in deep data layers are always a mindfuck :P
<kentonv> yeah lots and lots of code changed even though there's very little difference from the user's point of view
<kentonv> particularly if you only ever had one identity, then everything seems exactly the same
<kentonv> oh cool, the "login providers" button in the existing admin UI also doesn't work. -_-
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<kentonv> new release is building, should be out in 15-30 minutes
<Anthropy> I guess I'll wait until you're completely done with the overhaul so my new installation can make use of the profiles under accounts setup rather than the old separate profile for each credential setup? or is it fully backwards compatible
<Anthropy> oh, neat
<Anthropy> thanks for fixing it so fast kentonv :D
<kentonv> Anthropy, I am completely done with the overhaul already
<kentonv> other than fixing this bug
<kentonv> there's an automatic migration for existing servers
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<kentonv> new release is out
<kentonv> you can do "sudo sandstorm update" on your existing server (even though setup is not done yet) to update it, then proceed with installation normally
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<crab> updated.
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