hmm... roundcube doesn't have read-only facets?
so I just authorized everybod to send mail in my name? better revoke that one...
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DanC: It would probably be easier to adapt roundcube to allow multi-upload than to adapt it to read from davros grains.
sure, but where's the fun in that?
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Hello sandstorm peoples. Just set up an offline server and want to give it minimal internet access, just leaving update capabilities. Is there a whitelist of update server IPs or DNS entries? I can't find anything...
or is there a config file in /opt/sandstorm I can schlep it out of?
looks to be hardcoded in the sandstorm binary
not sure where sandstorm pulls updates from, but the error you get is because if you install apps from the app marketplace thing it'll basically just get a POST request after which it'll go fetch the app
install,sandstorm.io resolves to with a PTR to
so probably dyanmic in a google farm, even assuming that's the only IP it needs to talk to
sounds like it, I think they host oasis and the website on google app engine? the main dev is an ex google employee so he leans on google services a lot
OK, thanks, thats a good hint. I might just need to block it off completely and log traffic until I know what it talks to
and going back to the etherdraw error: I get that error post-download, and even if I do a manual download and install
Yah that was the document I was working off of. The only thing they say regarding online updates is " sandstorm.io's servers", which doesn't translate into a very good firewall rule...
well, if you whitelist sandstorm.io and *.sandstorm.io.. I mean, unless you want IP addresses, but those are all probably going to be round robin rules, perhaps with dynamic allocated IPs because cloud stuff, idk if you can really whitelist those on IP basis..
you could make sandstorm connect through a proxy though I think, and otherwise completely close all outgoing traffic
drphish: Ah, noted.
if you run something like squid + squidguard on a separate machine (or setup pfsense or alike) you could not only control what domains it visits but also log every visit
and you could turn off the proxy server if it doesn't need updates etc :)
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That might be the way to go. (I'm running mainline pf on openbsd on my router)
problem with dns entries is they are only resolved at rule parsing time, but I can use dynamic lists and some scripts
I was hoping to keep the IP list down to a few known static entries, but if that's not possible this is probably the next best thing
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With the move to The Cloud[TM] at work, we've had a number of disappointed customers who were hoping for a whitelist of static IPs when accessing our servers. Sorry, it's out of our hands...
Soon we won't have to handle IP addresses.
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Hi, how can I restore/migrate just the user/auth data from an old sandstorm instance ?
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