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<TimMc> (I had a moment of consternation before I realized that I had not yet allowed scripts from my new domain...)
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<kentonv> TimMc, are you using nginx only for SSL termination, or other stuff too?
<TimMc> Just SSL termination.
<ocdtr_web> I assume there is a security benefit of some sort (if only eliminating a middle-man) of going straight to googlesource, but dang if isn't a lot easier to browse/search. :P
<kentonv> Sandstorm can actually handle that directly now, even for non-sandcats domains
<kentonv> TimMc you can give Sandstorm your key/cert by doing this at the JS console while logged in as admin:"setTlsKeys", { key: "<private-key-pem>", certChain: "<certificate-pem>" })
<kentonv> then set HTTPS_PORT=443 and EXPERIMENTAL_GATEWAY=true in sandstorm.conf
<TimMc> No way!
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<TimMc> That still doesn't get me the ability to recognize and handle both and though, does it?
<TimMc> (redirecting the former to the latter)
<kentonv> for some extra security, you can give it a password-protected private key, and set the password using PRIVATE_KEY_PASSWORD= in sandstorm.conf (this way, a Mongo DB leak doesn't leak your TLS keys)
<ocdtr_web> TimMc: That counts as "other stuff too", see above. ;)
<kentonv> TimMc, sorry, no, it can only handle one certificate
<TimMc> OK, cool. It's only the migration period where that's useful anyhow.
<kentonv> which is only a few days, but yeah
<isd> kentonv: I'm staring at web-session.capnp, and am confused by the options method; the return value seems to be all webdav related stuff, but I'd otherwise expected it to correspond to the HTTP OPTIONS verb, which isn't webdav related at all. Have I misunderstood something?
<kentonv> isd, it was added mainly for the needs of supporting WebDAV
<kentonv> for sandstorm UI sessions, OPTIONS is basically irrelevant. For API sessions, the correct OPTIONS results are basically the same across all apps.
<isd> What will it do if an app doesn't implement it?
<kentonv> return a suitable default
<isd> (I'm poking at trying to wrap web-session so I can get it to talk to standard Go http.Handlers again...)
<isd> Ok. I'll probably just skip it until I deal with the webdav stuff then.
<kentonv> basically if you aren't implementing a DAV app, you don't need to implement options
<kentonv> since OPTIONS is really all about access control and that's Sandstorm's territory.
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<TimMc> For my own education, I created an nginx config that will handle migrating to a new base domain:
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<ocdtrekkie> I love UWP apps. They give me that warm Sandstormy feeling when I'm on Windows.
<ocdtrekkie> Someone finally made a Discord app that works with UWP. Which is great, because the default behavior of Discord's official app is creepy as all getout.
<ocdtrekkie> (Specifically, by default, Discord looks at what games you have running and reports it below your username.)
<digitalcircuit> ocdtrekkie: Is that feeling similar to the Flatpak/Snap (non-classic) sandboxing story on Linux?
<ocdtrekkie> digitalcircuit: Fairly likely. Linux repos in general feel cleaner with adding and removing software, mind you.
<ocdtrekkie> But yeah, UWP apps have to declare permissions they want access to, and you can individually shut any and all of them off by app.
<ocdtrekkie> A lot of functionality like sniffing what you're doing in other apps is just completely not possible with a UWP app.
<ocdtrekkie> Like, to give you an idea of Discord's default creep factor, it has a "feature" to pull credentials for services it can connect to from other apps installed on your PC.
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<kentonv> I just discovered a directory with 240886 mongo log files in it
<kentonv> `bash: /bin/rm: Argument list too long` is not an error I've ever seen before
<kentonv> (that was for `rm mongo.log.*`)
<ocdtrekkie> lol
<kentonv> I had to do: ls | grep '^mongo.log.' | xargs rm
<ocdtrekkie> First time I wrote a cron script or two for my server I didn't know it was gonna save a file every time it ran with the output.
<kentonv> little known xargs feature: if the argument list is too long, it will break it up into multiple invocations
<ocdtrekkie> ...Fun to clean that up when I noticed it.
<kentonv> wow, apparently deleting the mongo logs was all I had to do to fix the CPU-pegging issue.
<digitalcircuit> "xargs --show-limits" is rather neat, too.
<kentonv> maximum argument length: 2094666
<kentonv> holy crap
<kentonv> that's a lot of arguments
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<kentonv> the stripe-based payments code used by Oasis is now in the Sandstorm repo. Just needs a config UI and then people could sell hosting on their own private servers...
<ocdtrekkie> You're gonna have to start doing UI again soon. :P For SSL config too.
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* ccx^xmpp screeks at the ls|xargs
<ccx^xmpp> find -name 'mongo.log.*' -delete
<ccx^xmpp> find has this "fill argument list" feature too btw: -exec mycommand '{}' +
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<georgeowell> kentonv: awesome!
<georgeowell> did anyone hear how the letencrypt wildcard stuff was developing?
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<sknebel> in testing, but not going live end of february, maybe mid-march
<georgeowell> thanks
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<TimMc> I ended up just getting a $42 wildcard cert to tide me over.
<TimMc> (actually 2, because I screwed up the first time)