Can you see if https://app.vagrantup.com/debian/boxes/contrib-jessie64 can work in it's place? Apparently the Sandstorm version of the box was made just to maintain vboxsf support, and this version includes it.
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But contrib-jessie64 gets us updates, so is probably the better choice if it works.
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ocdtrekkie: debian/contrib-jessie64 did not work straight away. Seems like it is missing the curl package.
default: /opt/app/.sandstorm/global-setup.sh: line 14: curl: command not found
Hmmm, perhaps we can get the setup scripts to install it after the fact.
Could be.
Trying debian/jessie64 now...
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debian/jessie64 does not work straight away either. It's missing the Virtualbox Guest Additions. Trying to install...
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Alright. debian/contrib-jessie64 is only missing curl and debian/jessie64 is missing curl and the VBox Guest Additions.
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Can't get this to work. Vagrant is running some setup scripts within the VM to install sandstorm. E.g. sudo bash /opt/app/.sandstorm/setup.sh
debian/jessie64 nor debian/contrib-jessie64 have these scripts pre-installed.
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Yeah, so we probably need to use contrib-jessie64 and then vagrant-spk needs to add the install commands to add curl (and anything else that we need).
vagrant-spk is currently not really maintained, and I think using a remotely-hosted pinned custom vbox was probably a mistake for long-term purposes. But when it was developed it had staff maintaining it.
What are you trying to make working?
Just trying to get an app running with vagrant-spk.
what app?
Well, for starters, any app. Trying to compile Davros at the moment.
There's nothing wrong with the app itself. vagrant-spk just no longer works
I have only used meteor-spk
Basically, the problem is that vagrant-spk uses a Linux image that no longer is available for download.
No, that fix is only required with older Vagrant versions that have the old https://atlas.hashicorp.com address hardcoded in them (or in some other cases). I only changed the box to contrib-jessie64 and then added the curl installation command to global-setup.sh
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Would you be willing to send a PR for the changes that got you to where you are to that repo?
Okay, because I :believe: once the capnproto issue is resolved, that should put vagrant-spk back into a working state.
Unless other things are broken that haven't been discovered since they broke since the above two issues also broke.
And I only wanted to get one app compiled...
The app packaging process needs a little love right now. :/
Personally I need to assemble a new Linux machine so I can test this stuff. I think I wiped mine.