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OK so let's see, what's next?
Bird|otherbox: did your new GPU come in yet?
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Unless anyone has something more major my next priority is going to be implementing enum arguments to filters (probably tomorrow) then generic-ifying the spi flash decoder so it works with stuff other than W25N family
I have a Zybo with a S25FL128S already hooked up to my scope as a source of test data
And yeah i think the first step re streaming will simply be to create devices / a mode for a device that once triggered retriggers instantly with no delay
so waveforms occur back to back and can be displayed as consecutive waveforms
better presentation of them as a single seamless stream can come later
e.g. support for filter executions that span across waveforms
and maintain state
So just make it appear as N consecutive waveforms of a fixed length (and N is set by the max waveform history config)
That's the easy part
You dont need to do anything special for that
Just have a device that spits out buffers as fast as it can without waiting for triggers between them
The hard part is making filters and the UI maintain state
so a spi byte with 5 clock edges in one waveform and 3 in the next comes out correctly
this will be critical with complex traces that span seconds or more of activity
oh actually i think the other high priority is adding compression to the lecroy LA driver
or... there has to be a better name for that process
fml RDP shit the bed, now having to edit >1 GB photoshop PSD files on CPU graphics
azonenberg: will be a little while still
I think from now on the official term for this process will be "de-duplication"
it's not compression per se, it's making better use of the RLE inherent in the existing data structure
Do you keep it in memory as de-duplicated ?
tnt: The in memory and on disk formats are substantially the same
a Waveform consists of a bit of metadata then int64 samplerate, vector<int64> offsets, vector<int64> durations, vector<T> data
sorry samplerate is called timescale
and is the basic time step in picoseconds for that waveform, offsets/durations are measured in that unit
Each sample represents a defined region in time which begins at (waveform start timestamp) + timescale_per_ps*offsets[i]
and ends at that time plus timescale_per_ps*durations[i]
are you doing anything to compress the offsets and durations or just the data
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As of now there is no compression of any kind
It's too slow when you need random access for decodes and rendering etc
Anyway, i'm not done explaining :)
The in memory representation typically uses more memory than the on disk, because filters and decodes are not stored to disk
they're only stored as metadata of what filter is connected how with what settings
the output never gets serialized
so my current "big" dump is 7 channels * 11 waveforms * 64M points per channel = about 5 billion data points
it's 80GB on dis kand uses about 110 GB of RAM when loaded
What i'm proposing doing is, when a scope driver is reading waveforms from a LA that does not output RLE natively
that i should detect two consecutive samples with the same value
and store {off=N, len=2, value=x} rather than {off=N, len=1, value=x} and {off=N+1, len=1, value=x} like i do now
basically right now whjen you have repeating data on the input, you get degenerate RLE with len=1 framing overhead on every single sample
even those that actually repeat
MAXWELL and other instrumentation we build will output RLE natively, so this won't be a problem
What do you folks think of some kind of scripted "sweep powerup trace" utility for glscopeclient?
the basic idea is, set up a capture of a given length with trigger on Vdd, POR, or similar
set trigger to the very start of the waveform, connect to a managed power supply, turn it on, grab a trace
power down, shift trigger by one capture length
power up and grab another
basically what i did for this boot trace, but fully autonomous
there may be a little bit of gap/overlap at the boundaries due to jitter depending on how reproducible boot timing is
but for general tracing purposes it should be a good way to get a lot of data fast