azonenberg changed the topic of #scopehal to: libscopehal, libscopeprotocols, and glscopeclient development and testing |,, | Logs:
<azonenberg> oh lol
<azonenberg> that will make it fun
<azonenberg> yeah maybe better to try merging gui-dev into current then
<Bird|otherbox> so, merge gui-dev into local master, delete the gui-dev branch both locally and on GitHub's end, fetch so origin is up to date, then create a new gui-dev branch from master and push it to GitHub?
<azonenberg> Yeah that sounds like a good plan
<azonenberg> maybe rename gui-dev to gui-old just so we have the old stuff for reference easily without having to dig back in history?
<azonenberg> Then we can delete it entirely once we're sure everything is good
<Bird|otherbox> *nods*
<Bird|otherbox> although you may have to be the one doing the work on GitHub's end, I can't find an option to rename or delete the remote branch
<azonenberg> Yeah. I'm not entirely sure how git handles branch deletion
<azonenberg> for now, make a new branch gui-new and push to that?
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<Bird|otherbox> I'm used to being able to delete branches on the remote, so I'm not sure how pushing a branch delete works
<azonenberg> Yeah i think i would have to do the deletion on the github side via the web ui or something
<azonenberg> For now just use a new name for your dev branch
<azonenberg> Once it looks good we'll either pull it into gui-dev or mstger or soemthing
<azonenberg> master*
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<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] bvernoux edited issue #260: Issue to build the actual code with MSYS2 / MINGW64 related to LeCroyOscilloscope.cpp -
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<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] azonenberg commented on issue #260: Issue to build the actual code with MSYS2 / MINGW64 related to LeCroyOscilloscope.cpp -
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<azonenberg> welp, there goes my plans for last night. Got called out for sar, couldn't sleep, and then was fighting vivado quirks for hours
<azonenberg> But i now have an fpga traffic generator for 24c eeproms that generates random length i2c reads from 1 to 255 bytes at random addresses. Next up is to make it write rather than read sometimes
<azonenberg> And then i'll be able to write a decode for it
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] azonenberg opened issue #261: Build jtaghal based transport for AntikernelLogicAnalyzer -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] azonenberg labeled issue #261: Build jtaghal based transport for AntikernelLogicAnalyzer -
<azonenberg> NeroTHz, lain: @_@
<azonenberg> you can do single ended to differential conversion (at one frequency, at least - presumably this isn't usable wideband with microstrip components
<azonenberg> Trying to understand how it works
<azonenberg> it appears that the input signal comes from the left, then hits a ring which presumably has a circumference of one wavelength
<azonenberg> Then there are taps that are probably at about the 1/4 and 1/2? wavelength positions, then those merge into a diffpair
<azonenberg> it looks like the tails from those taps to the diffpair merging together are about equal in length
<azonenberg> I wonder if the loop is actually two lambdas across? because otherwise it seems like you'd get 90 degrees rather than 180 degrees between the pair legs
<azonenberg> It seems like the overall operating principle is just two phase shifters. The other thing i don't understand is why it's a full ring and not just a splitter
<azonenberg> it looks like there is a resistor to that middle part of the ring, likely grounding it
<azonenberg> I feel like this is structurally similar to a Wilkinson power divider except the legs are phase shifted relative to each other
<azonenberg> thinking more i bet that resistor isn't to ground at all, it's probably to a termination rail at vcc/2
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<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] bvernoux commented on issue #260: Issue to build the actual code with MSYS2 / MINGW64 related to LeCroyOscilloscope.cpp -
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<bvernoux> azonenberg, scopehal-apps is not far to build
<bvernoux> now there is issue on usleep() which is considered obsolete and has never existed on Windows
<bvernoux> A portable way could be to replace it to std::this_thread::sleep_for(123us);
<bvernoux> else it is required to create usleep() for windows
<bvernoux> there is different solution here
<bvernoux> see also
<bvernoux> as usleep has been declared obsolete in 2011 so maybe it is good to replace it now
<bvernoux> in fact it was already declared as obsolete in 2001 ...
<bvernoux> Linux' glibc may choose this approach, but our implementation will
<bvernoux> continue to reject any excessively large interval. Furthermore, since
<bvernoux> Issue 6
<bvernoux> usleep() had already been declared as obsolescent by the POSIX.1-2001
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] bvernoux opened issue #262: Issue to build the actual code with MSYS2 / MINGW64 related to SignalGeneratorOscilloscope.cpp -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] bvernoux edited issue #262: Issue to build the actual code with MSYS2 / MINGW64 related to usleep (Impact multiple files SignalGeneratorOscilloscope.cpp...) -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] bvernoux commented on issue #262: Issue to build the actual code with MSYS2 / MINGW64 related to usleep (Impact multiple files SignalGeneratorOscilloscope.cpp...) -
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<lain> azonenberg: afaik you are correct that it's just two taps off a terminated delay line, 180 deg apart
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<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] nshcat commented on issue #262: Issue to build the actual code with MSYS2 / MINGW64 related to usleep (Impact multiple files SignalGeneratorOscilloscope.cpp...) -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] nshcat edited a comment on issue #262: Issue to build the actual code with MSYS2 / MINGW64 related to usleep (Impact multiple files SignalGeneratorOscilloscope.cpp...) -
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