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<tnt> So, I see the DRC rules in the read-the-docs web site. Is there some file representing those that you can feed to magic to validate a GDS for instance ?
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<mithro> tnt: A lot of the data is now in the spreadsheet at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/176OcP2h_TT_pDP2-zBLijlgFUP38LVgMQPlDtpLcrsk/edit?ts=5eff8387#gid=1471570042
<mithro> tnt: Also a lot of the docs are generated from csv files see -> https://github.com/google/skywater-pdk/tree/master/docs/rules/assumptions
<tnt> Ok, I guess I need to read-up on MAGIC see how it can be used with that data. Thanks for the spreadsheet, _very_ nice stuff, but man that's a lot of info to ingest :p
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