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<Lofty> Are you allowed to mix and match cells for the final product? e.g. using hs cells in critical paths and hd elsewhere?
<tnt> Not all cells libraries have the same grid structure, so you can't really mix them on the same grid.
<tnt> But if you have a components that needs to be faster, you can make it a macro with its own grid and include it that way.
<Lofty> Hmm...
<tnt> Yeah hs/hd don't have the same height ...
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<mithro> Lofty: I think the hs/ms/ls all have the same height
<Lofty> So those cells can be mixed, mithro?
<mithro> Lofty: My understanding is yes but I only have a basic understanding
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<tnt> Lofty: not sure why you would really though ...
<tnt> I mean the LS are not smaller than the HS, they just use different implant for tweaking the Vt of the NMOS/PMOS to be lower power / lower leakage.
<tnt> looking at a few cells of those libs, they seem to be specifically designed to have the same layout so you can swap them between libs after placement / possibly even routing.
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<mkk_> [Trevor Clarke, skywater-pdk] just a link for anyone looking for ideas to tape out and test...those are all the ASIC proven cores on opencores...would be a good starting place for sky130 cores
<Lofty> I've been working on a chess move generator I wrote a little while back; doubt it will make it into the shuttle, but it's an interesting synthesis benchmark
<Lofty> Very high signal fanout, very wide buses