[matt venn, skywater-pdk] has there been any discussion yet on the carrier PCB?
[Trevor Clarke, skywater-pdk] @matt venn I'm not sure if there's going to be one or not? should be fairly simple to lay one out and it would be useful to have...I was out of the discussions for a while though so it may have been discussed a couple weeks ago
[diadatp, skywater-pdk] @matt venn IIRC a handful of carrier PCBs with castellated holes was mentioned at one point.
[Trevor Clarke, skywater-pdk] I believe there's enough info on the ball layout and pinouts for caravel to layout a useable PCB...If you put one up on github it would be useful at least as a starting point for projects requiring a more tuned layout...
[Bob Mayo, skywater-pdk] stan56mufifn
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[Taylor Marsilio, skywater-pdk] Is there somewhere I could purchase physical chips that have an open source design? (i.e. have already been through Openlane or will be going through the fab process?)
[Taylor Marsilio, skywater-pdk] Preferably at the 130 nm node
[Trevor Clarke, skywater-pdk] @Taylor Marsilio there hasn't been a run for sky130 yet so there are no chips to obtain. when the first shuttle is complete, the various project owners will receive a number of chips which they can distribute as they see fit...the idea is that someone wanting to test or do something with a particular project's design can just ask and there will enough chips to send you one
[Trevor Clarke, skywater-pdk] if you're looking for a specific design that you want manufactured, you'd go direct to skywater or to a design house like efabless
[Trevor Clarke, skywater-pdk] the first shuttle run is likely to contain individual cells for testing and characterization and will therefore not be "useful" as an end product
[Taylor Marsilio, skywater-pdk] @Trevor Clarke Appreciate the response! I understand that the tapeout for sky130 is planned to happen soon…wanted to also see if there was anything else that already existed out there. I’d like to test with someone’s design and individual cells would be sufficient, so if there are chips to spare I would certainly appreciate it. Thanks!
[Taylor Marsilio, skywater-pdk] Has the timeline been published for this tapeout? i.e has the deadline to submit designs closed and how long is the process expected to take?
[Trevor Clarke, skywater-pdk] one of the goals of the project is to be able to iterate designs and build on designs. This motivates google paying for the shuttle runs and generating a number of chips for each design. Their stated goal is that if someone is interested and since you can't easily recreate a project like you can with software or even a PCB design, there should be devices available to give away. The details will be left