[Amro Tork, skywater-pdk] @Trevor Clarke when is the deadline to submit design blocks for this shuttle run?
[Trevor Clarke, skywater-pdk] November 30
[Amro Tork, skywater-pdk] How to submit the design?
[Amro Tork, skywater-pdk] For this shuttle run?
[Amro Tork, skywater-pdk] We will generate several versions of OTAs we want to characterise.
[Amro Tork, skywater-pdk] Sorry for asking just joined.
[Anish S, skywater-pdk] @ they have not yet opened the shuttle submissions, but the requirements are that the design must fit into the caravel harness structure (specifically in terms of I/O and area config), and that the hardened macro has to be buildable by openlane into the final SoC
[Amro Tork, skywater-pdk] I have seen the demo in Tim’s video. But where is the specs for that caravel structure?
[Amro Tork, skywater-pdk] What do you buildable by openLANE? Our design is entirely Analog.
[Amro Tork, skywater-pdk] @Anish Thank you. Would if appreciate if you have the information above?
[Amro Tork, skywater-pdk] You mean placable by openLANE?
[Anish S, skywater-pdk] yes, sorry, i meant placeable
[Anish S, skywater-pdk] I'm working mostly with digital so I'm not super familiar with how to set up I/O for analog on openlane, but there was some discussion about it in the #analog-design channel
[Anish S, skywater-pdk] The caravel repo seems to be moving right now, since it's not accessible where it used to be
Hello all, I went to clone the Caravel git repo and noticed that it is no longer available. Does anyone have any information on whether the repo has been moved, renamed or if it will be put back up at a later date?
[Amro Tork, skywater-pdk] Thanks @Anish
[Anish S, skywater-pdk] but it should be at github efabless/caravel when they put it back up
[Amro Tork, skywater-pdk] Do you know the dimensions?
[Anish S, skywater-pdk] 2.8x2.8 was the tentative dimensions for the user area
[Anish S, skywater-pdk] with the management core and padframe being outside of that area
[Amro Tork, skywater-pdk] Oh ok
[Amro Tork, skywater-pdk] Great
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[Amro Tork, skywater-pdk] Thanks @Anish
[Tim Edwards, skywater-pdk] @Anish: If you go to the http://efabless.com website front page, there's a link there for Google/SkyWater. The submission process is currently under beta test. Jeff DiCorpo made an annoucement about that in the #shuttle channel.
[Anish S, skywater-pdk] @ ^
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