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<mkk_> Does anybody know how to make OpenLANE and YOSYS to use the skywater sram cell?
<mkk_> [Arman Avetisyan, skywater-pdk] Hello everybody,
<mkk_> Thanks.
<mkk_> [Arman Avetisyan, skywater-pdk] sram macros*
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<mkk_> [Olof Kindgren, skywater-pdk] @Arman Avetisyan Is there a skywater sram cell? I was under impression that we should use openRAM for that
<mkk_> [Arman Avetisyan, skywater-pdk] @Olof Kindgren There is ready to use SKY130_SRAM_MACROS ( on efabless github. And it's disabled in openlane by default. Keep in mind it's registered inputs, registered outputs design
<mkk_> [Arman Avetisyan, skywater-pdk] Problem is I can't figure out why it is not used in my design. If I enable it.
<mkk_> And I asume Yosys does not even know about existence of this cell so he wont use it.
<mkk_> Currently I think the problem is that the openlane makefile contains error. It can disable but with current makefile it is impossible to enable it without makefile modification.
<mkk_> [Olof Kindgren, skywater-pdk] @Arman Avetisyan I see. I don't use the flow in the same way so I can't answer that unfortunately
<mkk_> [Arman Avetisyan, skywater-pdk] OpenRAM can't be used in SKY130 as far as I am aware without signing NDA because the ready to use scripts and configurations files are not available open-source
<mkk_> [Arman Avetisyan, skywater-pdk] Can somebody correct me?
<lkcl> Arman: for the Libre-SOC 180nm we are doing custom 4k SRAM cells (thanks to Chips4Makers) which are simply marked with a "blackbox" attribute
<lkcl> coriolis2 then noted the "blackbox" attribute and told yosys not to do anything with it
<lkcl> daveshah wrote a script that *does* auto-detection of SRAM cells and will "munge" the netlist to use such "black boxes" (aka "an SRAM cell")
<lkcl> ah no, not daveshah after all
<lkcl> still the same thing though
<lkcl> yosys is run by scripting. you are *not* restricted to that which is provided *by default* with yosys.