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<stellar-slack> <regisg27> @bartek server.payments().forAccount(******).order("desc").call() throw this error
<stellar-slack> <regisg27> ``` at PaymentCallBuilder._sendNormalRequest (/home/regisg/projets/proxiweb/node_modules/stellar-sdk/lib/call_builder.js:168:16) at PaymentCallBuilder.call (/home/regisg/projets/proxiweb/node_modules/stellar-sdk/lib/call_builder.js:72:21)```
<stellar-slack> <regisg27> The same code on node v 0.12 works fine
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<stellar-slack> <regisg27> @bartek: sorry, works fine now... don't understand what happened ... maybe a cache problem...
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<stellar-slack> <armed10> Good morning everyone!
<stellar-slack> <armed10> I was trying to add a new asset to my standalone node, and I'm doing something wrong, but the javascript stellar-sdk doesn't give me any error.
<stellar-slack> <armed10> I know it hangs when building the transaction, but that's about it
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> @armed10: I think we will need to see some code to get a clue ok now we have something
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> from quick glance it looks like an incomplete transaction
<stellar-slack> <armed10> If I log between every operation the last log I get is before transaction.build()
<stellar-slack> <armed10> any idea what I'm missing here/
<stellar-slack> <armed10> ?
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> well a transaction I think needs to have a function of say payment to start
<stellar-slack> <armed10> Isn't a payment an operation?
<stellar-slack> <bartek> @armed10: `transaction` variable in your code is really transaction buider. `build` method returns the actual transaction: https://stellar.github.io/js-stellar-sdk/TransactionBuilder.html#build
<stellar-slack> <bartek> so it should be: ``` transaction = transaction.build(); ``` but it would be more elegant to simply chain all functions together: ``` var transaction = new StellarSdk.TransactionBuilder(account, { fee:1 } ) .addOperation(StellarSdk.Operation.changeTrust({ asset: new StellarSdk.Asset('TEST', rootKey), source: rootKey })) .build(); ```
<stellar-slack> <armed10> The reason I unchained it was because of debugging. Thanks, I'm trying it out now.
<stellar-slack> <armed10> The code still hangs at build();
<stellar-slack> <bartek> can you upload the whole file somewhere (gist maybe)?
<stellar-slack> <armed10> You'll probably want other files as well
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> well it's done at build your not submiting it
<stellar-slack> <armed10> @sacarlson: the snippet is incomplete, please look at the gist
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> ok
<stellar-slack> <bartek> what's the last output you see before it hangs?
<stellar-slack> <armed10> create transaction
<stellar-slack> <armed10> I'm probably not creating the asset the right way. Are there any prerequisites before adding an asset this way?
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> I don't know what sendTransaction() does
<stellar-slack> <armed10> The source account for the transaction should probably be root
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> normaly at that point we would have server.submitTransaction(transaction).then(function(result) { ...
<stellar-slack> <armed10> Yes but since running Horizon is problematic the sendTransaction method actually sends it directly to the stellar-core
<stellar-slack> <armed10> localhost/tx?blob=
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> well again we must have missing code
<stellar-slack> <armed10> I've an idea why it fails, i'll report after lunch.
<stellar-slack> <bartek> I have one too. can you try to remove line 41 in your file and check if it goes further?
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<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> yes that line 41 source thing don't know what that is. that must be it
<stellar-slack> <bartek> it's the source of this operation. it's correct but it might be a bug in this single operation in sdk code.
<stellar-slack> <armed10> I'm a little confused as to how this works.. You have an Asset that you want to create, this Asset has an issuer. In my case root. Then I want to change trust on an account, but you don't target an account, you just name the source account, which is optional.
<stellar-slack> <armed10> So both the issuer and the one you give trust are both root?
<stellar-slack> <armed10> since root will sign the transaction
<stellar-slack> <armed10> I don't see where you would specify the 'other' account the documentation speaks of
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> I'm guessing that the source if not provided defaults to one generating the transaction? did you try take out line 41?
<stellar-slack> <armed10> Yes, it does not help.
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> and create transaction is still the last mesage?
<stellar-slack> <armed10> yes
<stellar-slack> <armed10> But root does not have the asset yet, do I need to create an asset another way before creating a trustline for it?
<stellar-slack> <bartek> no, someone needs to trust issuer and then issuer can send the asset
<stellar-slack> <bartek> what do argument of `createAccounts` mean?
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> I'm not sure what the value or even objecdt types are of rootkey and rootprivate
<stellar-slack> <armed10> The root account is saved in my application for testing. rootkey is the public key and rootprivate is the private key of said root accout.
<stellar-slack> <armed10> @bartek: the first is the number of accounts to create and the second is the amount of lumens to add to each account
<stellar-slack> <armed10> It's from another segment where we test how fast accounts can be created
<stellar-slack> <bartek> what node and sdk version are you using? I will try to repro this.
<stellar-slack> <armed10> stellar-sdk: 0.4.1 node: 0.12.10
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> I just noticed another thing in your fee: 1 unless you have your stellar-core set to accept that value I think it needs to be min fee: 100 min, but I don't see how that would effect your present problem
<stellar-slack> <armed10> I've set the desired base fee of stellar-core to 0
<stellar-slack> <armed10> @bartek
<stellar-slack> <bartek> ``` MacBook-Air-Bartek:armed10-repro bartek$ node -v v0.12.10 MacBook-Air-Bartek:armed10-repro bartek$ npm ls --depth=1 armed10-repro@1.0.0 /Users/bartek/armed10-repro └─┬ stellar-sdk@0.4.1 ├── axios@0.7.0 ├── bluebird@2.10.2 ├── es6-promise@3.1.2 ├── event-source-polyfill@0.0.6 ├── eventsource@0.1.6 ├── jsdoc@3.5.0-dev (git://github.com/jsdoc3/jsdoc.git#
<stellar-slack> stellar-base@0.5.4 ├── superagent@1.7.2 ├── toml@2.3.0 └── URIjs@1.16.1 MacBook-Air-Bartek:armed10-repro bartek$ node index.js create transaction sign transaction ```
<stellar-slack> <armed10> Could you share your version with me/
<stellar-slack> <bartek> I just took a builder part from your code: ``` var StellarSdk = require('stellar-sdk'); console.log('create transaction'); var account = new StellarSdk.Account("GCWX5WC53EFB4AXXTTMC7MTOMDU3X3J7TGESDIIX76QJQGWI72KKTUIZ", "10") var transaction = new StellarSdk.TransactionBuilder(account, { fee:1 } ) .addOperation(StellarSdk.Operation.changeTrust({ asset: new Stellar
<stellar-slack> "GCWX5WC53EFB4AXXTTMC7MTOMDU3X3J7TGESDIIX76QJQGWI72KKTUIZ"), source: "GCWX5WC53EFB4AXXTTMC7MTOMDU3X3J7TGESDIIX76QJQGWI72KKTUIZ" })) .build(); console.log('sign transaction'); ```
<stellar-slack> <bartek> would be cool if you sent how `account` and `rootKey` variables look like
<stellar-slack> <bartek> (these are the only variables used in the builder)
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> yes I was wondering as I said what was in rootkey at least
<stellar-slack> <armed10> The error is from the account creation which only gives an object with keys and not a stellarsdk.account
<stellar-slack> <armed10> ,:(
<stellar-slack> <armed10> Thanks for all the effort
<stellar-slack> <bartek> problem solved :heavy_check_mark: no problem :)
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<stellar-slack> <armed10> It worked, I used an asset I created for making a payment
<stellar-slack> <armed10> The laboratory provided by Stellar has an option for getting a lot of information on a single account. I can't use it because horizon doesn't work for me so does anyone know what query it uses to get that information?
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> what info is it your looking for? you can browse the database
<stellar-slack> <armed10> getting the assets currently in an account
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> you can look in the trustlines table
<stellar-slack> <armed10> yeah, thanks
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<stellar-slack> <jed> any angular or ruby developers that want to help a stellar gateway integrate?
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