<otto_mora> hey folks any developers using the Java Stellar SDK at the moment?
<otto_mora> I am trying to migrate my code to use only the Stellar SDK, and away from the Stellar-Base which seems to be deprecated in github now
<otto_mora> I am getting a silly class type conversion error when doing this:
<bartek> all Account responses from horizon are now called AccountResponse
<otto_mora> Type mismatch: cannot convert from AccountResponse to Account
<danielpauljones> Can I do a one time Stellar.Transaction _transaction = new Stellar.Transaction.Builder(_masterSend) .AddOperation(_operation) .Build();
<danielpauljones> without the operation and then add multiple operations (Payees) after and then post
<sacarlson> I can only say that you can send up to 100 transactions in a single envelope. I have examples in ruby
<sacarlson> at this point I've setup payments to many payees but only from a single sender, but I think the 100 trans can also be from other accounts as long as you have the sigs
<danielpauljones> trying to send 2-10 payees from a single payer but not sure of syntax and order to build the envelop. Example in Ruby would help
<bartek> what about: ``` Stellar.Transaction _transaction = new Stellar.Transaction.Builder(_masterSend) .AddOperation(_operation) .AddOperation(_operation2) .AddOperation(_operation3) .Build(); ```
<danielpauljones> thanks @bartek I will try the later as I am building the operations from a list, so this should work. thanks @sacarlson as well