hackerfoo: I know what pdb is, it isn't going to help you
hackerfoo: The problem isn't in the python at all
I'm trying to make the edge exist.
But I don't know which edge is missing.
But the problem is in the database, not in the python
E.g. what pip/src wire/dest wire is being connected, is it actually a pin to pin connection, does making that pip to pin connect make sense, etc
I looked at the database, but I need more than some big numbers to understand what's missing.
those aren't big numbers, those a primary keys
e.g. rows in the database
I was hoping this would be easier than a bunch of queries.
I know :)
But the database can tell you:
What wires were being connected?
What pip was being use connected them?
Before you do anything else, you need to make sure the requested connection even makes sense
I want I something I can look at in Vivado.
Right, so query the database for the tile name and wire name?
And that is something you can put back into Vivado
SELECT name FROM wire_in_tile where pkey = (SELECT wire_in_tile_pkey FROM wire WHERE pkey = ?)
Which table has wire names? I see wire_name_index.
Or just
SELECT name FROM pip_in_tile WHERE pkey = ?