[sphinx_symbiflow_theme] mithro opened issue #40: Make sure the paragraph mark is not copied - https://git.io/JUB43
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I'm just getting into fpgas (I've got some low end zynqs), and I've been lurking a bit, trying to get a feel for what's going on, and it doesn't seem like much?
plenty :)
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is anyone able to use simple browsers like links2 w3m dillo netsurf on risc-v softcore yet? is it still buggy if so?
also video watching tools like mpv, youtube-dl, vlc...any other one really...
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[symbiflow-arch-defs] rw1nkler opened issue #1668: Unresolved $_TBUF_ cells after Yosys synthesis - https://git.io/JUB7F
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[symbiflow-docs] mithro opened issue #348: Autoroll the submodules - https://git.io/JUBF7
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rwinker: You wanted me to fix the pypi upload for some packages, right?
Hrm.... - I just needed to reload my page...
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<rwinkler> mithro: We change it already to sphinxcontrib-hdl-diagrams. The compatibility package is currently named sphinxcontrib-verilog-diagrams and it is just a wrapper on sphinxcontrib-hdl-diagrams with the message about depreciated package.
rwinkler: Yeah - I thought you had missed a name change but I just looking at an old HTML page it seems
rwinkler: I'm a bit confused about what just happened - I tried an `make upload_compat` and it seems to have uploaded a `sphinxcontrib_verilog_diagrams-0.1.0` rather than a `sphinxcontrib_verilog_diagrams-0.0.post71` like expected?
<rwinkler> I fixed the package version on `0.1.0` since it is just a wrapper that should not change, and maybe should be removed in the future
rwinkler: Maybe it is caused by me not doing a make clean first...
Title: GitHub - SymbiFlow/sphinxcontrib-hdl-diagrams: Sphinx Extension which generates various types of diagrams from Verilog code. (at github.com)
rwinkler: Do you have a readthedocs account?
<rwinkler> mithro: Yes `rw1nkler` same login as on GitHub
<mgielda> h4x0r
rwinkler: Going through and adding you as a maintainer to all our readthedocs sites
rwinkler: You should have a *lot* more repos at readthedocs.org now
[sphinxcontrib-hdl-diagrams] mithro opened issue #60: Set up redirection from sphinxcontrib-verilog-diagrams.readthedocs.org to sphinxcontrib-hdl-diagrams.readthedocs.org - https://git.io/JUBxT
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rwinkler: I believe I have uploaded the PyPi packages for sphinxverilog-hdl-diagrams and sphinx-verilog-domain
<rwinkler> mithro: Thanks. Yes, both of the packages are available on PyPI. Now, I can also see a lot of symbiflow projects on readthedocs. So everything works!
We should get the rest of the Python packages under the SymbiFlow organization also being uploaded like this
<rwinkler> mithro: Sure! It should be simple. I will check the other SymbiFlow projects
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Hello! I was wondering, is the Digilent Arty A7-100T supported?
It is supported right now?
<timo.callahan> dbobrek: Yes
Okay. I wasn't sure because it wasn't listed on the main site, but the A7-35T was.
<timo.callahan> symbiflow-examples has a counter example, let me get the link
Also, why is the Block RAM only listed as partially supported under Project X-Ray?
Title: GitHub - SymbiFlow/symbiflow-examples: Examples designs for showing different ways to use SymbiFlow toolchains. (at github.com)
Thanks for the link
<timo.callahan> Note the instructions are still a little incorrect. It helps if you download the repo first thing.
<timo.callahan> Currently the instructions have you install Symbiflow under /opt, and unless you're logged in as root, you'll need some 'sudo's. But you can also try installing under your home directory (change INSTALL\_DIR)
Is there any benefit one way or the other?
<timo.callahan> dbobrek: the advantage to installing under /opt is that has been tested a bit more. The advantage to installing under your home directory is that you're not giving sudo permission to install scripts downloaded off of the internet :).
<timo.callahan> dbobrek: It would be great if you're willing to try the user install, and let me know of any issues
I'll probably go ahead an install it tonight then. However, I don't have a Symbiflow-compatible board right now. I popped in to ask about compatibility because I was about to buy an Arty board, so actually putting something on a device will have to wait.
<timo.callahan> Yeah, makes sense to wait then
<timo.callahan> I'll be around, and maybe the README will be improved by then. I have another example in the pipeline -- a Linux build.
<timo.callahan> dbobrek: rereading what I wrote, it was a bit ambiguous. I meant, you may as well wait until you have the board before installing Symbiflow. And in case you're new to playing with real boards (like I was just a few months ago), you might find these super-basic intros useful: https://github.com/tcal-x/misc/ -- they apply to either Arty A7 board, 35T or 100T. However, they do assume you're running Linux
(Debian/Ubuntu ideally).
Title: GitHub - tcal-x/misc: Random stuff -- small demos/tutorials, etc. (at github.com)