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<Entropy512> codeworkx: xplodwild: Espenfjo:
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<Entropy512> oddly
<Entropy512> the MC1N2 debug stuff isn't printing out volume changes at all...
<Entropy512> at least not for speaker
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<HillBeast> Anyone here an expert in ARM ASM?
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<HillBeast> Never mind. Figured it out.
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<techmik> grrr.... i thought it was hard trying to figure out jave.... this is totally worse
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<ohanar> so I'm trying to use the standard releasetools on the exynos tabs, but I'm having issues, and I'm not quite sure what I'm missing, but it isn't working
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<Chaitanyak> build error cm9
<Chaitanyak> please anyone help
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<ohanar> question pertaining to the standard releastools: anyone know where to look in the samsung kernel sources to find the kernel pagesize?
<imnuts> if you use the CM tool to unpack a boot image, it will give you the pagesize of the boot.img you're unpacking afaik
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<ohanar> imnuts: I have a tool to unpack a boot image, but I don't think it is CM's -- it doesn't give me the pagesize of the boot image I'm unpacking at the very least
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<stickyboy> imnuts: Plus, I'm not sure if that works for Samsung boot images?
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<squadzone> hola
<squadzone> stickyboy, you there?
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<stickyboy> Yo, squadzone.
<squadzone> stickyboy, on your u8150, is there a problem with charging while off?
<stickyboy> squadzone: Nope. Should be fine...
<squadzone> Mm.. my u8510 now only have this problem, i have change pm2.c with samsung stuff, but still problem,
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<stickyboy> Ah, I've actually never had a problem with off-mode charging on the U8150.
<squadzone> turning off, plugged charger then it will reboot to CWM, mm....
<stickyboy> Hmm. CM or stock?
<squadzone> CM
<stickyboy> Did it work before?
<squadzone> nope, this not happen to stock xD
<squadzone> maybe i missing some prop file?
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<moikop> Any kernel developer with knowledge in ASM?
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<xplodwild_work> Entropy512: be more confident about audio HAL :p
<Entropy512> hah... I'm just remembering that it didn't work so well with getting Gingerbread blobs to work in ICS. :)
<Entropy512> and seriously, if we need to rewrite from scratch, that kernel interface is severely brain-damaged
<Entropy512> and will damage MY brain most likely. :)
<Entropy512> ok off to work
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<Entropy|work> oh yeah, tell coolya to fix my invite access to the Special Happy Place. :)
<Entropy|work> haven't been there since reboot
<xplodwild_work> I'll tell
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<lolwat> :)
<lowtraxx> Hi
<lowtraxx> I am playing around with a build for the P6800 and I am kind of stuck
<lowtraxx> I am not able to hangup a call
<lowtraxx> <- I am porting CM9 to the stock kernel, so Dev not User :D
<lowtraxx> I fixed up the smalis, everything else works nicely now
<lowtraxx> Only the InCall Screen does not react to anything but the Red Key (which does nothing) or the speaker key (which works)
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<stickyboy> lowtraxx: What do you mean you're porting CM9 to the stock kernel?
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<lowtraxx> stickyboy: I built a rom with the cm9 parts, that runs on the stock kernel provided by samsung
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<stickyboy> lowtraxx: Ah... ok.
<stickyboy> <--- aorth. P6200/P6210 maintainer.
<stickyboy> The stock kernel sucks... it's missing lots of things for CM9.
<lowtraxx> stickyboy: Ah, great work youre doing
<lowtraxx> stickyboy: I know, but I thought so I'd smali around a bit and try to get it working. That was before WiFi was working with CM9 on the P6800
<stickyboy> lowtraxx: Ah ok.
<stickyboy> lowtraxx: So you're just doing apps and framework stuff?
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<lowtraxx> stickyboy: More or less, basically I took the stock rom, ripped app and framework out and replaced it with the cm9 nightly. Then watched logcat and fixed what was going wrong.
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<lowtraxx> stickyboy: Now its a hybrid from the cm9 nightly, the stock as well as some libs from other OTAs
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<stickyboy> lowtraxx: Interesting... sounds crazy.
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<stickyboy> lowtraxx: It would be better if you helped on CM9 though :)
<lowtraxx> stickyboy: Yeah, talked about that with ohanar. Thats basically why I am here too. But I didnt catch him, so I thought i'd ask if somebody knew a solution to my problem
<lowtraxx> stickyboy: Today I got Bluetooth working
<stickyboy> lowtraxx: You're not the QuickSilver guy, are you?
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<lowtraxx_> re
<stickyboy> lowtraxx: You're not the QuickSilver guy, are you?
<lowtraxx_> yes I am
<stickyboy> Oh ok.
<stickyboy> I don't follow XDA much, but I did see that up.
<stickyboy> So you got bluetooth working on your port, with the old kernel?
<lowtraxx_> yes
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<stickyboy> Ah :\
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<stickyboy> That's basically the only problem left on our CM9 port :(
<lowtraxx_> Do you use the libraries from the OTA?
<stickyboy> Yah
<lowtraxx_> hm, maybe my modifications to the bluetooth framework could help
<stickyboy> We're using ICS blobs + the ICS kernel source from Galaxy SIII and P6200.
<lowtraxx_> Okay, I will try later smaling the framework.jar from your build and injecting my changes
<lowtraxx_> maybe I can get it to work
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<stickyboy> I'm actually not sure what's wrong.
<stickyboy> I haven't looked, but it stopped working when we switched to this new kernel.
<stickyboy> It was working when we were using the smdk4210 kernel (from Galaxy S2 and Galaxy Note).
<lowtraxx_> hm, strange
<stickyboy> We disabled it last weekend because it was causing hangs, for like 30 seconds. :)
<stickyboy> Really annoying to debug
<lowtraxx_> I can imagine
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<stickyboy> Now that ICS OTA + sources are out, we could really use your help :)
<lowtraxx_> stickyboy: I'd love too
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<stickyboy> Awesome. :)
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<stickyboy> Right now I'm working on auto brightness
<lowtraxx_> So how can I be of service :D
<stickyboy> Good question :)
<stickyboy> Do you have your CM9 tree set up? And are you using my or ohanar's manifest?
<lowtraxx_> Now its set up
<lowtraxx_> is syncing now
<lowtraxx_> I broke it yesterday by trying to get JB to run ;)
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<lowtraxx_> Using ohanars
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<stickyboy> Yeah, doing ICS and JB in one repo doesn't work very well.
<stickyboy> I keep CM7 and CM9 separate.
<stickyboy> Haven't bothered with JB yet.
<lowtraxx_> Have it on my GNex and find it pretty slick :D
<stickyboy> Sorry, that's not what I meant. I have it on my Gnex too. :)
<stickyboy> But I haven't tried checking out CM10 yet.
<stickyboy> I have AOSP JB though.
<stickyboy> All separate repos. Switching one repo to another is a no go.
<lowtraxx_> yeah, all hell breaks loose if one tries
<lowtraxx_> happend yesterday
<stickyboy> And it tries to download crap again, and that's no good here in Kenya. :)
<lowtraxx_> yeah, it also takes forever
<stickyboy> Yah, waste of time.
<stickyboy> So we've gotta get the trees cleaned up. Right now we're trying to use common a overlay.
<lowtraxx_> okay
<stickyboy> With stuff used for wifi-only tabs in the common one.
<lowtraxx_> ohanar said yesterday that he was cleaning up
<stickyboy> Then overlay specific stuff in the device trees.
<stickyboy> Yah
<lowtraxx_> yeah, we did that with the xooms
<lowtraxx_> 3g/wifi/EU/US
<stickyboy> Now he must be asleep, but I just tried his overlay and it messed up 3G on my P6200.
<lowtraxx_> damn
<lowtraxx_> I will try later if everything works on my p6800
<stickyboy> It's ok. I just have to remove some stuff from the common overlay.
<stickyboy> If it's present in the common repo, it can't be overlayed again in the P6x00 repo.
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<lowtraxx_> To get bluetooth working you changed nothing in the framework?
<lowtraxx_> because once I replaced the stuff with the samsung one and then fixed the errors that popped up and voila it was working
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<stickyboy> lowtraxx_: We had to switch to using a special bccmd.
<lowtraxx_> okay
<stickyboy> You can override bluetooth.c in your device tree
<lowtraxx_> Ah, okay
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<stickyboy> lowtraxx_: I actually forget how I figured it out, but Linaro's docs were helpful:
<stickyboy> We have a CSR bluetooth chip, unlike the Broadcom one in Note and S2.
<stickyboy> So we need a custom bluedroid lib to send the proper commands to the chip
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<lowtraxx_> So it seems Samsung altered those commands
<lowtraxx_> otherwise the cm9 would have worked on my stock kernel
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<stickyboy> Um, I guess it's specific to the CSR chips. You need to load the pskeys before you can bring the interface up.
<lowtraxx_> So I will read :D
<stickyboy> Ok
<stickyboy> Just hang out here. We might need you to test hehehe
<lowtraxx_> :D
<lowtraxx_> will do
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<moikop> Anyone here knows some ARM ASM?
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<pier|afk> save Paul from nc
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<kalgecin_> hey guys
<kalgecin_> anyone knows how to deal with /data/misc/radio/dlnk not being there ?
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