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<stickyboy> Hooray for binary blobs.
<stickyboy> Official ICS for Exynos4 tabs means new blobs.
<stickyboy> Our camera works now. :)
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<Espenfjo> :)
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<stickyboy> The preview doesn't work, but pictures actually take.
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<stickyboy> Seems like they're only 3.1MP though.
<Espenfjo> :)
<peterperfect> That is something already
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<Espenfjo> Perhaps they have fixed something
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<stickyboy> Ah, even the flash works in the camera. Cool.
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<stickyboy> Espenfjo: How's it going? Any hacking recently?
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<Espenfjo> No, not really. Been too busy and tired with work (money paying work :)
<stickyboy> So your sensor-hacking days are all behind you. "The good ol' days"?
<Espenfjo> hehe, yes, I think so
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<Espenfjo> I have yet another idea on how to fix the light sensor for the SGS2. But I am not sure if it is worth it
<Espenfjo> Create an wrapper around samsungs sensors lib, and then overloading the light sensors methods and reading from the sysfs interface instead
<stickyboy> Ah, that reminds me to check the new lights lib in our ICS ROM.
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<Espenfjo> But I think it will be quite a job to map all the "hidden" methods in the libraries
<codeworkx> Espenfjo: create a wrapper, and wrap everything except the ones you wanna write from scratch
<Espenfjo> Yup, that is the thought. But they have stripped the library, so mapping it will be hard.. Will just have to try and fail until it runs
<Espenfjo> :)
<Espenfjo> It should be very doable, though
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<stickyboy> codeworkx: What's
<codeworkx> for the camera
<stickyboy> I see both s2 and n7000 use it.
<stickyboy> We just got ICS blobs for our Exynos4 tabs, so I'm updating our vendor repo.
<peterperfect> Cody the sgs3 camera fixes have already been merged to main repo right?
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<stickyboy> codeworkx: My needed, but it seems ok without libcaps.
<codeworkx> right
<codeworkx> libcaps was used on sgs1
<stickyboy> Ok, guess we don't need it.
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<stickyboy> E/SECHWC_LOG( 1572): int hwc_device_open(const hw_module_t*, const char*, hw_device_t**)::window_set_pos is failed : Operation not permitted
<stickyboy> and... E/SurfaceFlinger( 1572): composer device failed to initialize (Invalid argument)
<Espenfjo> strace -f -e open -p 1572 and redo ;)
<Espenfjo> See if it gets OPeration not permitted from trying to read a device file or something
<stickyboy> brb, pasta boiling.
<stickyboy> Espenfjo: Hmm, it spit that out at boot. Too late to strace.
<stickyboy> I think it's SurfaceFlinger though... I can stop/start it right?
<Espenfjo> hm, not sure if and adb would survive that
<stickyboy> I think we might need a new kernel driver?
<stickyboy> I rebooted... the pid is 1571 this time... maybe I could guess it upon reboot ;)
<Espenfjo> just do `pidof surfaceflinger`
<Espenfjo> strace -f -e open -p `pidof surfaceflinger`
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<stickyboy> Hmm, hard to catch.
<Espenfjo> :)
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<stickyboy> Harder because I have to `adb root` first.
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<yath> stickyboy: put strace -o /cache/foo.strace -f -e open surfaceflinger blablah into init.rc?
<yath> in the service command line
<stickyboy> yath: Oh shit. You're right. hehe.
<yath> :)
<stickyboy> brb, gotta eat pasta.
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<stickyboy> yath, Espenfjo: It was simple enough to `stop surfaceflinger` and then start it manually with strace.
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<Espenfjo> :)
<stickyboy> But it's not entirely clear... 4118 19:42:22.536379 ioctl(23, FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO, 0x1b97960) = -1 EPERM (Operation not permitted)
<stickyboy> I guess the `23` is the file handle?
<stickyboy> 4118 19:42:22.527550 open("/dev/graphics/fb4", O_RDWR) = 23
<Espenfjo> yes
<Espenfjo> so yes, kernel driver :)
<stickyboy> :)
<stickyboy> To be sure I set fb4 to 777... hehe.
<yath> stickyboy: ah, or so
<stickyboy> Now we need kernel sources for ICS.
<yath> we need JB sources :-P
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<stickyboy> I'm lucky ICS kernel sources are coming... one day our ICS shit won't work in JB and we'll be stuck.
<stickyboy> This cycle sucks.
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