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<squadzone> o/ hola
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<cdesai> codeworkx: Entropy512 ^^
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<xZain> codeworkx
<cdesai> OMG
<xZain> found a Bug in the latest nightly
<xZain> Samsung Galaxy S2 Unable to Charge when the phone is Off
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<dhiru1602> what is the general orientation for the front camera? 270 deg?
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<paulk-desktop> hi
<paulk-desktop> what is the good kernel to use on galaxy s2 with GB?
<Espenfjo> The one from CM7.1
<paulk-desktop> I mean, as in "what is the good kernel repo to use…"
<paulk-desktop> 'cause I'm unsure about where CM kernel is from
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<paulk-desktop> codeworkx, ping
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<codeworkx> paulk-desktop: pong
<codeworkx> wow, high latency
<paulk-desktop> codeworkx, is the GB galaxys2 kernel used in CM 7.1 repo still up somewhere?
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<codeworkx> paulk-desktop: cyanogenmod/samsung-kernel-c1
<paulk-desktop> codeworkx, ah very nice, thanks a lot!
<paulk-desktop> I'll try to port my free RIL to sgs2 very soon then
<codeworkx> paulk-desktop: awesome
<codeworkx> paulk-desktop: i9100, i9100g, n7000, i777, m250 :-D
<paulk-desktop> all these are sgs2 variants?
<codeworkx> exynos4 phones
<codeworkx> oh wait. i9100g is omap4
<codeworkx> but the ril should be very similar
<paulk-desktop> I dunno, it can be quite board-dependent
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<paulk-desktop> for instance, galaxy tab and galaxy s are very similar (same transport methods) but it is different from nexus s
<codeworkx> samsung vs google :-D
<paulk-desktop> yeah, pretty much
<codeworkx> the upper layer (framework) is identical for all exynos
<codeworkx> that's for sure
<paulk-desktop> okay
<paulk-desktop> I saw there is a particular samsung modem handler on the framework side
<paulk-desktop> (on the RILJ side)
<paulk-desktop> that's a shame they can't use standard framework stuff
<paulk-desktop> but on the other side, the framework sometimes has bugs
<paulk-desktop> like requests it should respond to and ignores
<codeworkx> we're using Smdk4210 RIL class
<codeworkx> thats a modified aosp one
<codeworkx> to work with samsungs ril
<codeworkx> maybe you can tell us something about the magic requests they've added
<paulk-desktop> yep that's what I thought
<paulk-desktop> well, I don't really see why any of these are mandatory…
<paulk-desktop> only weird stuff is between the RIL and the modem
<codeworkx> the MAGIC ones :-D
<paulk-desktop> interesting
<paulk-desktop> there is a fix for RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_SIM_STATUS_CHANGED apparently
<paulk-desktop> the default java handler works badly with that
<paulk-desktop> apparently they solved it with /*
<paulk-desktop> * Copyright (C) 2011 The CyanogenMod Project
<paulk-desktop> *
<paulk-desktop> * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
<paulk-desktop> * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
<paulk-desktop> * You may obtain a copy of the License at
<paulk-desktop> *
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<paulk_> oops
<paulk_> really sorry about that
<paulk_> how many did I send?
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<paulk-desktop> static final int RIL_UNSOL_DEVICE_READY_NOTI = 11008;
<paulk-desktop> static final int RIL_UNSOL_SAMSUNG_UNKNOWN_MAGIC_REQUEST_1 = 11010;
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<paulk_> mhh
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<paulk-desktop> seems ok now
<paulk-desktop> I hope everyone is ok
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<detule> any radio logs of those magic unsolicited responses coming from the radio...
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<xZain> Any Dev here
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<xZain2> Any dev here ??
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