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<angelsl> oh, hm.. since this is here
<angelsl> i don't know whether this is smdk4210-specific or affects all devices, but i'll just dump this here in case anyone wants to take a look
<angelsl> on a kernel/recovery compiled with linaro 4.7.1
<angelsl> with these unmerged changes pulled: 17380/2 17358/2 17445/1 17444/1 17535/2 17708/1 17446/2 17860/2
<angelsl> doing a nandroid backup resules in recovery crashing with (apparently) stack corruption
<angelsl> this is the only logcat output: http://pastie.org/private/9m3wjzr3d4i6greo3daw
<angelsl> it should be reproducible with this kernel: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/3077284/galaxys2-nandroidcrash.zip
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<squadzone> Anyone knows how to compile superuser from gb branch.. still no luck here xD
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<danyasd> hey!
<danyasd> I installed the newest version of CM9 a few minutes before, but I can't find where I can decrease the font size. My eyes are very good and this display is very big so the font size is way too big!
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<danyasd> ??
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<angelsl> danyasd: settings, system
<danyasd> thank you!! sorry for being that silly...
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<danyasd> is any software developer for cm9 here? I have something that could be improved
<angelsl> just spit it out, someone might read it
<danyasd> the original samsung software has a button in the app switcher which kills all apps. or doesn't that make any difference?
<angelsl> why do you want to kill all apps?
<stickyboy> danyasd: Android is smarter than you :)
<stickyboy> It kills when it needs!
<danyasd> okay! sorry, I'm not very in to these things. I thought that when I'm pressing the home button long and close all apps, it saves energy
<stickyboy> danyasd: I dunno. I think they put that thing there to make users happy; make them think they have the power ;)
<danyasd> haha, users like me ;)
<danyasd> but I love cyanogenmod on the s3, it just works. And I LOVE the original Android style!
<danyasd> one more thing: I have to draw a pattern to unlock my s3. If I'm pressing the home button, it shows me the pattern, not the lockscreen. fast unlock is not activated.
<stickyboy> Hehe, I am on a Galaxy Nexus where everything is beautiful. :)
<danyasd> It is beautiful :)
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<danyasd> second problem. the camera does not work. I read that I have to delete the .cid.info in /data, but I can't find this file with es and root acess enabled. hmmh
<stickyboy> danyasd: Hah, I dunno. But I bet there's still lots of work to do...
<stickyboy> Go back to Touchwiz for a few weeks and then come back :)
<danyasd> It runs very very very very fast!
<stickyboy> CM?
<danyasd> yes
<danyasd> much faster that the stock rom
<danyasd> on the Galaxy S 3
<danyasd> afaik the dot before the name of the file means that it is not shown. is there an option in the ex file explorer?
<angelsl> maybe you should just go into terminal and
<angelsl> su
<angelsl> then rm /data/.cid.info
<danyasd> hmh does not work..
<danyasd> the camera is ok for a while, but then it crashes
<danyasd> If I try to open the camera app now, it says that there isn't a connection to the cameria
<danyasd> camera
<danyasd> I have the original Samsung Camera .apk. I know that I can't install the apk, Where do I have to copy that apk in order to load this app as a system application?
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<stickyboy> danyasd: Nope. Applications from vendor stock ROMs usually rely on the vendor's heavily-modified frameworks.
<stickyboy> (TouchWiz, Blur, Sense, etc).
<danyasd> ok so is it not possible to launch the original samsung camera apk at CM9?
<danyasd> the samsungcamera.apk is based on the stock camera apk, but is a little modified. it can take videos with a very high bitrate but I think that this does not change the situation
<danyasd> the samsung camera is very fast and beautiful
<techmik> is the skyrocket not a teamhacksung device?
<danyasd> what is skyrocket?
<techmik> sgs2 skyrocket
<techmik> att
<techmik> different from regular sgs2
<techmik> i know it is cm-ified, but not if it is a hacksung project or not
<danyasd> aaaah it's a device :D
<techmik> =)
<stickyboy> techmik: Good question. Is it Qualcomm?
<techmik> looking now
<techmik> for details
<ohanar> it is qualcomm s3
<techmik> ah
<techmik> thx
<stickyboy> I see Steve working on most of the Qualcomm devices.
<techmik> i have had my captivate forever.... insurance is giving me a skyrocket
<ohanar> yeah, I'm pretty sure he is working on the skyrocket as well, I've seen some patches from him for the device
<stickyboy> I see him working on quincy a lot. Not sure what that code corresponds with.
<techmik> looking to figure out tthe changes to my local manifest..... remove kernal/aries, aries-common, and device/captivatemtd, but dont know what to replace them with
<techmik> ah
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<galadrium> huhu
<danyasd> so is somebody here who is working at cm9 for the s3?
<galadrium> ja ich /yes
<galadrium> many thanks for this cool rom (cm9 on s3)
<galadrium> but I have two small problems
<danyasd> woher weißt du das ich deutsch bin? hast du mit entwickelt oder nutzt du es nur?
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<galadrium> wegen deine ip :)
<galadrium> nein ich verwende es nur
<danyasd> okay, I'm looking for somebody who is a developer.
<galadrium> the first is more of a major problem
<galadrium> phone is not possible because it rushes extremely, sorry for my bad english
<stickyboy> galadrium: My German is worse.
<angelsl> danyasd: for what now?
<danyasd> my german is the very best :P
<galadrium> np :)
<danyasd> was willst denn du sagen? das gerät ist nicht möglich weil es extrem rauscht? versteh ich nicjt
<galadrium> oh coll kannst du übersetzten?
<galadrium> beim telefonieren rauscht es immer extrem, und ich kann mein gegenüber nicht verstehen
<danyasd> ich versuchs
<galadrium> und dass habe ich erst seit cm9 :)
<danyasd> so if he calls somebody, he can't understand what is said because of a very loud rustle. This is a software-bug
<danyasd> since cm9
<danyasd> I don't have that bug
<galadrium> hmmm scheint niemand hier zu sein :)
<danyasd> versuch halt, cm9 nochmal zu flashen. mit allen wipes und davik cache wipe
<galadrium> habe ich versucht hat nichts gebracht :(
<danyasd> ich hab den fehler aber nicht, also kanns kein allgemeiner fehler sein. md5 getestet?
<galadrium> md5 test?
<galadrium> was ist dass?
<danyasd> md5 summe
<danyasd> checksumme, prüfsumme
<yath> this here is supposed to be a developer channel
<yath> not a german user support channel
<danyasd> ok sorry
<danyasd> so is here somebody who is developing cm9 for the galaxy s3?
<yath> not unlikely
<danyasd> If a developer reads that: please try to fix the camera app. I can take one or 2 picture, then it crashes and I have to restart.
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<stickyboy> danyasd: I bet they already know.
<stickyboy> These are issues that every user reports. :)
<stickyboy> Also, the S III is brand new... chillax, bro. :)
<danyasd> respect for those people who made cm9 that good for such a new device! it runs damn good, without any system crashes and the fastest UI I've ever seen.
<galadrium> kann dies auch am modem liegen?
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<danyasd> this is not a german support forum.
<ohanar> nor is it a support forum, you should go to #teamhacksung-support if you are looking for help
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<galadrium> sorry did not know that there is no support
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<methril> hillbeast, did you boot the test kernel?
<methril> for i9003?
<angelsl> i wonder why it's #teamhacksung for development and #teamhacksung-support for support
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<Entropy512> skyrocket is the reason we now name repos/builds by model number and not marketing name
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