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<dimitris23> Yo nebkat
<cdesai> nebkat: no.
<nebkat> dimitris23: thanks :)
<cdesai> i can say the url says smart stay clone or smtin XD
<nebkat> cdesai: and it is what it is
<dimitris23> Your welcome
<nebkat> i have no reason to deny it
<cdesai> true
<dimitris23> If you turn of screen rotation is the problem with the orientation sensor gone in maps?
<nebkat> no idea
<dimitris23> Oke
<dimitris23> Do you use google maps?
<nebkat> on s3 yes
<dimitris23> Ok i mean on s2
<cdesai> this is dev channel
<cdesai> ask in support
<cdesai> xP
<cdesai> #teamhacksung-support dimitris23
<dimitris23> Ok thnx
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<chrmhoffmann> hi, i have a 2.6.35 kernel device (BN nook tablet) and we port CM9 to that device. I have troubles mounting 2 sdcards on PC. I wonder if someone here knows how to do that? I
<chrmhoffmann> have this in my TARGET_USE_CUSTOM_LUN_FILE_PATH := "/sys/devices/platform/usb_mass_storage/lun%d/file"
<chrmhoffmann> I also see two lun files in /sys/devices/platform/usb_mass_storage
<chrmhoffmann> but the PC only pops up one file brower which shows lun0/file content
<chrmhoffmann> if i copy the content of lun1/file to lun0/file, the other sdcard pops up.
<chrmhoffmann> this must be a 2.6.35 kernel issue (it uses old android driver).
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<noobnl> wrong channelthis is for samsung devices
<chrmhoffmann> noobnl, sorry. I think i nevertheless found it in samsungs trees :)
<chrmhoffmann> sorry for noise.
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<chrmhoffmann> anyone knows what playstore checks to get chrome?
<chrmhoffmann> []: [IMM76L]
<chrmhoffmann> but still no chrome in sight.
<chrmhoffmann> does it check the fingerprint?
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<Entropy512> not sure, it might. or it might be some weird hardware permissions XML thing
<Entropy512> I've seen a lot of apps disappear because they insisted on having hardware they shouldn't have been requiring
<Entropy512> like no GPS = no Facebook at all
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<chrmhoffmann> Entropy512, I have BOARD_HAVE_FAKE_GPS and I also have facebook app.
<Entropy512> ok so that's not it - but it may be some other permissions XML somewhere, who knows
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<chrmhoffmann> some people think it is: ro.opengles.version=131072
<chrmhoffmann> trying...
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<bhundven> been porting the SGH-T959V (galaxy s 4g) to the aries kernel. the samsung source drop is almost 1-to-1 with the captivate gb source drop (granted they follow different ifdefs... kepler vs. vibrantplus). I have a few questions.
<bhundven> gpio-settings.h is not used?
<bhundven> and just like captivate, the vibrantplus's proprietary blobs are like:
<bhundven> is there anything I need to do besides rename that to
<bhundven> (same with
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<bhundven> yup, nm about gpio-settings :p