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<squadzone> Hola
<squadzone> stickyboy, how cm9 going?
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<cdesai> supercurio: you're the first guy i saw who's started using ipv6 already
<supercurio> hello cdesai ;)
<cdesai> :)
<supercurio> it seems it just works so I totally forget about it =)
<cdesai> wish my isp was as good as yours
<supercurio> with yes you only need to enable ipv6 support (disabled by default) in the control panel
<supercurio> its not a perfect isp tho youtube perring is garbage :/
<cdesai> nothing on my isp's control panel, guess i'll just call customer care when bored and have fun X
<cdesai> *xD
<supercurio> shame on me but I would trade ipv6 support for constant and large enough throughput from Youtube^^
<supercurio> I wonder when all isps on the planet will realize the better they provide ipv6 support
<supercurio> i mean the sooner
<supercurio> the smoother the transition will be, especially thanks to beta tester/customers to try first!
<cdesai> they could do a beta test for guys like us who know what it is
<cdesai> and once it's stable enough, switch all the users to it
<supercurio> yup
<supercurio> or maybe they give money to investors
<supercurio> instead of buying ipv6 capable routers and equipments :p
<uberushaximus> actually, charter and comcast are doing that in the usa
<uberushaximus> with 6rd
<Espenfjo> *sigh* ipv6 :(
<Espenfjo> We (my company) host a large amount of systems for my ISP.. My ISP implementing IPv6 means a lot of more work for me
<Espenfjo> Coding systems for manging dual stacked servers etc.
<supercurio> Espenfjo, is it perceived as an opportunity to upgrade your services, make them stronger and more competitive or the opposite, like just a waste of time?
<supercurio> I mean in your company
<codeworkx> xplodwild: LF6 has semcosh in. more shit is comming
<uberushaximus> winter^H^H^H^H^H^H IPV6 is coming
<supercurio> I wonder how many ISPs will use nat over ipv6 ^^
<cdesai> supercurio: 9001
<Espenfjo> supercurio: IPv6 doesnt sell, yet.
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<cyberkryption> Hi I'm new trying to build kernel to put into cm7 rom.Have synced all sources.Can anyone tell me which kernel config you are using in the GT=p6200 rom on xda ?
<cyberkryption> soory should read cm9 rom
coolya|away is now known as coolya
<stickyboy> cyberkryption: Hey, this is Alan.
<stickyboy> cyberkryption: I just saw your email. Are you trying to build the kernel manually?
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<cyberkryption> yes, i was just having a go at compiling it. Iknow i could take it out of the boot.img right ?
<cyberkryption> there doesn't appear to be an embedded ramdisk in the boot.img so is the boot.img the kernel in samsung devices. Other devices i have played with have both a ramdisk and kernel in boot.img
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<stickyboy> cyberkryption: I don't know why building manually doesn't work. But it doesn't. :)
<stickyboy> cyberkryption: After you `lunch cm_p6200-userdebug`, you can do `mka bootimage`
<stickyboy> The device tree's defines the defconfig, btw.
<stickyboy> TARGET_KERNEL_CONFIG := cyanogenmod_p6200_defconfig
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<stickyboy> That config only exists in my kernel, not CyanogenMod's. It hasn't been merged yet.
<cyberkryption> i tried copying that file from arch/arm/configs to kernel root and renaming as .config them manually make with the arch and cross_compile variable set. It just how i know how to do things. So i should just do as you suggest
<stickyboy> Yeah, I know. It should work. But it doesn't. It always fails on Mali. :)
<stickyboy> Just use `make bootimage` (or `mka bootimage`).
<cyberkryption> thats where mine failed with missing files
<stickyboy> Yeah, two months ago I was asking the same question.
<stickyboy> Like I said. It doesn't work manually. :)
<cyberkryption> building now
<cyberkryption> did anyone try to look for the missing files
<stickyboy> cyberkryption: They're not missing... the kernel compiles fine the other way.
<stickyboy> It's an include issue.
<stickyboy> If you want to test a kernel config, just copy it to .confg, then `make menuconfig` in the kernel folder, like you would normally do.
<stickyboy> Then copy the config back to arch/arm/configs and `make mrproper`... then try to `mka bootimage` again.
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<cyberkryption> did that already and it was fine. just found out my source not clean and cleaning them now
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<stickyboy> ok
<cyberkryption> retstarting build
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<stickyboy> I just flashed back to stock on the P6200... haven't had stock for like 2 months :)
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<stickyboy> Alright, gotta go to the store. Back in a bit.
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<Entropy512> <stickyboy> Yeah, I know. It should work. But it doesn't. It always fails on Mali. :) - codeworkx had to make some makefile changes to allow building with the inline kernel build stuff
<Entropy512> and yeah it bombs on a manual non-inline build now
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<cyberkryption> mka bootimage running kernel compiling
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<cyberkryption> have boot.img
<cyberkryption> time for some bacon
<cyberkryption> stickyboy: building now I will let you know how it goes
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<cyberkryption> where do i get term.apk needed by the build in vendor/cm/proprietary?
<cyberkryption> solved it
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<cyberkryption> hi Alan , android compile fails with *** No rule to make target `vendor/cm/proprietary/lib/armeabi/'. where do i get the necessary proprietary libraries ?
<Kaik541> cyberkryption: run the script?
<Espenfjo> get-prebuilts script
<cyberkryption> which script ?
<cyberkryption> no where is it located
<Espenfjo> vendor/cm or something
<cyberkryption> found it
<cyberkryption> cheers restarting
<cyberkryption> cheers Espenfjo
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<stickyboy> cyberkryption: How far did you get?
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<cyberkryption> stickyboy: restarted compile after running get prebuilt script also put rom manager and term in the correct directory all going well at the mo
moonshine is now known as Entropy512
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<stickyboy> cyberkryption: You shouldn't have to move anything. Just run the "get-prebuilts" script...?
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<cyberkryption> just run prebuilt script
<stickyboy> Yah
<stickyboy> It will put RomManager.apk and libjackpal in the right places.
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<cyberkryption> stickyboy: yes it did that
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<stickyboy> cyberkryption: Ok, I thought you did it manually. :)
<cyberkryption> stcikyboy: were building libwebcore at the mo so some time to go. Will check at half time during football
<stickyboy> hehehe ok.
<cyberkryption> stickyboy: let you know how it goes
nebkat is now known as horny
horny is now known as nebkat
<cyberkryption> stickyboy: did you look at the atheros pdf ?
<stickyboy> I did, but only briefly.
<cyberkryption> stickyboy: i will have a further look but in the original samsung rom there is the ar6000.ko and the ath6kl in syste/wifi
<stickyboy> Our module builds and loads fine. I'm actually not sure why it doesn't work.
<stickyboy> GPIOs?
<stickyboy> cyberkryption: I'm actually just posting a new nightly in the thread.
<stickyboy> No new bugs fixed, but at least updated CM sources.
<cyberkryption> stickyboy: when i looked at the logcat it was trying to access a file on the data partition for which it did not have permission
<cyberkryption> stickyboy: time for football be back at half time
<stickyboy> cyberkryption: Ok.
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<pershoot> so i hear this is where the dreams are made a reality?
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<pershoot> samsung dreams!
<stickyboy> Who told you that?
<pershoot> a lil birdie
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<stickyboy> codeworkx makes dreams happen
<codeworkx> w00t?
<pershoot> codeworkx for prezidente?
<codeworkx> +1
<Entropy512> hahah
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<stickyboy> codeworkx: You work at Siemens?
<codeworkx> aye
<stickyboy> Does your boss know you
<stickyboy> Does your boss know you're famous on the Internets?
<codeworkx> no
<stickyboy> You're so humble. :)
<Entropy512> my boss doesn't either, I keep work and play separate
<codeworkx> he just knows that i can make computers crying. ;-)
<stickyboy> hahah
<stickyboy> Aren't Lockheed and Siemens rivals in some markets?
<codeworkx> what's lockheed doing?
<stickyboy> Oh wait, Siemens sells censorship to Iran. Lockheed sells weapons to Israel to bomb Iran.
<stickyboy> :)
<stickyboy> Actually, what does Siemens do? I used to see consumer stuff like phones, but not in many years.
<nebkat> stickyboy: gsm stuff afaik
<nebkat> codeworkx: like ericsson?
<codeworkx> Automation
<codeworkx> Building Technologies
<codeworkx> Communication Networks
<codeworkx> Consumer Products
<codeworkx> Drive Technology
<codeworkx> Energy
<codeworkx> Financial Solutions
<codeworkx> Healthcare
<codeworkx> ALL TEH THINGS
<nebkat> in the mobile part though
<nebkat> siemens-nokia
<nebkat> or nokia-siemens
<stickyboy> hahaha
<stickyboy> codeworkx: So you make tea for people in the office, or what? :)
<nebkat> stickyboy: ya, they get worlds best devs for tea :D
<Charkey> is the google io tab 10.1 odin friendly?
<pershoot> yes, but why use odin when you have fastboot?
<stickyboy> nebkat: His boss doesn't know he's the best. Therefore, I can only assume he sweeps the halls (and solves problems on blackboards at night). ;)
<pershoot> and APX
<Charkey> thanks pershoot, i'm trying to unroot and replace the recovery with the stock one
<pershoot> use fastboot
<pershoot> grab recovery from there, fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
<pershoot> done
<Charkey> thank you kind sir
KalimAz|away is now known as KalimAz
<stickyboy> nebkat: ie, the plot of Good Will Hunting. ;)
<codeworkx> stickyboy: no coffee
<Entropy512> siemens is one of those megaconglomerats that has their fingers in everything
<stickyboy> Maybe your boss thinks you deal drugs, since you come in with a new phone every week!
<Entropy512> kinda like GE in the USA
<stickyboy> Entropy512: Yes, ALL TEH THINGS.
<Entropy512> does anyone know when pawitp is usually around? I'm trying to find someone with more knowledge of this "Encryption Unsuccessful" mess on galaxys1 devices
<Entropy512> it sounds like it might possibly be related to the eMMC damage bug on Exynos devices
<stickyboy> Yikes.
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<Charkey> pershoot: do i flash this file ( to get it back to stock?
<pershoot> boot cwm, wipe, flash that file, go back to bootloader, flash stock recovery. done
<Charkey> oh ok got it
<Charkey> i went to the stock recovery already
<pershoot> u can flash in stock recovery also
<pershoot> IO stock recovery accepts test key signed zips
<pershoot> but i forget if i included all binaries needed for that process
<pershoot> in the zip
<pershoot> so you can boot CWM and then flash
<Charkey> k
<pershoot> fastboot boot CWM
<pershoot> that zip is basically like a nandroid in zip format
<pershoot> its not your conventional updater
<Charkey> k got it
<pershoot> but remember once you flash that go to stock recovery and do a wipe
<pershoot> this will set CSC
<Charkey> ok
<Charkey> i don't think there's a clockwork recovery img on your site right
<pershoot> sure there is
<pershoot> all over the place
<pershoot> use (i believe i put an assert blocker in there which may not allow you to pass on current 5504)
<Charkey> k
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<Charkey> thank you so much pershoot. back to stock now! :)
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<pershoot> Charkey, cool. enjoy!
<pershoot> altho not sure how much you can enjoy HC on this tab
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