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<desperatedev> Hi
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<dhiru1602> d3tul3 : u there?
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<atinm|work> howdy
<cdesai> hey atinm|work
<atinm|work> had to log in from work - my home machines are still not hooked up.
<cdesai> how you doing
<atinm|work> I'm hoping this weekend..
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<detule> dhiru1602, <dhiru1602> d3tul3 : u there? what's up
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<under> Hi, <under> I've an issue with CM9 @ SGS2. I'm using the phone to connect my computer on internet using USB Thetering. Randomly the connection disappears (I'm using w7) and I've to untick and tick the thetering to restart the connection. Is this a known bug?
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<under> Just happened now. Here the logcatt:
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<under_> Again...
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<detule> dhiru1602, what's up
<detule> pm's aren't good for kernel developers, better in a logged channel you might help someone in the future
<dhiru1602> I have tried your suggestion with the embedded cis, i have got some progress.. the sdio reports probing errors
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<dhiru1602> wl1271_sdio: probe of mmc2:0001:1 failed with error -11
<dhiru1602> the device is getting detected but it doesnt get probed
<detule> you have some printk's in probe? -> how far does it get before it blows up
<dhiru1602> it doesn't even hit it
<dhiru1602> fails in the mmc
<dhiru1602> i have narrowed down the issue.. the error -11 is returned by pm_runtime_get_sync()
<dhiru1602> btw.. i am on 2.6.35 kernel
<dhiru1602> the sdio_bus_probe() is being called and triggers the pm_runtime_get_sync(), but it returns and error before the actual device could be probed
<detule> you have a diff for your embedded struct or are you using this CONFIG_TIWLAN_SDI
<dhiru1602> yeah.. config_tiwlan_sdio
<dhiru1602> if not, the vendor and device values aren't assigned
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<detule> try disabling pm_runtime_enable just for test run
<dhiru1602> breaks the kernel compile
<dhiru1602> actually i have tried to get rid of the MMC_CAP_POWER_OFF_CARD flag in the board files
<dhiru1602> i get a different error code
<detule> what then
<dhiru1602> its -110
<detule> ETIMEDOUT <- did you track where in sdio_bus_probe it dies in this case
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<detule> what are you passing for max_blksize in your embedded struct
<dhiru1602> 512
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<detule> I know a pretty revolutionary solution
<dhiru1602> shoot it :).. btw do you recommend using the POWER_OFF flag?
<detule> yeah power_off until you resolve this i guess
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<detule> i mean no power_off flag
<dhiru1602> hmmm ok
<dhiru1602> actually without the flag i get an additional error MMC returns error = 00018000 for cmd = 52
<detule> why two sdio funcs?
<dhiru1602> where?
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<detule> wifi_func_array
<dhiru1602> no idea.. it came that way from the source release #blamesung :)
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<detule> probably shouldn't remove those
<detule> register_status_notify in particular looks important
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<dhiru1602> hmm.. trying to add them.. actually this looked strange so i removed it which left those symbols invalid
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<detule> those functions are pretty generic so if you just copy paste them in your board file you should be fine
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<detule> i am out -> good luck with that...i come from a very different device running a very different kernel so hopefully i haven't lead you astray with the embedded struct....
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<dhiru1602> okay.. thanks for your time :)
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<methril> lol, other #blamesung fan!!!
* methril nods about the sammy adjective
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<BigAbe> Hey guys.
<BigAbe> Just a new face... dropping in. Hows everyone?
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<ReallyBigAbe> I guess I could've waited for my old name to timeout instead of registering abackup
<ReallyBigAbe> meh
<ReallyBigAbe> Is there actually anyone in here?
<ReallyBigAbe> No, eh... damn.
<ReallyBigAbe> Was hoping for some assistance.
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