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<Entropy512> jt1134: on fascinate, is flash operation wonky by any chance?
<jt1134> no idea honestly
<jt1134> haven't tested it in a really long time
<jt1134> don't recall users complaining about it ho
<jt1134> *tho
<Entropy512> I noticed sbrissen said "torch needs work"
<Entropy512> in one of the fascinate commits
<Entropy512> any other aries devices with flash?
<Entropy512> it's a bit derpy on infuse still
<Entropy512> now that bluetooth is working, flash is about the only thing that needs work
<jt1134> I *think* the epic has flash, but not positive. I know that the other main aries devices don't
<Kaik541> epic does
<Kaik541> but it's not aries in most sense
<jt1134> well, the kernel is the only difference really
<jt1134> they imported all the same HAL stuff afaik
<Kaik541> the kernel, the NAND, the general hardware :P
<Entropy512> hmm will see if they have any torch related commits
<Kaik541> add to that their CDMA seems even more wonky than fascinate's
<jt1134> I thought the torch app itself lacked a working camera interface
<Kaik541> it's wonky on ICS, but I think it works for some devices
<Entropy512> works with camera interface on n7000 and i777/i9000
<Entropy512> er
<Entropy512> i9100
<Kaik541> doesn't work with OMAP devices
<jt1134> well shit
<Kaik541> and I think has issues with some MSM devices
<jt1134> i thought it was just plain busted ;p
<Entropy512> on infuse, torch is busted, and also, gotta reset flash setting every time you start camera app
<Entropy512> hmm need to re-test torch actually
<Kaik541> it's possible it doesn't support exynos3-based-devices
<Kaik541> since there was only two devices that had it (fascinate and epic)
<Kaik541> and clearly jt1134 is useless :P and warren is probably hard to find nowadays
<Entropy512> hmm, checks epicmtd for torch
<Kaik541> then again, I haven't really looked for him, so no idea
<Entropy512> I've assumed infuse torch issues were related to the flash being derpy
<jt1134> my wife has my fascinate these days, and uses the camera a bit, and complains about every bug she finds
<jt1134> haven't heard anything from her about the flash :p
<jt1134> so I assume that bodes well lol
<Entropy512> :)
<Entropy512> fuck, 12:37 AM
<jt1134> yep :(
<Entropy512> I don't think I'll fix that before parents arrive, and if flash is derped I don't think I'm upgrading their infuse to ICS
<Entropy512> (which it currently is)
<jt1134> Kaik541 cuz I work 70+ hours a week lol
<Kaik541> PSHT
<Kaik541> EXCUSES
<jt1134> barely have time for anything
<jt1134> and all my personal devices are merged anyways ;)
<Entropy512> sbrissen_gone: Y U NO GET FASCINATE MERGED FOR CM9 HARDER
<Entropy512> :P
<jt1134> lulz
<jt1134> blow up or whatever jeagoss's email is
<Entropy512> too damn tired to logcat the camera
<Entropy512> oh fuckit
<Entropy512> time to logcat the camera
<Entropy512> and the torch
<Entropy512> well gotta turn on torch first
<Kaik541> it terrifies me that there was a device released in 2010 running android that had less RAM than the G1 did
<jt1134> Entropy512 you got bt audio working on infuse ?
<Entropy512> yeah
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<Entropy512> turns out
<Entropy512> BT uses the BCM4330
<Entropy512> not the CG2900
<jt1134> lol
<Entropy512> fucking device with two BT chips
<jt1134> so switching to brcm_patchram_plus fixed it?
<Entropy512> needed to kill btlpm, and make brcm_patchram_plus use the HCI ldisc hacks
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<jt1134> cool
<jt1134> might have to kang for the droid charge port ;)
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<Entropy512> droid charge has cg2900 too?
<Entropy512> or BCM4330 for BT?
<jt1134> neither. bcm4329
<jt1134> but the issues were the same
<Entropy512> ah
<jt1134> as far as working pairing,etc, but no sco
<Entropy512> sco required kanging from i9100
<jt1134> probably just had wrong params for brcm_patchram_plus
<jt1134> hehe
<Entropy512> for whatever reason, flash works if I change the setting
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<Entropy512> but not if I enter camera app with flash turned on
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<Entropy512> and I'm fairly certain torch is derped
<Entropy512> (prolly for same reason)
<jt1134> just checked torch on my wife's fascinate, broken there too
<jt1134> but afaict flash in camera app is ok
<Entropy512> hmm
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<Entropy512> really need to gerrit the libaudio changes for aries dock audio
<Entropy512> torch go boom
<Entropy512> wonder if it's related to the fact that camera doesn't seem to use FIMC1 to accelerate preview like on exynos
<Entropy512> and on stock
<Entropy512> bah time to sleep
<Entropy512> wish I could figure out why camera works if I change flash setting
<Entropy512> but not if I start camera app with flash enabled
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<GieltjE> if I flash something like "" does that include the kernel, or do I need to get the kernel elsewhere (I am migrating from a milestone CM9, in which we couldn't change the kernel because of the locked bootloader)
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<dvtonder|away> codeworkx_, xplodwild: i have the battery led respecting Quiet Hours now and can push the patch to gerrit if you want to run an experimental build for users. The settings side stuff is not done yet and will take a me a few more days.
<xplodwild> sure
<dvtonder|away> there will be another patch set of the QH stuff as I integrate the rest of the pieces but current code works just fine
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<dvtonder|away> xplodwild, codeworks: battery led Quiet Hours code is here:
<GieltjE> anybody got an answer?
<dvtonder|away> i will leave it off of Gerrit until I am done with it - dont want AOKP and other roms "borrowing" it
<dvtonder|away> at least not until its done
<xplodwild> okay, I'll be releasing a build on CM9 i9300 topic
<xplodwild> with it
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<dvtonder|away> xplodwild: ok. I hope to have the rest of it done before the weekend as well but not sure if I will have enough time.
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<cyberkryption> tickyboy: you about ?
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<Entropy512> <GieltjE> if I flash something like "" does that include the kernel, or do I need to get the kernel elsewhere (I am migrating from a milestone CM9, in which we couldn't change the kernel because of the locked bootloader) - as implied by the title of this channel, we primarily work with Samsung devices
<Entropy512> and if you have a locked bootloader that's clearly not what you have, whatever it is
<Entropy512> so no answer
<Zhenech> Entropy512, reread his question :)
<sbrissen> Entropy512: i wasnt sure who to bug, just sent an email to the dev relations about the fascinate
<Zhenech> he had a milestone and now wonders whether his galaxy s2 needs an "external" kernel
<Zhenech> at least thats what I read from the line
<Entropy512> I assumed he meant some sort of milestone release
<Entropy512> since I don't think Milestone everhad CM9
<Zhenech> there is super-alpha cm9 with froyo kernel for MS
<Entropy512> a lot of his kernel doesn't make sense. :)
<Entropy512> er
<Entropy512> question
<Entropy512> not awake yet
<Entropy512> :(
<Entropy512> also the question really belongs in the support channel...
<Zhenech> coffee?
<Zhenech> yeah, THAT is true
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<sbrissen> Entropy512: have you looked into the camera flash / torch problem on the fascinate?
<Entropy512> sbrissen: I'm looking into it on the Infuse, which is one of the only other Aries devices with a flash
<Entropy512> right now, torch crashes, and camera requires the user to change the flash setting after starting the app for flash to work
<cdesai> Entropy512: flash works fine on p1
<Entropy512> if you go right into the app with flash set to auto or on, it doesn't work
<sbrissen> fascinate is the same for the camera flash, has to be changed on first launch
<cdesai> we use the crespo HAL with a few changes
<cyberkryption> sticky boy: you about
<sbrissen> torch doesnt crash when u tell it to use the camera interface
<Entropy512> sbrissen: hmm odd, maybe I forgot an overlay somewhere
<sbrissen> the torch hangs at the startPreview()
<Entropy512> yup forgot to tell it to use camera interface. :)
<sbrissen> :-) r u using the aries libcamera?
<sbrissen> aries-common
<Entropy512> sbrissen: aries-common, with some hacks to support M5MO
<Entropy512> none are flash related
<Entropy512> jt did initial M5MO support, I did some cleanup
<sbrissen> gotcha
<sbrissen> i think the problem is in libcamera somewhere
<sbrissen> and jt1134 needs to send me his address so I can send him one of my i500's :-P
<Entropy512> yeah, it's starting to seem like the camera hal
<Entropy512> some sort of weird initialization/startup issue
<sbrissen> yea, like a param isnt set
<Entropy512> the question is why does it seem to get set fine if you change it
<Entropy512> but not when you start
<Entropy512> i'm relatively unfamiliar with camera HAL operation so far. :(
<sbrissen> same here, just been pulling logs like mad then got pulled away with real work :-/
<Entropy512> yeah, I hate cell phone cameras so it was a lower priority than many other things
<Entropy512> now it's the only thing clearly broken on Infuse, and it would be a blocker for me upgrading my parents. :)
<Entropy512> it's one of the few parts of the phone they use
<Entropy512> :)
<sbrissen> lol
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<Entropy512> seems to be some EXIF saving issues but those are probably not too hard
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<sbrissen> libexif
<sbrissen> ?
<Entropy512> prolly HAL-side... do any aries devices save orientation into pictures?
<Entropy512> haven't looked hard enough
<Entropy512> I know there's a bunch of location stuff
<Entropy512> hmm wonder if the issue is related to all of those scene mode defaults
<Entropy512> will look later
<Entropy512> need to take a shower and go to work
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<sbrissen> k
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<stickyboy> cyberkryption: I'm here now.
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<cyberkryption> stick boy: habe been reading about android wi-fi but no time to do anything yet life intervened
<stickyboy> Ok.
<stickyboy> That's life.
<stickyboy> I'm at work. :)
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<cyberkryption> stickyboy: i have downloaded som stock roms from sammobile, but they are password protected. do you knw the password. Iwas going to use odin/heimdall though have usb driver isues with the windows 7 laptop at work
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<stickyboy> Their password is usually
<stickyboy> Or
<cyberkryption> flashing to stock now
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<cyberkryption> stickyboy: back to stock so i see what wifi is up to in depth
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<stickyboy> Ok
<stickyboy> I'm going home!
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