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<hillbeast> Hey there
<cdesai> ohai hillbeast
<dhiru1602> codeworkx: hey.. need some help with uart :/
<hillbeast> Hey cdsai
<cdesai> dhiru1602: kaise ho
<hillbeast> Yeah trying to locate the UART pins on the GSL
<cdesai> it's i9003 right ?
<hillbeast> Yes
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<codeworkx> dhiru1602: dunno where they're. i'm using the usb port
<cdesai> hillbeast: ^
<codeworkx> dhiru1602: download, install, start, look for i9000, then a manual with pictures is displayed
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<hillbeast> I think I will just need to find them manually through trial and error.
<hillbeast> It's gonna take forever but it's the only way as far as I can tell.
<hillbeast> I asked AdamOutler if he has a better method and I'm awaiting his response.
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<meowsus> Anyone running CM9 on their Skyrocket?
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<stickyboy> cdesai: Bohat acha
<addi> yay, stickyboy speaks Hindi! :p
<stickyboy> Only that much :)
<stickyboy> I wandered around India once, a couple years ago. I had a beard and a lot of hair hahaha. They called me Sai Baba.
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