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<Entropy512> xplodwild: you're French, right?
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<ke3pup> hi teamhacksung devs
<ke3pup> the known issues on Wiki Page (teamHacksung site) wasn't updated since 25/april
<ke3pup> is there any updates?
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<Harg> Hey guys, I'm having a weird issue.
<Harg> I've changed the polling of my autobrightness to 5s
<Harg> the ui restarted itself, and now it's stuck on the boot animation
<Harg> Not bootlooping or anything, just stuck on the surfing Andy.
<Harg> Rebooting the phone gives the same outcome.
<Entropy512> weird
<Harg> And it keeps beeping like the battery is dead, every 5 seconds or so.
<Entropy512> never seen that
<Entropy512> probably time to wipe
<Harg> I'm on 3105 nightly I9000
<Harg> :/
<Entropy512> I9000 - can't help you
<Harg> My girl's gonna kill me.
<Entropy512> someone else might be able to
<Entropy512> but I don't think they're in a timezone that has them awake. :)
<Harg> She just finished a troublesome level in where's my water, I didn't back up yet :/
<Entropy512> might be able to back that up manually using ADB
<Harg> Maybe you could help me in another way
<Entropy512> or maybe logcat while it's in the bootloop to see what's bombing
<Harg> Is there a way to wipe the autobrightness settings?
<Harg> or restore them to the default
<Harg> ?
<Entropy512> that I don't know
<Entropy512> try #teamhacksung-support - but since it's around 7 AM for the Euros on a weekend
<Entropy512> and late Saturday evening for US people
<Entropy512> not a good time
<Harg> I get your meaning.
<Harg> Well, I tried.
<Entropy512> i'm only around tonight due to shit weather. :)
<Harg> i'm gonna wipe it.
<Harg> Really?
<Harg> Shit weather? Where?
<Parth> Entropy512: have you tried MTP on i9100 yet? :D
<Parth> it doesn't work for me :(
<Entropy512> upstate NY
<Entropy512> actually got nice near the end of the day
<Parth> O
<Parth> :O
<Entropy512> but most of the day it was drizzly and blah
<Parth> upstate NY? where?!
<Entropy512> and crazy storms yesterday
<Entropy512> Owego
<Parth> :O
<Entropy512> near Binghamton
<Parth> that's really far away xD
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<Entropy512> upstate is big
<Parth> I'm in Poughkeepsie
<Entropy512> basically all but the city and LI
<Parth> so you are UPSTATE, I'm downstate xD
<Entropy512> :P
<Harg> Well, we're having a good weather right here.
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<Entropy512> I get yelled at by Buffalonians for not being really upstate
<Harg> Would've went to the beach if not for all the HW.
<Entropy512> It got nice near the end
<Entropy512> it was cruddy until maybe 2-3 PM
<Harg> I hope you'll have it nice for the remaining of the weekend.
<Parth> yeah I do too. She takes a flight to get to LI because it's cheaper than the train. it's funn
<Parth> y
<Parth> funny*
<Harg> Thanks for the help
<Harg> Adios.
<Entropy512> weather.com says it'll rain tomorrow. :(
<Entropy512> I hope it's wrong
<Entropy512> big outdoor concert
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<xZain> Entropy512
<Parth> just tomorrow? plz http://i.imgur.com/xis7Y.png :p
<xZain> how is the lockscreen fix ?
<Entropy512> xZain: had enough positive reports it got merged this afternoon
<xZain> so it fixed the issue ?
<xZain> it does not break anything right
<Entropy512> Parth: i is sad - that was NOT what I wanted to see
<Entropy512> so far, seems like it doesn't
<xZain> CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_Apollo < needs a Delete Button to remove Music
<Parth> so anyways, Entropy512 fix all teh things. apollo, lockscreen, mac mtp
<Parth> kthnx.
<Entropy512> as to mtp, haven't updated this machine to ubuntu 12.04 yet
<Entropy512> mtp on 11.10 is teh suck
<Entropy512> adb ftw
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<xZain> Entropy512 i cant find the link of mmc
<xZain> you sure it got merged ?
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<pershoot> booya!
<pershoot> wifi direct working on tab 10.1
<Entropy512> damn... nice... (huh, could've sworn it seemed to be working before - well, at least better than any other device I had)
<Entropy512> as in "actually displays other devices in the settings menu"
<Entropy512> problem is - no other device I had was quite working right. :)
<pershoot> D/WifiP2pService( 199): Inviting device : --:--:--:--:--:--
<pershoot> D/WifiP2pSettings( 1353): connect success
<pershoot> is there an app out there that i can send files with?
<pershoot> let me see if the sample app from google can do anything
<Entropy512> no clue - I've always assumed the failure to invite a device was due to the other device having issues.
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<Entropy512> since all of my other devices don't seem to want to show "other devices"
<Entropy512> I have yet to see what wifi direct offers that adhoc doesn't... Of course, I don't own any devices where it works. :)
<Kaik541> Entropy512: did you ever try to join #cyanogenmod-priv?
<Entropy512> just tried
<Entropy512> said "I must be invited"
<Entropy512> since a disconnect, I can't even rejoin #theteamhacksungchannelwhichshallnotbenamed
<cdesai> Entropy512: /msg chanserv invite #cyanogenmod-priv
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<MemoryController> hi
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<codeworkx> Entropy512:
<codeworkx> [08:06:44] <MemoryController> oops hi
<codeworkx> [08:07:04] <MemoryController> just eMMC bricked
<codeworkx> [08:06:52] <MemoryController> well
<codeworkx> [08:07:11] <MemoryController> while on latest siyah
<codeworkx> [08:07:18] <MemoryController> thought i should warn users
<codeworkx> [08:07:51] <MemoryController> brick occured when selecting factory data reset via cm9
<codeworkx> [08:09:10] <MemoryController> is there any solution other than getting sammy to replace it?
<codeworkx> [08:15:07] <MemoryController> hmm
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<xplodwild> Entropy512: answered the french guy ;)
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<Entropy512> codeworkx: he doesn't understand what eMMC brick is - he was flashing stuff not for his phone using alternat PITs
<Entropy512> god only knows wtf he was doing
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<pershoot> flash em if you got em!
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<codeworkx> Entropy512: omg
<codeworkx> Entropy512: any cloue? http://pastie.org/private/xd6lpkaqriuiec6abf7w touch_led_timedout is called from an kernel timer
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<Entropy512> codeworkx: what's that from? some shitty BLN implementation?
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<codeworkx> Entropy512: mine BLN impl
<julianjm> X-DDD
<Entropy512> BLN = always shitty in my experience
<codeworkx> no wakelock
<Entropy512> I remember linuxbozo tried to get it working on Infuse
<Entropy512> crashfest
<codeworkx> it's deep sleeping while notification active
<codeworkx> Entropy512: the pastie isn't from bln. touchkey timeout
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<squadzone> Codeworkx, is sgs2 have permanent cwm or it only run on top of stock recovery?
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<coolya> squadzone, running native an replacing stock recovery
<coolya> squadzone, there are some tass bugs on the issue tracker, can have a look at them ?
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<squadzone> Coolya, ok..
<squadzone> Audio distortion still exist i think
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<coolya> squadzone, you are woking on galaxy y?
<squadzone> Coolya, yup
<coolya> shitty broadcom chipset xD
<squadzone> Yea, very very fcuk chip
<squadzone> Lol
<detule> i mean that BUG_ON is not necessarily bad
<coolya> I considered buying a device some time ago, look at the kernel source and didn't buy it :D
<squadzone> Coolya, they donate to me, :/
<Entropy512> they being samsung or users?
<squadzone> Users
<squadzone> But some users have job in samsung xD
<coolya> squadzone, i didn't buy it because the source was messy xD
<Entropy512> the only time i've accepted a user donations was when someone offered a unit with a broken screen so I could resume doing light development
<Entropy512> (Infuse)
<Entropy512> coolya: that rules out all Samsungs for you
<Entropy512> :P
<squadzone> Coolya, yea its weird.. xD
<coolya> Entropy512, the galaxy Y is messy in terms of what is normal for samsung xD
<squadzone> Well, i got cm7.2 run on it, but color is ugly
<coolya> so its messy²
<Entropy512> that's scary
<Entropy512> messy by samsung standards... how does the device even boot?
<squadzone> Green became white, blue became green and red became blue light
<squadzone> Lcd color sucks
<coolya> I think they are just loading a shitload of closed source modules and thats all xD
<squadzone> Yea, i cant find any related about bcm21553
<squadzone> And gpu bcm2763 :/
<squadzone> Need to haxx in surfaceflinger, libui, libEGL
<coolya> I think i will buy a ace 2 :)
<squadzone> NOOOO
<squadzone> same i think
<squadzone> Lol
<squadzone> Coolya, why we not create repo for samsung_msm7x27_common?
<squadzone> Since our audio, gralloc, and copibyt are same
<detule> if i had to guess without looking at any sources kernel timers -> soft irqs -> atomic context....mutex un/locking will bug_on if called in atomic context
<squadzone> Coolya, can you help me, to making kernel for cooper that support ksm?
<coolya> squadzone, simply enable the config switch?
<squadzone> nope, need to patch ksm again
<coolya> basic ksm support should be there
<squadzone> Yea, but need some fix
<coolya> you want to try the patches for ksm with dalvik?
<squadzone> Already did that xD
<coolya> the ksm scan will kill the cpu xD
<squadzone> For tass
<coolya> swap and the compcache will do the same without any extra work xD
<squadzone> Coolya, can you? After that i will give you something to try xD
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<coolya> squadzone, I am investigating on some headset bug right now
<coolya> incall audio isn't routed to headset
<coolya> until you mute and unmute
<squadzone> Incall audio?
<coolya> when you answer a call
<squadzone> coolya, work fine here
<squadzone> Use latest libaudio from psyke83
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<coolya> kanged it from tass lets see if it helps
<squadzone> Done forget audiofilter.csv
<squadzone> Dont*
<coolya> LOOOOL
<coolya> catcoppter xD
<squadzone> Lol
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<squadzone> Coolya, how its going? Its works?
<coolya> squadzone, works
<coolya> there was something wrong when i merged some old commits some time back
<coolya> that ifs for fm radio and headset got screwed
<squadzone> Mm.. but fm radio still broken there, blast sound xD
<coolya> but only the first time after boot
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<squadzone> Coolya, for camerashutter mute, need to change location camera_click.ogg and video_record.ogg if using patch camerashutter
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<squadzone> Or create a script to move both files while boot
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<squadzone> To make work should be in notification folder not ui folder
<squadzone> And mount system partition as rw so toggleshutter will works
<squadzone> Coolya^
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<squadzone> Mmm... why danny b, still not push to gerrit about sim toolkit fix,
<squadzone> Since many users want this
<stickyboy> squadzone: What? Which SIM Toolkit fix? :)
<stickyboy> I threw away my Galaxy S because of that.
<squadzone> Im using that patch, and works.. now i can use stk app
<squadzone> Since cm7.1, stk app not work, i have try many ways, but still not work, then after read huge commit started.from.donut, found that xD
<stickyboy> Hmmm. Well SIM Toolkit always worked for me... it just didn't do anything. :)
<stickyboy> ie, never passed any messages to the RIL.
<squadzone> Yea, thats what i mean
<stickyboy> Oh, sweet. Where's the patch?
<stickyboy> In Kenya a phone is fucking useless without Stk.
<stickyboy> So Samsung + AOSP-based ROM == fail.
<stickyboy> And fuck stock.
<squadzone> Lol, same here
<squadzone> Wait, i will switch to oc
<squadzone> Pc*
<stickyboy> Cool
<squadzone> And give the link
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<squadzone> stickyboy, i recommend to use tpruvot commit
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<squadzone> since aosp implement cdma stk
<squadzone> so we need to move stk from gsm into cat
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<stickyboy> I wish I had a Samsung phone here to test...
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<squadzone> cm9 has stk right?
<stickyboy> Yeah
<squadzone> and it works?
<squadzone> mm.. many users have problem with a2sd, due to update busybox
<squadzone> i told them, a2sd is old, but they never heard, Lol
<squadzone> then they keep spam with reboot while install after use a2sd, Lol
<stickyboy> squadzone: Yes, CM9 has Stk.
<stickyboy> I forgot about my Galaxy Tab (7+), haha. I tried Stk the other day. It of course couldn't do shit.
<squadzone> Lol
<stickyboy> squadzone: Have you tested these patches?
<squadzone> i have been using that for one week xD
<stickyboy> It looks like a standards issue... I always thought the problem was some Samsung RIL crap.
<squadzone> and now, i can use mobile banking in my cm7, Lol
<stickyboy> Wow, that's nice.
<stickyboy> I will try to patch ICS tonight
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<squadzone> :)
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<squadzone> the problem is stk unrecognize language region, and this cause the issue
<stickyboy> But you can do banking. :)
<stickyboy> So Stk.apk is in English always, or what?
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<squadzone> yup, i think so
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<squadzone> after use that patch, now language change
<stickyboy> Language of everything, or just Stk?
<squadzone> stk recognize my region
<squadzone> just stk
<stickyboy> Oh ok.
<stickyboy> Well it looks like there are several fixes in that patch. I guess you could just ignore the stuff that touches language
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<squadzone> yup, before i found tpruvot commit, i use from aosp, then i move all stk api to cat folder xD
<squadzone> so i can follow the patches
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<stickyboy> squadzone: I hope the patch applies cleanly to ICS :)
<squadzone> well, i hope so xD
<squadzone> Coolya, Cooper have same problem like this http://code.google.com/p/cyanogenmod/issues/detail?id=5033 or not? i know where to fix, need to add some line to disable mobiledata when searching network
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<squadzone> dont use UsbController.cpp
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<dhiru1602> squadzone: new usb gadget?
<squadzone> for enable/disable usb tether
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<dhiru1602> i mean is that kernel patch applicable for the new usb gadget?
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<squadzone> dunno, just give it try xD
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<Parth> is anyone else having issues where Google Contacts won't sync
<squadzone> cm7.2?
<Parth> cm9
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<squadzone> dunno then xD
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<stickyboy> squadzone: Looks like that SIM Toolkit patch is geared towards Gingerbread. I'll have to see how much it changed...
<stickyboy> OOh, you mentioned "cat" and I didn't know what you were talking about hahah
<squadzone> Lol, in aosp build the rename the whole stk api into new name CAT, xD
<squadzone> they*
<stickyboy> I see that now... hehehe
<stickyboy> Jeebus. iwlwifi is really unstable in Linux 3.4. My shit keeps disconnecting.
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<stickyboy> squadzone: Looks like most of those patches are already applied in ICS. Some files are missing (StkService.java), I'm not sure if the functionality was moved elsewhere.
<squadzone> Mmm..
<stickyboy> Oh, StkService.java == CatService.java.
<squadzone> yup
<stickyboy> Lemme see if the patches are there.
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<squadzone> its already patches in ics
<stickyboy> Hmm. That sucks.
<stickyboy> squadzone: I guess that makes sense... gingerbread == old ICS :)
<stickyboy> So CM inherited it from AOSP's gingerbread lineage. Makes sense actually.
<stickyboy> But it was in an internal branch I think, "gingerbread-plus-aosp"
<squadzone> for gingerbread xD
<stickyboy> That patch fixes SIM Toolkit in CM7.2... but it doesn't fix shit in CM9.
<squadzone> i think CM9 need patch for stk app too
<squadzone> not only framework
<stickyboy> It should have any patches from AOSP already.
<stickyboy> That framework patch was from August, 2011 into a branch called "gingerbread-plus-aosp".
<stickyboy> Which I'm guessing was after Gingerbread, but before ICS.
<squadzone> yeah, but the patch is missing xD
<squadzone> stickyboy, well, since i never use cm9 again ( due to my little device xD ), so i dunno about this, just try this https://android-review.googlesource.com/#/c/36644/ and needed by https://android-review.googlesource.com/#/c/21754/
<squadzone> that patch for CAT
<stickyboy> Lemme look
<squadzone> aosp always did abandoned to every patch that have no reviewer
<squadzone> and now they losing 7 weeks period commit due to maintenance server :/
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<athurh> mmm.. hostapd don't compile with make 3.82 > http://pastebin.com/BEy4wGtu
<athurh> any suggestions?
<stickyboy> squadzone: Yeah, that was the kernel.org hacking incident, I think?
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<squadzone> JBQ said, because maintenance server, but dunno xD
<squadzone> because that, now i cant follow 7 weeks period commits, :/
<stickyboy> They said they lost 7 weeks of data...
<stickyboy> That's fucking crazy.
<squadzone> yea, Lol
<squadzone> i hope they can recover that, i need several commit again ( i think it lose because that ) to make navigation bar working like in ics, aarrrgghhh :(
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<stickyboy> The bonus of doing development like Linux is that everything is open :)
<stickyboy> Google hides Android behind a wall for ~6 months of a year ;)
<stickyboy> Then throws over a code bomb. hehehe
<squadzone> right, then people will try to looking inside the code, to find how to do and how to improve xD
<squadzone> stickyboy, here is http://squadzone.org/news/2012/06/02/cyanmobile-revo-a/#more-39, what im doing with cm7.2 using backported some from ics xD,
<stickyboy> Lots of work to back port.
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<squadzone> xD
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