<hillbeast> methril: Which test kernel do you refer to?
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<hillbeast> Could someone point me to where I would find the datasheets for OMAP processors, namely the OMAP3630.
<cdesai> codeworkx: help him if u can
<cdesai> hillbeast: tried pdadb ?
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<codeworkx> hillbeast: TI
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<cdesai> codeworkx: ^these links
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<stickyboy> Hopefully Samsung's ICS comes soon for the Exynos tabs...
<stickyboy> I'm getting bored with my remaining bugs.
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<ohanar> stickyboy: bored or annoyed?
<stickyboy> ohanar: Wifi: bored. :)
<stickyboy> I have zero chance to fix wifi. That's way beyond me haha
<stickyboy> Screen glitches, haven't looked into it at all. Camera, haven't looked into at all.
<ohanar> look at the camera, I'm probably not going to be able to fix it to work for your front facing camera (which is different from mine)
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