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<Entropy512> lol... I was hanging in #htc-linux-chat still after the TouchPro2 days
<Entropy512> and some guy asked "is the the channel for the samsung sg2"?
<Entropy512> LOL
<Entropy512> FAIL
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<xZain> Hello
<xZain> how do I get in touch with this Guy
<cdesai> xZain: someone opened a pull request, and that page has enuf info about it
<cdesai> in short, don't bother, it'll be solved soon
<cdesai> *new zip names
<xZain> well yeah I wanted to report that
<Xero-> u cklick on his name and send him a mail
<Xero-> :)
<xZain> where can I take alook at the link
<xZain> Im using BBQ :S
<xZain> ok thanks
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<nebkat|beer> xZain: bbqlog ftw
<cdesai> ^+9000
<nebkat|beer> 909000 pageview
<nebkat|beer> we are almost 1m!
<xZain> you guys fixed the Bug
<xZain> :D
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<lodder> xZain: what bug?
<xZain> it keep on displaying CM7 Changes
<xZain> it is fixed now
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<lodder> whats wrong with jenkins? all the failed builds
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<ohanar> win 4
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<stickyboy> ohanar: n00b.
<ohanar> stickyboy: alt+4 requires 3 keys for my keyboard layout, just easier to do /win 4 :)
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<stickyboy> ohanar: irssi?
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<ohanar> stickyboy: yup
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<stickyboy> I use Esc-3, Esc-4, etc. Esc, or whatever your "meta" key is.
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<ohanar> stickyboy: alt isn't the problem, the problem is that 4 is on a shift key :)
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<stickyboy> But Esc 3 is easier. :)
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<stickyboy> Did the Tmobile SGH-T869 really come with Gingerbread?
<stickyboy> US version of the Tab 7.0 Plus...
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<nebkat|s3> codeworkx: watchin footy? :D
<nebkat|s3> xplodwild: invite
<nebkat|s3> nvm actually
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<Kaik541> stickyboy: not that I know of, pretty sure they all launched ICS (would actually be retarded of them to run anything less than at least honeycomb)
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<codeworkx> nebkat|beer: sure :-D
<stickyboy> Kaik541: Strange. samfirmware and a bunch of other retarded blogs report the firmware as 2.3.6.
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<nebkat|beer> codeworkx: :D
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<dhiru1602> Anyone good at math who could help me with cropping dimensions? ->
<nebkat> dhiru1602: what?
<dhiru1602> I need to calculate cropping dimensions to fix stretch problem on the front cam by cropping the image and preserving the aspect ratio
<dhiru1602> got hold of set_crop method of the preview window, but i wasn't able to get a proper crop
<nebkat> you need to know how to get an aspect ratio?
<dhiru1602> parameters are (int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
<dhiru1602> i need to crop the preview preserving the aspect ration
<nebkat> so you only really change right and bottom?
<nebkat> well simple
<dhiru1602> yeah.. that fixes the stretch but the image is shifted to the right
<dhiru1602> i wasnt able to get it centered no matter what values i used
<nebkat> so you have fixxed right value I assume?
<nebkat> 320?
<dhiru1602> yeah
<nebkat> so
<nebkat> bottom = bottom * (right / 320)
<nebkat> I think
<dhiru1602> generally the crop parameters for v4l2 are left, top, height and width
<dhiru1602> but this one is different..
<dhiru1602> its bottom, left, right and top
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<methril> dhiru1602, if the image is not centered, you need to pas the left and top as offsets
<methril> if you have a given image of 640x320,
<methril> did you try that?
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