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<ciscogee> any kernel devs for hire?
<ciscogee> anyone home?
<stickyboy> Cool it, bro.
<stickyboy> We all have paying jobs.
<stickyboy> There are dozens of people here, all of them are kernel hackers (level 75+). Just wait!
<ciscogee> apologies, this is my first viit here
<ciscogee> visit
<beer> ciscogee: what you need
<ciscogee> help with continuum sch-i400 will pay for walkthrough or finished product
<beer> ciscogee: what device is that
<ciscogee> samsung continuum sch-i400 (like fascinate but havs ticker at bottom) froyo sources finally released
<beer> ciscogee: no idea, no need to pay for this stuff
<stickyboy> Save your money, buy a new phone which has good support. :)
<ciscogee> that actually is good advice lol
<ciscogee> thank, sorry to bother
<stickyboy> No problemo :)
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<stickyboy> netchip has twice as many followers as me on Twitter.
<stickyboy> And Darkyy has like a million. So there you go.
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<cdesai> Motafoca: ping dhiru1602 / hillbeast when you see em
<cdesai> or codeworkx
<Motafoca> cdesai, perfect thanks, im gonna check the sources, tyvm
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<cdesai> Motafoca: ^that's why we love OMAP
<Motafoca> cdesai, for sure better than all
<cdesai> next is samsung
<cdesai> qualcomm nvidia below all
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<No^NaMe> link 4.0 stable for p1000 please
<cdesai> @downloads p1
<cdesai> where is teh bot?
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<No^NaMe> ok... thanks very much
<[Aditya]> I thought this is developer channel
<[Aditya]> Not support channel
<No^NaMe> but nothing for stable
<stickyboy> No^NaMe: Stable isn't out yet.
<stickyboy> For CM9.
<stickyboy> Also, just because one device is stable, doesn't mean others will be, ie device-specific hardware problems.
<stickyboy> kthxbye
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<stickyboy> Entropy512: Bootlooping on the busfreq qos patch?
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<Entropy512> stickyboy: yeah, on n7000
<Entropy512> will take a look tonight
<Entropy512> haven't tested i777 yet
<stickyboy> Ok
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<Entropy512> did someone test on i9100?
<stickyboy> Not that I know of.
<Entropy512> so blind patch. :P
<stickyboy> ? ohanar and I tested it on Tab 7 Plus.
<Entropy512> ok so it's working on at least one device
<Entropy512> does that have the 160 MHz L2 setting enabled?
<stickyboy> Yah.
<Entropy512> and which QoS setting? None or 1024x600?
<stickyboy> Tab 7 Plus uses 1024x600.
<stickyboy> Lemme see if the 160MHz L2 is enabled.
<Entropy512> ok I've gotta go to work, I'll take a closer look when I get home tonight
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<ped> stickyboy?: you about
<stickyboy> Hey, dude.
<ped> i built the rom last night
<ped> gonna try and flash it later on when i get back home from work
<stickyboy> Awesome.
<stickyboy> Then you can start fixing bugs ;)
<stickyboy> Oohh. One thought, though...
<stickyboy> I bet it won't boot.
<ped> why ?
<stickyboy> ohanar has a patch in his common repo which isn't quite ready.
<stickyboy> He was cleaning up CPU and build flags.
<stickyboy> But he removed one which we still need.
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<stickyboy> ped: You need to put "ARCH_ARM_HAVE_TLS_REGISTER := true" back in the exynos4tab-common/ or else it won't boot.
<stickyboy> That's what happens when you're living on the edge, haha.
<cdesai> hey hillbeast
<ped> so what changes to i need to undo ?
<stickyboy> 16:59 < stickyboy> ped: You need to put "ARCH_ARM_HAVE_TLS_REGISTER := true" back in the exynos4tab-common/ or else it won't boot.
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<ped> will make the change. tomorrow i should be able to vnc into machine at home and do things like this on the fly. I assume i will need to make clean before building to see changes
<ped> i was thinking that as we share the same chipset i.e exynos 4210 most of the libraries (.so's) should be able to be used. Iwas going to flash back to stock and have a look at the s2 extract-files
<stickyboy> Yeah, when you modify BoardConfig especially, it's good to `make clobber`
<stickyboy> ped: Don't bother.
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<stickyboy> Writing your own extract-files is a waste of time.
<stickyboy> We have one already. Just look in git history and pull that one.
<stickyboy> We just deleted it for now. We'll make a proper one later.
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<ped> more learning of git for me
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<stickyboy> ped: Cool. You could even `git reset --hard HEAD~` in the exynos4tab-common repo to just revert that change.
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<stickyboy> Next time you sync it will fix itself.
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<ped> is the history i should be looking at in ohanar / android_device_samsung_p6200 ?
<ped> i will repo sync when i get home
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<stickyboy> ped: Yeah, look in his or my git log for p6200. You'll find and
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<ped> stickyboy: you about
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<stickyboy> Nope. Going home. Back later/
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<squadzone> Coolya|away.. finally sound blast fm radio start gone.. xD
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<V6ser> yo
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<cyberkryption> stickyboy: you about ?
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<cyberkryption> stickyboy: recompiling with ARCH_ARM_HAVE_TLS_REGISTER := true
<stickyboy> Perfect.
<cyberkryption> stickyboy: you were right it did not boot only samsung gtab logo no further
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<yath> anyone else recently got this?
<stickyboy> yath: Yep. You gotta remove something from the GCC flags...
<stickyboy> ius told me yesterday... lemme see if I can find it.
<yath> nah, i just added -Wno-enum-compare to cflags
<yath> worked then
<yath> just thought i might have b0rked something locally
<yath> but thanks :)
<cyberkryption> stickyboy: been looking at wi-fi
<yath> in external/llvm fyi
<stickyboy> yath: Yeah, I removed -Werror from frameworks/compile/slang/
<stickyboy> cyberkryption: So it flashed / booted ok?
<yath> stickyboy: ah, or so ;)
<cyberkryption> stickyboy: still waiting for compile to finish
<cyberkryption> stickyboy: if you look at boardcommonconfig in exynos common i 've found where the missing driver is referenced.we also need some proprietary files to get wi-fi working going to search stock rom to find
<cyberkryption> stickyboy: this line BOARD_WPA_SUPPLICANT_DRIVER := NL80211 references it
<stickyboy> cyberkryption: What missing driver? ath6kl loads fine...?
<cyberkryption> stickyboy: we need the wpa supplicant driver as well as the .bin and .hcd files for a start to get wi-fi possibly working then maybe permissions after that. Not sute that NL80211 is the correct one
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<cyberkryption> stickyboy: there is also an ar6000,ko in system/wifi in stock rom as well
<stickyboy> cyberkryption: Hmm. I doubt it's permissions. Wifi loads, scans, and authenticates.
<squadzone> Im done.. xD
<stickyboy> squadzone: Got any Exynos4 devices? Interesting Smdk4210Ril patch for Stk:
<stickyboy> squadzone: It works on Tab 7 Plus... w00t.
<squadzone> stickyboy.. already try that before he submit to gerrit.. test in gb branch.. and that break phone app for first boot.. i have ask him to make other patch for gb too.. hope he will have patch soon.. xD
<squadzone> Breaks phone but it works too.. Lol
<stickyboy> squadzone: Ah, ok. Good.
<stickyboy> Yeah, it works well on ICS.
<squadzone> I need to backport alot of patch for stk before use that patch.. xD
<stickyboy> Which RIL are you using?
<squadzone> SamsungRil
<squadzone> Well.. the code same as like i said before.. unsol_stk bla bla that missing on our ril command.. but he doing a great.. he decompile stock ics.. create new java class from that..
<stickyboy> Yeah, pretty impressive.
<cyberkryption> stickyboy: if you look at the galaxys2 the first part of the wifi section has the proprietary files we need to get wifi working in addition to ath6kl.
<stickyboy> cyberkryption: Galaxy S 2 uses Broadcom...
<stickyboy> Ok, lemme look at extract files.
<cyberkryption> stickyboy: i know the s2uses broadcom but by returning the gtab to stock and looking at the file system structure we should find similiar named files files for the gtab. Are there any tools to extract the heimdall images
<stickyboy> Yeah, that stuff won't help us.
<stickyboy> Our wifi issue isn't due to missing files. :)
<cyberkryption> stickyboy: i was thinking of extracting the factoryfs.img which i assume is the system.img and then search in folder where it is extracted
<stickyboy> cyberkryption: Yeah, you can extract factoryfs.img using sgs2toext4.jar
<cyberkryption> stickyboy: can i google that ?
<stickyboy> sgs2toext4.jar will convert the .img to ext4, then you can loop mount it on your host.
<stickyboy> cyberkryption: Yah, you should be able to find it somewhere.
<cyberkryption> stickyboy: it would be a bit quicker than returning to stock will give it a try
<squadzone> I think dsixda kitchen can do that
<stickyboy> Fuck kitchens. :)
<squadzone> Lol
<stickyboy> cyberkryption: Lemme know if you can't find it. I have it here. Can't remember where I got it. hehe.
<squadzone> stickyboy, did you have accuweatherdaemon.apk? Is that came from sgs2 stock?
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<stickyboy> Nope.
<stickyboy> Sorry
<pfloyd> probably a stupid question, but how long after the sgs3 releases do you think ROMs with working data will be available? just wondering historically speaking how long Samsung devices on VZW took to get working RIL/data.
<stickyboy> pfloyd: ... data doesn't work on I9300 CM9?
<pfloyd> stickyboy: I'm talking about the VZW variant :) which isn't even released...heh
<stickyboy> pfloyd: Oh. No clue. Only God knows.
<stickyboy> And there's no God. So we're fucked.
<pfloyd> as I understand it, one of the biggest hurdles for Verizon devices is getting CDMA/LTE working by reverse engineering the RIL
<squadzone> Its samsung.. samsung always have secret on all their rom devices.. Lol
<squadzone> Is somebody wanna a gt-s5360 aka young device? I will send this pain device.. xD. Lol
<pfloyd> squadzone: true, but it's not like HTC. HTC devices on VZW are a total crapshoot whether you'll get AOSP or not haha
<squadzone> Lol
<stickyboy> pfloyd: Sucks to live in the USA actually.
<stickyboy> I'm American, but I don't live there. :)
<pfloyd> I wish t-mo had better coverage near me. I'd ditch vzw so fast it wouldn't be funny. sick of their shit
<stickyboy> pfloyd: Wow, and VZW doesn't even have a good Google phone.
<stickyboy> That's annoying.
<pfloyd> yeah the vzw nexus isn't a "true" nexus. I blame qualcomm a lot for that, too, though
<pfloyd> cdma needs to die
<drdr3w> shit if wimax is still around, cdma isn't going to die anytime soon :D
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<cyberkryption> stickyboy: if you have a copy around it would be apprecitaed, the one online fails to execute and complains about bad magic numbers
<pfloyd> drdr3w: well, yeah it'll be a while, but VZW does plan to move to VoLTE so once that's done, hopefully CDMA will die a quick death
<drdr3w> =]
<stickyboy> cyberkryption: One sec.
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<cyberkryption> stickyboy:oit's built
<stickyboy> Congrats. :)
<cyberkryption> stickyboy: flashing now
<stickyboy> w00t
<stickyboy> I just started a new build. :)
<cyberkryption> stickyboy: make changes ?
<stickyboy> cyberkryption: Yeah, I'm testing a patch for SIM Toolkit.
<cyberkryption> stickyboy: what does the patch do ?
<stickyboy> cyberkryption: Do you use SIM Toolkit in your country?
<cyberkryption> stickyboy: not heard of it ! does not mean that it is not used ?
<stickyboy> Yeah :)
<stickyboy> SIM Toolkit is a way for providers to embed applications on the SIM. It's used often for mobile banking.
<stickyboy> Samsung stock ROMs work, but AOSP-based ROMs are missing the framework/RIL modifications to get it working.
<cyberkryption> stickyboy: i would think that is available here but i'm no gsm expert
<stickyboy> cyberkryption: Yeah. We use it like crazy in Kenya. It's really useful. :)
<stickyboy> Both for banks as well as sending money just using your SIM (no bank!).
<cyberkryption> stickyboy: working rom !!! Yeah !!! now to go after WI-FI
<stickyboy> Good. Maybe post on XDA that you were successful. It will make people happy :)
<stickyboy> To think they didn't buy a $500 paper weight.
<cyberkryption> stickyboy: will do so tomorrow
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<antiochasylum> Would anyone care to inform me how to edit my manifest.xml to point to rob43's(for reloaded ics) github?
<antiochasylum> Cause I cant figure it out for the life of me.
<antiochasylum> just android_frameworks_base and packages_apps_settings
<stickyboy> antiochasylum: manifest.xml... or local_manifest.xml?
<antiochasylum> see, i'm not sure which one I need ot edit. It just needs to point those 2 elements to his.
<antiochasylum> manifest.xml I would assume
<stickyboy> antiochasylum: Hmmm. You could very easily just change .repo/manifest.xml... but it will get overwritten on your next repo sync I think.
<stickyboy> But I'm not sure if local_manifest.xml overrides manifest if the same project exists twice.
<antiochasylum> Me neither. lol
<antiochasylum> i also read that you can edit the manifest, then copy it to .repo/manifests and do a repo sync there, however not sure if that would be successful
<antiochasylum> what would I have to put in the manifest to make it grab from his github.
<stickyboy> Just change the line in manifest.xml :)
<stickyboy> Instead of CyanogenMod/blah you'd put his username.
<stickyboy> The default remote is github already.
<stickyboy> Also, you could even add a new remote to the repo itself, then just keep that one updated. No need for manifests.
<stickyboy> git add remote blah git://
<stickyboy> git fetch blah... etc.
<yath> meh
<yath> if only for a few months the name of the would remain stable
<stickyboy> Did it change again...?
<yath> not "again", like a few weeks ago or so
<yath> squishedzip=$(echo "$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/out/target/product/$DEVICE/"cm-9-* | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | tail -1)
<stickyboy> Yah. Same format as CM7 I noticed.
<yath> that then explains why i always got old versions
<yath> and whee
<yath> a new boot logo
<stickyboy> :)
<stickyboy> You have a script parsing it or something?
<yath> i liked the skating android more, fwiw.
<yath> yep
<stickyboy> yath: Don't tell Steve. He'll +b you. ;)
<yath> :P
<yath> he isn't here ;)
<antiochasylum> copy that, thanks stickyboy!
<antiochasylum> got it.
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<yath> /sdcard and /emmc swapped *yet* again
<yath> cp: write error: No space left on device
<yath> sigh
<yath> is /sdcard now supposed to be the external sd card or what?
<yath> hm, yes, d42f625b12e42b40a87235b5e2ed3c9c916d8c50
<cyberkryption> i created a file called local_manifest.xml in the .repo directory
<stickyboy> yath: Yeah, I can never keep track.
<cyberkryption> bye for now
<stickyboy> See ya
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<yath> hm i *thought* .android_secure was also being backed up...
<yath> ah, got it
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<antiochasylum> guys, need a little help please
<antiochasylum> what is the heck is the build doing?
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<antiochasylum> stopping at this as well
<antiochasylum> [out/target/product/n7000/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libwebcore_intermediates/LINKED/] Error 1
<antiochasylum> and my /home has 86.2gigs free
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<antiochasylum> anyone?
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