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<pier> can someone give me some hints to start to figure out the bug problem with foursquare/instagram/voxer/etc on latest builds?
<pier> it seems to affect only samsung based hw
<pier> it has to be something related to http://changelog.bbqdroid.org/#galaxys2/cm9/1339485052
<lodder> hi pier
<lodder> pier: maybe with the bionic or dnsmasq
<pier> :)
<pier> we tried
<pier> nobody cares :(
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<lodder> pier: you made a build without the bionic or dnsmasq changes?
<pier> yes
<lodder> damn
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<pier|afk> food
<pier|afk> bbl
<lodder> then it's strange
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<Entropy512> <pier> it seems to affect only samsung based hw - also affects otter (kindle fire)
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<pier> hello Andrew ^^
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<Entropy512> latest app update changed it so it doesn't crash when syncing friends list but now checkins bomb
<Entropy512> isn't bionic, isn't dalvik
<pier> not it "hits" also instagram and tweetdeck
<pier> *now
<Entropy512> I haven't had a chance to figure out when it broke
<pier> 11/06 nightly is working well
<pier> I tried to revert some commits without luck
<Entropy512> i've tried reverting bionic and dalvik so far
<Entropy512> no luck
<pier> yep
<pier> same :D
<Entropy512> fucking linaro merge shit
<pier> ye :/
<Entropy512> 90% certain it's one of those
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<pier> for sure
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<pier> it has to be some of those "fix aliasing violations"
<pier> one of those
<pier> and 4sq support replied that they wont provide a debugging build -.-
<pier> I'm going to write to instagram team (ugh)
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<lodder> Entropy512, pier_NO_LINARO reapplying each commit and rebuilding would be the solution
<pier_NO_LINARO> it could be a mix of em
<lodder> have you tried rebuilding without it?
<cdesai> lodder: a lot of commits to revert
<lodder> I know but I don't think there is any other solution ...
<Entropy512> dnsmasq is primarily for tethering - and that was the last Linaro breakage
<Entropy512> the first attempt at that broke tethering
<Entropy512> things I'm going to try this weekend:
<Entropy512> rewind frameworks/base and test
<Entropy512> then start rewinding all the small misc repos that got touched with linaro prep shit on the 11th
<lodder> I believe pier_NO_LINARO already did that
<pier_NO_LINARO> let andrew do that, he has a lot more knowledge
<lodder> thats also true
pier_NO_LINARO is now known as pier
<lodder> Entropy512: if you need testing let me know
<Entropy512> pier: did you already try frameworks/base?
<Entropy512> I've tried bionic and dalvik so far
<pier> not all of it
<Entropy512> not all? as in ???
<pier> no luck
<Entropy512> hmm sounds like frameworks/base has been tested then
<pier> k
<Entropy512> i wish frameworks/base weren't all in one huge repo...
<Entropy512> it really needs to be split
<pier> mmh
<Entropy512> hmm odd... foursquare is working now
<lodder> ?
<pier> ?
<lodder> what did you do.... Magic?
<Entropy512> nothing
<Entropy512> other than repo sync
<Entropy512> might be just luck
<Entropy512> ok time for shower and work
<pier> android_libcore is my next try
<pier> hb andrew
<lodder> ok
<pier> I'm back to work too
<pier> need to finish this damn tv show paper
pier is now known as pier|afk
<pier|afk> bbl guys :)
<lodder> alter
<lodder> later
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<pier> I think i found the problem
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<pier> linaro = belial on inferno difficulty (d3)
<stickyboy> Keep it coming, dude.
<stickyboy> Not a fan of the Linaro patches?
<pier> hate em
<stickyboy> Stability?
<pier> they break things!
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<stickyboy> Haven't tried them.
<stickyboy> But Linaro's using them. And CM guys will pull the ones which work well. :)
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<codeworkx> i hate them too
<pier|food> wifey calls ...
<pier|food> bbl
<Kaik541> codeworkx: hates linaro but submits patch to include linaro toolchain :P
<codeworkx> :-D
<codeworkx> just for testing
<codeworkx> and i tested on 2 phones and couldn't see any difference
<codeworkx> Dieses Video enthält Content von Terra Networks USA und Panamericana Televisión S.A.. Einer oder mehrere dieser Partner haben das Video in deinem Land aus urheberrechtlichen Gründen gesperrt.
<codeworkx> translate it an STFU
<codeworkx> germany = china
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<yath> codeworkx: works via ipv6 ;)
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<stickyboy> Where's Espenfjo these days?
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<Espenfjo> Hi :)
<tioammar> hi
<tioammar> may i ask somthing?
<Espenfjo> stickyboy: I am here, lurking around
<Espenfjo> Not done anything Android stuff in the latest weeks
<stickyboy> Espenfjo: Maybe if you remove the @ you'll get back to work. :)
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<Espenfjo> hehe, didnt even notice
<Espenfjo> Dunno when that happened :P
<tioammar> my ROM, is very laggy while playing HD video, maybe the problem is on GPU renderer. cmiiw, anyone know how to make it 100% GPU render ?
<stickyboy> Espenfjo: Still working on my Tab 7 Plus port. :)
<stickyboy> Got Bluetooth working this week.
<Espenfjo> ah, nice
<Espenfjo> Most of the stuff is working then?
<stickyboy> Yah
<Espenfjo> Good job
<stickyboy> Wifi's still the major issue.
<stickyboy> Plus some small screen glitches on compositing.
<stickyboy> Oh, and cameras are pretty bad. Rear is 3MP only, and corrupts the image 5/10 times.
<stickyboy> Front is nonexistent yet.
<Espenfjo> Nice, nice
<Espenfjo> Would be good enough for most use cases then, well.. except wifi issues perhaps
<Espenfjo> Im just waiting for a new high-end tablet
<Espenfjo> Hoping the new google tablet wont be just 7 only. want 10.something
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<stickyboy> Yeah, and I hope it's $250. :)
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<Espenfjo> Price wont matter if it is perfect enough ;)
<Espenfjo> hehe
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<stickyboy> Dreaming of OpenGalaxy.
<peterperfect> 2045
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<pier> Entropy512: Revert "libcutils: Fix aliasing violations" seems to be the wrong choice :P
<Entropy512> hah I just came to that conclusion
<Entropy512> testing the other one now
<pier> :)
<pier> me too
<pier> damn ur box is faster :D
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<Entropy512> gerrited revert
<pier> :)
<pier> yay
<pier> +1 done but well I count as 0,0000000000000000
<pier> ahah
<pier> ok I can then ask a moderator to delete my thread on xda
pier is now known as pier|afk
<pier|afk> g'nite
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<Entropy512> codeworkx: your wifi direct patch doesn't seem to do anything on i777 or n7000
<Entropy512> behaves just like it did before
<codeworkx> w00t
<codeworkx> i9100 can switch to wifi direct
<codeworkx> i9100g too
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<Entropy512> codeworkx: i777 and n7000 have always been able to switch to it
<Entropy512> it just doesn't show any other devices and doesn't show if another device sends an invite
<Entropy512> unless they just don't like my Tab 10.1
<Entropy512> hmm going to try i777 to n7000
<Entropy512> hmm
<Entropy512> guess they just don't like my Tab 10.1
<Entropy512> interesting
<Entropy512> I wonder if they were working before
<codeworkx> i9100 was never able to turn it on
<Entropy512> i777 and n7000 have been at least able to turn it on since the n7000 driver merge
<Entropy512> ok i777 and n7000 can connect to each other
<Entropy512> but not to Tab 10.1
<Entropy512> I think pershoot may have some dhd patches to try though
<Entropy512> ok what the hell do I do with this? :)
<codeworkx> nothing xD
<Entropy512> seems like a useless feature
<codeworkx> maybe there are usefull apps on market
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<codeworkx> Entropy512: that pno thing should go in anyway. i've seen it sometimes on i9100g. wpa_supplicant asks for PNOSETUP and kernel says "WTF"
<codeworkx> and sometimes they're fighting about it
<Entropy512> sounds good
<Entropy512> doesn't seem to be breaking anything