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<stickyboy> antiochasylum: You need to add "ENABLE_WEBGL := true" to your BoardConfig.
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<stickyboy> cyberkryption: :)
<stickyboy> Gotta go for lunch. Back later.
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<ohanar> stickyboy: in case I'm not here when cyberkryption comes back on
<ohanar> stickyboy: the ar6000 module is not compatible with our kernel
<ohanar> stickyboy: and the *.bin *.hcd files are the firmware, which we just get from Atheros' submissions to linux firmware
<cyberkryption> ohanar: thanks for the info. why is not compatable ?
<ohanar> cyberkryption: didn't see you there :)
<ohanar> version of the kernel
<cyberkryption> ohanar: i was planning to get hcd and .bin files from stock rom. what do you think?
<cyberkryption> ohanar: sorry yes it is compiled against the 2.6.38 in the stock rom
<ohanar> yeah, our kernel is the same as the CM9 kernel for the other exynos4210 devices
<ohanar> which is 3.0.x based
<cyberkryption> ohanar: we have the source for the ar600.ko module ?
<ohanar> You can try the firmware from stock, but I doubt it will work with the ath6kl driver (which is what we are going for)
<ohanar> no, samsung decided to not give us anything to work with
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<ohanar> if you want very primitive wifi functionality (almost no range, and kills your battery), you can use the upstream driver
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<ohanar> that was what I originally did, and why there were a few people who managed to get wifi working (abet very poorly)
<ohanar> samsung has made some significant updates to the ath6kl driver in the n7000 and i9300 sources, which were what I was going to try playing with until I broke my tab during a move
<ohanar> was*
<ohanar> what exact model do you have?
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<cyberkryption> ohanar: i have a 3g and wifi version
<ohanar> which tab? the 7.7 or 7+?
<cyberkryption> ohanar: sorry gt-p6200 3g and wifi
<cyberkryption> ohanar: 7+
<cyberkryption> ohanar: can we not do something like to compile ar6000?
<ohanar> we can't compile the ar000 module, we don't have any source for it
<cyberkryption> ohanar: crap!!!
<cyberkryption> ohanar: sorry i meant that it is crap that we dont have source.anyone asked atheros ?
<ohanar> well, no
<ohanar> but atheros isn't really supporting that driver any longer
<ohanar> they have moved on to the ath6kl driver
<ohanar> which has been included in the linux kernel since 2.6.37
<ohanar> like I said, you can get primitive wifi support by just using the upstream driver, but it doesn't really work in any usable manner
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<stickyboy> :)
<stickyboy> I was at yoga during lunch. Ohhhhmmmmm....
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<dvtonder|away> codeworkx: ping
<codeworkx> dvtonder|away: ohai
<dvtonder|away> hi tere. I'm back from vacation and will be starting on the battery led stuff over the next few days
<dvtonder|away> quick question though, for quiet hours, I was just planning on making it respect the current disable led setting but was wondering if I should add a seperate setting that will allow for users to select whether they want the battery led dimmed as part of quiet hours or not
<dvtonder|away> I will also be adding a setting into Notification Light settings to allow for the battery led to be disabled completely or when enabled, for the colors to be overridden
<codeworkx> for nightlies 1 option is probably enough
<codeworkx> led on or led off
<codeworkx> but on devices with 2 leds
<codeworkx> hmmm
<codeworkx> do some htc devices have 2 leds?
<dvtonder|away> hmmm, i had not thought about that
<dvtonder|away> I think most devs use one but not sure
<codeworkx> basically clone the notification menu except the app stuff
<codeworkx> there's a menu item "slow battery light pulse" or something
<codeworkx> this would go into the battery menu
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<cdesai> ohai jt1134
<dvtonder|away> hmmm, lemme think about it and run it by Gu1dry and the others as well
<dvtonder|away> for now I will just make it respect quiet hours
<dvtonder|away> that one is easy
<codeworkx> dvtonder|away:
<codeworkx> dvtonder|away: below the notification led menu
<codeworkx> create a battery led menu (disable, color low, color mid, color high, slow pulse)
<dvtonder|away> yep,
<codeworkx> should be enough
<dvtonder|away> I may just repurpose the "Pulse low battery light" and make new item called Battery light with the led stuff and pule low light inside of it
<dvtonder|away> have you built maguro lately?
<dvtonder|away> just ran the i9300 build and its ok but maguro gives me make: *** [out/target/product/maguro/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libwebcore_intermediates/LINKED/] Error 1
<cdesai> dvtonder|away:
<cdesai> dvtonder|away: repo download device/samsung/tuna 18268
<dvtonder|away> cdesai: thx
<stickyboy> Steve just wanted to make sure we were all awake. :)
<dvtonder|away> been away for 3 weeks so have not caught up on the latest glitches and their workarounds yet
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<cyberkryption> stickyboy: going to revert to stock to look at wifi stuff
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<stickyboy> cyberkryption: Ok.
<stickyboy> But if you look at the logs, wifi scans and authenticates fine.
<cyberkryption> stickyboy: it tries to load the nl80211 driver which it can't find which is specified in boardcommonconfig in exynos4common in the source tree
<stickyboy> cyberkryption: Yeah, I remember ohanar switched to nl80211 but can't remember why.
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<cyberkryption> stickyboy: that one possible reason that the WI-FI fails, i was going to logcat the stock rom to see what it does when wi-fi turned on and where files are
<cyberkryption> stickyboy: seen this on github
<stickyboy> cyberkryption: Yeah, I saw those ones.
<stickyboy> I think they came from Sony?
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<cyberkryption> stickyboy: yes they are sony ones, any use ?
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<stickyboy> cyberkryption: Dunno. They're older.
<stickyboy> Also, mainline Linux has support for the Atheros 6003.
<stickyboy> And that's completely open source. No funny business.
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<xZain> <xZain> how to set the delay for kill long app
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<yath> ?
<xZain> customizable kill app via back key timeout
<yath> and?
<xZain> how do I set the time for the kill\
<yath> change it in your overlay's config.xml
<xZain> no there is a way to config in developer setting
<xZain> I did it before
<xZain> unless they remove it I dont know
<xZain> I dont want to mess with the XML :S dont want break anything you know
<yath> that's not supposed to be user-configurable.
<xZain> well it was back then
<xZain> now I have no idea how to change it :(
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<nebkat> xZain: you must compile a new build
<nebkat> it is customizable per device, not per user
<xZain> I already got a new buil
<xZain> I already got a new build
<xZain> SGS2
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<xZain> so I just cant find it
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<SaThaRiel_mob> Hey - just short
<SaThaRiel_mob> Are there any known or maybe issues using cm9 and german I have the feeling that i have a real bad mobile connection with it. G3 and stuff works fine.
<SaThaRiel_mob> Its an i9100g
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<SaThaRiel_mob> Actually everythibg except phone calls works fine. But that is somehow what a phone is for :D
<codeworkx> SaThaRiel_mob: no problems known
<SaThaRiel_mob> Should i try a different modem? Or is the phone capability just bad?
<SaThaRiel_mob> I somehow need a reliable phone for calls.
<SaThaRiel_mob> Ok. Maybe i will find a solution. Bye for today :)
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