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<koud> codeworkx: sorry to bother you, but do you know who i should add to review a camera app patch?
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<xplodwild_work> koud: add nebkat
<nebkat> xplodwild_work: fu
<koud> lol
<koud> too late ;)
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<xplodwild_work> nebkat: you're teh java code reviewer man
<koud> nebkat: it is only a 2 character change
<nebkat> koud: then dont add me
<nebkat> koud: if its obvious just add steve and +1 it
<koud> kondik?
<koud> it is not really obvious
<koud> I need some people who are in charge of user experience to review it I guess
<xZain> that code works
<koud> it changes the reset touch focus delay to 15 seconds instead of the measily 3 seconds
<koud> and I am not sure if this change can cause issues on some devices, my guess is it can not
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<koud> well I added steve, I will see if I get some comments
<xplodwild_work> koud: I guess they will ask you to add a setting for it
<koud> yeah, I have thought that too
<koud> but I think it makes not much sense
<koud> to have setting for it
<koud> I am not even sure why it is there at all
<koud> other camera apps does not have a focus reset thingie
<koud> I have no idea what it is good for
<koud> and making settings for it would just clutter the settings
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<codeworkx> koud: add me
<codeworkx> i merge all teh things
<koud> samsungs camera app seems to never drop the focus after it is locked
<koud> until you focus something new
<koud> seems like more sane behaviour
<koud> or atleast have a longer delay than 3 seconds
<koud> I like reframing macro shots :)
<koud> I added you
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<Entropy512> <koud> seems like more sane behaviour - Not dropping focus might annoy some people - but yeah 3 seconds to reset is simply not sane
<xZain> oh you the one who fixed that charger Bug
<xZain> ty :)
<lolwat> saw that commit and now I'm wondering if it is possible to remap the buttons
<lolwat> example: use menu key as back key and use back key as appswitch key
<lolwat> how do i do this?
<codeworkx> not merged yet
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<peterperfect> Entropy512 you going to get sgs3?
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<under> Hi :P
<under> I get this in loop http://ideone.com/f5dtv what means?
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<codeworkx> Espenfjo: might you test http://review.cyanogenmod.com/#/c/17166/?
<codeworkx> Espenfjo: pick it and build
<Entropy512> <peterperfect> Entropy512 you going to get sgs3? - no, not interested in Note Mini-
<Entropy512> codeworkx: pulling in that skia thing and building now
<codeworkx> nice
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